This Game is Too Real

Chapter 206: The fierce battle at Winter Willow Camp!

   Chapter 206 The fierce battle in the Winter Willow Camp!

  In the winter willow camp, there is a fire.

   About twenty looters, led by two ten commanders, took advantage of the thick fog in the forest in the early morning and divided into two directions to kill here.

   without any warning.

   Gunshots sounded suddenly!

  The old guard at the entrance of the village was shot to death. Five Molotov cocktails flew towards the village and smashed on the wooden fence and the houses at the entrance of the village, officially kicking off the looting.

  The raiders wore coats of hyena hides, and accessories of human bones and tusks hung around their necks, and their bayonet-pierced Ripper rifles were like spears in their hands.

   Screams and howls came one after another, rude and wanton laughter and gunshots turned this place into a purgatory on earth.

  The fence wall of the village ignited a raging fire, the fire spread from north to south, and there was no idea how many people came in the smoke.

  The men and women ran desperately to the outside of the village. In the panic, people fell from time to time and were overtaken by the looters who were chasing behind them.

   If there is value as a prisoner, he will be beaten and thrown on the side of the road with his hands and feet bound. If there is no value as a prisoner, he will be smeared in the neck or stabbed in the back of the heart and executed on the spot.

   At first, some people tried to resist, taking up shotguns and bows and arrows to fight back bravely, and even had the idea of ​​perishing together. He jumped up with the axe that chopped down the tree.

   But the harsh reality is that almost all struggles are in vain.

  The battle of cold weapons, these survivors are not the opponents of the predators at all, whether it is skill or equipment.

The hunter who picked up the gun and resisted had not fired a few shots before being crushed by the densely shot bullets behind the bunker, unable to move. In the end, he was either shot dead in the street while retreating, or was chased and stabbed by countless bayonets. sieve.

   In fact, the survivors of Tom Willow Camp are not weak.

   But unfortunately, what they encountered was chewing bones...

   These are nothing like the Marauders they've encountered before!

   They are not only well-equipped, but well-trained.

When    is advancing, there are people covering and shooting, and when charging, you know when to get together and when to break into pieces.

   Even if they had already invaded the stronghold, they did not disperse into a handful of sand, but planned to sweep and eliminate the resistance forces in the village, and divided and surrounded the fleeing survivors, and rushed to the northwest corner of the village.

   There is a mud wall, which is also the thickest place in the whole village.

The house next to    was far away, and there was no place to step on. The survivors who were driven there were like lambs in a sheepfold, and could only be slaughtered by their necks and slaughtered.

With a skull the size of a fist hanging from his neck, the man with a protruding jaw, carrying an automatic rifle wrapped in tape, fired two shots into the sky, shouting fiercely at the panic-stricken survivors. .

   "Hold your head in your hands and kneel on the ground!"

   "Let me see any small movements you make, and I'll smash your skulls with the **** of a gun!"

   His name was Yu, and he was the ten commander under Gang Fang. He was instructed to go with another ten commander named "Iron Knee" to lead his troops to the nearby area to search for supplies.

   His gaze swept over the villagers, and Yu's gaze stopped at a few women who were pretty good looking.

   A glint of greed flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down, cursed in his mouth, and turned around to greet his men to search for supplies.

   "Hurry up! Take away food, valuables, and burn the rest!"

   "Don't **** grind!"

   "If you want to have fun, wait until you return to the base, and there will be time for you to toss!"

   The supplies prepared for the large army were robbed by a group of unidentified survivors. Their boss did not intend to give up, and decided to loot on the spot, scavenging the food, cotton coats and fuel they needed from the nearby settlements of survivors.

  Before departure, the staff officer in the navy blue coat specially explained to them, asking them to make a quick decision, remember not to fight, let alone waste time for fun.

   If it wasn't for the prestige of the staff, Yu would not just leave without saying anything, and he would have to take his brothers to have fun.

   In the Bonebite tribe, those staff officers in navy blue coats are of high status.

   They never fought a war before, and they never won so easily.

  Thanks to those in navy blue coats, they are now almost invincible. Not only have they defeated the enemy, but they have swept across the entire central region, and few survivor settlements can stop them.

  The culture of predators is the worship of the strong. Can take them to grab more slaves and treasures, that is their alpha wolf!

   Even Lord Gangya, he respected that staff officer, but Yu didn't want to be caught and shot to sacrifice the flag.

   He knows the nature of his leader, whether it is against the enemy or against his own people, he is not soft when he strikes a ruthless hand.

