This Game is Too Real

Chapter 269: Stitched behemoth with captive armor

   Chapter 269 Stitched Behemoth and Captured Armor

  The piercing scream pierced through the gray-green fog, and after a muffled landing sound, a black shadow smashed onto the concrete pile.

   Nearby players immediately aimed their guns at the black shadow.

   However, before he could see what it was, he heard a bang, and the black shadow instantly shattered into pieces, and black mucus and scorched meat splashed.

   The stench stuck on the gas mask.

  The player ducked and scolded.



   Fortunately, it was far away, but there were no casualties.

   However, at this moment, the shrill cry sounded again, and a dozen black shadows in the dense fog drew parabolas and smashed into the players' positions.

  The sound of explosions sounded one after another, the gray-green puffs of smoke flickered on the ground, and black mucus and chunks of meat splashed.

  Although the damage is not high, the range is not large, and there is no accurate head, but after forming a certain number, it still caused a lot of trouble to the players.

  One player was killed on the spot and four others were injured to varying degrees.

   The Battlefield Atmosphere Team was shocked and subconsciously said.

   "Fuck! Did they throw the martyrs as grenades?!"

   That thing has to weigh twenty or thirty kilograms, right? !

   To be able to throw this thing so far, I am afraid that the arm strength is not small!

  The spring commander immediately made a decision and ordered.

   "Class A, be careful!"

   "Class B fired high-explosive bombs!"

   The left side made a bang.

   Twelve 20mm high-explosive bombs drilled into the thick gray-green fog, bursting into an orange-yellow fire.

  Although there is no field of vision, it is still possible to predict based on the trajectory of the parabola.

   That attack seemed to have worked, and the number of martyrs flying in the sky was reduced by half.

   The second and third rounds of salvos followed, and the sound of explosions came from the thick fog, even accompanied by the sound of a few martyrs bursting from time to time.

  There were casualties on the xenogeneic position.

   Some were killed by high-explosive bombs, and many were killed by their own people.

   Commander Quan Shui, who was standing on the front line, was overjoyed. He could feel with his naked eyes that after these rounds of salvos, the offensive of the alien species was obviously weakened!

   seems to realize that this is going to end sooner or later, and the alien species in the dense fog no longer hesitates and begins to continue to attack the players' positions.

   Accompanied by a deafening roar, a sturdy monster rushed out of the thick fog with heavy steps.

  They are 2.5 meters long, their fat belly swaying from side to side, their necks seem to be connected to their chins, and from a distance they look like piles of walking meat pieces, like trolls in a fantasy world.

  I had never seen such a monster in the northern suburbs, and the players who were crouching behind the concrete stones were shocked.

   "Fuck, what kind of alien is this?"

   "I haven't seen it on the official website."

   "Xenomorph version of mutants?!"

   "Warhammer Ogres?!"

   "I think it's a bit like a tank in Survival..."

   "Muscle is replaced by fat."

  Behind the fat man who was running wild with his belly and arms, all the eaters followed him like little ghosts.

   Good guy.

   The step-tank collaboration has been sorted out?

  The players were surprised, but they didn’t get distracted by it. Now they’re playing in a group, so they don’t have the time to chat.

   After entering the shooting distance, the heavy machine guns deployed on the houses on both sides opened fire first, venting ferocious firepower towards the running aliens.

   Immediately after, the players of Class A also squeezed the trigger and fired at the rushing alien species.

Compared with the tyrants who are covered in **** armor, these running belly are thick with blood, but their defense is not high. The 7mm full-power rifle bullet may pass through the gnawing, but it hits them. Just right.

  I saw a string of black blood mist exploded on the fat piece of meat, and the cavities created by the rolling shrapnel in their bodies directly blew off their limbs.

   And the gnaws gathered beside them, facing the machine gun fire, also suffered heavy casualties. Occasionally a few high-explosive shells smashed past them, and it was a stump of limbs and arms, and they fell down in an instant!

   A few belly-chested and gnawed to the edge of Class A's position, but they soon discovered that the brutal battle had just begun.

  The players in the front row stopped the fire decisively, picked up the spears, hatchets and even sticks and shovels wrapped with iron wires, which were leaning on the ground, and greeted these alien heads.

