This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 20: Protection fees

Dragging the spoils, the middle-aged man's spaceship began to return to the moon, and went back to the room to fiddle.

The landlord, who was about to leave the pit in Luna 702, glanced at the last visitor, shook his head slightly, got on the spacecraft, and started the return journey back to Earth.

Go outside to earn extra money, throw your life on the outside planet, and that’s it.

The fallen leaves return to their roots, even if they die, they will die on the homeland of the earth.

Different from before, now the crater of the moon, the price has jumped off the building and the price has dropped, and it is still the kind of lifelong system.

After all, it will be crushed to pieces in three days, and no one wants to live there anymore.

It was this middle-aged man who originally agreed to move to the underground city of the earth today.

As a result, he suddenly changed his mind and continued to live on the moon as an interstellar pirate.

And it's like opening up, one day's harvest is more than the previous month!

The landlord of the moon was very puzzled, but he was too lazy to go into it.

No matter how much you earn, you have to spend your life.

The moon is crushed, and all the creatures and dead objects on the moon, all outside the five-one column, will also be broken down into pieces.

If you want to live, there is only one way - back to the earth!

Moreover, the premise is that the cube will not shoot the earth.

Otherwise, one counts as one, and no one can live in the whole world!

the next day.

The handsome middle-aged man, also known as [The World Destroyer] Xiaowen, walked out of Moon's house.

"There are two days left, time flies so fast."

He stretched.

"Today, the target interstellar pirate leader! I feel it, I feel it! The joy of destroying the world! There is no obstacle in front of the deity!"

"King of Darkness, wait for a great gift from this deity!"

Looking at the metal box hidden in the room, Xiaowen laughed, full of pride.

The other side of the earth, the opposite side of the moon.

The Huangsha Cosmos, which is several sizes bigger than ordinary spaceships, slowly flew towards the earth.

Followed by a dozen ordinary spaceships.

"You said that there was an interstellar pirate yesterday who suddenly became crazy, and has special technology that can transmit sound in the universe?"

"Yes, Captain!"

"So what? It has nothing to do with us. Now the only goal of the fleet is to return to Earth!"

A middle-aged woman with a slightly wrinkled face, wearing a captain's uniform, stood on the bow, checking the information and situation of the entire fleet.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, he didn't look back.

The female team member who reported the report slowly raised her head and stood up slowly.

"But I think that interstellar pirate is more important than returning to Earth."


With a frown, the captain turned his head to see who this daring crew member was...

Oncoming, but a shadow.


The dagger ran through her neck.

Donating blood like a surge, slowly fell to the ground.

The captain's eyes widened, and he firmly grasped the slender thigh of the crewman.

The most worrying thing, the investigation still happened...

"...Who, what country on earth made you do this..."

Pulling away the captain, the crew member said indifferently: "No one, but I need a team..."


The sound of gunfire suddenly sounded from behind, interrupting the crew member's words.

However, the bullet was blocked by the crew member's barrier.

"What, what kind of technology is this?! Who are you!"

At the door, there were more than a dozen people leading the team.

But in the face of the unknown, they were all a little timid and did not dare to do it.

"I am, your new captain!"

With one hand, he grabbed the heart of the original captain and squeezed it directly.

The blood that spurted out unexpectedly slowly surrounded the crew member.


Whoosh whoosh!

The blood turned into dense blood beads, like a hail of bullets, and shot towards those guards!


More than a dozen blood holes appeared on the body, and the group fell down together.

As for the operator who originally controlled the fleet, seeing this scene, he was too frightened to act rashly.

"Convey to others that the original captain has been dismissed, and the new captain is me, Captain Huayi!"

The crew member turned around and gave orders to everyone. It was actually a very beautiful young woman.

"Convey the first order of the new captain, immediately change the course, go to the moon, and find the interstellar pirate whose temperament has changed greatly!"

"Yes Yes!"


More guards are rushing this way.

Poetic but not false, he took the initiative to greet him.

Except for the people in the fleet, no one knows that when the huge fleet is quietly changing the course of the waterway, there is also a change of power inside.

Earth, island.

Fang Yi got up early, saw trees with tools, collected materials, and started making a simple raft.

Aside from the radio and catching a passing bunny, Fang Yi has no other entertainment.

Dedicated action pays off.

In one morning, plus half an afternoon, the humble raft was completed.

After some preparations, Fang Yi directly relied on his strength to pick up the raft abruptly, left the small forest, and entered the desert.

This time, he was fully respected, and before the sun went down, he finally reached the coast.

The desert underfoot has gradually turned into a beach.

Fang Yi thought that there would be something along the coast.

But in fact, except for a small stone emitting a faint blue light on the edge of the beach, there was nothing.

"Ice coal ore: A special ore containing the power of extreme ice."

Fang Yi still doesn't know what to do.

But since there was a description of the item, most of it was useful, so he put it away.

Looking down the wind, he hung a sail made of clothes and leaves onto the boat.

The little is officially out to sea!

Taking out the oars that had been made earlier, Fang Yi began to row hard.

Fortunately, as expected.

The wind is also helping itself to push outwards.

Thirty minutes later, the island turned into a small black spot.

And the sky has darkened.

However, Fang Yi had enough rest last night. Today, he plans to stay up late and row a boat, so that he can reach the other side of the mainland during the day tomorrow.

Otherwise, the time may not be enough.

Yesterday's broadcast said that three days later, the moon will be destroyed and enter the age of night.

One day has passed yesterday, and today is two days.

All in all, tomorrow is the deadline.

Tomorrow night, the moon will shatter.

What will happen then, no one knows.

For the sake of safety, naturally, before that time, join some force and seek shelter.

Fang Yi was rowing all night.

Tired of paddling, I looked up at the night sky.

In the night sky, the spaceships flickered and dimmed, sometimes moving at high speed, and sometimes standing still.

More often after a brief flicker, it goes out completely.

"The route of the Yuanfan fleet of the original regular army of the earth suddenly changed! It is suspected that the interstellar pirates stationed on the moon did not pay enough fees and illegally parked on the moon. The Yuanfan fleet launched a hunt for the illegal interstellar pirates!"

"The resistance of the interstellar pirates is extremely strong. Under the leadership of the interstellar pirate [Junk], a temporary resistance agency has been formed, which is fully resisting the law enforcement of the Yuanfan fleet. The battle is fierce!"

Hearing the latest news on the radio, Fang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that the interstellar pirates are not easy to mix. In order to lose the protection fee of the moon, they can fight with the regular army."


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