This Game is Too Real

Chapter 202: It's a miracle, my lord

   Chapter 202 is a miracle, my lord

   Zhongzhou Aerospace Experiment Base.

   As the looters in the underground eco-park of Building 3 surrendered, the last bit of sporadic resistance was also extinguished.

   When the captured Marauder leader "Ka" heard that they were defeated by a group of blue coats, every inch of his face was filled with disbelief.

   But whether he accepts it or not, the outcome of this war has already been decided.

   From the beginning to the end of the battle, it took a total of 1 hour, 15 minutes and 7 seconds.

   There were more than 200 players in the battle, 28 were killed and 21 were injured. Except for 4 who died of serious injuries and chose to deny it, the rest were non-disabling minor injuries.

   There were even 5 physique-type players. Within half an hour after the battle, the wounds had basically scabbed over, from serious injuries to minor injuries, and from minor injuries to abrasions.

   At the same time, more than half of the battle losses in this battle were paid by the 40 players in Group A who served as the feint group.

As a troop that faced the Marauders, they were at an absolute disadvantage in strength, terrain, and firepower. They contained more than 80% of the Marauder's combat power inconceivably, and repelled the Marauder's two charges in a row. , created a decisive fighter for the large forces on the Eastern Front.

   In recognition of their bravery, Chu Guang presented a medal of honor to all forty players.

  Although the medal of the closed beta version has no specific physical object, it is just a small sign that can be displayed on the character page of the VM and the personal homepage of the forum, but for players who are keen to unlock and collect game achievements, this reward is undoubtedly a surprise!

   On the side of the raiders, 152 people participated in the battle, 94 people died, and the remaining 57 people were all captured and half of them were seriously injured.

   This battle is a great victory!


   "...If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed this battle report."

   returned the VM in his hand to Chu Guang, and Vanus, who watched the battle from the beginning to the end through the drone's perspective, still had an unbelievable expression on his face.

   The equipment gap between the two sides is not obvious.

  Although Vault 404 cast two rounds of support rockets, the effect of the morale blow was significantly higher than the actual killing effect.

   On the other hand, the plunderers on the high grounds took over significantly more equipment.

   Through the aerial imagery of the drone, Vanus saw at least 5 light machine guns.

   That's not counting the four trucks!

   In terms of terrain, the looters were condescending, relying on existing houses and walls to serve as bunkers.

   The residents of the shelter under the hillside can only rely on the roots of the pine trees and the snow piled around... These are not reliable shelters at all, at best they are better than nothing.

  Vanus is really hard to imagine how these shelter residents took down the entire highland at the cost of only more than 30 people.

   Compared to Vanus' disbelief, Chu Guang's expression was as expected.

  Although the casualties in the battle report were much lower than what he had expected, it basically met his expectations.

   took the VM from Vanus and put it away, Chu Guang didn't mention the bet for the time being, but looked at him and asked.

   "What do you think of those predators?"

After   Vanus pondered for a moment, he gave a comment.

   "They're not like ordinary predators."

   However, Chu Guang was not satisfied with his answer.

   "This is nonsense. Of course I know that they are not ordinary predators. What I want to know is whether you see familiar shadows on them."

  Vanus was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a moment.

   " say so, it's a bit like, although they have certain flaws in tactics, but it can be seen that they have received professional training."

   And the person who trains them is likely to be his former colleague!

   At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door of the temporary command post, and I saw a guard standing at the door, standing at attention and salute.

"Report! The results of the interrogation have come out, and we have pried them out of the mouths of the captives. They only have the leading troops, and the main troops are still behind. Their leader let them hold on until dawn, saying that the reinforcements will be before tomorrow morning. arrival."

  It’s okay to arrive before tomorrow morning.

   A strange expression appeared on Chu Guang's face.

   This is how self-confidence is, so that you can feel that this group of rabble can last until tomorrow morning in front of your own players.

   "How many men are in their army."

