This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 154: video

Compared with the cameras that hack into the street, the monitoring system of the district hotel is really much easier.

Quickly typing on the keyboard, about a minute later, rows of surveillance pictures jumped out, directly synchronizing with the hotel cameras.

Fang Yiding took a look and frowned slightly.

Because this five-star hotel is actually very formal, there is no camera installed in the guest room in the hotel.

As a result, Fang Yi could only look at the corridor on the fourth floor, but could not check the situation in the room.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi asked, "Can you call up the video footage before the corridor?"

During the day, the doors and windows are closed, and I hide in the room and use binoculars to observe the situation secretly.

Such people are either perverted or have other secrets.

Coupled with the few guys downstairs who were suspected of being students, blocking the door, Fang Yi was naturally suspicious.

In fact, there is no need to say more about Fang Yi, the otaku is already doing this kind of operation.

When Fang Yi's voice fell, a new window had popped up in the notebook, which was a video of the hotel's surveillance screen.

"In the news reports, when did the shootout break out at Wanmu High School?"

"It was about nine o'clock last night."

"Play from this time, in fast-forward mode."

Let the otaku operate, Fang Yi stared attentively at the video.

About two or three in the morning in the video, the picture finally changed.

Two men were walking into the room by the window on the fourth floor with the keys.

Fang Yi suddenly looked happy.

"Stop! Replay this section at normal speed. By the way, can the video make a sound?"

Although the fast forward mode is used, the picture progresses very quickly.

But at that moment, Fang Yi still captured the situation of the two people and saw their faces.

One of them was the courier.

Although the face of the other person is unknown, the back is very familiar, very similar to the guy in the news report who fought back-to-back with the courier.

"Let me seems there is, I'll turn up the volume for you."

Like this regular hotel, the camera used is also high-end, so it is equipped with a pickup and has the function of receiving sound.

After the otaku helped amplify the volume and replayed the video at normal speed, Fang Yi observed it carefully.

In the picture, two men are walking side by side in the corridor.

A tall, muscular man, dressed a bit like a boxer, is very oppressive.

The other looked much more ordinary, like an ordinary white-collar worker, with a pale complexion and a thin body.

Fang Yi stared at these two people closely, and couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.

The two men had just finished the Wanmu High School shooting with their forefoot, and blatantly checked into a hotel with their back foot.

Are they too daring, aren't they afraid of being approached by the police?

Although there were no frontal photos of the two people in the news reports, only the half-face of the courier was a clue.

But no one can tell if there will be an accident, and the two people's awareness of prevention is not so bad, right?

The scene of the courier cooperating with the female reporter is still vivid in my mind.

Fang Yi felt that he should not be a brainless person, so as not to reveal such a big flaw, is there another purpose behind this?

When Fang Yi was puzzled, the two people in the video had stopped at the door of the room.

Through the high-definition video, Fang Yi was able to observe that the courier seemed to be in a low mood, with a trace of remorse on his face.

The boxer, on the other hand, looked indifferent, nothing unusual.

Seeing that the courier didn't take the initiative to open the door, Boxer couldn't help but say indifferently, "Are you still thinking about what happened just now?"

The courier's expression suddenly froze.

"Captain, it's all my fault for letting that guy run away..."

team leader? !

Fang Yi was shocked, and his face flashed with joy.

The title of captain is very unlikely to be used in modern dungeons.

Generally speaking, it is only used when the player calls the squad leader.

And this is also a relatively common mistake in the low segment.

Calling someone else's captain, if someone who wants to hear it, is tantamount to revealing one's identity, just like the current situation.

Experienced players and teammates directly call each other by the name of the dungeon character, hiding their identities.

However, after the two committed the crime, they stayed in the hotel carelessly.

It seems that there is no plan to hide his identity, so it seems that it is not a big deal to call him the captain directly.

While Fang Yi was thinking about it, the otaku next to him contracted his pupils and looked at Fang Yi in shock.

how is this possible? !

Did you find the player all of a sudden? ! And there are two of them!

"The that big?"

The otaku has always felt that he played the game quite well. With two salted fish, he could also play well, and he was a little complacent.

But Fang Yi's move really hit his self-esteem somewhat.

Rolling in his throat, the otaku made a bitter voice.

"Dongmen Zui, these two... are both players?"

"Shh! Watch the video first."

Fang Yi did not notice the low mood of the otaku.

The otaku stopped, and he continued to stare at the video.

In the video, the boxer didn't change his expression when he heard the courier's words.

"It's none of your business, I underestimated the number of students he controls."

"And that guy and the local snake in the empty sea area should be got a lot of arms and equipment from the local snake."

"In addition to those obedient students, it is equivalent to an armed private army with nearly 100 people. In the case of insufficient intelligence, it is inevitable to miss, you don't need to pay too much attention."

What? !

An armed private force of nearly 100 people? !

The otaku looked stunned for a moment.

This Nima, it turns out that not only is there a master next to me, but other people are not vegetarians.

The otaku was even more depressed. I didn't expect him to lose a lot of hair. When he was trying to get arms, someone else had already armed a team of 100 people and directly became the dungeon boss.

Although Fang Yi was surprised, he was not as shocked as the otaku.

This thigh-holding mode was originally mixed with some skilled players, so Fang Yi was not surprised that this happened.

However, the 100-person armed squad is still a bit of a headache.

Fortunately, judging from the news reports and the information the boxer is now revealing.

It seems that the farming player has been beaten away...

Although it felt that the farmer-style players were not well prepared, they were caught off guard by the boxer duo, so they retreated strategically.

Otherwise, the 100-man armed forces, just pushing flat from the front, cannot be blocked by the boxer duo.

"Dongmen Zui, if what they said is true, then the remaining three players have already surfaced."

The otaku looked a little unnatural, and said in a low voice.

It was not until now that he really realized that his game level, at a low level, can still show off a wave.

But as the player's level rises, his little tricks are not enough.

Even if it is a step-by-step development, it is estimated that it will not be the opponent of the player with a hundred armed squad.

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