This Game is Too Real

Chapter 282: Does this even cost money for game screenshots? !

   Chapter 282 Does this even cost money for game screenshots? !

   Outpost, west gate.

  In a wooden barn.

   A behemoth lay on the ground, its huge tail curled into a ball, and its amber pupils wandered lazily.

As long as it is a wastelander who was born and raised on this continent, whether it is an awakened person or an ordinary person, when he sees this guy, he will instinctively feel fear, and he will feel a sense of self-confidence towards the strong who can defeat and subdue this thing. inner admiration.

   As one of the existences at the top of the food chain in the wasteland, the death claw is definitely a T1 or even T0 existence in terms of strength, speed, concealment or physique.

  It's so powerful to be able to bind this thing with a few chains and a collar!


   This death claw has obviously been fed some salted fish, the fierceness in his eyes has obviously been replaced by laziness, and his temper is not as violent as before he came here.

What is the use of    ferocity?

   Most of the people here are not very afraid of it.

  Especially the human with the iron bump.

   Every time you feed it, there will be a powerful aura around it, making it feel like... fear?

  Death Claw's IQ is not high, but this is only relative to humans.

   Compared with small animals such as hyenas, jackals, and brown bears, it is still smarter, and its mind can reach the level of primate cubs.

   It is precisely because of this that the feeling that the fear brings to it is particularly obvious.

   Whenever it shows unfriendly behavior or even just a look, the feeling of the brain freezing makes it stiff and shivering all over.

   On the other hand, if it behaves docile enough, the man will feed it a few more mice or hyenas.

   Over time, it has figured out a new way of survival.

Recently, the human has played some new tricks. Every time it feeds, it will call it "Niko". Although I don't know what this cry means, as long as it shows a response, the tin can that terrifies the lizard will Happy to reward it.

Who cares?

   might be the name of that human being.

  Neeko doesn't care about things that he can't understand. For him who abandons the wildness, eating a full nap is all he needs.

  Crawled on the ground, it closed its eyes and planned to take a nap before lunch.

   However, at this moment, a group of noisy voices disturbed its sleep.

  Niko opened her eyes and saw a little bug followed by several blue coats, walking towards her noisily.

   As he walked forward, Jun Jun bragged to a few friends of the group of cattle and horses.

   "...Don't brag, I don't feel like I'm a strong group now! Not to mention a mere death bug, I can slap the mother's nest to death!"

   Ye Shi suddenly said.

   "Speaking of which, when did the lizard's Q period come?"

   Lao Bai thought for a while and said.

   "It seems to be spring."

   Quit smoking followed by curiosity.

   "Do you think that dead claw will court Trash Jun?"

  Tomato scrambled eggs rubbed his chin in thought.

   "Maybe it's a meeting, after all, this guy has already hung up."

   Everyone was unanimously optimistic about this pair, only the trash man clicked his tongue.

   "You people, your thoughts are really dirty! You can't be pure by playing a game of CPDD every day!"

   Ye Shi said with a hippie smile.

   "Yes, yes, I don't have a little brother. It's so hard to speak."

   was stabbed to the sore spot, and Jun Jun glared at him angrily.

   "Fuck off!"

  The trash guy who came here is of course not for courtship.

  Although he has the body of a lizard, he is still a human in spirit, and sticking to reptiles is still too heavy.

   Not to mention it doesn't have that.

  Xenogeneic sequences, whether it is a lizard or a mouse, are all "eunuchs" without exception. Maybe it's too curious, and the operator simply didn't build the model that he should have.

   But in Junkman's view, this is not an important thing at all.

  The game.

   is enough, nothing else matters!

  How to prove your strength?

   For lizards, the most direct way is of course to gain the recognition of the same kind, especially the females of the same kind.

   Amber pupils looked over from the wooden shed.

   Seeing that beast noticed him, Jun Jun held his breath, stared at it, and released his "aura".

   Two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, just stared at each other for about half a minute.

  Niko, who was lying in the wooden shed, didn't know if she understood what he meant. She snorted with a snort and blew a few straws and landed at Trash Jun's feet.