  The players in the back row continued to fire to support, reducing the pressure from the front row for the players in the front row.

   The ones standing in front are all old players. They have experienced multiple versions. Not only are the panel data far stronger than ordinary people, but they also have rich combat experience. It is not too easy to deal with these aliens.

  Even in the face of three or even four gnaws at the same time, they can easily deal with it without falling behind.

The    fierce battle lasted for an hour.

   Under the crossfire of the buildings on both sides, the second wave of the wave's offensive finally began to gradually weaken, and in the end, only a few gnaws and "fat men" were still pounding the players' positions.

   However, it is already the end of the battle!

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team waved out the shovel in their hands, easily splitting the skull of a predator, and while lifting their feet to knock it down, they pulled out the shovel.

Next to    were two more gnaws rushing up, he didn't panic at all, stabbed and slashed, and cut off the heads of the two gnaws cleanly.

   Black blood splattered all over his body.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team raised his arm, rubbed the black blood on the gas mask, turned his head towards me and smiled.

   "This thing works so well!"

  I was struggling to pull the bayonet out of the gnaw, panting heavily.

   "MMP, how many more waves are there in the opposing offensive?"

   "I don't know, maybe it will last all night."

   "What the hell?" I was the most terrified, "Then it must be dark again in reality?!"

   "What are you afraid of, you just lived a few hours anyway."

   hung the shovel on his waist, and the old warlord squinted at the front.

   What is one night?

   I lost the "anti-addiction mechanism", he can play all day!

The offensive of the    wave stopped for a while, and there were only sporadic gunshots on the ground.

  The players were a little tired, but morale was still high.

   As of now, with the exception of Class A, which lost five people and injured ten people, Class B and Class C are almost full!

   At this moment, good news came from behind.

  More than 20 cute newcomers ran over from the back street carrying ammo boxes.

   "Ammo! Ammo is coming!"

The news that the    supplies were delivered made many players feel relieved.

   In the previous two rounds of offensive, there were at least five or six thousand alien species that rushed forward. Even if everyone saved bullets, they still consumed a lot.

When    set off, most players only carried six magazines, and now many players only have one magazine left.

   This batch of ammo came just in time!

  The spring water didn't have time to rest, and immediately asked the players in the team to divide 14 boxes of ammunition and send them to the B and C classes on both sides of the battlefield.

   There is the fulcrum of firepower.

   The remaining 6 boxes of ammunition were distributed to the brothers in Class A.

   There are almost 1000~1100 rounds of ammunition in an ammo box. In addition to the 2000 rounds sent to the two machine guns, the remaining 35 players can only get about 110 rounds.

   "Why so much?" Quan Shui asked with a frown.

  The Silver Hand, who was in charge of delivering the ammunition, said helplessly.

   "I also want to send more, but the ammunition has to be sent from the rear to the front. This is already the entire stock on 68th Street, and the management has already sent us all."

   Spring Water nodded and continued to ask.

   "How is your fortification going?"

Before the Silver Hand could speak, the Silver Sword next to him interjected and said, "One third of the construction progress has been completed! We made barricades with concrete fragments, pulled up barbed wire on the street, and stopped large alien species. Pushing stakes."

   "The residents of Bette Street and the serfs of Brown Farm have all been mobilized, and other players have joined in continuously, and it feels like at least a thousand people have been mobilized!"

   "Maybe it will be done in the morning!"

  The northern suburbs have reached a critical point of life and death, and no one dares to take it lightly.

   Hearing that one-third of the fortifications had been repaired, Commander Quan Shui slowly breathed a sigh of relief. After a pause, he walked up to the crowd and glanced around at the players who were delivering supplies.

   "Who of you can use a gun?"

   Hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes lit up, and twenty hands were raised in unison.

   "Me me me!"

   "I will! I play the FPS game Thief 6!"

   "I played at the shooting range!"

   Spring Water Commander: "..."

   is really new.

   However, now is not the time to pick and choose.

   chose five players who seemed to be reliable to stay. Spring sent them the guns of the dead players, taught them to shoot, and warned them.

   "Remember to fire when you see a monster!"

   "Also, don't point the gun at your own people."

   Holding the rifle in his hand, Father Silver said excitedly.

   "Good bro!"

