This Game is Too Real

Chapter 273: Here comes the pillow man

   Chapter 273 The person who sent the pillow is here


   "This thing works too well."

   On the edge of the North Fourth Ring Road.

   Inside a half-collapsed building.

  Ye Ten, who was crouching by the window, was excitedly fiddling with the tablet in his hand.

   Not far in front of him, a quadcopter drone with a camera hanging out of the window was whimpering.

   This is the latest equipment launched by the scientific expedition after the quadruped robot - the "Y-1 Firefly" quadrotor drone.

The drone uses A3 aerospace aluminum produced by the Bach Aluminum Factory. The battery uses a solid-state hydrogen battery produced by the Liszt Factory. The neural access element is produced by the black box of Vault 117. Carbon nanocircuits And the operating equipment is modified by the universal wrist-mounted computer "VM".

  The price is not expensive, only 1000 silver coins, which is about half of the miner I-type exoskeleton.

   Since this equipment is independently developed by Vault 404 and does not need to be imported, the purchase threshold is very low, as long as the contribution points reach "citizen".

   Due to the use of lightweight materials, the weight of the drone is only 73% of the real drone of the same size, while the protection is increased by 50~70%. Not only that, the long battery life of the solid-state hydrogen battery allows it to hover in the air for up to 12 hours.

  If you are paranoid about power, users can also choose to connect another set of batteries based on the original battery pack.

   The positioning of this equipment is a close-range tactical reconnaissance drone. Since it is equipped with a neural access device, it is recommended for the intelligence department.

  The camera assembly is made of recycled materials from pre-war surveillance equipment. It has a high resolution and can still clearly see the stones on the ground at a distance of hundreds of meters.

   Summarize in one sentence.

   This is so awesome!

   "Awesome, right?" [Persuading Fight] standing aside, said with a smug smile on his face.

   Ye Shi couldn't stop praising him.

   "It's awesome."

  Spiciness is a real beef batch!

   Persuade said triumphantly.

   "More than that, if you are an intelligence department, you can also directly connect the brain to the computer to operate the flight of the drone, which is much more flexible than manual operation and automatic cruise!"

   "What the hell?! Can you still access nerves?" Ye Shiyi looked at him in surprise, "Dude, what are you doing in reality?"

   said Gu Feng, who was standing beside him with headphones on.

   "I remember auto repair?"

   He listened to the mosquitoes in the group. Recently, Goblin Technology has recruited a few younger brothers who specialize in auto repair, and they are going to study the engine or something.

   "Auto repair major is 'deadly', I major in electromechanical." Quan Jia said with a shy smile.

   Ye Shi said with emotion.

   "I think it's pretty cool to be able to make this stuff, no matter what your major."

   Persuade Hehe said with a smile.

   "It's actually okay, this thing is not as exaggerated as you think, not to mention that I actually do this business."

   Gu Feng asked: "Did you write this control program?"

   Persuade Jia shook his head and said.

   "How is it possible, I don't know how to write code, not to mention that the code in the game is just a bunch of garbled characters. I suspect that the production team did not take this seriously at all."

   "Then how did you..."

   "The control program and carbon nanocircuit are provided by Yin Fang, head of the scientific expedition!"

   Ye Shi then asked curiously.

   "What about the battery?"

   "The battery is a solid-state hydrogen battery from the Liszt factory! The shell and main structure are made of A3 aerospace aluminum!"

   After answering all Ye Shi's curious questions at one time, as he talked, Persuade himself couldn't help but sigh.

   "It's much easier to build a plane in the game world, 24 hours of long battery life, direct control of brain-computer access... I don't even dare to think about it in reality."

   In reality, most of the rotary-wing drones are mainly based on lithium batteries, and the flight time is mostly about 30 minutes. Although they can also stay in the air for 2 to 5 hours, it will make the volume of the battery very bloated.

   Or use a "fuel-electric hybrid" like Perimeter8, get eight propellers and hang two fuel tanks, and you can do it for 13 hours.

   Under normal circumstances, if there is a need to stay in the air for more than 2 hours, the fuel engine is directly changed and the fixed wing is installed, which is basically out of the scope of small drones.