   The more than 20 seriously injured friendly troops he picked up in the morning were all pulled out by him to great joy. Yu still remembers what their leader said at the time—

   Cumbersome, not worthy of living!

  The villagers were taken to the well in the center of the village.

  This is the village square.

   Food, clothing, use... All the valuable booty was found from the house and thrown into the open space to be piled up.

  Two looters stepped up, pushed them with bayonets under their guns, and divided the villagers into two groups according to the criteria of usefulness and uselessness.

   They will kill a group of people who can't walk as a reserve.

   Then let the rest of the people carry their spoils and follow them back to the stronghold.

   There, a crueler **** awaits them...

   Seeing a looter carry a bag of croissants from his house, the old man kneeling on the ground didn't know where the courage came from, and he rushed up and crawled, hugging the looter's calf and begging bitterly.

   "That's the last grain of food in our family, please... at least leave us some."

   The predator was stunned for a moment, then grinned, and smashed the old man to the ground with the **** of a gun.

   "Where is the old stuff!"

  Leave a little?

   First think about how to save your life!

   A gunshot rang out, and the old man fell into the snow, blood seeping from his head.

  The predator grabbed his collar with one hand, dragged him aside from the middle of the road, stripped his clothes and threw them among the loot.

The survivors around    were silent.

  The ferocity of those predators made their hands and feet cold, and no one dared to speak, let alone resist.

  The blood was spread from the door of the village all the way to the well in the center of the village, and also to the depths of their hearts.

   These people are devils!

   Looking at the grandfather who was standing in the corner, the boy clutched his sister who wanted to scream, staring at the man who killed his grandfather with hatred in his eyes.

   seemed to notice the boy's gaze.

  The predator glanced at him with interest, as if he had found something interesting, and walked in front of him.

   "That old thing is your father?"

  The boy didn't speak, just stared at him.

   The predator narrowed his eyes, suddenly noticed the girl in his arms, and a trace of evil thoughts flashed in his eyes.

  Thinking of something funny, he pulled out a rusty dagger from the edge of his boot, threw it in front of the boy, and said in a childish tone.

   "Give you a chance."

   "If you win me, I'll let you go."

   "If you lose, she belongs to me."

   The neighbor who was kneeling next to him grabbed the boy and pleaded with the predator.

   "He's still a kid...let him go."

   "Did I ask you something?"

   The predator pulled the bolt impatiently.

   However, before he could raise the muzzle of the gun, he seemed to have been hit by something, and a string of blood mist exploded on his back.


  Thunder-like gunshots came from afar, echoing in the forest.

   The blood spurting from the looter's chest splashed the faces of the surrounding survivors. People fell on the ground in panic, fled into the buildings, and hid behind the bunkers.

The looters around    didn't have time to stop them. Their faces were also full of panic. They looked around and opened fire on the **** outside the village.

   However, they chose the wrong direction, and the bullets landed on the snowdrifts about 100 meters away from Ye Shi and Gu Feng.

Seeing that no one noticed him, the boy picked up the rusty dagger on the ground, threw it on the predator who was shot in the chest like a rabbit, and stabbed him in the chest like a madman. .

  The predator was still twitching at first, struggling and trying to dodge, until the blood poured out from his mouth and nose at the back, his eyes were scattered, and he stopped moving.

   The looters not far away saw it, raised their rifle angrily, and swept the boy toward him.

  The chaos neutron bullet flew by, I don't know where it hit, the boy rolled over and rolled to the right side of the corpse, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

   "Damn, I can't take it anymore!"

   Everything else in this game is pretty good, but sometimes the real is a bit redundant!

  Ye Shi cursed and pulled the bolt, aimed at the predator who was eyeing the boy, and pulled the trigger again.


   This time it was a headshot!

  The looter whose head was smashed to pieces fell silently into the snowdrift beside the stone well.

   "It's alright, Fang Chang and Quit Smoking just arrived... One second earlier and one second later will not be in the way."

   took a deep breath, Gu Feng calmly held the telescope, and after looking for a while in the village, he quickly locked on the man whose jaw was leaning forward.

   "At 2 o'clock, did you see the shack with the red cloth hanging? The man next to him, with a skull hanging on his chest, is suspected to be the leader of the looters."


   "Kill him—"

While    was talking, Gu Feng suddenly saw that the man shot straight at him.

The moment    met his eyes, the man suddenly pounced on the side like a leopard.


  The gunshot rang out, the bullet hit the snow, and a bunch of snowflakes splashed.

  Ye Shi, who was pulling the bolt, moved his eyes from the sniper scope with a bewildered expression, unable to believe that the shot was actually dodged.

