This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 462: fake wizard

"Little ones, climb a tree and kill him!"

"Don't let him harass Lord Wizard again, or we'll all die!"

"Captain, shoot! Shoot him!"

As the pirates climbed the tree, they let the captain shoot.


At the moment when the gunshots sounded, the thin young man stomped his legs on the big tree, arched his body, and jumped upward.

The stickiness of the palm disappeared, and his body suddenly jumped higher.


When his legs were exhausted, he slapped the tree again.

This one-hand operation not only avoided the attack of the flintlock gun, but also opened the distance.

They won't be caught by the pirates who climbed the tree immediately and bought time.

Just because of the interference, Fang Yi's offensive inevitably eased.

Looking at this moment, Fang Yi did not know when he had left the encirclement of the hook line.

His eyes narrowed, and the thin young man's wrist trembled again at a high frequency, and the offensive instantly became sharp and cunning again.


But as the skill was used, his wrists also became red and swollen, and there was a creaking sound.

Cold sweat gradually oozes out of his forehead, as if he was enduring the pain.

The full-strength fishhook attack increased the speed again.

Fang Yi had previously relied on the distraction of the skinny young man to jump out of the attack range of the fishhook.

Now that he is entangled again, even if it is him, he can only evade the attack by using the lotus walk with all his strength.


At this moment, the sound of breaking the air suddenly came along with the black afterimage.

Lotus Walk!

The soil under his feet stepped on a deep lotus imprint, Fang Yi barely dodged the attack.

The evasive posture is a bit awkward, and there is no leisurely feeling of turning away from the attack before and easily moving and dodging.

The thin young man on the big tree saw this scene, and his face flashed with ecstasy.

Bet right!

Sure enough, it is a fake wizard, and his own strength is sparse and ordinary!

"Everyone, look! Is this what you call a wizard? In the face of my fishhook attack, you are so embarrassed to dodge! Open your eyes to see clearly, a real wizard, in the face of my clumsy offensive, How can you show such an unsightly posture!"

Raise your voice and roar loudly.

The crowd's attention was immediately drawn to the past.

Immediately, they saw Fang Yi jumping up and down to avoid the fishhook attack.

There is no way, whether it is being hit by the hook or avoiding the hook, it is a very outrageous thing.

Since it is possible to lose the force, it is better to avoid the attack, so as not to hurt the body and affect the follow-up plan.

Not to mention the hook head of the fish hook, which was dyed a little green, which looked like it was poisoned, which made Fang Yi feel uneasy.

"Wizard, Lord Wizard?!"

"Why didn't the wizard show his power and destroy the hook?"

The crowd showed doubts on their faces, doubts in their hearts, and began to talk in a low voice.

They believed that Fang Yi was a wizard, so they obeyed Fang Yi's orders.

But now Fang Yi's performance is very different from the rumored wizard who is extremely powerful and can almost destroy the world.

Could it be that... this person isn't a wizard at all?

As if seeing everyone's thoughts, the thin young man shouted loudly: "No doubt! The guy in front of him is indeed not a wizard, he is just an ordinary person! Every ordinary person! You have been deceived, and all of you have been deceived by him. It's gone!"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts became more shaken and doubtful, they were undecided, hung on the tree, and stopped chasing the thin young man.

The situation has turned and everything is under control!

The thin young man gradually revealed a smug smile.


At this moment, the pirate leader suddenly made a sound.

"I saw it with my own eyes the other day..."


The words of the pirate leader were suddenly interrupted by the excited shout of the thin young man.

Everyone's attention shifted immediately, and the voice of the pirate leader dropped.

Because in the front, Fang Yi's body has been hit by the hook, like a fishing fish, he is lifted up high and brought to this side.

Although Fang Yi was expressionless, he just stared at the thin young man with cold eyes, as if he was very angry.

But the fact that a thin young man can be embarrassed by a fishing rod, and the fact that a fishing hook is hoisted high is an iron-like fact.

Therefore, those eyes and expressions did not make everyone feel a bit of majesty, but made them angry.

"Is this what you call a wizard? Is this what you call a wizard! If he really was a wizard, I would have been killed by now, wouldn't I? So, he's a fake and you've all been deceived! "

The words of the thin young man were like adding fuel to the fire, and suddenly detonated the anger of everyone.

"kill him!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill this bastard!"

If the pirates lost their minds, they were furious and screamed wildly.

Even the pirate leader was shaken at this moment, his eyes fixed on Fang Yi, who was pulled over by the hook.

In addition, many people began to look at the thin young people with admiration.

An adult weighing more than 100 pounds was fished by a thin young man with one arm. This arm strength is At first glance, it is a natural supernatural power.

Prestige was established invisibly, and the skinny young man had a panoramic view of all this, with wide-eyed smiles and a smile that could not stop his eyes from laughing.

Good things come in pairs, let you pretend to be a wizard, pretend to be big, pretend to be a thing!

Ha ha ha ha!

With the force of the fishing rod retracted, the hook with Fang Yi fell from the sky.

"Pirate brothers, kill him with me!"

The skinny young man roared loudly, as if he had risen up and took the lead in carrying the handle.

But the pirates below really ate this set and responded loudly.

Dozens of eyes full of anger stared at Fang Yi, who fell from the sky, waiting for this guy to hit the tree, and then swarmed to attack him.

The thin young man seemed to have seen Fang Yi being chopped to death by a random knife, he quickly adjusted his position, sat on the branch, then drew out his machete, pointed the tip of the knife at Fang Yi, and waited for the other party to throw himself into the net and knock him over the tip of the knife. .

I've got this head!

Hu Hu Hu.

The wind whistled in his ears.

under the spotlight.

When it was about to hit the tip of the knife head-on.

Fang Yi suddenly pulled out the flintlock gun, and at the same time used his internal force, and put his foot on the blade.

The huge force caused the thin young man's machete to shift more than 90 degrees at once, completely losing its lethality.

In fact, the force generated by that kick was enough to kick the scimitar out.

Only the thin young man released the mucus in time and stuck the machete in his hand to avoid this embarrassing situation.

But things haven't gotten much better.

The skinny young man only focused on exposing Fang Yi's identity and wanted to pull people over, but he ignored the issue of Fang Yi's strength.

With a thud in his heart, he secretly said something was wrong.

Almost as soon as he realized this, he immediately felt a cold feeling on his face, and the dark hole occupied all eyes.


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