This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 143: framed

The shadow general pondered.

"It is indeed the best opportunity, but we can't do it on that day. The best opportunity means that it is easiest to set traps, which is equivalent to exposing ourselves to the sun. In this operation, we have ten secret generals, occupying an absolute top score. We only need a relatively good environment, and everything will come naturally!"

"General Shadow means"

"The eighth day. After the seventh day when Hei Zhan may be on guard, we will assassinate again!"

I see!

Push the time to the eighth day, and on the seventh day, you can observe whether the information of Hu 30,000 has been leaked, and check whether the defense force around Hei Zhan has been strengthened.

Wait until the eighth day, when Hei Zhan slackens, and then suddenly make a move!

The details are finalized, and the field quietly recedes.

seven days later.

Fang Yi took a small number of people and went to the border town on the marching road to inquire about news.

Although the number of people is small, they are all elites, and the long-knife girl who has been disguised is also among them.

This is not what Fang Yi asked, but the girl with the long sword insisted on following the team.

During the inquiring process, Fang Yi successfully collected the information and returned to the military camp.

But on the way, the face of the woman with a long knife was not very good-looking.

Why didn't Shadow General and the others take action? During the time in the border town, it should be the best time to assassinate. "

She was full of doubts, glanced at Fang Yi, and lowered her voice.

"Dongmen Zui, are you hiding something from me again?"

Fang Yi looked at her calmly.



The long knife girl didn't mention it again, but the doubts in her heart could not go away.

Seven days ago, they discussed how to deal with the upcoming assassination and carry out counter-killing.

As for when General Shadow's assassination plan will be executed, it is only hypothetically set today.

However, the situation seems to be somewhat different than expected.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile when she saw the woman with a long knife frowning and thinking.

All the news released by Hu 30,000 is under his control.

Today, it really should have been the best time for General Shadow to make a move.

However, the best time does not mean that others must shoot.

Empathy, the sixth day, or the eighth day, is a suitable time to shoot.

With nine secret generals in hand, this assassination lineup is unprecedentedly luxurious.

There is a lot of room for choice, and there is no need to stick to the best time.

But they don't have much time left.

In a few days, the army will reach the frontline battlefield and launch an all-out attack.

At that time, the generals will not separate the barracks and lead a team alone.

Instead, they gather around Fangyi, which is convenient for receiving orders and regulation.

Once this happens, General Shadow's assassination plan will inevitably be affected.


"If I guess right, they should be out tomorrow."

This trip is inherently risky.

Therefore, from the perspective of outsiders, whether it is the people accompanying him or Fang Yi himself, they are all very vigilant.

But after returning to the military camp, it is bound to relax.

This state of relaxation will gradually return to a normal level of vigilance over time.

As long as they reveal their flaws at the right time, they will naturally take action.

The long knife girl was slightly surprised.

"Tomorrow? Why are you sure they will carry out the assassination plan tomorrow?"

Fang Yi smiled.



With a wave of his hand, Fang Yi left the long knife girl behind.

It's not enough to just relax by yourself, you also need the guards around you to relax too.

To deceive the enemy, one must first deceive one's own people.

Fang Yi wasn't going to tell anyone else about this speculation except the girl with the long sword.

Anyway, the backhand has been laid, and it is just waiting for people to throw themselves into the net.

On the second day, the meeting of the joint force was carried out as usual.

Still no one likes this airborne General Black Zhan.

However, as the army is about to reach its destination, they also understand that the remaining protest time is running out.

If you imagine that such an obvious violation of yang and yin is like this now, it is very likely to attract the attention of King Lin Wu, and it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, many generals seem to be a lot more silent than in the past.

Silence to represent pressure is also a choice.

Not so intense, but showed attitude.

I believe that even if King Lin Wu finds out, he will not blame him. He may even reconsider the candidate for the position of general after he finds out that so many generals are unwilling to cooperate with Black Slash.

The meeting lasted about an hour.

Basically, Fang Yi was talking, and when other people heard the question or order, they reluctantly responded, and their attitude was very perfunctory.

The meeting was over and the crowd dispersed.

Fang Yi was the only one left in the conference hall.

Looking at the documents on the table, Fang Yi sighed.

"These generals are really hard to serve."

The above content, in addition to the daily report on the armament situation, is only the nanny of the tiger disaster general. Because of an accident, a small fire was caused, which is a little concerning.

As for the rest of the documents, they are all trivial matters, in order to keep Fang Yi busy.

This is not the first time this has been done.

At first, Fang Yi carefully reviewed the documents, but later he did whatever he wanted.

If he hadn't realized that the time spent alone could create an environment of being assassinated, Fang Yi would have torn most of the documents to shreds.

Although there are guards around, but they are only at the level of the soldiers.

A casual general who comes here can be easily suppressed.

Moreover, it is said that they are guards, but they are actually the confidants of various generals, and they are sent to monitor. There is a big problem with loyalty.

Some time ago, there were generals who took turns guarding this area.

As the army is about to reach its destination, the general offensive is about to start, and the generals are too busy to stay here.

At least until the general offensive is in full swing, the generals are on their own.

It can be seen from the report submitted to Fang Yi that they do not want Fang Yi to interfere with their troops.

The documents on the conference table are thicker than before.

About an hour later, Fang Yi finished most of the work.

At this time, the other generals should have already joined their troops.

If General Shadow will shoot today, then now is


The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

The person who came was a subordinate of the Hei Zhan troop, the Tiger 31,000 detachment.

"Master Hei Zhan, the general tiger disaster outside the door asks to see you."

With a slight movement in his heart, Fang Yi said calmly, "Let him in."


The man retreated to the door, and soon General Tiger Bane walked in with a calm pace.

"General Tiger Calamity, why did you go and come back?"

General Tiger Misfortune is concise and to the point.

"Someone is trying to frame me."


General Tiger Misfortune walked up to Fang Yi and handed out a document.

"You'll know when you read I didn't expect them to play this kind of trick, Black Slash, if you can help me this time, I'll join you!"

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