While    was talking, the thick gray-green fog suddenly shrank, and then quickly expanded.

   is like breathing!

  The players standing on the ground finished their rest and looked at the gray-green fog in earnest.

   At this time, a muffled sound struck the ground, the cracked concrete pavement trembled faintly, and stones kept shaking off the building.

   Everyone's nerves were tense.

   At this moment, a long dull sound, like the whistle of a train, echoed on the fragmented ruins.

  A huge foot plate as thick as a bridge pier stepped heavily on the concrete floor, followed by a huge head that emerged from the thick fog.

   "Fuck... what is that?!"

  My darkest eyes widened, and the protruding eyeballs could not wait to be adjusted out of their sockets, staring straight ahead.

   He felt surprised today, he ate more than he had eaten in the past week.

   Not only him, but also the other players next to him, with surprise and disbelief written on their faces.

   Countless pieces of meat were piled up into five-story hills, rotting skin climbed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and the ugly faces were covered with sludge-like mycelium and mucus.

  It has no facial features on its head, only a rotting mouth, and a larger mouth on its stomach that keeps opening and closing, wafting an ominous gray-green.

   From time to time, alien species such as gnawing worms fell out of the big mouth, and then staggered to stand up from the ground.

  Commander Quan Shui's eyes shrank for a moment, and he stretched out his hand and pressed the microphone beside his ear and shouted.

   "Attention all squads, the Boss has appeared!"

   "Class B, Class C open fire! Armor-piercing incendiary bombs! Three salvos!"

   "Suppress it!"

   The stitched giant beast is like a wall blocking the fire net, and behind it is a patch of alien species. If you let this guy get close to the position, the consequences will be disastrous!

   A uniform response came from the communication channel.


   The guns rang out in unison, and 24 anti-tank rifles shot thick and long flames!

   Armor-piercing incendiary bombs streaked through the air in orange-yellow tracks, heading straight for the behemoth sewn together from flesh and blood!

   In the face of the players' focus, the stitched behemoth opened two mouths, one large and one small, and let out a dull roar from its throat buried in fat.

The aliens    gathered around him began to accelerate and ran forward.

  The 3rd round of offensive officially kicked off!

   "MMP's! This Boss' blood is too thick!"

  shoulders were shaking.

   Kakarot, who placed the 37mm heavy lance on the ground, scolded him, put an armor-piercing incendiary bullet into the gun chamber again, and then pulled the bolt heavily.


  The huge recoil even shook the dust on the ground.

   However, the cannonball hit the Roshan body, still like a needle poked into cotton, and there was no response at all.

   completely ignoring the firepower focused on himself, the giant sewn from flesh and blood was still walking steadily forward.

   squatted at the forefront of the battle line, and the Battlefield Atmosphere team shouted anxiously behind them.

   "Fuck, spring water, think of a way!"

   "Shut up, I'm thinking!"

  Quanshui's head turned fast, staring at the 5-story Roshan.

   He saw with his own eyes that the guy had at least six armor-piercing fires in his head, and logically his brain should have been scorched.


   The head is not its weakness at all? !

   There was no time for hesitation, and he gave the order immediately.

   "Attention machine gunners and anti-tank riflemen! Don't waste bullets on that meat mountain!"

   "Get rid of those creepers!"

   "All 37mm heavy lances! Focus the armor-piercing bullet on its left leg! Hit the joints!"

  It doesn't matter if you can't get rid of it.

   At least make it stop!

The    attack seemed to work.

   The heavy firepower weapons deployed on the tall buildings on both sides were frantically outputting, and the giant whose left leg and knee was hit by several armor-piercing bullets swayed, lost his balance, and fell heavily to the ground.

   The billowing dust was lifted up, and the air wave at the end even rolled up the surrounding spore cloud, and countless gnawing and even creeping people were squashed by the huge body.

The    machine gun bullets passed over its corpse, frantically harvesting the alien species behind it.

The    anti-tank rifle continued to fire, targeting those creepers and tyrants, preventing high-threat targets from approaching the position.

   The battle situation became anxious for a while.

   At this moment, Commander Quan Shui suddenly heard a voice like the sound of heaven from the communication channel.

   "Support firepower is in place!"

"hold onto!"