  It is possible to achieve 24 hours of airborne time of a small quadrotor drone, which is probably only possible in the game.

   Hearing the emotion of the newcomer in front of him, Kuang Feng and Ye Shi looked at each other.

   Good guy.

   No wonder this equipment is placed in the NPC shop without a Goblin Technology card.

  The goblin technology is responsible for designing the appearance?

   Gale: "...So what is your role?"

   Persuade Jia smiled and looked quite smug.

   "I copied our company's drone and changed it!"

   Ye Shi was stunned.

   "Ah, this... is it really not an infringement?"

   persuaded the fight and said with a smile: "It's alright! Quadrotor drones don't always look like this. It's fine without a LOGO. After the public beta, maybe they can advertise our company."

   I'm not afraid of losing my job, and Ye Shi and Kuang Feng don't know what to say.

  Ye Ten returned the control of the drone and the tablet to Gu Feng, who had already worn the neural access device on his head.

  The biggest use of this thing is reconnaissance.

   For example, the perception department reports the approximate orientation, and the intelligence department operates the drone to lock the specific coordinates.

   The two tried several times, and they cooperated fairly well, and the scope of active investigation was at least doubled compared to before.

   Seeing that the drone he designed is so easy to use, the face of persuasion is full of joy, and he is already thinking about the improved design in his heart.

   "How about adding a bomb dropper underneath? Remote control to drop bombs!"

   Ye Shi's eyes lit up.

   "Yes! I'll see the punishment!"

   Gu Feng, who was wearing headphones, also nodded.

   "Indeed, you can also dive and drop bombs... But wouldn't adding a bomb dropper affect the maneuverability of the drone?"

   persuaded the fight and waved his hand with a smile: "It's just a load of one or two kilograms, what can I do? Don't worry, I'll leave this to me!"

  Yeto gave a thumbs up happily.

   "Brother steady!"

   "Hey, a steady batch!"

  The three were excitedly exchanging how to make this drone more tortured, and Old Bai, who was carrying an ammunition box, came over from the stairs.

   placed the ammo box on the ground, and he looked at Ye Shi and Gu Feng.

   "The mission is here, get ready, we'll leave in three minutes."

   Hearing that there was a mission, Ye Shi immediately stood up excitedly.

   "Come to work?"

   Lao Bai said with a smile.

"The caravan we sent to Boulder City has returned. In addition to the six players, there are five office employees and a guard in the team. Our task is to cover the VIPs who pass through the West Fourth Ring Road to the North Fifth Ring Road. Active area, where there is suspected to be a lot of xenogeneic activity."

   "The caravan covering the return journey?"

   Ye Shi, who was still excited, suddenly shivered and said embarrassedly.

   "Uh, can I apply to leave the team temporarily?"

   Fang Chang looked at him and laughed.


   Ye Shi blushed and said.

   "What does this have to do with fear?"

"Don't worry, according to my observation, Teng Teng is not so careful, I think she liked Fang Chang's strategy yesterday," Lao Bai patted Ye Shi's shoulder, smiled and squeezed his eyebrows, "This is not for Do you have a chance?"

"roll roll roll."

  Quitting looked left and right in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

   The persuaded brother who was standing by the side looked at Gu Feng.

   "You guys are going on a mission, so I'll withdraw first."

   Retracted the wind from the drone and took off the headphones on his head.

   "Do you need me to send you?"

   "No, it's only a matter of walking a few steps. Anyway, all the monsters on the road have been cleared by you. I'll just go back myself!" Quanjia continued with a smile, "It's you, be careful on the road."

   Gu Feng nodded.

"Ah, you too."


   It has been three days since the wave broke out.

   In the past three days, there have been constant battles, big and small. Players and aliens use the ruins between 65th Street and 68th Street as the battlefield, and they seem to fight street by street.

Perhaps it was because of the death of the "Rotten Knight" that the "Queen" who was hiding in the ruins cast a rat's arms. Although the wave of the waves has never stopped in the past three days, both the intensity and the number are worse than the first day. a lot.

