This Game is Too Real

Chapter 284: Level B4 unlocked!

   Chapter 284 B4 floor unlocked!

  Chu Guang is not interested in being a feudal lord. Times have changed a few times. If you change it back yourself, you will have to trouble future generations to change it back.

   This is too much trouble.

   By then, 80% of them will be beaten to death.

   If you are crowned emperor yourself, players may think it is cool, and the aborigines will not have any opinions, but they are likely to lose the support of conservative refuge residents such as Heya.

  80% of the inheritance of the People's Federation was inherited by the blue jackets. The origin of many major forces, including enterprises, came from the shelters at the top of the sequence.

Losing their favorability is equivalent to giving himself a debuff of -80% for technological development. This is difficult for Chu Guang, who has always won technological success in "Civilization" and is uncomfortable playing "Stars" without materialism. accepted.

   He also does not intend to completely follow the old path of the Renlian.

  The decentralization of the whole field requires extremely rich computing resources and productivity foundation. The methods of the Prosperity Era may not be easy to use in the Wasteland Era. Copying homework is the most taboo.

  Chu Guang knew exactly what he needed.

  He needs centralized power to ensure that his every plan is carried out smoothly, but he also needs to handle his relationship with the estate carefully.

   This is actually not difficult.

   He can form an alliance, and then issue a special "Revival Act" in the name of the alliance, giving himself "necessary" powers within a certain period of time.

  After the start of the B round of testing, Vault 404 will unite with Vault 117 to form a new alliance in the name of "Reviving the People's Union and Rebuilding Order".

  The northern suburbs of Qingquan City will be designated as a "recovery zone", and survivors living in the northern suburbs will automatically acquire the status of residents.

   And the outposts, industrial areas, long-term farms, and a large area of ​​​​the Elm District will also be renamed new settlements with his code name.

  This will be the capital of the "Recovery Zone".

   As for Chu Guang himself.

   He will neither be the emperor of the empire, nor the chief elected by the representatives of the People's Federation, but if necessary, he can appoint both at any time.

   With the support of the Restoration Act, the administrators will govern everything within the “restoration zone”.

   And he is the manager who governs it all.


   The day before the celebration.

  The entire outpost is full of lights.

Considering the importance of this celebration, Chu Guang established a festival celebration committee, appointed Teng Teng as the director, Yaya as the deputy director, Xiaoyu as the mascot + budget supervision, and allocated a sum of tens of thousands of silver coins to this committee. budget.

In order to encourage the enthusiasm of the players, Chu Guang also specially promised that after the celebration, if the satisfaction of the questionnaire reaches more than 80%, he will be able to unlock the "limited title", the satisfaction rate can reach 90%, and he will also enter the celebrity as a special achievement. hall.

   As soon as I heard that there was a limited title, the little players who received the appointment were instantly excited.

  Through the lens of the Hummingbird drone, overlooking the festive base and the busy young players in the base, Chu Guang's face showed a smile like a class teacher.

   This feeling is like throwing the blackboard newspaper to the students and sitting in the office drinking tea.

  As a group of mature young players, they have learned to share their worries for the planning of game activities that are too lazy to plan game activities by themselves.

very nice……

   glanced at the time under the computer, Chu Guang saw that it was almost time, so he turned off the computer and got up and left the manager's office.

   At the same time, in front of the elevator on the B1 floor.

  Three little players are sneaking around the door, as if waiting for something.

  The fighters and I, who just came up from the B2 floor, were the darkest. As soon as the door opened, we ran into these guys and were startled by the three faces that suddenly appeared behind the door.

   My darkest reaction is the biggest.

   "Damn it! Are you acting like ghosts here?"

  Silver Sword smiled and waved his hand.

   "Go away, we're busy, don't get in the way."

The Silver Hand next to    also echoed excitedly.

   "That's right! We're doing something big!"

   Being aroused by the serious expressions of these three living treasures, I asked with the darkest curiosity.

