This Game is Too Real

Chapter 227: funeral

   Chapter 227 Funeral

   After the battle is over.

  Chu Guang asked people to count the casualties.

   There were 37 guards stationed at Changchang Farm, 25 were killed, 4 were seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured.

   A total of 221 players participated in the battle, but only half of them were actually in contact with the enemy. Many reinforcements from the outpost had just arrived on the battlefield, and the previous battle was over.

  Except for the 4 people who died in the melee and 2 people who were seriously injured, the rest were all minor injuries, even if the motion sickness was counted, it was less than 10.

   Since there is no irreversible damage, the injured player can just lie down for a while in the training cabin of the refuge, which is not a big problem.

   On the side of the looters, although the offensive was like a broken bamboo at the beginning, as the players joined the battlefield, they were quickly pressed to the ground and rubbed.

   A total of 107 people were annihilated, of which 40 were shot by mosquitoes. When the edge of the water led people to search, only one was left with half a breath. Because the picture was too hideous, the fringe man couldn't bear to watch it, so he gave him a joy.

   In addition, there were more than 40 people, half of them were seriously injured, and more than 40% were slightly injured.

  It is not righteous to slaughter those who give up their resistance, and the spanner did not execute these captives, but that does not mean forgiveness.

   It's too cheap for them to die.

   They should repent with labor in the ice and snow, reclaim the wasteland north of Linghu Lake, until they pay for their sins or die.

  Because there were not enough cells, everyone was stuffed into a warehouse. The area was so small that there was not even a place to lie down.

   There were no medicines or even bandages for dressing. Some seriously injured prisoners soon lost their breath. Even if others were still alive, it would be difficult to survive the night.


   On the other side, the guard station.

   house the wounded.

   The boy with a bandage on his stomach was lying on his back on a stretcher, only half a breath left.

   He was shot at least twice in the stomach and had a piece of shrapnel embedded in his shoulder.

   With such a serious injury, in the wasteland with backward medical conditions, a death certificate can basically be issued.

   He didn't have much sadness in his heart. When he picked up the gun, he thought that he would die, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

   If I have any regrets, it’s probably that I didn’t drink that hot soup in the end.

  I really want to know what it tastes like...

   Just when he felt a little sleepy, he vaguely heard someone calling his name.

   "Lu Bei!"

   tried his best to open his eyes, and Lu Bei saw a boy with a bandage on his arm and ran towards him.

   "...Xu Shun?"

   "Lu Bei! Great, you're still alive!"

   smiled weakly, Lu Bei was about to say something, but saw Xu Shun hurriedly take out a needle, and then stuck it on his arm.

   There was no tingling sensation.

  Lu Bei even wondered if there were any needles.

   Looking at his relieved friend, he hesitated a little and said.

"This is?"

   "Therapeutic needles! The manager sent us, it is said that we can save it with half a breath!"

   Xu Shun smiled and continued with relief.

   "It's catching up! I thought it was too late!"

  Therapeutic needles?

  Lu Bei was taken aback.

   Can that thing work?

   Just when he was thinking about it, the wounds on his stomach and shoulders were like ten thousand ants crawling over, itching so much that people couldn't help wanting to scratch them.

   Pain begins to return.

   This is a good thing.

  Lu Bei gradually felt that his cold body seemed to be warming up, and his originally trance consciousness gradually woke up.

   His eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

Does    really work? !

   is simply divine!

   Looking at Lu Bei who was gradually recovering, Xu Shun stretched out his hand to support his arm and said excitedly.

   "Brother, do you feel better?"

  Lu Bei nodded.

   "Much better...but the shrapnel from my shoulders haven't been removed yet."

   Xu Shun said.

   "You're too weak to have surgery now. I'm afraid the shrapnel will have to wait for some time to recover before taking it out."

   Having said this, he sighed with emotion.

   "Hey, it's a pity that the nugget soup is mushy, but it tastes alright when it's hot. Do you feel like you can eat anything now? If you can, I'll go and get you a bowl."

   When Lu Bei heard that he had something to eat, he was instantly refreshed and reached out to support the bed board.

   "Go, let's go together."

"go together?"

   Before Xu Shun could react, he was surprised to see that the good brother, who was only half-dangling a few minutes ago, actually sat up from the bed.

   touched his belly, Lu Bei said with a smile.

   "I don't know too much, but I feel better... You see, it's not a problem at all."

   said, he jumped off the bed numbly, urging his friend.

