This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 23: white to black


"System prompt: Congratulations, [Dungeon Exploration] has increased!"

"[Dungeon Exploration Degree]: 37.95%"

The degree of dungeon exploration suddenly skyrocketed.

But overall, there seems to be a lot to dig.

Crack clap!

The [Wall of Gods] in Shiwai Town is crumbling, as if it will shatter at any time.

And the person who caused all this, silently showed a devilish smile.

Equipped with [Dark Scale Armor], the attacks of these slaughtering people around him all turned into tickles.

Grasp the [Broken Chain Sword] tightly, and all the fragments are arranged in a thin and sharp straight line, with a length of 100 meters!

Run [Ling Di Jue], everything horizontally!


The feeling of iron wire cutting flesh is fed back from the broken chain sword.

The slaughtering people in the entire teaching building were cut in two by the merciless cutting of the broken chain sword.

When Fangyi takes itself as the origin, it rotates once.

There are no living creatures in the surrounding 100 meters!

All that was left were the corpses all over the place.

Bunch of blood-colored light **** melted into Fang Yi's body.

Strength, gradually began to climb!

Walking out step by step, Fang Yi looked outside. The crowd that had gathered because of the initial killing incident showed white teeth.

The rhythm is completely under control.

This game is over.

The slaughtering people crowded together outside rushed towards Fang Yi like a wave.

But what came out was only a continuous, rhythmic cutting sound of flesh and blood.

The feast of killing is unfolding!

This kind of crazy killing phenomenon does not only appear in Taoyuan Middle School.

In other areas of Shiwai Town, they are also being staged separately.

However, the number of townspeople in Shiwai Town is limited.

If you compare the slaughtering people to experience points.

That is, the total amount of experience points is fixed, and the amount of experience points that can be obtained depends on individual performance and the distribution of the number of slaughtered colonists.

Obviously, Taoyuan Middle School, which had just had a major event, is now the most densely populated area in Shiwai Town.

Just ten minutes later, the frequency of killings began to decrease rapidly.

Because... the death rate of the slaughtering people will advance over time, and as the slaughtering people get stronger and stronger, it will become faster and faster.

Bai Zhi is the captain of the white team in this qualifying match.

Before the upheaval, he lurked in the industrial area of ​​Shiwai Town, farmed in silence, gradually obtained the [Dungeon Exploration Degree], and planned to use the [Dungeon Ending Event] as a way to win this dungeon.


When the mighty, like an oracle's voice, reverberated throughout the whole world outside the town.

When two teammates are double-killed by [East Gate Drunk].

When the rules of Shiwaizhen, in the will of the gods, undergo a great change.

When the huge number of workers around, all turned into people of slaughter.

While he was amazed at [there is such an operation], he also suddenly realized.

Right in front of you, there is an extremely simple and extremely fast way to win this qualifying match.

That is to obey God's will and throw in the killing!

The massacre has begun.

The expansion of his power made his slaughter faster and faster.

After only fifteen minutes, the entire industrial area was completely calm.

At the same time, he felt his power, unprecedentedly powerful!

Pushing open the door of the industrial area, Shiraori walked down the street full of corpses.

But aside from the corpse, there was no one around at all.

That is, at this moment, after the great change in Shiwai Town, the system prompt that had been quiet suddenly sounded.

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [Curry is not delicious] Kill the white team player [Where is the Angel]!"

Another teammate died?

never mind.

Today, I am the strongest in Shiwai Town!

There is no need for such a teammate!

Any living creature that dares to appear in front of me will surely die!

Looking at the street, the once lively street is now littered with corpses and silent.


In the entire street, only the sound of his footsteps echoed clearly.

Stopping and jumping up to the roof, Shiraori cast his eyes out while feeling the tyrannical power.

Soon, he found a small black spot on the top of the clock tower far away.

this is normal.

The height means the advantage of vision.

When there are fewer and fewer slaughter people, you want to efficiently search for the remaining slaughter people, as well as other players.

The importance of vision advantage cannot be overstated.


Whispering softly, Bai Zhi's figure disappeared in place.

Five minutes later, a violent explosion suddenly came from the top of the clock tower.


The explosion sounded, and all players in the dungeon heard the new dungeon announcement.

"Dungeon Announcement: White Team Captain [Bai Zhi] Kills White Team Player [Does Not Lick Dogs]!"

"The system prompts: The dungeon teammate [does not do dog licking] died."


Forget it, in a sense, it is also a good start.

It just so happened that the other teammates of the white team were all dead, and the desperate situation turned around. Lonely Kerry, it's up to me!

With high fighting spirit, Bai Zhi stood on the top of the clock tower, the tallest building in Shiwai Town, looking down.

Basically, the people of slaughter are no longer in sight.

After the player's power has rapidly expanded, the death rate of the slaughtering people is too fast.

Basically, after a certain area is cleaned, the second area can be cleaned at a faster speed.

Like a snowball of advantage, the more it rolls, the more powerful it gets.

Therefore, Shiraori was not surprised by this result.

Compared with other areas, the population welfare of the industrial area is too generous!

I am afraid that only Taoyuan Middle School, because of the accident before the great change, gathered a large number of people to compete with the population advantage of the industrial area.

But such a large population density must be swallowed up by several groups of people, and cannot be enjoyed by one person alone.

Therefore, he sits firmly in the strongest position!

Carefully glanced at the situation in Shiwai Town, and soon, on the edge of the east city wall, he saw two small black dots facing each other.

Just after the announcement of the copy sounded, the two suddenly turned their battles into jade and silk, and leaned against each other. It seemed that the misunderstanding was resolved, they abandoned their previous suspicions, and formed a common front to move in the same direction.

In the white team, all four were destroyed, leaving only the captain.

But the black team is full of five people.

Are they going to join forces?

Looking in the direction of the movement of the two small black dots, it is... Taoyuan Middle School, which has become a dilapidated ruin!

There, there are already two small black spots, quietly waiting for the confluence of teammates.

four people? And one more?

Bai Zhi continued to search other places, but found no other figures.

It seems that there are only five of them left in the huge Shiwai Town.

"Forget it, let's solve these four black team players first."

With a thought Bai Zhi's body moved quickly towards the ruins of Taoyuan Middle School!

five minutes later.

Shiwai Town, Taoyuan Middle School.


The ground suddenly sank suddenly, and a deep pit suddenly appeared.

In the smoke and dust, the vague outline of a young man gradually appeared.

clap clap.

With applause, the youth walked out of the smoke.

"Everyone in the black team, you've been waiting hard, I'm here!"

The two members of the black team, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly jumped off the roof.

"Captain, you are here!"

"You are the captain of the black team? Good! The black team is assembled!"

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