  The huge tail changed the steering wheel, and the amber pupils closed carelessly, ignoring it.


   quit smoking and couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

   Although the rest of the people did not smile, there was a subtle expression on their faces.

   Junk Jun blushed and defended himself.

   "It might be sleepy."

   "Alright, alright, forget about the trash," Fang Chang patted his tail distressedly, "Let's go to Yuanxi Town to brush up materials, be good."

  With the help of taster Lao Na, recently, scrambled eggs with tomatoes developed a method for processing monster meat.

   As long as you sprinkle some buffalo grass powder during marinating, you can remove the unpleasant smell of blood and water, and make the monster meat less unpalatable.

  Fry until golden on both sides, sprinkle with some pine wine and chopped croissant stems, not only delicious in the world, but also provide a BUFF bonus of "5% metabolism, 7% physique".

  Because the taste is similar to beef, and it can provide BUFF bonuses, the hunter's union has recently increased the demand for monster hunting.

   Gu Feng, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

   "I heard that female lizards raise their tails when courting."

  Quitting: "That means you didn't like it?"

  Tomato scrambled eggs with interest.

   "Where's the male lizard?"

   Gale: "I remember wagging the tail."

   The most cultured person here is Professor Feng.

   Ye Shi suddenly smiled thiefly and looked at Junk Jun.

   "Brother, how about... let's try?"

   Garbage Jun: "Go go go!"

   Trying became embarrassing.

   Wouldn’t it be more embarrassing to try!

   Although he only has 3 attributes, he is not stupid!

   Gufeng pinched his chin and thought, and suddenly said.

   "By the way, there's actually one thing I've been paying attention to."

  Yesterday he checked the information about lizards for hours, but he couldn't figure it out.

   Being stared at by Professor Gu Feng, Jun Jun always has an ominous feeling.

   This guy is a little bit against him today...

   "...what do you care about?"

   "I remember before... Didn't you tell me that you have four points of intelligence? You haven't awakened yet," Gu Feng wondered, "Why did you get less after awakening?"

  Quitting looked at Jun Jun in surprise.

   "And this thing?"

   Junkman coughed dryly and subtly looked away.

   "Don't care about these details...Aren't you going to Yuanxi Town? Hurry up, you won't be able to catch the bus if you're late."

   "There are 9 stat points from LV0 to LV9, and the intelligence has not increased at all. I would be embarrassed to say it," Fang Chang patted Gu Feng's shoulder and sighed, "Understand."

   Junkman: "&@%¥!"


Three days have passed since the end of the    wave.

  The spore cloud gathered in the northern suburbs is fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the morale of the survivors in the northern suburbs has reached an unprecedented height.

   This kind of morale is not obvious to the players.

  After all, in other games such as Azeroth, Skyrim or Hyrule, they have already saved the world countless times.

   A city, too small for them.

   Mother's Nest?


   is just the main story boss of level 10~20.

   However, for the survivors living in Qingquan City, especially the northern suburbs, overcoming the tide has a completely different meaning.

  In the eyes of the vast majority of the survivors of Qingquan City, the tide is an existence that can only be dealt with by the Boulder City.

  When the thick gray-green fog fills the air, most people can only choose to avoid dangerous urban areas, or reduce travel, curl up at home and pray, praying that the tide will end soon.

  Those blue jackets from Vault 404 did something they never even thought about, and even solved the wave faster than Boulder City!

   Those megalomaniacs living in the fence?

   is nothing more than that!


  In the outpost, there is a lot of lanterns at the moment, and it is like a festival.

   Since the Spring Festival and the new version are coming soon, and the previous victory has not had time to celebrate, Chu Guang decided to celebrate the three things together, and set the celebration on the first day of the B round of testing.

  Culinary delights are a traditional preserve of Vault 404.

   This festival is the same.

   Get the food affirmed by players, NPCs, and managers. Not only can you enter the Hall of Fame exclusive to chefs with your teammates, but you also have the opportunity to see your own works in the NPC shop and get rich event points.