   The frontal battlefield is deadlocked.

  Chu Guang could feel that Tide was trying to consume the living strength and ammunition in his hands by means of wheel warfare.

   At the same time, a large number of creepers were crossing the ruins and infiltrating the flanks of his position.

  Chu Guang certainly wouldn't watch them go around behind, and decisively dispatched a hunter team to clear out those creepers who were trying to cross the defense line.

   In this battle, the performance of the Hunter Guild can be said to be quite fruitful. In just three days, more than 200 creepers and nearly 20 tyrants were killed!

   Among them, the bull and horse team alone killed 27 creepers and 4 tyrants.

   And the player with the strongest individual combat power is undoubtedly the trash gentleman. In this uneven, rugged and complex street fighting environment, guns are not necessarily better than claws.

   Especially against creepers who jump up and down.

  According to the data collected by VM, Garbage Jun, who acted alone, killed 9 crawlers with just one "person" and won the MVP of the game in one fell swoop!

   In addition to him, other players who came back from Yuanxi Town for defense support also achieved good results in the hunting operation.

  According to Xiaoqi's statistics, the average level of players above LV10 has increased by 0.7 in the past three days, and the level of mid-level players between LV5 and LV10 has increased by 1.5.

   Even Chu Guang, who was sitting in the rear, got mixed up.


  ID: Chu Guang

  Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 2)

   Level: LV.18→LV.19

  ——Basic Properties——

  Strength: 17→18

  Agility: 13

   Constitution: 16

   Perception: 14

  Intelligence: 15


   "What happens if the development progress of the genetic sequence reaches 20%?"

   Putting down the tablet in his hand, Chu Guang looked up at Heya who was sitting opposite the scanning bed.

   However, Heya's answer disappointed him.

"do not know."

  Chu Guang frowned and said, "Is there no way to predict?"

  Hya made a helpless expression.

   "The selective expression of DNA involves the most mysterious fields of life science, and even in the prosperous era, this is also a frontier field of research."

   "So you can only take one step at a time?"

  Hya nodded.

   "That's the only way to go now."

   Although it was a regretful tone, Chu Guang always felt a little excitement in this guy's eyes. This kind of feeling is as if the two consecutive strange things have come to pass, no matter what happens again, I will not be surprised, and I even want to step on the accelerator to accelerate to the end to see what it will look like in the end.

   Is this guy treating himself as a guinea pig?

   But the power that fills the whole body is not bad.

   Moved his shoulders, Chu Guang put on his shoes, got up from the scanning bed, and handed the tablet back to Heya.

   "If you have any new discoveries, let me know in time."

   I used to worry that the players would level up faster than me, but now Chu Guang wants to level up a little bit slower.

   Let at least one or two top players walk in front to explore the road, so that you can cross the river by feeling the stones.

  As a result, now, he has become a stone in a river, and he is racing on a road he never imagined.

   He wanted to upgrade slowly but he couldn't control it.

  Chu Guang recently gradually discovered that sharing his experience with the players is not affected by distance. As long as the players' overall strength improves, he will grow along with them.

   Even if he stayed in the shelter.

  Heya didn't know what Chu Guang was thinking, and didn't care at all.

   She smiled slightly as she took the tablet from Chu Guang.

"no problem!"

   "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

  Although I can't rest assured at all, Chu Guang can only trust her professional level.


   The sun rises in the morning.

   Stepping on the morning dew on the ground, the caravan returning from Boulder City finally arrived at the outpost.

  The emotions of the players are still calm, and Xu Shun's expression is still OK, but the few new employees who came back with them are not so calm, and their faces have the expressions of the rest of their lives.

   is really close to that.

   They almost never came back...

  The world outside the giant wall is terrible.

   Looking at the paradise in front of them, several people couldn't understand how these country bumpkins survived in the suburbs.

   is outrageous!

   Seeing Yaya appearing at the south gate, many players had happy expressions on their faces.

   "Boss Crow is back!"

   "Great! Another mushroom soup!"

   "Woooooo, the ramen has risen to 6 silver coins!"