   The guard shook his head and said.

   "It can only be determined that it is a thousand-person team, and the exact number is unclear."

  Chu Guang looked at Vanus.

   "What is the general size of the Thousands of Legion?"

  Vanus thought about it and said.

"The average number is about 2,000. If it is less, there are 1,000 people. If it is more, it may reach 5,000. It depends on the configuration of the 10,000-strong team to which it belongs. For example, the 1,000-strong team I led before was composed of 2,000 people, mainly light infantry, equipped with Two howitzers. If they're confident reinforcements will arrive before dawn, it should be a wheeled vehicle, or something that can maneuver quickly."

  Chu Guang tried to ask.

   "Are there tanks?"

   "How could I possibly know this," Vanus couldn't help laughing and crying, "I sincerely suggest that you better send a team of scouts to search north along their supply route."

   "I've sent someone."

  Chu Guang glanced at the map and saw that Fang Chang and the three had left the original observation point and moved to the experimental base.

  He prepared some equipment for them there.

   should come in handy.


   At the same time, Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experiment Base.

   On the chaotic battlefield, Fang Chang and his party finally received the equipment that the manager supported them—two bicycles.

   "Come on? Just give us two bikes?"

   Looking at the rough-crafted and material-saving bicycle in his hand, Ye Shi was completely dumbfounded, and he didn’t know where to start complaining for a while.

  There are three people, so give me three cars!

   Old Bai, who joined them a few minutes ago, smiled and patted his shoulder.

   "The trucks have been moved to transport supplies. It's good to have two bicycles for you. Let's be content. How many people come by car when they come, and they have to use their legs to travel when they go back!"

   Unlike Ye Shi who picks and chooses, Gu Feng has no problem with the means of transportation in his hand.

   After all, he rides this thing to class every day.

   "Old Bai, are you coming?"

   "I'm going to use a hammer, it hurts like this." Lao Bai lifted his clothes up, revealing the bandage on his stomach.

   There were two bloodstains printed there.

   Even though it has dried up, it is still shocking to look at!

   Looking at the wound, Ye Shi was startled.

   "Fuck, are you alright?!"

   Lao Bai said with a smile.

   "What can happen in the game, wait a while and lie down in the training cabin, maybe it will be completely fine by tomorrow."

   At this time, Fang Chang suddenly remembered something, looked at him and said.

   "Speaking of which, Lao Bai, I just wanted to ask, how did you get that first kill?"

   Hearing this sentence, Lao Bai's expression suddenly became a little subtle, and he looked away awkwardly.

   "Uh, I said it was picked up, do you believe it?"

  Fang Chang gave him a white look and threw the question back.

"What do you think?"


   Inside the experimental base.

   Five trucks drove up the high ground, plus the four trucks seized from the looters, a total of nine vehicles parked in a row in the clearing.

  Under the command of the deputy captain of the guard, the players were carrying large and small bags of loot and humming them into the truck.

   Cleaning the battlefield is also part of the campaign.

   Although the captured supplies are "mission items" and are collectively owned by the shelter, these mission items can provide additional "war points" for all players participating in the battle during the reward settlement process after the battle is over.

   It is for this reason that players move so hard.

  If there were no guards watching, these guys might have even moved the desks and chairs in the lab!

   Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Wait, why can't corpses be considered loot? Can't they be used to produce resurrection coins?"

  I am the darkest: "This is very unreasonable!"

   Construction site boy and Brick: "I can help drive the car. Let's make a few more trips to ensure that not even the land is left for this experimental base!"

  The players next to the truck chattered loudly.

   Not far from the side, Lu Bei looked at the boxes of supplies on the truck and couldn't help sighing.

   "This year should be a fat year!"

   Nearly 50,000 rounds of ammunition filled dozens of large boxes. Bundles of winter coats and bedding

  15 tons of green wheat and 15 tons of croissants, enough to fill several trucks!