   "Fuck? What's the situation?"

   "We're on the west side..." Gu Feng looked up at the rising sun in the east, with a solemn expression, "I'm careless."

  The west side is a high slope.

   But this one faces the sun!

   Now that the sun has risen and the morning fog has dissipated, 80% of the time it was the reflection of the sniper scope that revealed their position!

   But Gu Feng felt that things might not be so simple.

   That man's insight and reaction speed were fast enough to make him feel incredible.

   At this time, Gu Feng suddenly remembered the "bear" who was knocked over by the manager with a hammer during the decisive battle with the Blood Hand Clan.

  Is it…

   is the Awakened! ?

  Ye Shi, who shot Miss, did not stop, immediately adjusted the muzzle to aim at the next target, and shot and killed the predator lying beside the well.

"The third!"

   can't kill that boss, and it's not bad to kill some living forces.

   However, just at that moment, a shuttle of bullets suddenly shot from a distance and flew over the heads of the two of them.

Although    missed the hit, the forced Yato and Gu Feng had to retreat to the back slope.

   "Hey! Why is the firepower of these predators so fierce!"


   Gu Feng said nothing, silently removed a wooden-handled grenade from his waist, carefully reached out of the bunker, picked up the binoculars to search in the village, and quickly locked the source of firepower pouring on them.

  The man held an automatic rifle in his hand, with a bipod hanging from the barrel, and a disc-shaped drum.

   Good guy.

  The automatic rifle changed to a squad machine gun?

   "The distance is 250 meters, the fuze time is 6 seconds, and the initial velocity of the throw needs to be above 41 meters per second... No, it has to be faster." He whispered softly in his mouth, and the wind calculated in his heart.

   Under normal circumstances, the throwing object cannot be thrown that far, and it is even more impossible to throw the same muzzle velocity as the javelin.


   His right hand is not an ordinary right hand.

   Not to mention the javelin.

   is a cannonball, no problem!

The    raised arm violently exerted force, and the grenade was released from Gu Feng's hand, drawing a parabola and smashing towards the village.

The bullets from the    light machine gun quickly piled up, suppressing him. However, as a loud explosion came from far away, the fierce fire suddenly rose upwards, swept across the treetops, and stopped abruptly.

   The snow that fell from the treetops smashed both of them.

  Ye Shi shook his head, got out of the snowdrift, and said excitedly while putting on his sniper rifle again.

   "Brother Niu, more than 200 meters, you are a human mortar!"

   Movies don’t dare to shoot like this!

   Picked up the telescope again to observe, Gu Feng replied casually with a blank expression.

   "This right hand can adjust the's pretty easy to get used to."

   "It's awesome! But what should you do if your equipment explodes? Will you be uncomfortable with your old hands—"

"To shut up."

  Location has been exposed.

   Logically speaking, it should be transferred at this time.

   However, there is a forest nearby. Only a gentle **** on the west side can overlook the village. Even if we move, there is no better sniper point.

   Besides, Fang Chang and the brothers who quit smoking have already touched the east gate of the village, and it is time for support!

  I saw quit smoking with a sickle assault rifle in the lead, rushing in through the gate, and advancing forward with the support of a long bow and arrow.

  Ye Shi, who re-arranged his gun, pulled the trigger cleanly, fired off a rifleman who was targeting the two of them, and covered the two to move on.

   Attacks from far and near at the same time caught the village raiders off guard.

   In just 5 minutes of fighting, more than 20 predators have been reduced by 40%.

  The remaining looters can only hide in buildings, relying on bunkers and obstacles to avoid the harvest of sniper rifles, and stand in a stalemate with uninvited guests who have invaded the village.

   Morale starts to shake!

   "I think we can destroy both of them!" Ye Shi pulled the bolt and said excitedly, "There is no need for reinforcements at all!"

   "Don't be careless, keep an eye on your target..."

   Before he finished speaking, Gu Feng suddenly saw a red signal flare rising from the village into the sky.

   An unpleasant feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

   "It's time for us to move."


  Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, wondering if it was necessary. People were held in the building and dared not move. What else could they do with them?

   But at this moment, the roar of the engine came from a distance.

   Gu Feng was startled, he immediately raised the telescope and looked in the direction where the engine sound came from.

  I saw two trucks parked at the edge of the forest on their north side, about five or six hundred meters away.

  About forty people jumped out of the car and divided into four teams, advancing rapidly from north to south. And their current position is exactly on the route of the westernmost team!

   also noticed the situation in the north, and Ye Shi's expression changed instantly.