   "Barbecue too! Three strings of two silver coins have become two strings of three silver coins!"

   "Can't afford to eat."

   Ramen and BBQ have gone up in price?

   Yaoya's eyes lit up when she heard the words.

   is great!

   Couldn't her mushroom soup also rise?

   Hearing the roar of the crowd, the bandaged tail suddenly touched his stomach.

   "Well, I'm suddenly hungry again."

   Sisi, who had a bandage on his right hand, glanced at his tail helplessly.

   "Ao in the game and Ao in real life are completely two people."

   Tail cocked the corners of his mouth proudly and said indifferently.

   "What does it matter! The food you eat in the game won't fit in the real stomach, and I heard that eating more can speed up the healing of wounds."

  Siss: "I've only heard that blood sugar hinders wound healing."

  Sesame paste worriedly looked at the two who were still chatting.

   "You better hurry to the infirmary."

  Tujito also nodded and said worriedly.

   "There was so much blood last night... It's better that you don't be too arrogant."

   "It's alright, it's just a minor injury," Sisi gave the two of them a handsome and reliable look and gave them a thumbs up, "Tomorrow will be fine!"

   happened to be walking out of the south gate, looked at the crowd at midnight, and asked strangely.

   "Where's the bear?"

   "You said meat."

   Fang Chang looked away and said meaningfully.

   "It's words... This time I'm finally brave again."

   The group encountered a little trouble when they came back. The number of alien species on the edge of the Fifth Ring Line exceeded expectations. And not just creepers, but tyrants and butchers.

   When dealing with the tyrant, Tail and Sisi were slightly injured, but the problem is not big, and they can be cured by resting in the training cabin for a day.

   However, this operation also exposed a very serious problem.

   Refuge's individual anti-armor capability is still lacking.

  The portable rocket launchers currently used by players are mainly the "Iron Fist" captured and copied from the legion.

   This kind of bazooka is quite powerful when dealing with light targets, and it can also pose a certain threat to some light power armors.

   However, when facing a tyrant with "high armor and high blood volume", it is still a bit difficult, and it usually takes two to three shots to kill one.

   Not to mention dealing with monsters like the Rotten Knight.

   This reminds the professional players in life - "The shelter needs a portable bazooka with a higher penetration depth".

   For example, RPG.

Mosquito, who has already made recoilless guns and armor-piercing shells, said that it is not a big problem. He has obtained the "key" blueprints and formulas. Goblin technology will soon produce a more reliable single than the 37mm heavy lance Soldier anti-armor weapon!

   Brother Mosquito, who regards No. 81 Steel Plant as a competitor, has set up a FLAG on the forum, swearing to show the true strength of Goblin Technology to the toilet sock and athlete's foot.

   In addition, what happened to Fujito and his party last night also reminded players.

The alien species in the    wave will leave the main force over time and gradually spread to the area outside the battlefield, which Heya calls the "scatter effect".

  Thanks to the sacrifice of Flesh, Vault 404's Xenology Research +1.

   From Xu Shun, he briefly understood what happened last night. Chu Guang instructed him to bring the new employee to Changchang Farm, hand it over to Luca to settle down, and then went to the front line.

   Since last night, the fierce battle between the frontline and the tide has entered a fierce battle. The 125 players who died on the first night have just been resurrected, and another 66 players have been sent back to the forum.

  Some of them have even just been resurrected for a few hours, so don’t be too miserable!

  The cannons rang all night, and the gunshots continued from dark to dawn.

  Chu Guang knew very well that if he wanted to win this war, the real key was not the front line, but the logistics.

   In order to meet the supply of ammunition, he even shut down the fertilizer production line.

   The sudden wave completely disrupted his plans.

  Chu Guang originally planned to gradually shift part of the production capacity of the industrial zone to civilian use before the end of the spring, but who would have thought that the spring ploughing was less than halfway through, and the wave suddenly broke out.

   If the opponent is a predator, that's all.

   Fighting with predators can not only replenish a wave of prisoners of war, but also capture a batch of loot.

  The simultaneous growth of social labor and social wealth is simply a win-win situation.