At the same time as the    voice fell, there was a series of cannon sounds in the distance.

   Several white phosphorous bombs rose into the sky, illuminating the night with dazzling white light.

   Under the strong light, the gnawing man's movements became obviously stiff, and the speed of his advance was also slowed down by half a beat.

   The stitched beast lying on the ground struggled to get up, but at this moment, four arcs of lightning flashed across the sky.

   Many players raised their heads when they saw the abnormality in the sky, with surprised expressions on their faces.

   "Look at the sky!"


  The two long-shuttle planes were one after the other, the plasma engines on both sides of the wings sprayed fire arcs, whizzing past Qingquan City like meteors.

  12 jet-black warheads were thrown from the belly of the two aircraft, starting from the stitched behemoth crawling on the ground, and swept towards the rear.


   In an instant, the fire soared into the sky.

The shock wave of the    explosion filled the entire street, and the boiling flames engulfed all the alien species on the street in an instant.

  The boiling heat wave even blew on the players' positions, scorching the corpses of the gnawing all over the place.

"That is……"

   Staring blankly at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, Commander Quan Shui swallowed.

   "Boulder's plane?"

   So strong!

   If only the shelter had such a strong firepower!

The flame of the    incendiary bomb created a vacuum, and after struggling for a while, the giant beast covered in fire quickly lay on the ground and became silent.

  The spore cloud was replaced by thick smoke, and the whole street was filled with the smell of scorching, which could be smelled from the far away artillery positions.

   There were cheers of victory around, and the players were shouting Niubi and 666.

   "Thanks for planning the rocket sent by Dad!"

   "Mom... this power is too fierce!"

   "How many were killed in this wave?"

   "Let's talk about two or three thousand... Four or five thousand is not impossible."

  Because of their blocking, the tide was very dense in front of the position. This wave of air strikes washed away even the spore clouds released by the fruiting bodies.

   It's just that there is still some confusion in Quan Shui's head.

  Where did this air strike come from?


  The temporary command post several kilometers away, staring at the picture on the screen, Chu Guang, who was wearing power armor, slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Finally caught up."

   Before, he instructed Xu Shun to buy support like the militia of the Stone City.

  12 incendiary bombs worth a total of 60,000 chips, more than 6 pieces, free delivery within the scope of Qingquan City.

   Good quality and cheap.

   Actually, Chu Guang originally planned to hire mercenaries to help fight, but the distance from Boulder City to 65th Street was too far, and the cost performance was not high.

   So he simply changed his mind. Using the contact information collected from the radio, he directly rented a militia plane and bought a wave of air strikes.

Now it seems.

  It was worth the money.

   As for where did the chips come from?

   Of course he can't take out so much, but he can borrow it from Liszt.

  Lister's battery factory and exoskeleton factory just opened, and he's now strapped to a chariot in Vault 404.

   Besides, Chu Guang's reputation is still good, and there is a large reserve of spiritual leaves in the warehouse. Liszt is not worried that he can't pay back the money, but wants him to borrow more.

   "The troops on the front line should be able to catch their breath."

   On the front line, sporadic flames burned.

  The backlog of corpses piled up into hills.

   The sound of mortars could be heard from time to time in the distance, and the 88mm high-explosive shells fell in the thick gray-green fog in the distance, leaving a trajectory covered by artillery fire with the Xu Jin barrage.

  Boss has been licked off by airstrikes.

   Only a few fish that slipped through the net were still struggling on the ground.


  Quan Shui slowly relaxed in his heart, perhaps because he thought about the problem too complicated, and this blocking battle might not be as difficult as he imagined.

   There are still five or six hours before dawn, and they have already caused one-tenth of the casualties to the aliens.

   However, at this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from the position on the right, and the spring suddenly looked towards the building not far away, but only a few flickering firelights could be seen in the darkness.

   A rapid voice came from the communication channel.

   "Encountered a lot of creepers on the left side!"

   "We are here too! The right position was attacked—fuck!"

   "Damn! Where did these dog things come from?!"

From the    communication channel, there was the sound of rifle fire, and the screams of creepers. The players stationed there fought hand-to-hand with the aliens who had invaded the building.

  Listen to that voice, obviously more than one!

   A drop of cold sweat ran across the forehead of the spring water.