   "Hurry up, it's getting cold again!"

   It wasn't just Lu Bei who recovered. The other three seriously injured guards also recovered with the help of the treatment.

   However, although the healing needle can speed up recovery, it cannot regenerate a severed limb, nor can it restore the burned skin to the same as before.

   Lu Bei was probably the luckiest, those two bullets didn't hit the key.

   If he deviates a little bit down or up a little bit, he will probably spend the rest of his life in regrets.

   "Have the medicine been distributed?"

   Standing at the gate of the guard station, Chu Guang found the wrench who was directing the aftermath.

This man is also a ruthless man. The polymer bulletproof plate hanging in front of the "five-style" exoskeleton has been completely shattered. He was shot in his left arm and right leg, but he was stubbornly driven by the exoskeleton. The battle is over.

   is different from the player.

   They have no diminished pain perception.

  There is no second life either.

   This bravery is at least worthy of a silver medal!

   "It's been posted..." Noticing the manager's gaze on his chest, the wrench glanced down, his expression instantly embarrassed, "Sorry, I broke the equipment you gave me."

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

   "Raise your head, you have done a good job. If the equipment is broken, it can be repaired. If it can't be repaired, it can be replaced with a new one, but there is only one life. I hope you can regard the latter as more important than the former."

  Four therapeutic needles, two boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, and more than ten boxes of hemostatic bandages.

   Chu Guang used to dislike the useless intermediate blind box, but this time it came in handy.

   However, this wave of consumption has almost emptied his drug reserves.

  The battle is imminent.

The    points seem to have accumulated to 120 points, so this time I go back and throw them on the intermediate blind box.

  Wrench's face showed a touch of emotion.

  How expensive that exoskeleton is, he knows how much he has seen in the store.

   raised his head, he said in a strong voice.

   "Yes, my lord!"

  Chu Guang looked at him and nodded approvingly.

   "I'll have someone make you a steel breastplate to replace it."

   "Now, take me to see the wounded."

   "Yes!" Wrench nodded excitedly and led the way.

   Just as the two were walking towards the guard station, a young man slipped out of the station.

   The north wind was blowing outside, and Lu Bei tightened his coat, which had several holes in his body, and walked towards the north.

   A war broke out here before. The ground was full of trampled snow and muddy water mixed with blood. One shocking footprint was **** the ground, and it was not completely frozen.

   Several reinforced guards stood nearby on duty, supervising several prisoners of war dragging the bodies to the open space and lining up.

  The corpses are well-recognized, the guards all wear black coats, and the looters have ugly fur over their attire.

  The bodies of the guards were covered with cloth or something.

   And the looter's corpse lay on its back, which would be towed away by a truck in a moment.

  The corpse will attract scavenging alien species, and it is more likely to bring plague, which must be dealt with in time.

   noticed the boy in the coat, and a guard stepped up and urged him to leave.

   "Hey, what are you shaking here, hurry back, be careful the wound is frozen."

   Lu Bei whispered.

   "I'll wait and go back, I'll find someone."

   Looking at the expression on his face, the guard was startled.

   After being silent for a while, he nodded.

   "Then hurry up."


After    nodded and thanked, Lu Bei immediately trotted in. After searching for a while in this pile of dead people, he finally found the person he was looking for.

   Breathing paused slightly.

  Trembling fingers lifted the sackcloth.

   glanced at the frosted wrinkles and eyebrows, Lu Bei's throat moved, this time he finally believed what his comrades said to him.

   After being silent for a long time, Lu Bei silently took out a still warm lunch box from his arms and placed it next to the old man's face.

   "...Captain told me that it takes more courage than facing the claw of death."

   "He also said, thanks to you, we responded the first time, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous."

   "He said, our enemies are much stronger than **** hands, and defeating them is something to be proud of. We not only defeated our enemies, but also our past."

   "The captain said a lot of things, but I can't remember them. I just remember that the nugget soup was delicious, especially when I just scooped it out of the pot, my whole body was warm when I took a sip..."

   "...I put it here."

  Lu Bei was about to get up when he suddenly saw the whistle biting on the cracked lips.

   After a while of silence, Lu Bei stretched out his hand and gently tugged at the whistle that was bitten by his teeth, and took it out of his mouth.

   found a pocket with no holes on the scarred coat, and he carefully put it in and kept it.


   "I'll keep it for you."

   whispered something, the boy covered him with a cloth, got up, gave a military salute, and walked away in the direction of the guard station...


