This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 77: safe house

Silent fell silent.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head and asked, "Why do you want to go 'over there'? If I guess correctly, there should be at least one black team player in the western half of our city, and you haven't even got that player yet. Kill, and rush to the opposite side?"

"Why do you need to ask? The western half of the city is in [collapse]. As fast as ten days, as slow as a month, the entire western half of the city will be covered and corroded by gray rain, ushering in final destruction. As long as I can escape When you leave here, the black team players who are left behind will naturally only have to face death."

Wu Yan frowned and looked straight at Nine Snakes.

The gray rain in the sky gradually dwindled and stopped.

At the end of the horizon, the morning sun is gradually rising.


The end of the sea horizon.

The western half of the city, half of the area, has been turned into ruins.

The city wall has long since collapsed, and as long as you look west, you can see an endless stream of still gray water, shimmering in the rising sun, clearly visible.

After a moment of contemplation, he nodded silently.

"make a deal."

Nine snakes face a happy.

He glanced at the Yingche Tower behind him.

"Come on, let's talk somewhere else."

The Huanhe city is divided into two by the dividing bridge.

This book is nothing.

But as time passed, Nine Snakes quickly discovered all kinds of visions in the western half of the city.

There is no doubt that the western half is almost over.

Any player whose birth point is in the western half of the city must face a problem, how to "jailbreak"!

Only after crossing the bridge will they have the capital to survive and are qualified to talk about the final victory.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful and powerful they are in the western half of the city, they will eventually die in the 'collapse' of the gray area.

The long knife girl is the hope of the Nine Snakes.

At the same time, the hope of other players in the western half of the city.

Nine snakes played tricks on the origin of the long knife girl and covered it up.

But she also understood that this kind of cover-up would not last long.

Once discovered, not only the players... the entire western half of the city will go crazy.

[Dr. Du'e] is a case.

Just claiming to have developed an innovative potion that can briefly act in the gray area for five seconds, and there is no trace of being hunted down.

With the long knife girl, I came to a dilapidated building and continued to walk forward.

Remove the large stone on the ground, revealing the steps that spread downward.

The long knife girl stared at the basement entrance for a while, but did not act.

"This is my safe house. Not to mention that you know how to escape from prison, just asking me to leak the information about [Dr. Poison's] is enough for me to deal with it carefully."

With that said, Nine Snakes went down first.

Followed silently.

Down the dark steps, about five minutes later, they saw the light.

Unexpectedly, the safe house is very complete, not only has enough food and water, but also various daily necessities and arsenals.

It can be said that if there is no accident, you can live here for more than a year.

If there is no "collapse" occurs.

Since entering the dungeon, the gray rain has always existed.

At first, it was intermittent and intermittent, but as time passed, it has now begun to go from day to night, from night to day, without interruption.

And... the rain, getting bigger and bigger.

The current special umbrella can also support.

According to the internal predictions of the senior leaders of the Gray Sect, it could be as short as ten days or as long as a month. An unprecedented gray rainstorm was about to come to the western half of the city.

This is an assimilation.

The gray area is gradually assimilating the western half of the city into a part of the gray area!

[Little Gray Beast] They can still deal with it, but [natural disaster], it is not something within the scope of manpower.

The two sat down in the safe house, and Nine Snakes spoke first.

"[Dr. Du'e] because of the invention of the [Five-Second Ash] potion, he suddenly changed from a little doctor in the slums to a big man who even the Grey Sect needs to pay attention to..."

Silently frowned.

"I know all this. What I want is her current information."

"Don't worry, I need to tell you the stage of the development of things clearly, so that you can understand what I mean by giving you information."

"…go on."

So indifferent.

Nine snakes were not happy.

That's why she doesn't like to cooperate or communicate with her teammates, and she may encounter strange things at some point.

"Dr. Du'e originally wanted to sell this medicine, make a lot of money, and find a backer by the way. However, her resources are only enough to develop a bottle of [Five Second Ash], and because of her lack of fame, she was regarded as a fake. The liar. After all, in the western half of the city, there have been historical records before, and it turns out that all the news about [free movement in the gray area] is all a lie. Of course, this stops before the 'player' comes."

Nine snakes carefully observed Wu Yan's expression, but... nothing changed.

The indifferent face did not fluctuate at all.

Should not be ah.

Such skills, she believes, should not be configured by an NPC.

But if Wu Yan really said that this was configured by the player, she would have doubts.

Because... ordinary people can't think of that kind of potion formula at all. They need to have a sufficient understanding of the potions and materials in the dungeon, and they also need to go deep into the research of the gray domain, explore the gray energy, and even drink it personally. 'Still water', that is, grey water, can do it with a little bit of possibility.

And once the 'grey water' is drunk, the stomach will be [greyed], unable to eat and digest any more, which is equivalent to a death sentence.

The strange thing is that not only did Dr. Du'e not die, but he was alive and well.

In addition, it is almost impossible for ordinary players to collect all these conditions, not to mention that they have to research and configure potions by themselves. This is not something that can be solved by hard work, but a talent! Amazing talent to do it.

Therefore, when Wu Yan said that Dr. Du'e was not a player, although she had doubts, she did not completely deny it, and even recognized it a little.

In any case, [Dr. Du'e] did cause a disturbance in the western half of the city.

When she was not famous enough, she sold the only bottle of [Five Seconds Ash] to [Photo Studio].

That is, the organization that 【Yingchelou】 once worked for.

Well, once.

After all, it's not a big organization. After testing that [Five Seconds Ash] really works, the entire organization was besieged by all the bigwigs in the western half of the city. After experiencing brutal torture, they asked the truth.

Nine snakes also participated in that big operation.

However, in the end, the operation only found the inventor of [Five Second Ash], which was Dr. Du'e himself.

After that, something big happened.

At the detector, high-energy gray-energy reactions, ie, gray fields, are detected.

High energy occurs after reaching the peak, and then immediately drops by a large amount, which is only a momentary thing.

But everyone in the western half of the city knew that it was the gray area that came and left.

And after that gray area came, a large group of growing gray beasts were left, haunting the western half of the city.

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