This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 579: so cold blooded

The mad believers who originally believed in the gods were greatly stimulated at this moment, and they just felt that they could not accept this kind of thing.

In their hearts, the gods are invincible, the overlords of the world, how can they show that kind of demeanor, and how can they escape?

Others didn't respond that much, but they were shocked, still not small.

The gods are also afraid of the pillar of the gods, they are the gods, according to legend, the pillar of the gods should be something they created...

Could it be that the creator of the Pillar of Gods is a completely different existence from the current gods?

Looking at the approaching blood waves, and feeling the violent shaking caused by the escape of the gods, everyone finally came back to their senses.


At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's heart.

Even the existences they believe in as gods are helpless in the face of the pillars of the gods, let alone them.

An unprecedented super escape game unfolds silently.

Humans and gods, both racers, fled to the only exit.

Every ups and downs of the gods will have an impact on the human side, and invisibly slow down the speed of everyone.

But they didn't dare to complain to the gods at all. The terrifying body that was so huge that it was less than the sky was enough to be appalling, not to mention that they had just seen the power of the gods.

Although the 'God War' was terminated because of the Pillar of the Gods, the strength displayed for a short time was enough to sweep everyone in their Pirate Alliance.

Although the gods are large in size, it does not mean that they are slow.

The first to rush to the front of the team was Ghost Gale's team.

Ranked second is the Black Sky Pirates, whose fleet turned into a thundercloud.

But things changed when the gods joined the race.

Several gods came from behind, overtaking Ghost Gale and rushing to the first echelon.

Staggered and outdated, the fierce movement caused the seawater to move, causing both the first echelon and the second echelon to be affected.

Originally, the Black Sky Pirates were about to catch up with Ghost Gale, but because of the passing of the gods, the fleet was in a situation, and the distance was widened again.

"Gail the Ghost!"

The thunder intensified, and the Black Sky Pirates accelerated again.

Fang Yi's Black Finger is also gradually disconnecting from the fleet and stands out.

The speed of the Black Finger itself is not low. In addition to completing the main quest of the character, you can get the bonus of the head portrait of the blast boat, which is even more powerful, and the speed is even higher.

Even compared with the Thunder Cloudy Black Sky Pirates, it is only slightly inferior.

The entire race is still continuing. The pillars of the gods on both sides are closing faster and faster, gradually condensing the light, forming a dangerous situation like a thin line of sky.

During this period, many gods were hit by the pillar of gods, turned into blood mist, and were damaged here.

The surviving gods screamed more and more intensely.

The blood wave has also slapped the large troops one after another.

"Guy, Lord Gale!"

"Help! Lord Gale, save us!"

Fang Yi's Black Finger became more and more out of touch with the fleet. Only the battleship driven by Ward was barely able to follow behind, and could still see some shadows.

As for other ships, they have basically been abandoned by Fang Yi.

It was only the screams that caught his attention.

Did you catch up...

Looking back, the ships that fell behind and were not strong enough have turned into wrecks and gradually sank in the fire.

And the thunderclouds of the Black Sky Pirates continued to sprint unabated.

"Gail Ghost, are you still worthy of being a captain like this, or the captain of a pirate regiment! Your fleet is under attack, and your crew is in danger of dying! You can't even turn around to rescue you. Go try it!"

Lily's voice came out clearly from the thunderclouds, every sentence punishing the heart, intending to split Fang Yi's fleet.

And the effect is also remarkable. From Fang Yi's gradual disconnection and distance from other ships, they have already guessed Fang Yi's plan to some extent in their hearts.

Now it can only be said that it has verified the thoughts in my heart.

"Since Lord Gayle is unkind, then don't blame us for being unjust! Lord Heitian, from this moment on, we will officially leave the Plum Blossom Pirates and have nothing to do with the ghost Gayle!"

"Me too!"

"So do we!"

After seeing Hei Tian's ferocious fighting power and confirming Fang Yi's plan to abandon the car and protect the coach, they all made decisions.

Lily had no interest in these small characters at first, and the reason why she took action was to use them to slow down the pace of Ghost Gale, so that Ghost Gale could slow down the navigation speed and create a chance for herself to catch up with each other.

Unfortunately, judging from the results, Ghost Gale has long been ready to abandon the car to protect the handsome, and he didn't take a second look at these abandoned sons.

Not only has the speed not decreased, but it has also improved a lot.

"It's so cold-blooded..."

Shaking her head slightly, Lily controlled Leiyun and continued to chase away.

Everyone who escaped the catastrophe looked at the black sky pirate group that passed by, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly collapsed to the ground like the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Wait until the God of Gum passes by them.

When the pirate alliance in the third echelon also caught up, they recovered and merged into the pirate Qi Qi fled towards the exit.


At this moment, the deity in front of him suddenly heard a roar of joy.

Everyone looked at them intently, and they couldn't help but look up, revealing the color of ecstasy.

"Exit! The exit can already be seen in front!"

"Great! According to this distance, we have a high chance of escaping!"

The crowd was excited, and the gods and pirates went hand in hand to accelerate together.

Rushing at the forefront, the eight-clawed **** like a giant octopus is the fastest.

The eight claws moved in unison, like a jet, stirring up the sea, and sprinting out with the help of this power.

After a while, he successfully rushed out of the exit, successfully avoided the threat of the pillar of the gods, and became the first existence to escape.

Turning his head, the fleeing brigade at the rear was still desperately chasing this way.


The joy of the rest of his life filled his body, and the eight-clawed **** roared excitedly, spewing out a large amount of ink, which soon dyed the surrounding sea water into black water, and was still spreading around.

Just because of an unintentional act, it directly changed the situation of the sea area in this area. This ability is indeed powerful.

But in various senses, Fang Yi felt that these gods were too weak, and they were not on the same level as the gods in other dungeons.

With the successful escape of the eight-clawed god, the other gods who ran on the front line also escaped, standing at the exit and roaring up to the sky, venting their excitement.

The roar sounded into one piece, one after another, as if it formed some kind of movement, and it was actually quite pleasant.

But in the next moment, this 'sweet' roar suddenly stopped!

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