  Many professional combat players ran to Changchang Farm early in the morning, where they waited in line for the shuttle bus to Yuanxi Town, and couldn’t wait to get back to Fantastic Beasts on the hour.

  Life professional players are not idle, some go fishing, some go to pick mushrooms, and some go to the fields to catch toads. The whole forum is full of local flavor.

   Especially now that the number of ear-mounted camera equipment is gradually increasing, the number of shelters has reached 200, and Chu Guang has opened it up for players to buy.

  As long as the contribution point reaches a medium citizen and pays 500 silver coins, the "game screenshot" + "instant messaging" function can be unlocked in the manager assistant Xiaoqi.

   With the headset, not only can you remotely communicate with players in the VM's friend list, but you can also sync "compliant" photos to your forum account.

  Many cloud players on the forum also feasted their eyes, and saw many magical animals that did not exist in reality.

   In addition to the players who caught the ingredients by themselves, some players set their sights on the trading post of Changchang Farm and those who passed by.

  Exotic traders occasionally bring special products from neighboring provinces, such as dried lizards, canned fruits and sugar from Jinchuan province in the south, or sawtooth tiger meat, yak milk and colorful mineral salt from the north.

  These traders are very satisfied with the products of Changchang Farm, especially those finely crafted copper shell bullets, which often only need two or three magazines to exchange for a whole box of hundreds of kilograms of goods from their hands.

   And those bullets are just mass-produced on the assembly line, and the cost can scare these wastelanders to death.

   In addition to the food, players did not forget to change their hometown a new year skin.

  Especially the professional life players who are mainly active in the outpost area, consciously affixed festive paper-cuts to the buildings around the Quality Plaza.

   Not only that, but they also posted creative couplets on the doors of NPC offices such as nursing homes, weapon stores, warehouses, banks, hunter unions, etc.

   Standing at the door of the weapon store, looking at the red paper hanging at the door, Boss Xia's face was full of weird expressions.

   "What is written on it?" She asked Chu Guang, who was looking to the side.

   "The noodles have risen, the flesh has risen, and the mushrooms have risen again. Thankfully, the weapons have not risen. Horizontal criticism: Version conscience... Haha, these people are a bit interesting."

   After reading this, Chu Guang couldn't help laughing.

   The confrontation is not neat.

   But it has the style of the players.

   If these sand sculpture netizens could really come up with a serious couplet, Chu Guang would be surprised.


  Xia Yan was at a loss when he heard it, but Chu Guang read it out, that these players were planning and sending out silver coins indiscriminately.


   What does this have to do with yourself?

   What you mean is Ah Guang, what does it have to do with my Dawning?

   As we all know, in order to take care of the experience of new players, any online game has a version catch-up mechanism, and "value inflation" is just one of the countless cards in the planner's hand.

   However, Chu Guang's starting point for printing money is not the same as the planning of other games. He prints money in a planned way based on the gross production value of players and NPCs to balance the income between different groups.

  Thanks to the supercomputer of unknown computing power buried under the Vault, and the VM devices that are produced in unlimited quantities in the black box.

  If it weren't for these two black technologies and Xiaoqi's help, it's really not something that can be done with just a touch of lips.

  Chu Guang has roughly calculated that at least 10% or even 20% of the labor force needs to be converted into administrative personnel in order to barely maintain the operation of this management system.

To describe it in business simulation game terms, thanks to Vault 404's "future municipal" technology, managers can maintain nearly 2,000 with less than 150 grassroots administrative staff with only a secondary-or even primary education. The "smiley face" of the permanent population and 1500 players.

  Who dares to say that Vault 404 has no black technology?

   This black technology is only a little worse than controllable fusion. I am afraid that it is not too strong, and the force is a little weaker.

   Xiaoyu, who was standing aside, curiously recognized the words on the couplet.

  Chu Guang looked at her and said with a smile.

   "Speaking of you, don't you have a Spring Festival?"

  Xiaoyu shook his head into a small windmill.


  Chu Guang vaguely remembered what Xiaoyu said to himself before.

