This Game is Too Real

Chapter 230: spring thunder

   Chapter 230 Spring Thunder

  New Industrial Zone.

   Workshop of Goblin Technology.

  In the workshop where various parts are stacked, there is a tricycle with a rather punk shape.

   Unlike ordinary motorcycles, this thing not only has half-human-high tires, but the engine that drives the tires is ridiculously large. Because the height of the engine exceeds the seat cushion, it has to be mounted on the side of the motorcycle and carried on an extra wheel, which looks like a three-bumper with a front and a back.

   And the shape of the engine is also quite unique. The shape is like a stove for burning sweet potatoes. There is a round inlet at the top. It is easy to be used as an outdoor trash can when placed on the roadside alone.

   But in fact, the overly wide feed inlet was deliberately designed that way for the convenience of the driver to add firewood inside.

   Walking beside the manager, Mosquito excitedly introduced his new invention to him.

   "This is a firewood engine designed for the terrain near Qingquan City, imitating the engine of the regiment-style light truck!"

"After some simple improvements, it is now more adaptable to bumpy environments than before. Even jumping up and down in a mud pit, it can ensure that the engine will not accidentally stall. Our soldiers no longer have to hold the **** of their gun to resist The wood in the feed inlet!"

   "And this motorcycle is also a masterpiece of our goblin technology, I call it - 'Death Breath'!"

   "How? Does it look cool?"

   In a sense, it’s really cool.

   It's just that Chu Guang felt that the name was somewhat unlucky, as if the person sitting on it was doomed to never return.

   But aside from these, this thing is quite interesting. The principle of the engine is probably similar to that of the pot camel machine.

  The feeding port in the shape of a trash can is connected to the iron bucket-like device and pipe. After the wood is fed into the feed port, it is dried in the process of slow sedimentation, and then cracked by the internal heat, incompletely burned in the limited oxygen, and the carbon on the surface reacts with water and oxygen to generate hydrogen and methane. The mixed gas of carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide is finally introduced into the engine after passing through the metal condenser tube.

  The principle after this is similar to other natural gas engines, including piston and cylinder structure and so on.

  Three kilograms of wood is equivalent to one liter of gasoline, which is enough for this motorcycle to run 20 kilometers, which is equivalent to 15 kilograms of wood consumed per 100 kilometers. It is not only easy to use but also cheap.

  After all, the most important thing in this wasteland is wood.

   In fact, this thing is not a recent invention of Mosquito, after all, he had vaporized firewood in the woodworking hut a long time ago.

   And the molotov cocktails used by the players in the early days, as well as the flamethrower he used himself, were all made from the by-products of the vaporization of firewood.

   After carefully looking at this uniquely shaped motorcycle for a while, Chu Guang looked at Mosquito and continued to ask.

   "What is the fastest speed this motorcycle can drive?"

   Mosquito said in a positive tone.

   "100 yards is no problem! But I don't recommend driving that fast. With the road conditions outside, I'm afraid a bump can make it fly."

  Chu Guang nodded, showing understanding.

  Although he has never ridden a motorcycle, but he has ridden a battery car, he can make up the picture with a little imagination.


   "Although there is still a lot of room for improvement, it's good to be able to do this."

   "With this thing, our mobility on the battlefield will increase a lot. Thank you for your contribution to the revival of the People's Federation."

   I didn't expect that my invention would get such a high evaluation from the faction leader, and Mosquito's face suddenly showed a flattered expression.

   restraining the excitement in his heart, he said excitedly.

   "It's my honor to share your worries for you!"


  Silver Coins!

   The most important thing is that your own invention has been recognized!

   Mosquito couldn't help but burst into tears when he thought of his proud work, being able to put it on the NPC store and being selected by the players of the full server.

   Who else dares to say that his invention is useless?

   Who else dares to say that his creation is superfluous?


   Just ask who else!

  Chu Guang glanced strangely at Mosquito, who was suddenly excited, but didn't say anything, but continued to ask about production.

   "Isn't this kind of engine troublesome to make? And that... uh, 'Death Breath' motorcycle, how much can you produce a month?"

   Mosquito said with a smile.

   "No trouble! As long as the supply of materials is sufficient and the orders from the steel mill can be lined up, there is no problem in assembling one in three days! If it is fast, it can be done in two days!"

   Three days.

   is a little slower.

   I'm afraid I have to miss the current battle.

   But Chu Guang also knew that there was nothing he could do.

  To engage in large-scale production requires a lot of manpower and material resources. At present, 80% of the resources in the new industrial zone are concentrated in the production of weapons, equipment and ammunition. No matter how much you mobilize, it is impossible to conjure something out of thin air.

   As for the vehicle, it can only be placed on the second priority temporarily.

   But what makes Chu Guang gratified is that Mosquito seems to have come to his senses recently, and finally began to consider abandoning the production model of the small workshop, adapting to the needs of the "version", hiring other players and aborigines, and learning from the No. 81 factory to become bigger and stronger.