   Just when he was about to send his hands to support the positions on both sides, a dark shadow suddenly burst out from the thick fog.

   Seeing the figure clearly, I let out a subconscious exclamation.

   "Power Armor?!"

To be precise, it was the power armor engulfed by slime mold. I saw that the rusted armor gap was filled with dark red flesh, and the steel surface from the breastplate to the leg armor also climbed a layer of dark red. Creep.

  Steel and flesh are organically combined to form a stitched monster that looks different, but what is surprising is that the running posture is no different from a real person!

   The positions on both sides that were attacked by the creepers reluctantly opened fire, and two 37mm armor-piercing bullets hit the heavy breastplate, creating a steep upward trajectory.

   failed to break down!

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team's eyes widened.

  T-10 Power Armor!

   He saw it on the forum!

   That is the photo that Elder Fang took when he first went to Boulder City. This armor was used by the militia in Boulder City!

   Was it captured by slime mold?

   It was too late to think about the reason for this, and the surrounding players pulled the trigger firmly, strafing towards the power armor, trying to stop it from moving forward.

   However, the 7mm shuttle hit it like a joke, and it didn't even make it stop.

  The distance of hundreds of meters is fleeting.

  The power armor rushed to the player's position, waving its right arm inlaid with a chainsaw, and took two lives in an instant.

  I wanted to make a detour, but just as I turned around and took a step back, I was cut in half by the whistling chainsaw.

   This unfortunate big brother has just been resurrected a few hours ago, and this time he didn't even shout a word of "Zhuo", so he physically went offline again.

   Seeing the power armor staring at him, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team knew that they could not escape, they threw away the rifle with empty clips, pulled out the engineer shovel and rushed forward.

   A chainsaw slashed head-on, and the speed surprised him. Even with the talent dodge turned on, the whistling chainsaw still cut off his right arm.

  Blood blood from the arm!

   Consciousness froze for a moment.

  The fieldman barely kept his awake, pulled out the battle dagger in his left hand, and stabbed the side of the power armor that was filled with dark red slime mold.

   "Death to the Lord!"

   However, the power armor actually took one step ahead of him, stretched out his left arm and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up from the ground.

The    dagger swung empty.

   Huge pressure came from his neck, and the battlefield guy felt difficult to breathe, his whole face swelled red, and he only felt that his head was about to burst.

   He threw the dagger in his hand at the iron lump covered with slime mold, but it only made a crisp sound, and it was useless.

  This **** probably inherited the defense of power armor, and the 37mm armor-piercing bullet left only a scratch on it, let alone a dagger!

The silver sword next to    was holding the bayonet in his hand, and rushed up to help, but before he ran halfway, a creeper fell to the ground and bit his neck.

   "Mom! Lao Jian! Ah ah ah, I'm fighting with you guys!"

   Seeing the aliens rushing to the face, the silver father with the jammed rifle pulled out his hatchet and rushed forward bravely, but he was quickly overwhelmed by the predators.

  The battlefield was in chaos, with gunshots everywhere.

  The player and the alien are caught in a melee.

   Both sides are ruthless characters who are not afraid of death, courage and morale have lost their meaning at this moment.

  The entire street turned into a **** meat grinder in an instant, engulfing both sides of the war, and the lives of both sides were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oh shit……"

   Pretend to be too much, I'm afraid it's going to be cold this time!

   Out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of this scene, and the warlord cursed in his heart.

   Before his consciousness had gone far, he tried his last strength, touched his waist with his left hand, and tore off the fuse hidden there.

   This is an organ he made himself.

   Just never had a chance to use it.

  6 grenades emit blue smoke at the same time.

   Staring at the scarlet eyes under the tin can, he spit blood on its face.

"……go to hell!"

   This spit made the tin can slightly stunned, as if he didn't understand what he was trying to do.

   At this moment, the fire burst!

  The Battlefielder was blasted to pieces without any suspense.

   The power armor was caught off guard by the flames of the explosion, and a large piece of the creep was blown away, but it did not cause any substantial damage to him.

  The defense line of Class A has been penetrated.

   With the collapse of the frontal front, the two-flank positions that had been fighting hard, soon fell into the siege of aliens.

  The battle continues.