   "What a big deal."

   Silver's father smiled calmly and said confidently.

   "Isn't the B round test and celebration tomorrow?"

   I nodded in the darkest moment.


   To be precise, the B round of testing starts after the celebration.

   Father Silver continued.

   "As usual, the Vault will unlock new floors, right?"

   I exchanged glances with the Battlefield guy, and the latter nodded with a strange expression.

   "It seems...there is such a saying."

  The Battlefield guy still remembers the post from Brother Mole. This guy serialized the Mole Daily on the forum, and new tricks would come out every once in a while.

   Occasionally, it is really dead, so I use the small details of NPCs to make up the number. Although players are not interested, they are very popular among cloud players.

  Before entering the game, Daddy Silver was also one of the Mole Brothers’ number one fans. Not only did he follow every issue of Mole Daily, he even read all the discussions below the post.

"...According to the background settings of the game, not only the manager NPC, but all the residents of Vault 404, including us, come from the deepest part of the Vault. And whenever a new round of testing starts, the Vault 404 New areas will be unlocked."

   I raised my hand the darkest.

   "I have an objection, the Alpha 1.1 version has not been unlocked, and all 400 newcomers came out of Vault 117."

"Yes, your observation is very careful, but it's still a little bit short," the father of silver nodded approvingly, with an expression of an expert in the world, "The training capsule of Vault 117 was dragged from Vault 404, And these training cabins were brought up from the freight elevator on the B1 floor, so in the final analysis, the players in Vault 117 are also 404 people."

   This he knows best.

   Because the task of running errands is just a few of them doing it.

   I said the darkest and helpless.

   "Well, so what?"

   Who cares about this when playing games.

  Silver's father smiled and said, "There is no room on the B3 floor, and there is no extra room in Vault 117, so I can assure you that this version update will definitely unlock new rooms!"

   I was the darkest and still wanted to ask, but the battlefield guy standing next to them saw through their plan at a glance and said bluntly.

   "I understand what you mean, are you planning to get stuck?"

   Silver's father didn't speak, but the silver hand next to him said with a smile.


  I am the darkest: "Damn it?! How can I still do this?"

  The battlefield guy rolled his eyes, looked at Lao Hei and yawned.

   "Go away, don't waste time with these rookies."

   I looked at him with the darkest surprise: "Wait, aren't you curious?"

  Silver Sword and Silver Hand also shouted.

   "Hey! Are you looking down on our Silver Family?"

   "Although Lao Tzu is not as good as you, he is also a man who has challenged tyrants head-on!"

   "That is, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi... Don't deceive the newcomers to be poor!"

  The battlefield guy laughed.

   "Don't! I didn't say that, I just advised you not to be clever, the NPCs in this game are smarter than you think... Forget it, it's useless to tell you, just feel it with your body."

   dropped these ambiguous words, and the battlefield guy walked away with the back of his head. I left the team temporarily out of curiosity, and planned to stay and watch the fun.

   At this time, the manager walked over from the direction of the main entrance holding a wastepaper basket-like robot and stood in front of one of the elevators.

   The three immediately followed.

   Chu Guang, who has 19 points of perception, noticed these three people for a long time, but he didn't feel hostile so he ignored them.

   Seeing them posted, Chu Guang gave them a strange look.

"Is there a problem?"

  Silver Hand: "Dear Manager, we are just waiting for the elevator."

  Silver Sword: "That's right!"

   There is another person who did not speak, but it should be the same way.

  Chu Guang nodded and said nothing.

   As an elegant and easy-going man, he certainly wouldn't bother with the players because of an elevator. There is more than one elevator here, and he is not in a hurry to wait for this trip.

   gave the elevator to these three people, Chu Guang went to queue in front of another elevator, but what he didn't expect was that just as he pressed the button, the three people squeezed over again.

   Even the best-tempered people are annoying, Chu Guang looked back at them.

   "What's the matter with you?"

  Silver Hand nods respectfully.