   This is definitely a good start.


   Posted an order to Goblin Tech via VM.

   Chu Guang, who had left Goblin Technology, went to the No. 81 Iron and Steel Factory for a circle, and then returned to the outpost.

   However, shortly after he returned to the base, he saw the wrench walking towards him with a serious expression.

   "Sir! The patrol team you deployed in the northeast has news that they have witnessed a large number of predators from the Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experiment Base to the Dongliu Camp."

   "They should be from the southern suburbs of TS City!"

Is    finally here?

  For some reason, after hearing this news, Chu Guang's heart not only did not have a trace of tension, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

  The Black Snake chooses to attack at this time, which is better than delaying it for a month, and he and Vanus have long expected that they will attack in advance.

   It looks like the looters want to spend the winter in a cell.

Very good.

  Chu Guang looked at the wrench and ordered calmly.

   "Mobilize all soldiers."

   "Deploy as planned the night before!"

  The wrench looked solemn and took command.

   "Yes! Your Excellency."


   Northeast of Qingquan City.

   A convoy consisting of twenty light trucks, eight armored pickups, and a tank is now twisting and twisting in a white snow, slowly creeping forward.

   In addition to the vehicles, there were hundreds of looters on the flanks of the convoy, as well as nearly a thousand slaves in shackles.

   Since they brought all their belongings, they marched very slowly.

   Every now and then a truck gets stuck in the snow due to bad road conditions, or gets stuck in the terrain, so slaves can only carry it.

   So much so that the predators walking beside them had to slow down and wait for these bulky big guys.

   Sitting in the back seat of an armored pickup truck, the expression on Black Snake's face was a little impatient, and he couldn't help urging the driver to ask.

   "How long until we get there."

   The driver who was holding the steering wheel answered nervously.

   "Should be there before dark, my lord."

  Before dark...

   It looks like I have to spend the night in the snow tonight.

   Knowing that urging is useless, Black Snake cursed a few words in his heart, and continued to wait patiently.

  The night before yesterday, the scout he sent to the south found that a fierce battle broke out in the direction of Changchang Farm, and during the period, he saw a signal flare rising into the night sky.

   Although he did not see the specific situation of the battle, his scout reported that there were at least 300 or more people in the exchange of fire when they heard the gunshots.

   Two or three centurions.

   It seems that his old friend Shiya saw his thoughts, and this time Tie Xin plans to get ahead of them. Before the snow melts, he will push the troops southward 20 kilometers and directly eat a large area of ​​land in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

   Black Snake knew that he had to take action.

   If you continue to wait until spring, you may not even have a mouthful of soup.

   Sitting next to the black snake, Vaders said cautiously.

   "It's not a good idea to march on a snowy day. Our armored units can't take advantage of their maneuverability in the half-meter-thick snowdrift."

   Whether it's an armored pickup truck or a tank, or two 100mm howitzers towed by a truck.

  These heavy equipment can get stuck in the snow if they are not careful, and if they are anchored in an untimely place, they are likely to become living targets.

   However, the black snake didn't care, or didn't take this warning to heart at all.

   Judging from the strength shown by the survivors in the northern suburbs in the first two battles, they were only at the level of two centenarians.

   And there are four of that kind of thing just next to him, and another six have already set off to explore the way in front of the large army.

  Cannot take advantage of mobility?


   Does he need that?

   In the face of absolute power, he just needs to slam the muzzle into their faces, and they will naturally surrender without their armor and armor.

"The blizzard has stopped, and the worst is over. Our infantry will clear the obstacles ahead, and our armour and supplies will follow. If the situation is optimistic, we will be able to live in their houses and sleep with them tomorrow night. quilt."

  Wades asked.

   "What if the situation is not optimistic?"

"The day after tomorrow," Black Snake patted Vaders on the shoulder, with a happy expression on his face, "don't worry, my friend, I know you like careful planning, but sometimes you are also very adaptable. important."

  Wades shook his head and said.

   "This is not a war, this is a gamble."

   "Gambling? I don't hate that word."

   Black Snake continued with a smile.

   "I know what you are worried about. If our frontline troops are attacked, our tanks will not be able to rush up, right?"

  Wides: "..."

   Before he could speak, the black snake continued to speak proudly.

"This worry is completely unnecessary. It's not just us who are hit by the heavy snow, they are the same. No matter how long my front line is, it is still within the range of artillery fire. Without vehicles, they will be like ants stuck in the snow. Like a grasshopper, crushed to the ground by our artillery!"

   "What if they choose to attack our rear?" Vaders couldn't help but say, "If I were them, I wouldn't foolishly charge from the front."

   A trace of displeasure appeared on Black Snake's face.

  Although this staff officer can occasionally provide some very constructive advice, sometimes his speech is really unpleasant.

   Especially he doesn't think that attacking his rear is a good idea.

