This Game is Too Real

Chapter 208: Incredible Biological and Technological Singularities

  Chapter 208 Incredible Biological and Technological Singularity

   "Huh... uh huh..."

   The gate of Highway Town.

   Holding the tail of the rifle, leaning against the rusted road sign, leisurely humming a little tune that Sith had never heard before.

   is weird.

   "What is Ah Wei humming?"

   Seeing Sisi looking over, the corners of his tail's mouth twitched upwards and said proudly.

   "Song heard on the radio!"

   "Radio?" Si Si froze for a moment.

   What an ancient setting.

Tails said with bright eyes: "There is a radio in the reception room on the first floor of the sanatorium. In the evening, it will play some incomprehensible things, and in the afternoon, it will play several repeated singles on a loop, which seems to be the original soundtrack built into the game! I observed it before! It's been a whole day! Oh, Si actually didn't find this easter egg!"

  Why should I pay attention to that kind of boring stuff?

  Siss helplessly looked at the slowly moving clouds in the sky, and said with a sigh.

   "By the way, is it really okay for us to fish like this every time?"

  Tail gave Si Si a dissatisfied look.

   "What is fishing! Isn't the tail not working hard?"

  Siss reminded.

   "I heard that deserting while standing guard is a death flag."

  Tail doesn't care about Tao.

   "Don't be afraid, the tail is agile, as long as the tail is fast enough, death will always be one step behind the tail!"

  S: "..."

   The team they were in at the moment was on an inter-provincial highway leading to the east.

The terrain of the    highway is higher, with gentle downward slopes on both sides. As it is an inter-provincial highway, buildings are rarely seen nearby, and outside the guardrail are swathes of pine and cypress, as well as litter and shrubs dotted in the forest.

   The name of this survivor stronghold is Highway Town, which, as the name suggests, is a town built on a road. The only landmark building here is probably the road sign with a height of about three stories behind the tail, which is why this survivor settlement is named.

  The survivors here built a long and narrow settlement along the road using materials removed from scrap cars and wood obtained by cutting down trees.

   One advantage of doing this is that in rainy weather, you don’t have to worry about soaking your house in water, and when there are wolves and hyenas wandering over, you don’t dare to rashly attack people living on the slopes from both sides.

   The architecture here is quite wild, just like the temperament of the local residents.

   They don’t usually grow crops, but mainly raise goats as tall as horses. If you have to find out the only difference between them and the nomads, it is probably that they will not move their nests easily. They will occasionally plant some cash crops such as camu trees, and sell the rubber and camu fruit that can be extracted to the past. trader.

   To be honest, Sisi admires the operators of "Wasteland OL", who can make each survivor settlement in a different style. And this style is very different. It is not only reflected in the modeling and texture of the game, but goes deep into the core of the game.

  These survivors have their own unique culture and customs, and have different moral codes, worldviews and beliefs than others.

   This kind of detail is not only reflected at the collective level, but also accurate to everyone in the collective.

   As they stood guard, a child in a fur coat was standing under a small tree, as if saying goodbye to something. The men and women who had packed their bags stood at the door of the house, looking sad at the newly repaired new home.

  Not far away, because he wanted to take away the kam trees wrapped in hemp ropes and plastics in the field, the old man over 50 years old was arguing fiercely with the scar-faced man.

   They are like living people.

   Not only does he have his own life, but the trajectory of his life is affected by countless variables, and from this has evolved a tree diagram with countless possibilities, rather than a one-way line that can be seen at a glance.

   This is much better than the sandbox games she's ever played.

   is even more "powerful" than reality!

   She even wanted to set off immediately and pack her bags for a trip.

   But then again...

   Do you think you are deserting yourself?

  Siss unconsciously glanced to the side and found that no one paid any attention to them.

   Maybe the other team members didn't have much expectations for them from the beginning. My darkest and another perception department buddy consciously went out for meat detection.

   The battlefield dude carrying the rifle couldn't stop wandering in the distance, trying to find someone to fight, but unfortunately the weather was so cold that he couldn't even find a mutant hyena.

Captain Spring, who is currently wearing the only "orange" exoskeleton in full suits, always stands in the most stable position to take command, and super-prudently assigns specific tasks to each team member - including being a bait outside. Battlefield dude and I are the darkest.

   In general, this team is still relatively reliable, at least more reliable than the fringe dude, the death team that kills chickens at midnight, and the magician team.

