This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 73: not invincible

The entire corridor, the ground shook and the ground tore a huge crack.

Also because of this, the remaining rocks of different sizes in the ground all bounced up to a certain height.

dong dong dong dong!

It was at this moment that a dazzling red glow appeared from the bearded man's tail.

It's like playing baseball, swinging wildly.

Throw every stone towards the ash grave where Fang Yi is located.

Any power has a limit.

Even the power of stillness.

When a thing's attack speed is extremely fast, and its power is so strong that it runs through the gray tomb area before it is stopped by the gray tomb, it will naturally not be affected by the gray tomb.

However, this is an ideal state.

But it is an idea.

Fang Yi was in the gray grave area, and the bullets that were stationary outside were not uniformly stationary at a fixed distance.

Some are as deep as five centimeters, some are as deep as ten centimeters.

As long as the scumbag man promises, the power and speed of the rain of stones thrown out by him are above ordinary bullets!

Whoosh whoosh!

The rain of stones slammed into the periphery of the ash tomb, rushed into the distance of more than one meter, and was immediately ashed and stopped.

After all, it is not the real gray area, the power of stillness, not so unbreakable.

The dense rain of stones blocked part of the sight.

But at this moment, the scumbag man immediately followed suit.

The next wave of stones rained down again.

Whoosh whoosh!

This time, all the stones fell on the position where the last stone rain was still.

Quite a rocket thruster, providing it with a boost.

It actually pushed forward a distance of more than ten meters at once.

"There is such a way to crack?!"

Miss Bao hid in the room, showing concern.

As for the gray grave, the gray sect she leads has only just begun to study, after all, those gray energy firearms are still in the experimental state.

Therefore, the research team of the Gray Sect did not consider how to crack the gray tomb, but how to stabilize the stability of the gray energy firearms.

Hu Shinan's current method has provided Miss Bao with some inspiration and ideas.

But these are things that need to be considered in the future. Now she is more worried about Fang Yi's safety.

However, this concern is completely superfluous.

With this kind of propulsion efficiency and fixed attack trajectory, there is no way to hurt Fang Yi.

Not to mention Fang Yi can move freely in the ashes.

Even if he was standing still, with the current range of the ashes, at least three or four of the stone rain would need to be pushed forward by the bearded man, in order for the first wave of stationary stone rain to hit him.

Not to mention...


The gray energy firearms are activated directly.


The collapse appeared, forcing the bearded man to leave his original position.

The deviation of the angle made his previous stone rain all useless.

And after the previous experiments, the scumbag man has understood.

His idea is effective, but his own strength is not enough to support this operation.

If there is any powerful long-range attack ability, it can launch an attack by superimposing multiple points into a straight line to form a super penetrating power.

Then it is still possible to kill Fang Yi outside the ashes.

But the scumbag man doesn't have this ability.

All his attacks are concentrated on the tail.

After the test just now, he has roughly understood what the situation in the gray tomb area is like.

Now is the time to really get started!

His eyes narrowed.

The scarlet light on the bearded man's tail swelled in an instant, dazzling.


The scarlet tail, aimed at Fang Yi's location, fell directly.

Its speed is so fast and its power is so great that even the air is slightly distorted.

With such a terrifying momentum, even Miss Bao could see that it was not good.

"Lin Ye be careful!"


The scarlet tail, crashed into the gray grave!

Like crashing into a high-pressure deep sea.

The scumbag man felt a huge resistance.

But with the power of inertia, his scarlet tail still smashed towards Fang Yi's location!

This blow, if it hits, will definitely kill Dongmen drunk!

In the local area of ​​the scarlet tail, graying has already appeared.

But according to Hu Scumbag's calculations, he was very sure that his attack could hit Fang Yi before it was completely incinerated and stopped!

"Little guy, this is the last farewell, go out and add me as a friend..."


The scumbag man's shout was interrupted by a metal crash.

With the sound, a strong anti-shock force was transmitted to him from the scarlet tail.

His body trembled suddenly, his whole body went numb, and his whole body went limp.

What, what's going on? !

He looked towards Fang Yi.

I saw that my tail was blocked by a sword!

And the hilt of the long sword is held in Fang Yi's hand!

"Being swept away by such a powerful force, Dongmen Zui didn't even need to dodge. He didn't even move his position, he just stood to block my attack?!"

The bearded man's pupils shrank, feeling incredible.

Is this still the little guy who ran out of his head as soon as he met me, and had no power to fight back?

Why...he suddenly became so strong?

Before the scumbag man could understand these things, his tail was completely grayed out, and he was stopped in the gray grave area.


At the same time Fang Yi held the sword in his right hand, resisted the ash energy firearm with his left shoulder, and pulled the trigger directly.

Facing the straight stream of gray energy, the bearded man made a decisive decision.

"Broken tail!"

The long scarlet tail, all the parts that are covered by the gray tomb area and are completely grayed, all automatically break like a gecko.

Using the rest of the docked tail, dragging his weak body to avoid the attack, Hu Zha looked at Fang Yi in disbelief.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Bang!

At this moment, Fang Yi collected the Cang Magnetic Sword and launched the attacks of the gray energy firearms in succession.

The gray energy streamers continued one after another, as if they were fired at will without aiming.

Even the last shot, the moment the shot was fired, the firearm exploded directly, expanding the area of ​​the ashes where Fang Yi was located.

The bearded man dragged himself left and right with his tail, avoiding all the gray energy streamers in advance.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because he found that when the collapse occurred, these areas of the ashes not only blocked his escape route, but also formed a road.

A straight grey road!

On that gray road, a figure sprinted at an extremely fast speed!

That figure, holding in his hand, is no longer a gray energy firearm, but a sword.

That, the gray long sword that blocked his scarlet tail attack before!

Face this situation.

Instead of flinching, the scumbag man showed ecstasy!

Because the end of the gray road just stopped at a distance of more than ten meters in front of him.

That is to say, if Fang Yi wants to hurt him, he must first leave the gray area and enter the colored world.

This also means... the scumbag man doesn't need to take the risk of being immobilized and fight Fang Yi directly!

Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no door, you break in!

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