   But the opponent is the tide.

   A shuttle of bullets shot out, leaving only a large pile of corpses, no prisoners or trophies. It was a loss-making business.

   Really gave Chu Guang a headache.

The problem of    fiscal deficit is not resolved.

   Even if he wins this battle, he will be poor...


   The war is still going on.

On the sixth day of the    wave, the battlefield was already stinking, and mutant flies, mice and cockroaches became new troubles.

  The physical fitness of the players is good, except for the intelligence and perception systems, which basically have no effect, but those NPCs are uncomfortable.

   Some guards with slightly weaker immunity even contracted the plague.

  Yin Fang had to temporarily put aside the work of the scientific expedition team and set up a mobile medical station at Brown Farm, which is closer to the front line, to accommodate those patients who came down from the front line.

  Chu Guang replaced all the points he had saved with an intermediate blind box. Fortunately, he got some antibiotics and antiviral medicines, and he was able to control the epidemic.

   However, this is a temporary solution after all.

In order to prevent the corpses from continuing to rot and form a larger-scale plague, Chu Guang could only separate 50 physique-type and strength-type Meng Xin, wear protective clothing and gas masks, and use three rounds to remove the corpses from the North Fourth Ring Road. Get it outside the Fifth Ring Road and transport it to a farther place.

   Frontline Command Post.

  Chu Guang summoned Brown, the owner of Brown Farm.

  Although Old Brown neither wanted to come out of the farm nor to see Chu Guang's face, he knew very well that he had no right to refuse.

   Didn't waste any time to greet him, Chu Guang looked at Old Brown and got straight to the point.

   "I heard that Boulder City has a way to make gnawing nutritious paste."

   "Have you been doing business with Boulder City for so long, have you never thought about using the gnaw's corpse?"

   Hearing Chu Guang's words, a bitter smile appeared on Brown's trembling face.

  Use it?

   How can it be that simple.

   bowed his head, Brown said submissively.

   "Sir, to use the corpse of the gnawing man is not only enough to get a piece of equipment, but also consumes a lot of electricity."

   "What's more... we have never encountered such a huge wave before."

  Even though the gnaws are the most sloppy xenogeneic species, it is still a dangerous thing to do when they get to scale, and few survivors will be idle to provoke them.

   Most of them are forced to shoot at them.

  If you want to use the gnats as industrial raw materials, aside from technical issues, you must first have enough cheap bullets and electricity.

  The former means sufficient labor and stable supply chains, while the latter means relatively complete industrial facilities.

  If these two problems could be solved, Brown Farm would have already been industrialized, so why would he need to suffer now?

  Otherwise, at the cost of N chips to produce one chip, it is better to buy it from Boulder City.

   A mere nutrient cream will never be subsidized with money.

  Brown Farm had neither a large enough market nor the ability to export what it produced to more distant places.

   To put it bluntly, it's just a small survivor settlement with a hundred or so people.

   Even now, the northern suburbs have a population of two or three thousand, and with the support of huge basic technologies and "unlimited QE", they have only forcibly ignited the flames of industrialization.

  Chu Guang touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

   "That's a problem."

   Maybe I should have a chat with Liszt.

   But this guy is now focused on imitating the KV-1 exoskeleton and developing sales.

   In order to invest in setting up factories and support his war, he already owed a huge debt to the Boulder City Bank.

  Chu Guang was too embarrassed to continue to oppress him.

   Leek can't always stare at a quack, and wool can't always stare at a scorpion.

  A win-win situation is a win-win situation. If you want to keep winning, you still have to support it.

   Just when Chu Guang was lost in thought and Old Brown was shivering, the captain of the guard team came in from outside.

"grown ups!"

  Chu Guang looked at him.

"What's up?"

  Wrench made a military salute and faithfully reported: "A group of businessmen from Boulder City are outside. They claim to be your guests and want to see you."

   Thinking of the phone call Shuyu had called him before, Chu Guang's eyes lit up and he said immediately.

   "Invite them in!"

  Wrench: "Yes!"

   (end of this chapter)

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