   So that Sisi often thinks about the meaning of staying here with his tail.

   glanced at the time on the VM screen, his tail stretched out, and yawned.

   "S, it seems that there is no fight today, and we can only wait until tomorrow to show off our skills."

   "Awei, please quickly recall that you are actually a girl—"

   There was a sudden explosion in the distance, interrupting Sisi's rant.

  The two of them looked in the direction of the explosion sound, and invariably grabbed the weapons in their hands.

   "The enemy is coming?!" Tail was full of energy, and his eyes were shining.

  Siss glanced at the map and pondered for a moment.

   "No... I feel that the sound is quite far away, 80% of which are other teams."

   At this time, the scolding of the battlefield brother came from a distance, which confirmed her conjecture.

   "Hey! Why didn't we trigger the plot! Bad review!"

   Unlike the regrets of the players, the survivors of Highway Town were obviously frightened by the explosion, and they stopped their movements and looked towards the northeast with a look of surprise.

"what happened?"

   "That voice..."

   "Did something explode?"

   "It shouldn't be a bone chewer!"

   "Those **** looters! Let me catch them and I'll screw their heads off!"

  The crowd was talking.

   Ye Owl, who was standing in the Cam's Arboretum, frowned, and the scalded scars on his face were crowded together. He unconsciously put his hand on his waist, but quickly pulled it back.

   The sound is at least 4 kilometers away from here, with a large area of ​​ruins and wasteland in the middle, it will take some time to come here.

   The old man, who was still arguing with him a second ago, also looked to the northeast with sharp eyes and muttered to himself.

   "It's the direction of the battery factory."

   His name is Hook, and he is 56 years old this year. When he was young, he was an agile hunter until he was shot in the knee and became an old Hook who planted a cam tree.

  Although he is not an Awakener, he can live to his age and his rich experience is not inferior to his genetic strength.

   Ye Xiao looked at him with a solemn expression and asked.

   "The group of blacksmiths?"

  Hook closed his eyes and nodded lightly.

   "It should be... if you listen carefully, there are gunshots, and there are quite a few."

   Ye Xiao held his breath, listened carefully for a while, and frowned.

   "At least 40 people."

   "At least double."

   glanced at the trees that covered a full two acres of land, the old man sighed as if he had finally given up, and shook his head regretfully.

   "Go to your father."

   "Let's move faster!"


   Outside the west gate of the outpost, not far from the shooting range of the guards, there is a red brick house with only one iron window facing the outpost.

  This is the prison of the outpost. At this moment, several prisoners who have just been sent from Changlong Farm are being held.

   In addition, a special "prisoner" was held there.

  In the wooden shed, the four-meter-long Death Claw curled up in the corner.

  It was wrapped around a rope made of iron chains and devil's silk, and its amber pupils reflected a dangerous light, scanning the few people at the door.

   Being glanced at by the beast, Xia Yan unconsciously took a step back and nervously held the scythe assault rifle in his hand.

   This thing.

   is much more dangerous than a creeper!

   "You, what are you doing with this thing near the door?"

   Chu Guang, who was standing beside her, said without thinking.

   "For research, of course."

   He was wearing power armor, and he also wore a carbon nano-body armor that he got at the beginning of the game. He was carrying a nitrogen power hammer on his back. It can be said that he was armed to the teeth.

   Not to mention a mere claw of death, even if the Queen of Claw Crabs stood in front of him, he was confident that he would be able to retreat completely.

   "By the way, you don't need to come along."

   "What stupid words are you talking about, such a dangerous thing, how could I let you come alone."

  Chu Guang glanced at Boss Xia, who had a tense face, with interest, and couldn't help thinking, when did this guy start to become so brave.

Is    the reason for that leg?

   It looks like it's worth the money.

   "'s incredible!"

   Muttering to herself, Heya walked forward with a frenzy on her face, so frightened that Chu Guang quickly pulled her back.

"Are you crazy?"

   Lao Tzu's SSSR Card!

   No, it should be the players' SSSR cards!

   "Crazy? No, the world is crazy, I've never seen such an amazing creature!"

   Looking at the lizard with intoxication, Heya continued.

"I checked this guy's DNA, and he definitely belongs to the order Chordate Reptile Lizard! But it has evolved its own body temperature regulation mechanism, which can maintain a high metabolism in winter like mammals, as long as It will, even in winter without going to sleep!"

   "Even taiga lizards can only maintain a constant body temperature for a period of time during breeding... Is this really a radiation mutation?"