  Bette Street only celebrates the birthdays of the former mayor and his children, and most of them are calling the town people to do white labor and receive gift money, so no one likes the celebration.

   It is like a dream for Xiaoyu to be able to gather together to celebrate the same happy thing as it is now.

   "...At this time in previous years, there would be a bang bang bang in the south, sometimes all night long," Xiaoyu tilted his head and thought for a while, and said with an idea, "It's like thunder!"

   South... Should you be talking about the vicinity of the West Third Ring Road?

   You can't hear it in Linghu Wetland Park, but if you're in Bate Street, you should be able to hear the sound of cannons coming from there.

  Chu Guang asked curiously.

   "How long does it usually last?"

"If it is fast, it will be over in a week, if it is slow, it may take a month." After thinking seriously for a while, Xiaoyu nodded vigorously and said affirmatively, "This year should be relatively late, Xiaoyu has never seen such a thing in the northern suburbs. Big fog!"

   As long as she came out of the shelter a few days ago, she wore a gas mask.

   can suffocate her.

   has never been this serious before.

  Chu Guang nodded, thoughtfully.

   "It seems that the spread of spores is regional..."


  Although the tide in the northern suburbs has receded ahead of time, there are still a lot of things waiting for Chu Guang to go.

Because the northern suburbs miraculously solved the crisis of the tide in front of the giant stone city, coupled with the active activities of Shu Yu, who was sent to the giant stone city by Chu Guang, a lot of businessmen from the giant stone city have been attracted recently. Cattle to the northern suburbs.

   The north gate of Qingquan City, "facing the wilderness", has never been so lively.

  Especially when the traders found out that the "art" of the Queen of the Night Bar was actually produced here, they all went crazy in an instant.

   In addition to the three treasures of art, devil silk and spiritual leaves that satisfy LSPs' thirst for knowledge, there are also many other good things here.

  For example, Didiwei Nutritional Cream was almost sold out by traders in Boulder City!

The wholesale price of   299 silver coins per ton is less than 150 chips according to the current exchange rate. Compared with the ex-factory price of 300 chips per ton of Weijia Firm, what is the difference between buying it here and picking it up?

   And not only is the price cheap, but the quality is not bad at all.

   The factory manager, Ditwey, originally planned to form a caravan by himself and take the goods to Boulder City to sell, but later found that this operation was completely unnecessary.

  His cost has been reduced to around 140 silver coins per ton, and after three months of influx of orders, he can more than double the profit even if he produces enough effort, so why bother with wool?

   With that silver coin, it is better to invest in a few more hunting teams to sweep buildings on the edge of the Fifth Ring Road. The income from scavenging can completely balance the expenditure on ammunition.

   It's done!

   Such huge profits made even Liszt jealous.

  KV-1 exoskeletons and solid-state hydrogen batteries make money, but the gross profit margin is really not as good as that of such an inconspicuous thing as nutritional cream.

  The gangs in the slums at the gate of the boulder city will buy this thing, and the farmers in the south will also buy it in large quantities.

  200g can make people not hungry, and double the amount can make people full. It is perfect for feeding slaves and livestock.

  In addition to artworks and nutritional creams sold out of stock, there are also gas masks for mosquitoes, bicycles and helmets from No. 81 Steel Factory, disinfectant from chemical plants, and some cheap and useful gadgets.

The   LD-47 Scythe Assault Rifle is not very popular with the merchants of Boulder City, but it does not prevent the mercenaries from loving it.

  Low failure rate, easy maintenance, and powerful enough.

   Coupled with the biggest advantage of being cheap, it was enough for them to open their wallets, exchange the chips for silver coins, and then take the silver coins to spend at Boss Xia.

   In addition to the big guys who have eaten meat in the factories, the coolest ones are undoubtedly those professional life players in North Street.

   The mercenaries who had followed Liszt's caravan from Boulder City before, few of them consumed at their stalls.

   However, recently, these mercenaries from Boulder City seem to have suddenly become rich, and it is surprising that they are lavishing money.

   Even if the ramen went from 5 silver coins to 6 silver coins, some people paid for it.