   It can be seen that it took a lot of time for the plunderers to transport these supplies from the rear.

   In addition, there are more than 30 boxes of dried rat, cockroach flakes, mysterious dried meat, and a large number of nutritional pastes with unknown ingredients.

   However, the manager does not seem to intend to keep these dubious foods of unknown origin.

   Those nutrient pastes were poured down the hillside, and dried rats, cockroaches, and dried meat were thrown into the fire to be burned, as much as they could.

   The order issued by the manager is to evacuate from here before twelve o'clock, and take all the supplies that can be used first.

   As for those that are not needed and inconvenient to take away, they will be destroyed on the spot. Be sure to make a bullet that can be used and don’t leave it to those looters!

   At this time, Lu Bei suddenly saw a few strange boxes, and when he opened the lid, he was shocked.

   is actually a cannonball!

   "Why are there still cannonballs here??"

   Lu Bei counted it, and the number was still quite large, there were actually more than 50 rounds. The caliber looked quite small. He gestured with his hand, and it looked like it was about 10 centimeters.

   But he didn't see the artillery here either?

   These predators don't use them as bombs.

   Standing next to him, the slightly older guard said.

   "Maybe the artillery is in the back. I heard that it was the vanguard who arrived here first."

   "Just the vanguard?!" Looking at the residents of the shelter who were about to evacuate, Lu Bei said nervously, "What if those looters attacked? Wouldn't it be too early for us to evacuate now?"

   The slightly older guard continued with a smile.

   "What are you afraid of! We dismantled the fuel rods in the reactor and took their supplies, so what if they took the high ground back? We can still produce food!"


   Next to the construction site where supplies are loaded and unloaded.

  Chu Guang, who was wearing a power armor, finally saw the 4-meter-long large lizard in a dirty tent.

   Speaking of which, after traveling to the wasteland for so long, this was the first time that Chu Guang had seen the claw of death with his own eyes.

   And still so close!

   Looking at the beast in front of him, Chu Guang fell into deep thought.

   If you look at it this way...

   Garbage Jun and this thing are really a bit similar.

   "Little Qi."

   "Yes, Master, do you have any orders?"

   "Help me take a picture with this deathclaw."


  Although he was confused by the master's request, Xiao Qi lowered the drone and took a photo of Chu Guang and the dead claw at the door of the tent.

   Photos are sent to the helmet.

  Chu Guang admired his appearance for a while and nodded with satisfaction.


   Go back and post this selfie on the official website!

   At this time, Chu Guang suddenly noticed that the dead claw's eyes opened at some point, and a pair of amber pupils were staring at him.

   Chu Guang, who was staring at him, did not panic at all, and silently pulled out the nitrogen-powered hammer behind his back, his index finger had already hit the touch button of the hammer handle.

   seemed to sense the danger from the hammer, and the death claw lying on the ground instantly became more honest.

   glanced at the metal collar on Deathclaw's neck, Chu Guang then looked at the robed old man standing in the tent.

   As Lao Bai mentioned in the forum, this person is obviously different from those predators in terms of clothing and temperament.

   Especially the grey robe with the hood always gave him a mysterious feeling.

   No nonsense, Chu Guang asked straight to the point.

   "What's hanging around its neck?"

   The old man replied softly.

   "It's a miracle, my lord."

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment and glared at the old man.

"speak English."

  The old man was unmoved.

   "The name of this device is Miracle, my lord. If we have to explain it, it allows us to establish spiritual communication with alien species."

   Through the old man's determined eyes, Chu Guang can now confirm that this guy probably doesn't know how to explain this thing and how it works.

But that's okay.

   There are exactly two experts in the shelter, one is proficient in mechanical devices such as implants, and the other is proficient in biology.

  Chu Guang believes that one of them must be interested in this thing.

   Putting aside the question of the dead claw for the time being, Chu Guang looked at the old man and asked.

   "I'll change the question, who are you?"

   the old man said softly.

