This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 18: Unveiled Prelude


Mother's expression froze.


She opened her mouth as if to say something.


But the sound could not come out.


Life is passing, and her expression is gradually grim.



Mother made a sound.

It was just a voice, but it didn't come from her mouth.

But from the back of her head... burst out!

Her eyes gradually turned white, and a scarlet crack began to appear on her mother's forehead...

Do not! This crack did not start from the forehead, but from the back of the head as the origin, and gradually expanded outward to the forehead!


It's like a scene in a movie suddenly pressing the fast-forward button.

The scarlet fissure, which had only just begun to emerge, suddenly split the mother's head in two.

In the crack, a huge scarlet eye slowly opened, staring straight at the boy in front of him.

From a square perspective.

That is, the mother's head was penetrated by her long sword, and then the head was divided into two, revealing the inner scarlet crack and huge eyeballs.

And that Heavenly Sword was stuck in the crack.

It can be said that the mother has not changed at all except that the head has been replaced with a scarlet pupil.

"How dare"

The scarlet eyes, shaking slightly, made a sound again.

But it's a little weird. Fang Yi only heard the first few words, and the latter seems to be another language, at least a weird language that the system won't translate automatically.

And the moment this language appeared, the tingling sensation in the head that had been heating up suddenly intensified!

"Why don't you dare."

Fang Yi resisted the urge to cover his head, and horizontally swung the Heavenly Sword stuck in the crack.


Along with the Cangtian Sword being pulled out, blood splashed high.

In the scarlet crack, a huge gap suddenly appeared, and blood water burst out from the gap.

But after a while, the gap healed automatically, as if nothing had happened.

Only the tone of the scarlet pupil became sharp, angry and weird, making Fang Yi's head tingling more intense.

"Doing this kind of thing to me... this kind of thing! I... but... your biological mother!"

birth mother?

Fang Yi was stunned.

What does this mean?

"I! Yes! You! Mother! My dear! I took care of me for fifteen years, how could you hurt me!"

The voice of the scarlet pupil's eyes was still sharp.

Every time he uttered a word, Fang Yi's severe pain in his head intensified, and he almost wanted to smash his own head in pain to try to free himself.

And the content of the words made Fang Yi's heart full of doubts.

Could it be that... this monster is the mother of the dungeon character?

Or, from the beginning, the monster was taking care of itself?

Well, what's going on here?

Just when Fang Yizheng was in doubt—


The melody of the erhu sounded abruptly!

It is the unique melody of the square dance under the tree!

Pharaoh next door? !

Fang Yi was stunned.

A scarlet eye has made him feel difficult, and he has not yet solved it.

As a result, there is another Pharaoh next door.

This guy, who hides secrets, is obviously much deeper than these scarlet eyes.

Not good, to withdraw!

Although it is a bit regrettable, I was not able to kill a scarlet pupil with a single sword and conduct a detailed study.

But life matters.

It is really unwise to deal with two monsters of unknown strength at the same time.

Retreat, Fang Yi retreats!

The surrounding scenery is quickly moving backwards.

But wait for Fang Yi to look back.

Immediately, the pupils contracted.

I saw scarlet pupils, almost sticking in front of him.

Got tangled up!

Continue to retreat, or even speed up again.

Fang Yi felt that at this moment, he retreated at least 100 meters away.

However, when looking back again.

Scarlet eyes, still staring at him close at hand, not even the slightest change in posture and movement.

"So fast!"

Fang Yi's heart sank.

"It's you... not moving at all."

Unexpectedly, the scarlet pupil made a cold voice intermittently.

Not moving at all?


The surrounding scenery is clearly receding quickly...

Fang Yi looked around and was stunned.

I saw him, really still stuck in place.

The surrounding area is still the place where the sword was stabbed before.

How could this be?

What happened to the scene where the sides quickly moved backward when I retreated?


A strong sense of discomfort rose from the heart.

The tingling sensation in the head became more intense.

However, compared to the previous time in Fangyuan Town of Dreamland, when he encountered the collective gaze of the old king next door and more than 30 scarlet pupils, it was much easier.