   "Dear Manager, we would like to use the elevator to go downstairs."

  Silver Sword nodded excitedly and said, "That's right!"

  Chu Guang: "...?"


   These guys are learning pretty fast.

   ended the topic with repeated lines. It was a common language that Chu Guang taught "NPCs" to get rid of players' entanglement.

  Chu Guang, who was holding Xiaoqi, was happy in his heart, but he didn't show any expression on his face, he calmly snorted and said nothing.

   The three players had a look of joy on their faces.

  This time the NPC didn't change the elevator, I think this bug is stuck!

   However, just when they thought so, their eyes suddenly turned black, maintaining a silly smile, and fell to the ground softly, and their consciousness left this world.

   The blackest person I peeked at was stupid.

   Good guy.

   directly dropped?

   Is it so awesome?

  Chu Guang looked at me, who was the darkest.

   The latter shivered and hurriedly raised three fingers to swear.

   "I swear in the name of the People's Federation, I am not with them, I, I, I have never thought of getting stuck!"

Ha ha.

   Chu Guang, who was holding the wastepaper basket, smiled in his heart, but did not make any reaction on his face, ignoring his words directly.

   As if what happened to the three people in front of him had nothing to do with him.

   "They may be suffering from heat stroke. Could you please carry them to the plaza on the B3 floor for me?"

   The signal light of Xiaoqi in Chu Guang's arms flashed.

The pop-up window triggered by the    task was instantly updated on my darkest VM.

   I accepted without hesitation, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

   "Please leave it to me!"

   After he finished speaking, he immediately dragged the three unconscious big smarts to the other elevator and waited in line.

   Stunned a few small players who were trying to get stuck and followed him downstairs. Chu Guang, who stood on the elevator again, took a deep breath in a relaxed mood, stretched out his index finger and touched the touch screen of the elevator.

  The authority of the manager has taken over the control of this elevator, and no one will disturb him again.

   A light blue light appears.

   As the countdown went to zero, the button on the B4 floor finally appeared in front of him.

  Chu Guang was overjoyed, silently reciting the possession of Emperor Ou, and pressed it down without hesitation.

  The elevator descends slowly.

   Stopped after a short wait.

   With the opening of the silver-white alloy door, dry and fresh air blows in.

   "It's still the familiar taste."

   Before coming down, Chu Guang deliberately took a deep breath, just to make a comparison with the B4 floor.

  Chu Guang glanced around. It was the same as when the B3 floor was just opened. It was clean and spotless, even more dust-free than the dust-free workshop of the electronics factory.

   But the difference is…

   There is no familiar square and four functional divisions of ABCD, only a corridor extending straight forward.

  Chu Guang looked up and saw that at the end of the corridor there was a door that opened to the side.

   Judging from the floor plan on the wall, the position corresponding to the corridor in front of him should be the horizontal line in the middle of the letter "G".

   "Little Qi, go ahead and explore the way."

   "Okay, Master."

  Xiaoqi consciously rolled the wheel forward, and it has long been used to the master's caution.

   Looking at Xiao Qi moving towards the end of the corridor, Chu Guang also took a step towards the outside of the elevator, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed the note that fell beside the elevator door.

   This is probably the only **** here.

  Chu Guang reached out and picked it up, and read the familiar handwriting.

  【To the administrator of Vault 404, my successor:】

  【…What creature in this world is more suitable to be a leek than a player? Remember what I said to you at the beginning? You must have realized my genius by now!

   Hahahaha, I am a genius for wrapping the whole world into a game!

  Please don't worship me!


  Chu Guang: "..."

   Who are you!

   Have the ability to leave a name!

   There is one thing to say, it is really amazing to be able to invent this "morphogenesis field" device, and the level is also a "singularity" level technology.

   At least none of the archaeological experts in the academy could understand it.

However, this first-generation manager obviously doesn't know how to make games. From the player interface to the core gameplay, as well as the rich economic system, contribution system and the current game screenshot function, he designed it bit by bit by himself. .