"Do you think I didn't consider this situation? Otherwise why would I leave four centurions behind? Even if they took ten thousand steps back, they miraculously bypassed the troops in front of us and appeared behind us. Four centurions would be enough to overwhelm them."

   Not to mention this is impossible.

  This winter is equal for all.

  It is impossible for a person to fall from the sky.

  Thinking and avoiding the search for the six centurions, they could only circle from the east, and they had to circle a lot.

  It is conservatively estimated that their marching route will be extended to 30 kilometers, and during this period, they will pass through large areas of snow, as well as scattered forests and ruins.

   Waiting for them to go to the rear with all their effort, maybe their armored troops have already entered the urban area of ​​Qingquan City!

   And even if you take 10,000 steps back, it doesn't matter if they touch the back.

   Even if the tank gets stuck in the snow, at most it will get stuck on its tracks, and it will not affect its turret.

   With the cooperation of the four centurions, the dense bullets and cannonballs will slap those **** bugs on the snow like swatting flies!

   He has been waiting for this day for over a month!

   After listening to Black Snake's words, Vaders chose to be silent, because he really didn't know what to say.

   Not sending everyone to the front only shows that he is not stupid, but it does not mean that it is a smart enough decision.

  If this guy were to be the commander of the expeditionary force, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to last for a week, and they would be able to wipe out a million army in three days.

  Weders sighed silently in his heart, and now he can only pray that the other side is also a group of laymen.

   But I don't know why.

   Whenever he thinks like this, there is an uneasy feeling in his heart.

   This is the intuition he has exercised while fighting the people in the Great Rift Valley on the northern front, and this intuition has helped him avoid danger countless times.

   Will it really be so smooth?


   At this moment, whether it was Vaders, Black Snake, or the patrols following the convoy, no one noticed that on the snow **** 3 kilometers to the east, a pair of eyes were staring at them.

  The front of the telescope was covered with gauze, lying on the snowdrifts, Ye Shi restrained the excitement in his heart, stretched out his frozen index finger, and pressed it on the uniquely shaped earphones.

   "Attention all squad leaders! The target has passed the marked area A and is moving to area C on the map... They should be going to the inter-provincial highway."

   "You sure won't let this big fish pass, will you?"

   In the sleeping bag not far away, Gu Feng, who was lying dead offline, fell asleep, and he had to go offline and call Gu Feng up later.

   They've been here for two days on a shift shift.

   In the past two days and two nights, the two of them never returned to the base once.

   Ye Shi didn't even know how he persevered!

  The voice of each squad leader came from the communication channel.

  The fleeing mole in the canyon: "Gan! Why don't you come from me!"

   Kill the chicken at midnight: "Come on, brothers!"

   In the snow field 5 kilometers away from the target, Commander Quan Shui, who was standing beside the truck, returned to the co-pilot seat and pushed the battlefield atmosphere group sitting in the driver's seat.

   "Drive, let's go to area C. Don't go up when you see someone, and stop the car before you fight."

   "Come on? Damn, this mission is really long enough... I almost dropped the line." The battlefield guy shook his head and started the engine.

   Commander Quan Shui ignored him and put his index finger on the earphone.

   "It's being transferred, target C the fringe team, those people are heading straight for your direction, this time I'm afraid you are taking the lead again."

   Next to the inter-provincial highway 4 kilometers away from the target.

   A team of players in white camouflage were crawling in the snow, with a forest behind them and a gentle **** in front of them.

  This is the closest road to the inter-provincial highway.

  The edge of the water reached out and pressed on the earphone, and answered calmly.


   After finishing the communication, he looked at the eager comrades behind him, took a deep breath slowly, and said with a serious expression.

   "Brothers, the enemy is heading straight towards us, only the last 4 kilometers left."

   "This will be the very center of the battlefield."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at the construction site boy and Brick.

   "...Brother Brick, you will aim at the tank's track for a while, and whether you hit or not, change positions immediately after firing a shot. If the track is broken, leave it alone and leave it to Big Eye."

   In front of him was a "horse lance" nearly two meters long, the construction site boy and Brick said excitedly.

   "Leave it to me!"

   "+1," Debt Big Eye took out the little robot from his backpack, and after confirming that the explosives were tied, hehe continued with a smile, "Are you saying that this time the market will open? I bet—"

   "Go away!"

   "I bet you a crow's mouth! As long as you talk too much, hurry up and put the robot in front!"

   Seeing the public outrage, the debtor coughed dryly.

   "I'm just kidding."

   It will be a tough fight.

   The enemies they will face will be several times as many as the last time.

   However, no one is afraid.

  The edge of the water can be felt, and the twinkling light in the pair of pupils beside him is excitement and the courage to look at death.

   They will stop all those robbers here.

  Want to go?

   Then come and try it!

   Edge glanced at the VM on his arm.

  I saw a line of light blue text appearing on the screen.

  【Mission: Action Code "Spring Thunder"】

   This thunder.

   will shatter all darkness!

   (end of this chapter)

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