This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 4: settlement ends

At this moment, the five-color team did not dare to look at Fang Yi again.

Feelings, on their side, five people form a group to fight BOSS! And from the beginning, you only need to form a group to fight such a BOSS!

The ghost knows, the ghost knows that the system is still such an arrangement!

The muscular five-color team is depressed.

They have been winning in a row for so long, and I have never seen such an arrangement in the system, assigning five such strong people to various good characters, and then implying that they should gather together to fight the enemy's big boss!

This is really unexpected.

Because in the previous dungeons, they all became bosses, let the opposite side come over to brush, and beat the opposite side.

As a result, this time...they became bosses instead, and they also gave various benefits with various preferential treatment.

The role status was changing so fast that no one in the team really reacted!

At this moment, they deeply realized the horror of Fang Yi, and even the system couldn't stand it. They needed to give their own benefits to feel a relatively balanced guy...


It can only be described as horror!

After playing the game for so long, they are the first players to encounter this kind of treatment!

This guy... what the **** is going on!

"Dungeon Level 2 entry: [Strange], [Ability] proficiency increased!"

The proficiency of the double entry moves forward simultaneously.

The strange entry, which was originally 60% progress, has suddenly risen to its full value.

"System prompt: Congratulations, [Strange] proficiency has reached the full value, and the entry has been upgraded!"

Martial arts lv1: 70%.

Supernatural lv1: 30%.

Fairytale lv1: 60%.

Fantasy Lv1: 40%.

Doomsday Lv1: 70%.

Strange LV2: 0%.

Ability LV1: 60%.

Fang Yi didn't expect that the [Martial Arts] entry that he was mainly attacking had not been upgraded, but the [Strange] entry was rushing up.

This rhythm... is not right!

Fang Yi felt a little depressed, after all, the [weird] entry was not his main attack direction.

It just happened to be encountered twice, and both times were excellent, and the proficiency improved very quickly.

It seems that the strategy must be adjusted, otherwise the route will go wrong.

"Get the basic value of [Team Building Points], bonus parameters: kill x4, dungeon strength, ranking rank, final score: 100 points"

"Get the basic value of [Team Contribution Points], bonus parameters: kill x4, dungeon strength, ranking rank, final score: 100 points."

Team contribution points: 205.

"Winning point: The basic value of the copy's winning point (10), the bonus parameters: the captain survives, double kills, three kills, four kills, group kills, total: 60 points."

"Win points: 100."

"Individual points: dungeon clearance base value (4000), kills (2000x4), double kills (1000), triple kills (2000), quadruple kills (2500), group kills (1000). Total: ."

"Personal points: 20500."

Another great harvest, after the copy strength is high, there are also great benefits in terms of income.

"The rank points are settled."

"Dungeon mode: 5V5 confrontation in dan competition."

"Dan level: Bronze level."

"Type of copy: Modern copy."

"Copy Number: 63826."

"Dungeon Level 2 entry: strange, supernatural."

"Dungeon Strength: Level 7."

"Dungeon BP value: 58/100."

"Dungeon personal rating: S grade."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player [East Gate Drunk], who won the dungeon victory in the [Bronze 4 Promotion Tournament] and successfully advanced to [Bronze 3]!"

"Current rank: Bronze three!"

The bronze badge is enlarged to the front, and the two gray stars that were originally smashed on it.

One automatically shatters and turns into powder, representing a pass.

The remaining star burst out with a golden light, which was printed on it, representing the success of the promotion.

The big word [Bronze 4] below is refreshed to [Bronze 3], and the rank is successfully promoted.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Dongmen Zui, who has advanced to [Bronze 3] and will be rewarded with 100 LPs."

"Win points: 200."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Dongmen Zui, the proficiency of all entries has been increased by 20%."

Martial arts lv1: 90%.

Supernatural lv1: 50%.

Fairytale lv1: 80%.

Fantasy Lv1: 60%.

Doomsday Lv1: 90%.

Strange LV2: 20%.

Ability LV1: 80%.

Not to unlock new entries, but to directly improve the proficiency of the entry, which is also very good.

Moreover, the proficiency of all entries is improved, and this level of improvement is generally only in the initial stage.

It's an incentive mechanism.

After the rank is slightly higher, even if you increase the rank and increase the proficiency of the entry, it will only be an improvement of a single entry.

【Bronze three (0/100)】.

Finally advanced to bronze three.

After two more tiers, you can reach the silver tier.

Fang Yi estimated that based on his hidden points and winning percentage, when he was promoted to the silver rank, there was a high chance that he would be able to jump to the rank.

If you are lucky and jump directly to the [Silver 1] rank, you can save a lot of time.

"Let's ask players to choose for themselves whether to keep the gains from the copy."

In the dungeon harvest, only the identity skills are worth mentioning.

"Identity skills: A blow from the sky, converted into personal skills, requires 10,000 points and 30 LPs."

Surprisingly, the price is a little expensive.

However, Fang Yi thought about and felt that it made some sense.

At first glance, the strike from the sky seems to be ordinary, with no special features.

But the bonus is still obvious. As long as you have the ability to fly, or you can raise it to high altitude, you can trigger the skill and get the damage bonus.

The effect Fang Yi has actually experienced before, and the power is very good.

Although it may be because of the height, the power of the sky-falling strike has been strengthened to the greatest extent.

But the power was there, and even his Heavenly Sword was broken because of its power.

Of course, the breaking of the Cangtian Sword was not entirely due to a blow from the sky. After all, it had been used for a long time, and some wear and tear had occurred.

But the reason for the blow from the sky should still account for the majority.

"Win points: 170."

"Personal points: 10500."

The personal points and victory points fell, and the skills were successfully exchanged.

In the dungeon, Fang Yi did not gain anything else, so naturally there was nothing to sell.

After finishing all this, Fang Yi looked at the opposite side, and all the people with five-colored muscles had left.

The ear-piercing mouse beside him looked attentive, waiting for Fang Yi to finish.

"Boss, will you be free later? Let's qualify together!"

Obviously, this guy has waited so long for this opportunity.

Such thick thighs, if you don't hold them tightly, it's not that you have a hole in your brain.

"Ranking? I'm going to continue to play in the rankings later, but I have an appointment with the team - this is my qualifying match."

"Ow, no wonder the boss is so strong, but he is still in solo queue. By the way, boss, do you still have a place in your team? Add me!"

"full full..."

Fang Yi quickly refused.

. vertex

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