  Chu Guang didn't know how to answer this question. After all, he had only been in this world for less than a year, and it was the first time he had seen such a terrifying monster.

  Yin Fang, who was standing aside, also had an incredible look in his eyes.

   It's just that what he paid attention to was different from Heya's, and his eyes were fixed on the jet-black device on the neck of the dead claw.

   It looks like a large ring!

   "It's really outrageous... The device installed on the back of its head can really make it connect with the human mind?"

   "The result of the interrogation is indeed the same. Do you want to try it?"

   Having said that, Chu Guang took out a prop with the same shape as the "earphone with microphone" and threw it in Yin Fang's hand.

After   Yin Fang took it, he pondered it in his hand for a while, and quickly put it on his head without a teacher.

  The power is on.

The    **** is adjusted to the maximum!

   A slight electric current sounds like an overcurrent in the brain.

   But other than that, there seems to be no other feeling.

   "What's up with this thing—hiss!"

  The tingling pain that came from the depths of his mind made Yin Fang let out a pained sigh, and subconsciously reached out and pressed it on his temple.

   But the pain came and went quickly, and soon he got used to the tingling sensation and put his hand down.

   Watching Yin Fang slow down, Chu Guang, who had already tried it once, continued.

   "You can try ordering that monster...for example, ordering it to stand up."

   Holding Mai at the corner of his mouth, Yin Fang took a deep breath, stared at the dead claw and said.

"stand up!"

   The body trembled, and the death claw lying on the ground, although resisting the order, still dragged the scarred body and slowly stood up from the ground.

  What the hell?

   Really? !

  Yin Fang was shocked, and even forgot his headache, he continued to order to Mai at the corner of his mouth.

   "Get down!"

  Death Claw obediently lay on the ground.

The expression on   's face became more and more shocking, and Yin Fang continued to order it with excitement as if he had discovered a new continent.

"stand up!"


   "Draw circles on the ground with your tail! Tsk, isn't this okay? Then learn to bark like a dog!"


  The dead claw, who was repeatedly tossed, gradually showed a painful expression on his face, the neurons in the body were highly active, and the brain waves began to be disordered.

  Chu Guang can clearly feel that if it wasn't for the iron chain, this beast probably couldn't help tearing the guy in front of him with one paw!

   But Yin Fang didn't care about this.

   He just wanted to figure out where the limits of the set were.

   He tried almost all the commands he could try. Just when Yin Fang was thinking about what commands he could try, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell back with a flick of his shoulders.

  Chu Guang gently pushed forward with his left hand, dragged Dr. Yin who fell backwards, and took off the headset on his head with the other hand.

   "It's best not to use this thing continuously... It will not only cause a mental load on the object being manipulated, but also on the person using this device."

  Chu Guang tried this thing once before.

   Rather than mind control, this device functions more like a kind of "hypnosis".

   It does not allow the user to directly manipulate the actions of the controlled person, but through the pressure on the spiritual level, in a way of spiritual suggestion, the alien species who have been looped can execute a few simple commands.

   Like predation.

   Another example is to move forward, backward or run in a certain direction.

   One-legged hops can barely be performed, but things like drawing circles on the ground with their tails or learning how to bark can’t be done.

   This device cannot allow the controlled person to complete commands beyond its cognition, unless it has actively done similar things at a certain moment in life before.

   Even so, this device is great, but it is still far from the "morphogenesis field" in his sanctuary.

   Players from "different worlds" can directly "soul wear" clones, which is not much more awesome than indirect PUA and master's orders?

  The clone is immortal and the player can keep fighting.

   Which looks like this guy.

   The ring on its neck was broken, and it was out of control.

   "Sorry, I'm having a bit of fun, I've never seen this technique before..." Yin Fang shook his head and regained his footing.

  Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

   "A technology that even the academy doesn't know about?"

   Yin Fang said helplessly.

   "The academy is not omnipotent, and we also have things that we don't know much about or don't understand at all."

   After a pause, he continued.

   "I should have told you before, in order to facilitate the remodeling work, we divide the technology into seven levels of FEDCBAS for management according to the difficulty of remodeling, and allocate personnel and budget reasonably."

  Chu Guang nodded.

   "You did say it once."

   Yin Fang continued.

   "In fact, in addition to the well-known seven levels, there is an eighth level outside the system - we call it the singularity."

   "Singularity?" Chu Guang frowned and asked, "What do you mean."

Yin Fang: "It represents the cutting edge, a blank space for the future. These technologies are like a singularity in calculus, an unanalyzed point in a complex function, an island independent of sets... They are like our bottlenecks with the future.”