  Official website:

   [Full server announcement: The emergency mission is over, thank you all, you have foiled the raid of the predators, and the victory belongs to you! 】

   [Full server announcement: All players who respond to the mobilization will receive a bronze gear medal, and the team with the highest score will receive a silver gear medal. 】

  【The campaign rewards will be settled later, I wish everyone a happy holiday. 】

   For the aborigines in the wasteland, the price of any victory is heavy.

   But for players who do not belong to this world, this is just a game after all.

   After taking off their helmets, they still have to eat unfinished dumplings, or reheat the cold takeout, and there may be unfinished work to be done in a while.

  Chu Guang pondered for a long time, but finally did not write down his heavy heart in the announcement.

   Today is New Year's Day.

   It was dawn and there was a funeral.

  The battle report can wait until tomorrow.

  Things other than the main line can be written in the setting set of the official website data, or placed in the game as easter eggs for players to discover by themselves.

   They have done a great job.

   should not be plotted by dogs to torture humanity.


  Tomato scrambled eggs: "Brothers, how is the situation on the front line? Is the team battle over?"

  Old Bai: "It was a lonely fight. When we rushed over from the outpost, the front was already finished."

  Tail: "The tail is the first! This time it must be the MVP! (`)Ψ"

  WC really has mosquitoes: "Don't think about it, the MVP must be me, I killed the four teams alone! (screaming teeth


   Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "What the hell?!"

  Ye Shi: "Fuck! Are you hanging up?!"

  Professor Yang of Lightning Dharma King: "If you don't understand, ask, how many people are in the fourth team?"

   Gale: "The predators are usually a team of ten..."

  Professor Yang, Lightning Dharma King: "It's awesome!"

   quit smoking: "I rub, so strong?!"

  Irena: "Yes, yes, goblin technology is on the rise. (funny

  I want to go to the toilet and ask: "What a great hammer! The gun is ours! (lifts the table

Ye Ao Nai me: "Laugh, that's all? Add up to less than one company. My uncle and his team, the weakest cook has a hundred lives. Only forty, not even a rookie. ."

  Irena: "Brother, even though we are a black forum, I don't want to talk about it randomly. (Funny

  Ye Shi: "Just ask if you don't understand, is your uncle Helding? (funny


  The funeral of the fallen guard was held early the next morning.

   All the guards lined up at the north gate, fired three shots into the sky, and then loaded the bodies of the dead into trucks.

  In the wasteland, burying in the soil is equivalent to giving food to the alien species. Many alien species have the habit of digging food and digging holes in the soil.

   Almost no one would choose burial if they could choose.

  The wish of most of the guards is to go to the iron furnace like the blue jackets who have helped them.

   There are also people who wish to be cremated, to scatter their ashes in lakes, on tall buildings, or in places they once fought and defended.

  No one knows their last wishes better than their comrades, and those who survive will do those "after things" for them.

   stayed at the funeral until the end.

Before    left, Chu Guang suddenly noticed that several players were watching from a distance, and they stayed like him until the end.

  Short bullshit: "By the way... the NPC in this game is dead, can't it be refreshed?"

  Macabazi: "It should be, I remember that it seems to be gone when it is set to die, but there will be other people who will take over their positions."

  Short calf and sighed.


   Makabazi glanced at him.

   "What's wrong brother? Emo early in the morning?"

  Short bullshit: "It's nothing... I just counted around and found that there was one person missing."

  Makabazi said in surprise: "Hey, can you still remember their faces?"

   He is blind, and there are very few faces that he can remember in reality, let alone games with filters.

  The only estimates that can be remembered are Xiaoyu and Boss Xia, plus Luka at most.

   Oh yes, and the respected administrator.

   But the manager doesn't always show his face, remembering his face doesn't make much sense, the dark blue power armor is more representative.

  Short the calf and said with a sigh.

"No, I only remember a few. For example, the old man would go to the lake to watch us fishing on weekends every week. When I saw his expression, I knew he was a fellow man, so I gave him the fishing rod at that time. I taught him to catch leeches with a bottle..."

   Makabazi was stunned.

   " there a hidden mission?"


   Shao Chu Duzi shook his head and sighed for the third time.

   "Although it's meaningless, it's also quite interesting."

   "And when I think that that fisherman won't come again, I'm still a little lonely..."


   (I overestimated my hand speed... I wanted to write the next paragraph and send it together, but when I looked at the time, I felt uncomfortable T.T)

   (end of this chapter)

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