This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 28: Temptation (4/4)

? On the screen, it seems to be a conference room, densely packed with people.

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback.

What does it mean? Want to make peace?

On the screen, a guy who seemed to have a lot of status suddenly stood up.

"Dirty Dragon, you are the prophesied dragon that destroys the world. You have grown to such a size that even if you can't speak your language, you should have enough intelligence to communicate with humans like me, right?"


Fang Yi roared.

That's a must, little brother.

Don't tell me I've grown to this size.

Even when you just came out of the eggshell, your intelligence is also very powerful.

It's just that the language doesn't seem to be able to change.

At first, Fang Yi thought that his dragon had not grown up, so he could only babble.

As a result, if you grow up to this size, if you still can only '嘤', most of the time... you will only be able to 嘤嘤 in this life.

After all, it is impossible that this body type is still in the growth period of childhood or something.

This body type, to say the least, has to be an adult body.

Get Fang Yi's 'reply', and combine Fang Yi's response to stop the attack.

In the conference room, there was a sudden cheer.

This is a great find! It is a discovery that can almost decide the survival of the sanctuary!

Dirty dragon, can really communicate!

This means that they can negotiate terms with the dirty dragon through various means, and even the prophecy of destroying the world can be avoided!

After stabilizing his emotions, the director said calmly: "Dirty dragon, your goal is to destroy the world, then the first thing to do now is not to destroy the people in our sanctuary, but the other side of the sky, the sanctuary. Those outsiders! They are the obstacles on your way."

Request to transfer firepower, request so direct?

But Fang Yi didn't intend to waste too much time here.

Since the captain of the black team is outside, it is natural that the sooner he goes out and destroys him, the better.

The problem is, Fang Yi's current strength is not quite sure, whether he can cope with the huge army of linemen outside.

Captain Black is the leader of the Linemen.

As long as he comes forward directly, he will inevitably encounter the siege of the entire lineman society.

There are too many risks and too many uncertainties.

It's better to wait until you are full and your strength will rise to a higher level, and then go outside to kill the enemy.

Although the lineman's time flow is faster, Fang Yi is also full of confidence in his own growth.

When he first entered the dungeon, he was not even the size of a mouse.

now what? taller than a building.

After eating once more, how exaggerated the body should be?

At that time, Fang Yi felt that the odds of winning were really secure.

Therefore, after a short thought, Fang Yi shook his head, then grabbed a drone next to him and took a bite.


A dull explosion sounded, and the drone was eaten by Fang Yi.

This move made everyone in the conference room stunned.

But soon, someone understood.

"Conditions! The dirty dragon is talking about conditions!"

After this body type, others woke up one after another.

"Drone... Dirty Dragon, do you want us to trade with drones?"

Yes, but not right.

Fang Yi looked at the drone with the bomb next to it, and in front of the image, grabbed the bomb with his claws, threw the drone aside, and swallowed the bomb.


When the bomb exploded, Fang Yi made a satisfied expression and snorted.

Such a vivid performance, even a fool can understand the meaning of the square.

"Bombs... what he needs is bombs! Dirty dragons like to eat this stuff."

This is good news.

Armament resources, they have a lot of reserves.

Using this as a transaction, if you can let the dirty dragon deal with the informants, it will make a lot of money.

If you can master the switch mode of the sanctuary during this period, everything will be perfect.

Dr. Xu, who was on the side, had an idea, and suddenly said: "Dirty dragon, you can want a bomb, but since it is a transaction, you have to show your value. Do you see the black mirror at the end of the surrounding area? Go and see if you can break it. That black mirror."

The voice fell, and the others were taken aback.

Even the chief looked at him suspiciously.

But they were all suppressed by Dr. Xu with his eyes.

Black mirror?

Fang Yi saw it when he just woke up.

The problem is... the sea is a little deep, and he can't fly, so he can't get through, so he doesn't care.

In the other three directions, there is a black mirror on the land, you can try it.

Fang Yi is not a fool.

The canopy in the sky has revealed what these black mirrors are.

The entire line people city is built around these black mirrors.

Coupled with the situation in the Sanctuary, it is almost certain that this is the barrier that separates the Sanctuary from the ruins of time.

If it can be broken, then there will be no obstacle between the two - the battle will officially begin.

Fang Yi has not yet grasped the fight against the entire lineman society.

But it is still necessary to test whether you have the ability to break this black mirror.

At least, to take the initiative first is not.

Judging from the current situation, the lineman should not have the ability to break this barrier.

The people in the sanctuary can't break it, or they won't come to test me.

So... it should be only the dragon of destruction in my prophecy that has the ability to break it!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

He pointed to a large group of drones next to him, hooked the dragon's claws, and gave a move to keep up.

Soon, Fang Yi walked towards the black mirror to the east.

On the way, he was not idle, he took two steps to take down the bomb hanging on the drone, and chewed it like a snack.

Don't look at the dense pile of drones, like a dark cloud.

Compared with Fang Yi's appetite, this amount is simply not enough.

What frightened the Sanctuary Protection Bureau most was that Fang Yi actually started to eat drones after eating the armament resources of the bombs that came with the drones.

Fortunately, they quickly promised to send another batch of drones to feed Fang Yi with bombs, otherwise the drones would be scrapped.

Cruel, so brutal.

Bombs that can blow them to pieces, in the mouth of the dirty dragon, are as clever as toys that are harmless to humans and animals.

There was no other reaction except for the sound of bouncing and black smoke.

By the time Fang Yi came to the black mirror, three or four batches of drones had been replaced.

However, Fang Yi touched his actually didn't even have 1% satiety.

This is simply a bottomless pit. The huge body size makes his demand for energy become very abnormal.

Forget it, it's not something to think about right now.

Under the witness and expectation of the high level of the Sanctuary, Fang Yi stood in front of the black mirror and slowly raised his right paw.

No way, he doesn't have the breath of a dragon, and apart from this dragon-shaped body, he doesn't have any special abilities.

Paws slashed in front of the black mirror.


Such as nails scratching on the blackboard, making a harsh, high-pitched sound.

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