"He's coming... don't move! Put away your weapons... let me deal with it, or we'll all be... grumbling... don't move..."

The needle-like stinging pain rose again and again.

Fang Yi finally couldn't help covering his head with his right hand.

Although his mental state was very poor, Fang Yi still resisted desperately, staring at the scarlet pupil in front of him.

I saw the corpse with the head with scarlet eyes.

He actually stretched out his hands, and the head that was split in half, like a jigsaw puzzle, folded it back together!

The crack gradually narrowed, and the scarlet eyes were once again hidden under the human skin.

Wait until the cracks are completely gone.

With a blood hole on her forehead, the mother, who had just been pierced through her head and was already dead, slowly opened her eyes!

"Small... points?"

The moment the voice fell.

The tingling sensation in Fang Yi's head suddenly subsided and returned to his comfort zone.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up, all he saw was the mother who still had an empty blood hole on her forehead.

There was even blood flowing from the blood hole.

However, the mother did not die, even as if she was not attacked, as usual, there is no difference.

Replace with any normal person.

With multiple holes in his head, he was already dead.

In the end, my mother seemed to be fine...

Fang Yi looked at the person in front of him and made various guesses and analyses in his heart.

Judging from her mother's reaction, she seemed to have no memory of what happened before.

There was no response even to the hole in the head.

It's like a puppet controlled by something, only doing what the existence behind the scenes tells you to do.

In other words... the scarlet eyes are the mother's body!

Humans are just a skin that scarlet pupils wear.

like a dress...

Do not!

The metaphor of clothes is a bit premature.

After all, if the mother is injured, the scarlet eye will also be injured. At present, there is no sign that the scarlet eye can easily replace the body.

Therefore, human skin should not be something that can be changed and discarded at will like clothes.

"Xiaofen? Why are you here? It's so dark, come back with me."

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't respond, her mother stretched out her hand to support Fang Yi and walked back.

Fang Yi subconsciously wanted to dodge, but immediately restrained.

Because he saw that in front of him, Pharaoh next door was at the intersection, pulling the erhu, and seemed to be waiting for the two of them!

The regular ups and downs of the repeated erhu sound made Fang Yi's head start to tingle again.

Wait until Fang Yi and his mother approached.

Pharaoh next door slowly stopped the erhu.

"The Horse Widow."

"Old, Old Wang?!"

Mother clearly saw Pharaoh next door from a distance, but at the moment she pretended to be surprised.

His complexion had begun to turn red long ago, and now it looked like a ripe red apple.

But the old king next door didn't say anything at all, like ordinary villagers meeting each other, just smiled and nodded.

But those dark eyes were carefully scanning the two of them.

He seemed to want to see something.

Strangely, the old king next door turned a blind eye to the hole in his mother's forehead.

Wait until his eyes fall on Fang Yi.

The tingling sensation in Fang Yi's head suddenly intensified.

Fang Yi's heart froze, and he vaguely understood that this was some kind of test by the old king next door.

Despite the severe pain in his head, Fang Yi remained calm on the surface.

After about ten seconds of scrutiny, the old king next door withdrew his gaze.

I started to ask my mother for help and concern about her life.

Fang Yi didn't know if this was a temptation or something else.

But looking at her mother like a little woman in love, looking at the old king next door, full of little stars, most likely nothing will go wrong.

It was the hole in his mother's forehead that Fang Yi couldn't help but look at.

After about five minutes of conversation, the two finally said goodbye to each other.

Fang Yi pretended to be weak and walked home with the help of his mother.

The blood from the hole in the mother's forehead seemed to have drained away.

There is no blood flowing out, and when the arm touches him, the touch conveyed is like an ice-cold corpse, with no temperature at all.

But regardless of his demeanor or otherwise, he was just like an ordinary person, without any abnormality.

When the two entered the house, they closed the door.

Fang Yi immediately pushed his mother away.

"Small points?"

Mother's face was full of astonishment, but Fang Yi just stared straight at her.

"come out."

