This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 2: Spirit Source Treasure Chest

Only a small number of advanced skills will not be deleted.

The problem is that Fang Yi's final step is the [First Generation Demon King].

Therefore, most of the skills of [Wandering Swordsman] have been completely deleted.

And Fang Yi couldn't change any of the skills of the [First Generation Demon King].

This is the consequence of increasing the strength too high in the copy.

Although it can increase the chance of clearing the dungeon, it will also become difficult to exchange for things obtained.

Glancing around, Fang Yi finally settled on the [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall LV50].

This skill was acquired by transferring to [Big Axe Warrior].

It is an advanced skill belonging to [Steel Body].

All the way down, but it has not been deleted, which is a pleasant surprise.

And the redemption points requirements are not high, as long as 2,000 points.

Don't think too much, exchange directly.

"Personal points: eight thousand seventy points (8070)."

Looking at the newly exchanged skills, Fang Yi nodded slightly.

"Bronze wall and iron wall (level 1): Strengthen your own body and gradually transform into a copper wall and iron wall."

The level is planned to be a unified level, and the actual effect is still LV50.

For most players, it is very useful to strengthen their passive skills by entering the dungeon.

It's just that the level is low and the effect is weak.

If you continue to improve all the way, it is equivalent to a martial arts master who specializes in hard external skills, but does not use internal power skills.

No matter how strong it is, it is not a problem for the body to pick up the bullet.

After closing the settlement page, Fang Yi looked at the other two.

They are still immersed in the huge harvest. It is estimated that they have never had such a bumper harvest before. Their mouths are about to laugh crookedly, and the yellow duck, the head of the ink team, is drooling continuously.

After the two of them finished the exchange, Fang Yi went up to say goodbye.

When parting, Fang Yi added his friends who make up the head, which made Head Ink nervous for a while.

I have to say, Head Ink has a good eye.

The [Heteromorphic Fusion] that makes up the head is very powerful from a certain point of view.

With this as the core, the team is created, so a completely different style and system can be created.

But how far they can go is up to them.

Although Fang Yi was very interested in [Heteromorphic Fusion], he would not rashly invite others into the team because of one skill.

After all, his goal is too high, and it is difficult for ordinary players to meet the requirements before this goal.

The most important thing is that it is really disgraceful to dig a foot in the wall.

After separating from the two, Fang Yi went to the [Game Plaza], and Fang Yi simply strolled around.

Team building materials similar to [Xinxin Fire] have already appeared on the market, but the price is very high and the quantity is scarce.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi did not sell [Xinxin Fire].

Although he lacks points, he has not yet reached this point.

Take the points and enter the skill hall,

Fang Yi raised his forbearance by one level.

"Forbearance (Level 2): ​​consumes a lot of stamina, causing damage to the body to occur after a delay of 1.5 seconds."

Seeing this skill, Fang Yi nodded with satisfaction.

Forbearance is a skill with a very high upper limit. If used properly, it can have the effect of turning the corner.

The most important thing is that once there is a skill that can work with it, there will be a possibility of a chemical effect.

No matter how you look at it, improving this skill is not a loss.

"Personal skills: Door to the Void Realm, Forbearance (Level 2), Drunk as a Mud (Level 2), Seeing Six Paths (Level 2), Listening to Eight Directions (Level 2), Suspended Death, Primitive Technique (Level 1 Xiaocheng) ), Lotus Walk (Dacheng), Basic Basic Blacksmithing, Intermediate Basic Swordsmanship, Desperate Overtime, Powerful Liver, Simple Maintenance, Iron Wall."

Glancing at the skills he currently possesses, Fang Yi has some thoughts on the choice of the next [Dan Rank] dungeon.

With more skills, the panel will inevitably be a bit messy. Fang Yi edited and classified the interface simply.

Qualification skills: Desperate overtime.

Enhanced skills: powerful liver, iron walls.

Life skills: simple maintenance, primary blacksmithing.

Basic skills: Intermediate basic swordsmanship.

The remaining skills are all planned as practical skills.

Actual combat reconnaissance skills: seeing six roads (level 2), listening to all directions (level 2).

Actual combat trick skills: Suspended Death (Dacheng), Forbearance (Level 2).

Actual combat skills: Basic Yuan Gong (first level Xiaocheng), Lotus Walk (Dacheng), Drunken (level 2).

The last skill, Fangyi, is again classified separately.

God's Arrival Skills: The Gate of the Void Realm.

In this way, the skill panel has become a lot cleaner, and you can clearly examine your own strengths and weaknesses.

"Go to the next copy..."


In the lower right corner of Fang Yi, his friend's portrait suddenly vibrated, interrupting his thoughts.

Click on the message, there are only two simple words.


Look at the ID... [Speechless].

Long knife girl!

Fang Yi remembered her performance in the Doomsday Book and replied to the message.

"Dan? Alright, you team me up."

Originally, Fang Yi invited her to play a dan rank match together when she was free.

However, the long-knife girl reacted coldly before, and Fang Yi's mind became lighter.

I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to find herself now.

The team invitation popped up, and Fang Yi swiftly clicked to agree.

"I'll see the forum. When you're ready, just tell me."

Long Knife Girl's mind is quite gave Fang Yi some preparation time.

Fang Yi recalled that when he released the dungeon, the girl with the long knife was no longer in the dungeon state.

In other words, the other party waited for him for a while and saw that he had produced a copy before inviting him.

In fact, Fang Yi had nothing to prepare.

I walked around just now, and I used seven to eighty-eight points. The only thing I haven't done yet is to browse the forum to see what new news is, and... the wooden spiritual source treasure chest has not been opened yet.

This thing can produce equipment and props of a certain quality range.

Because it is the lowest-level wooden treasure chest, things are generally not very good.

Rao is so, Fang Yi still attaches great importance to this thing.

Because of metaphysics, no one can say for sure.

As a basic customs clearance reward, anyone who has a high evaluation of clearing the blood print can get a spiritual source treasure chest.

But the probability of opening a good thing depends on their luck.

Good luck, the strength skyrocketed.

Bad luck, **** work.

In the past, when the wooden spiritual source treasure chest first came out, Fang Yi and other old players, in order to get good things, had to test many times, and they took turns in various poses.

In the end, everyone has a different metaphysical answer.

Some people quit the game, bathe and change clothes, and then open the box.

Some people come back to open the box after throwing money in the game.

Some people take off their clothes and open the box, and some people pose to open the box.

In any case, they believe in any method that prescribes something good.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, chose to open the box at 11 seconds and 11 milliseconds every minute.

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