   "Fuck... this is the end of the calf."

  Forty people!

   One mouthful of spit is enough to spit them to death!

   Gufeng's face is also not very good-looking.

   "Can you hit it?"

   Ye Shi swallowed and spit.

   "You can hit... a ghost! I don't even have forty bullets!"

   Not to mention that the moving target may not be able to shoot one at a time, even if the headshot of the gun is shot, it is impossible for him to solve more than 40!

   After hearing Ye Shi's answer, Gu Feng only took a second to make a judgment.

   "There is no other way but to withdraw!"

  Although the rewards of the quest are tempting, the strength of the opponent is beyond their business scope.

   Now, if you withdraw, you will lose some ammo, and if you fight again, you will have to throw your equipment here.

   However, almost the same time he made his judgment, the VM on his arm suddenly vibrated.

   A line of pop-up window appears.

  【Mission: Reinforce Winter Willow Camp (Completed)】

  【Mission (New): Cooperate with reinforcements to defeat the Marauders! (in progress)]

   Gu Feng was stunned for a moment, then ecstasy appeared on his face, and he suddenly looked up to the south.

   I saw that in the forest, dozens of figures had already emerged from the outline of the forest!

   Ye Shi, who was lying on the ground, also saw the situation in the distance, and shouted out overjoyed.

   "It's reinforcements! Our reinforcements are here!"

   The voice has not yet finished, with the sound of the charging whistle, the screams of killing in the distance are already boiling.

   "Brothers, go ahead!"



  The earth-shattering cries swept from the south to the north, like thousands of troops rushing in the forest.

  People haven't arrived yet.

   But the overwhelming aura had already frightened the looters in the village with heartbroken and sweaty.

   A drop of sweat fell from Yu's forehead.

   Being pinned down by the sniper rifle in the wooden house, he didn't dare to look out, and he didn't know how long it would take for reinforcements to come.

   He only knew one thing.

  If he doesn't withdraw, he and his brothers will die miserably!

   "Get out! This sound is at least a centurion!" Iron Knee, who was hiding in another wooden house, shouted at him.

   and another ten captain reached a consensus, Yu immediately made a decision and shouted loudly.


   "Everyone retreat!"

   In Winter Willow Camp.

  The looters couldn't hold on any longer, and they left their bunkers and wounded, fled from the occupied wooden houses and sheds, and took their way to the north.

  The sound of gunfire gradually faded away.

  The survivors who hid in the cabinet, under the bed board, and in the ruins, came out of the hiding place.

   Looking at the destroyed village and the corpses scattered on the ground, their faces were dazed, and soon someone started to cry, or silently knelt on the ground.

   is not so much despair.

   is rather numb.

  No one knows how to face all this, let alone what to do next.

The    boy found his sister, patted her on the back of the head, and muttered something to comfort her.

  The village chief of Dongliu Camp, Ma Zhanqiu, found the eldest son who was beaten into a sieve by the looters on the street leading to the north gate.

   He held a shotgun in his hand, his eyes were wide open, and he held two unloaded bullets in his hand.

The    Adam's apple moved, the old man closed his eyes and remained silent.

   Fang Chang with a mechanical compound bow on his back, and Qui-Smoking with a rifle, walked out from the side of the street.

   Looking at the mess and the purgatory on earth, he quit smoking and swallowed.

   "Is this game always so real..."

"It's always been, and before you came, we've seen worse. Fortunately, there are emotionally dulling filters, and taking off the helmet is like a lucid dream that makes your brain feel uncomfortable. The part will be blurred, so don't worry," Fang Chang patted Quit's shoulder, "Just get used to it."

  Can't get used to it, and there are easier ways to play.

   For example, fishing, hunting, mushroom picking or something.

   This game does not stipulate how players must play. In fact, operators have been encouraging players to find their own gameplay within the rules.

   Quitting Smoking nodded his head in confusion.


   If it were in reality, if he didn't say that he was scared to pee his pants, he must have been scared stupid. How could he talk and laugh with his teammates like this?

   Everyone is an ordinary person, not a crooked **** of war.

   But think about it, the body in the game is different from the one in reality.

   If you really want to be as weak as your body in reality, why not play with a hammer?

   With his body hollowed out by tobacco and alcohol, he would have to gasp for a while after running twenty or thirty meters, not to mention scrambling while holding a rifle.

   There is no doubt about it, any scavenger who comes in will be able to press him to the ground and hammer...


   (I dare not say that it is before eleven o'clock in the next chapter, it should be around eleven o'clock... I will upload it after reading it twice.)

   (end of this chapter)

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