   "Apostle of the Torch Church, my lord, you can treat me as a neutral third party."


  …the church?

   Hearing the familiar word "torch", a strange expression appeared on Chu Guang's face, looking at the old man in front of him who didn't seem to understand the situation.

   "You were captured by me on the plunderer's position, and then you had the nerve to tell me that you were a neutral third party?"

   Looking at the stunned old man, Chu Guang continued.

   "We will settle the account with the torch later."

   "Now, follow me with your stuff."

   "I'll take you to where the captives should stay."


  The sky is lit up.

  Accompanied by the roar of the engine, three pickup trucks lined with steel plates cruised around the outside of the experimental base. In the end, they did not have the courage to drive up to the high ground and left towards the north.

   Another few hours passed.

   At noon.

  Three steel-clad pickup trucks came back again.

   In addition to these three vehicles, there were more than 200 looters, who were divided into 20 teams under the leadership of 20 ten captains, and pressed onto the high ground from the east and west sides simultaneously.

   A man with only a tuft of hair on his head, holding a telescope in his hand, looked at the direction of the experimental base with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "Looks like those people ran away."

   His name is Gang Tooth, he is the centurion of the Bone-chewing tribe, he belongs to the Thousand People Team under the command of the Black Snake, and he is also the direct line of the clan where the leader of the Bone-chewing tribe belongs.

   At this moment, standing next to him, the man wearing a thick navy blue coat and a blindfold over his left eye was named Kevin, who used to be the tenth commander of the Legion that belonged to the Expeditionary Force.

After General   Claes was defeated, he happened to meet the people of the Bonebiter tribe while fleeing south.

   These predators are interesting.

  After seeing the navy blue coat on his body, they did not attack him for the first time, but accepted him happily.

  Kevin was confused by them for a while.

  You should know that after catching the Legion's people, ordinary looters will be excited to make them into human leather sofas or other things, and show them off as trophies.

   However, these predators are very pragmatic.

  The deserters of the incorporated legion changed their bodies and took up positions such as staff officers and instructors in the Bone Biting Tribe.

  Here, Kevin also met many deserters who had no hope of returning home like him.

   Thinking that there is nowhere to go anyway, and he has no other skills to make a living besides fighting, he stayed here.

   Looking at the over-excited Steel Teeth, Kevin felt that he should remind him, so he coughed lightly and said.

   "This is not a good sign... Since they chose to evacuate, it means that in their eyes, this place has lost its original strategic value."

   Hearing this sentence, the excited steel teeth's expression instantly turned gloomy.

   At this moment, his subordinates trotted over and sent him the battle report from the front line.

   As Kevin's crow mouth said, the worst happened after all.

  His people recaptured the experimental base easily, but there is only an empty shell left.

   Those who attacked them not only took away the supplies prepared by their troops, but even dismantled the fuel rods located in the Ecological Park downstairs on the 3rd floor!

  The only ones left were the twenty or so seriously injured wounded who were thrown directly into the lobby of Building 3, who were now lying on the floor, dying and wailing.

  These shameful thieves!

   A coward who fears war!

   and those pig teammates are stupid enough! Guarding such a high place, I can't even hold it all night!

   Gangto clenched his fists and looked in the direction of the experimental base, with anger in his eyes.

   That was the supplies they looted after robbing some of the survivors' strongholds, and there was even his share in it, and all of this was to pave the way for the army to go to the front.

  Kevin could probably guess what was on his mind, but he made the suggestion cautiously.

   "Without supplies, even if we send a large army here, we can only suffer from cold and starvation here... This place has lost its strategic value, so let's retreat."

   "You can't just let it go!" Steel Fang narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said bitterly, "They should be the survivors in this area! We have to get the supplies back!"

  Kevin looked at him with a look of astonishment.

  Snatch it back?

  From those lunatics who took this high ground in just one night?

   Does this guy really know what he's talking about? ? ?

   (end of this chapter)

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