The   4 silver coin bowl of mushroom soup is well-received. It is fragrant, soothing and delicious. The most important thing is that the proprietress is beautiful and speaks nicely, and there are many people in line.

   These merchants and mercenaries who came from afar not only stimulated a wave of consumption, but also brought a lot of good things produced by Boulder City.

   These merchants sell a wide variety of goods, from weapons to daily necessities.

   In fact, Boulder City, as an old-fashioned large-scale survivor settlement that has completed industrialization a long time ago, has a much stronger industrial capacity than Vault 404.

  The local development model has largely borrowed from the ideal city of enterprises, which can be seen from the "cargo worship" of the upper class in the inner city to the ideal city in all fields from culture to commodities.

The design idea of ​​  KV-1 exoskeleton is modeled after the miner series, and the Black Swan G9 assault rifle imitated by the drone X-2 assault rifle. They have imitated the "heirlooms" of the East Coast in many fields.

  The factory in Boulder City can't produce metallic hydrogen, but it can produce second-level solid hydrogen, and it can't produce the fusion engine that drives the land-based fortress, but it can make the engine that boils water compact and cheap.

  Chu Guang admitted that there is a big gap between the survivor settlements in the northern suburbs and the Boulder City, both in terms of population and industrial capacity. When the communication and understanding between the two sides reach a certain level, friction is probably inevitable.

   But even if the relationship deteriorates to the level of a full-scale war, it is not a matter of a day or two.

   Even if there is a fight tomorrow, it will not prevent him from picking up their wool today.

In order to protect local industries and increase exports, Chu Guang had already adjusted the exchange rate of silver coins to chips from 1:2 to 2:1 when he let Liszt come in to set up a factory, and differentiated and restricted the foreign exchange quota of individuals and enterprises. .

   In this way, players will find that buying the KV-1 exoskeleton from the NPC shop is much cheaper than going to Boulder to buy imported goods.

   In the same way, exporting products from the northern suburbs to Boulder City will be more profitable than simply dragging them to the market and selling them.

   "I've never seen so many chips."

   Warehouse at the outpost.

   Looking at the pile of colorful chips in the box, Old Charlie let out a heartfelt sigh.

  Although he is also the blue jacket of the shelter, he has been used to the local life after living in Qingquan City for so many years.

   With such a large amount of valuable things in front of him, it is impossible to say that there is no sense of shock at all.

  Chu Guang smiled lightly and said.

   "Isn't there that old leech?"

  Charlie knew who Chu Guang was talking about and said softly.

   "He's just the category of the average rich man."

  The denominations of chips in Boulder City are many, the most common is white, and it is also the most widely circulated currency outside the Boulder City.

   In addition, there are 5 denominations of big red, 25 denominations of green, and 100 denominations of black.

   No matter how large the denomination of chips is, you can usually only see them in the inner city. However, most people there swipe cards for transactions, and rarely put chips larger than 100 denominations in their pockets to show off.

   It can’t be used as change, and few people can find it.

   He had seen the former mayor's vault. There were three people in the same box, but most of them were the cheapest white chips.

   Unlike this box, you can even see the black ones.

  Chu Guang asked with a smile.

   "Is this money enough to be rich in Boulder?"

  Cha ideally thought about it and gave a rigorous answer.

   "...I've only been there a few times, but if it's the luxury life I understand, it should be more than enough."

  Chu Guang smiled and said nothing.

   After a pause, he cleared his throat.

   "I plan to set up a trade union, organize some caravans to trade with other survivor settlements, expand our influence territory, and at the same time for my players... I mean the residents find something to do."

   Old Charlie nodded.

   "That's a good idea."

   Although the second half of the sentence sounds strange, he agrees with the first part.

  The development of the northern suburbs to this stage is not enough just to expand the territory, and there are not so many people to develop those lands.

   is not just an economic issue. Only with sufficient regional influence can the northern suburbs gain population and resources for further development.

  Chu Guang looked at Old Charlie and continued.

   "Your knowledge and places you have been to are probably the most among the people I know."

   "This work."

   "I'm going to let you do it!"

   (end of this chapter)

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