   All are heroically resisting.

   Even if everyone knew that their death was doomed.

   "...As expected, he was killed by the plot."

   A wry smile appeared on Commander Quan Shui's face.

   The intensity of the fourth wave of attacks clearly exceeded their ability to bear.

   In fact, if it weren't for the previous wave of air strikes, they might not even be able to survive the third wave of offensive.

   He has tried his best to do the best he can.

   The rest will be left to the brothers behind...

   Throwing away the rifle with empty clips, Fountain pulled out his pistol and shot at the surging gnawing, intending to fight with his teammates until the last moment.

  You can’t run away anyway.

   Where can he go with an intelligence department?

   You don’t even have to think about hiding.

  According to the updated information on the official website, when the spores in the air reach a certain concentration, the slime mold xenogeneic species will gain an all-round perception of the area.

  Each cloud of spores is their eyes!

   A magazine was emptied, and Commander Springs reloaded silently.

   To his surprise, those gnawing men didn't attack him or even look at him, they rushed towards the positions behind him, or rushed into the buildings on both sides of the street.

  Dense fog spreads around.

   has completely engulfed him, and the visibility around him is less than five meters!

   At this moment, a vague outline suddenly appeared directly in front of him.

   It was a three-meter-tall giant. The dark red flesh was dragging on the ground like a long skirt. The face without facial features looked directly at him, and behind him were flying red tentacles, like Medusa's hair.

   Although it is not a sensory type, the spring water has a strong feeling.

   This guy in front of him may be more dangerous than the five-story beast before!

   His index finger touched the earphone, he took a deep breath and said calmly.

   "The artillery at my position."

  VM has marked his location.

  It takes about half a minute to correct the coordinates.

After   , Quan Shui raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger towards the monster in front of him.


   Flames spewed from the muzzle.

The    bullet hit the monster without splashing even a trace of blood, but he did not stop and continued to pull the trigger.

   seems to have succeeded in attracting the monster's attention.

   Or maybe the monster was running towards him.

   The face without facial features suddenly opened a slit, and a tentacle pierced his mask and pierced his right eye.

   didn't have time to react at all, and the fountain saw a black shadow flashing. Before he could see what happened, he disconnected from his game character.

  Headphones that fell on the ground.

  The picture continues to be transmitted.

   The monster let out a hoarse whisper.

   "...Embrace evolution."

  The spring, which had lost the control of his conscious body, stood there, motionless.

   The monster stared at him, as if confused.

   After a while, there was a hint of disappointment in that scarlet pupil, and he slowly withdrew his tentacles.

  The surrounding corpse gnawers swarmed up and quickly drowned the spring standing on the ruins. And the spring water standing there was left to gnaw at them, motionless.

  The surroundings were silent, except for the crunching of chewing.

  The picture is full of eerie colors.

   At this moment, there was a sudden burst of sound in the air, and dozens of mortar shells covered the area around the spring, and the explosions were linked together.

   A cannonball landed on the side, and the gnawers who surrounded the spring fell instantly.

   was hit by the explosive shrapnel and the shock wave, and the Medusa-shaped monster let out a shrill scream, and the meat under the skirt rolled, and quickly passed through the hot smoke.

  The sound of explosions continued one after another, the streets were in a mess, the gunfire in the building had stopped, and there were only two explosions that sounded from time to time.

  In the temporary command post several kilometers away, there was a dead silence.

  The camera was cut off by the sound of the explosion, and the surrounding air was terrifyingly quiet.

  Vanus glanced at Chu Guang involuntarily.

  Although the expression on his face can't be seen through the mask, it probably won't be too good.

   All 125 people were killed.

   There are also dozens of awakened ones.

   Even if their victory was outstanding, such a tragic loss would surely cast a haze over the entire Refuge.

   "...they are true warriors."

  Chu Guang nodded slowly.


  The construction progress of the first line of defense has reached 60%, and it is expected to be completely completed before dawn.

  Although it was still a few hours before dawn, the advancing tide had clearly stopped.

  The 65th Street Warriors bought them plenty of time.

   Lost the pod attached to the clone and start synthesizing a new container.

   At the same time, with 125 players offline, the official website of "Wasteland Online" is full of excitement...

   (end of this chapter)

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