"For example, the neutrino channel you may have never heard of, or the mutants flooding the wasteland... They are all singularities, although immature, they usually have extremely attractive prospects behind them. Once completed, it will predictably set off a round of technological revolution. For example, the former corresponds to superluminal travel, we will be able to go to further galaxies faster and cheaper, and the latter corresponds to super life with full environmental adaptability. "

   said, Yin Fang shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course, the technological revolution mentioned here is based on the premise of social integrity. What we need now is obviously not innovation, but revival. So... the academy doesn't know much about the singularity, and only selectively retains some It is a topic worth continuing, and the focus of recycling work is mainly on the mature technologies in the system.”

  Isolated individuals outside the system, "future technology" that did not complete research even before the war.

   To make an inappropriate metaphor, probably similar to the forbidden magic in the fantasy setting?

  Chu Guang can only understand so.

   "I am suddenly curious, are the clones of the Legion a singularity?"

   What Chu Guang did not expect was that Yin Fang nodded decisively.

"Count, but only half of it. The full name of the whole project should be 'full life cycle adjustable technology'. If it can be completed, theoretically we can shorten or extend the time of any life cycle of any life, and control it in the true sense. evolution."

"If you want, you can be a child for life, or an adult, and you will be immortal at the genetic level. Our species will completely get rid of backward r-strategy and k-strategy, no longer accept natural selection, but self-defining itself ."

   Heya, who was standing beside her, was stunned on the spot.

   "Can this kind of thing be done?"

   "Who knows?" Yin Fang shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not, only the future knows everything about the future."

   About whether this kind of thing can be realized, Yin Fang and Heya started an academic discussion. It was obvious that Heya didn't believe it, saying that this kind of thing was unheard of.

   And Yin Fang glanced at her mouth for what she was sure about.

   "You're really young... Didn't your mentor teach you not to jump to conclusions about unknown things?"

   Hearing that Yin Fang actually pointed the topic to her mentor, Heya instantly froze.

  Xia Yan was stunned throughout the whole process, she couldn't remember clearly, when did she start not understanding.

  Chu Guang was lost in thought.

   He suddenly thought of that recording, the description of the "morphogenesis field".

   organized a moment of language, Chu Guang interrupted the argument between the two and said.

   "If there is a technology that can establish a strong connection between two different dimensions of consciousness, and transmit information across the boundaries of space and time."

   "What the **** is that? Magic?" Yin Fang, who was arguing above him, replied without thinking, in a tone that sounded like a mockery.

   But perhaps thinking that this guy is not easy to bully, he closed his mouth immediately after he opened his mouth.

   But Chu Guang didn't take what he said to heart.

   Because he felt the same way.

   Unheard of, it sounds like a miracle.

   However, seeing Yin Fang's reaction, Chu Guang probably understood.

   A certain technology hidden in Vault 404 has obviously surpassed the academy's cognition, and naturally cannot be included in the FEDCBAS classification system.

   There is no doubt that it has reached the realm of "singularity"!

   And it seems to have matured...

   Just when Chu Guang was about to chat with Heya about the Torch Church, Xiao Qi's voice suddenly came from the communication channel.

   "Master, something happened to your player!"

   Hearing this sentence, Chu Guang was stunned for a moment. He didn't have time to ask, and immediately closed the visor of his helmet. He flicked his index finger in front of the tactical eyepiece a few times, and cut to the map interface.

  Xia Yan, who was standing beside him, realized something when he saw Chu Guang's sudden movement, and asked in a low voice.

"what happened?"

   Chu Guang, who was staring at the map, frowned and said in a deep voice.

   "There is a situation."

The voice of    almost fell, and a guard trotted over from a distance.

   Standing in front of Chu Guang, he gave a military salute and said with a serious expression.

   "Master Manager, the squad you sent to the battery factory to cover the evacuated local survivors was attacked by predators!"

   "Understood, I have arranged for someone to go."

  Chu Guang looked up at the sanatorium, and saw a spare Hummingbird drone flew into the air and quickly disappeared in the northeast.

   Just now, he has mobilized the team that is on a mission nearby to support, and issued a defense mission to the players on the front line.

  Be sure to hold on until reinforcements arrive!

   "Hold on!"


   (I haven't finished writing the next chapter... I should be able to get it done before 12:00, it's too difficult for the handicapped QAQ)

   (end of this chapter)

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