"Come out? What come out? Xiaofen, what's wrong with you?"

The mother's face was full of doubts, and she seemed to be frightened by the child's strange behavior.

"Come out! Come out! I have something to ask you!"

Fang Yi stared at the corpse in front of him, changed his obedience from the past, and his eyes were cold.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Are you confused? I'm your mother. Xiaofen, I'm..."


The sound stopped abruptly.

Familiar weird language, and a momentary tingling sensation in the brain.

Let Fang Yi confirm, the scarlet pupil appeared.

Sure enough, the mother's expression and demeanor had all suddenly froze.

Just like the film has pressed the freeze button, it becomes static and different.


That voice sounded again.

And the source of the voice was the back of the mother's head.


When Fang Yigang was about to go around behind his mother to see the situation.

Mother's head with a hole was suddenly twisted 180 degrees.

Use the back of your head, facing yourself.

If it were a normal person, this method of twisting the neck would have long since died.

The mother, however, was not moved at all.

Only in the back of the head, the familiar crack slowly opened.

Scarlet eyes stared straight at him.

"What do you want to ask, you are the life I brewed, you should listen to me... Gululu..."

Just talking to the scarlet pupil, the tingling sensation has already started to intensify.

However, this intensification has a sense of hierarchy, and it deepens a little bit.

It's like—some existence wants to stuff some information into Fang Yi's head!

"I am me. Even if you brew me, I am still an isolated individual... If you want me to listen to you, then you have to tell me first, what are you?"

"I am Su."


Fang Yi was a little confused. Haven't heard of this thing before?

"What is a whisker?"

"A whisker is a whisker, what is a whisker?"

There was doubt in the tone of the scarlet pupil.

This is a pure emotional outpouring, and it doesn't look like a fake.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi decided to gain a deeper understanding of what this monster is from the side.

The best way to find weakness and restraint.

Otherwise, even if he leaves Fangyuan Town, Fang Yi can't guarantee that he will not encounter these strange things outside.

At that time, it will inevitably be another tough battle.

It is better to know in advance and control your own destiny.

"Su... what's the relationship between you and my mother?"

"How many times do you want me to say, I am your biological mother!"


The tingling sensation suddenly skyrocketed!

Fang Yi couldn't help covering his head.

He could hear the anger in the scarlet pupil's tone.

And this kind of emotional ups and downs is enough to give yourself a splitting headache!

This is just a single, always scarlet pupil...

Fang Yi couldn't imagine what his fate would be like if he had directly confronted all the scarlet eyes and the old king next door under the big gui tree.

It seems to have found Fang Yi's headache response.

The scarlet eyes slightly restrained their emotions.

However, the tingling sensation is still evident.

It seems that it is only the surface of the temper.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Yi said patiently.

"...Then let me put it another way, what is your relationship with this human being?"

"Human... You mean her? This is just my human clothes, a body that is convenient for moving in the human world."

Human world?

Fang Yi suddenly raised his spirits.

Although I only stayed in this weird for less than a day.

But Fang Yi almost forgot what a normal human town looks like.

And there is such a monster, but there is still the human world, indicating that the two forces can fight against each other, maintaining a balance, rather than rolling in one direction.

Martial arts entry!

Fang Yi was slightly excited.

For his role, the beginning of preparation for specialization development is the direction of martial arts.

As a result, during the development process, it gradually shifted to the supernatural side.

But it doesn't matter, just correct it now.

Fang Yi is very much looking forward to the martial arts that can fight against such monsters.

The human world in this dungeon must be visited, and you must actually learn martial arts skills, and keep the dungeon!

Fang Yi secretly set a small goal.

"Where is the human world?"

"The human world is at your feet."

"Under your feet?"

Fang Yi was stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

"The human world and our world are essentially the folding of different spaces in the same world. I don't know the specifics. Only Lao Wang knows these things."

The same world, the folding of different spaces?

Do not know why.

Fang Yi appeared for the first time.

It is the Fangyuan Town in that dream.

and many more!

Is it...

As if thinking of something, Fang Yi's face suddenly became very ugly.

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