  Chu Guang admits that this guy has two brushes, but there may be no hairs on the brushes.

   Admiration is beyond words.

   Take half of it.

   [...Ahem, that's the joke, I'm glad you passed my first test. A person whose head is full of complaints, every day this is impossible and that is impossible, is absolutely impossible to come here. And now that you are standing here, I under Jiuquan can finally breathe a sigh of relief and officially entrust one of my most precious treasures to you. 】

  【Applause for yourself, you deserve this honor! The treasure chest for the brave is at the end of this labyrinth, not even hidden. Come on, don't stand stupidly at the elevator door. It's really stupid that you let the little thing go to the front to explore the way. Will a person who has been buried in the ground still harm you? Don't make them wait any longer. 】

  【By the way, for the sake of helping you so much, can you tell me what year it is now? 】

  【You don’t have to write it on paper and burn it to me, I don’t believe that thing, let alone this piece of paper can’t be lit. You can tell me quietly, just treat it as a secret between the two of us. 】

The    note ends here.

   No signature.

   "It's year 2341, the 212th year of the Wasteland Era..."

   Subconsciously blurted out these words, Chu Guang suddenly felt that he was very dumb, and angrily crumpled the note into his pocket and walked towards the end of the corridor.

   What a waste of your time!

   Go through the open alloy door.

   The area ahead suddenly opened up.

   Sofas are displayed in the semi-curved room.

   This seems to be a reading room, but on the shelves next to the wall there is no book or anything else.

   The coffee machine leaning against the corridor was a pleasant surprise. The "retro" shape made Chu Guang understand the function of this thing at a glance.

  Yin Fang had been complaining to him before, the poor in Vault 404 didn't even have a coffee machine, and now this guy can finally shut up.

   But unfortunately, there are no coffee beans in it. It seems that until the coffee beans can be self-sufficient, this thing can only be used as a water dispenser.

   "This should be a rest area or a browsing room or something."

   The space here is quite large, with more than half the area of ​​the playground. Although there are not many sofas, there are still people on the ground, and it will not be crowded for four or five hundred people.

   However, aside from the function of taking a nap, Chu Guang, who had been strolling around, couldn't think of any other meanings of existence in this room.

  Xiaoqi said also in confusion.

   "But...why can't I see a single book here?"

   "Maybe the people of Prosperity Era have other ways to record information..." Chu Guang replied casually, looking at the door at the end of the curved corridor, "Let's move on."

  The back of the lounge area is the fitness area, and the spacious room displays some of these quirky fitness equipment, as well as several massage chair-like devices.

   "It's easier to understand here, it should be a place to exercise."

   Vault 117 also has similar facilities. Good living habits can maintain physical and mental health.

  Chu Guang still remembers seeing on the forum before that players with power system have deliberately studied that power system can accumulate the development progress of gene sequences through continuous anaerobic exercise and stimulate certain DNA-specific expression.

   However, this requires a lot of perseverance, and the process is more boring than cutting down trees.

   Unless it’s the trash man who really can’t do anything in winter, there are really few people who will persevere.

  Chu Guang did not carefully study the functions of these devices, but chose to continue to go back and explore the treasures left by the first generation of managers.

   Behind the fitness area is a closed door. Judging from the hints written on the wall, it requires the permission of the administrator to unlock it.

   Unauthorized entry will trigger an alarm.

  Chu Guang has already obtained all the permissions of the B4 floor, so naturally it is unimpeded.

   Rows of metal cabinets were displayed in the room. Chu Guang held his breath and stepped forward. He casually opened one of the cabinets. When he saw the contents inside, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

   "Hussar exoskeleton?!"

  Chu Guang moved in his heart and immediately opened the cabinet next to him.

  No surprise, there is also a set inside!


   "Get rich!"

  Although it is a police exoskeleton, it is still pre-war equipment. Although the polymer bulletproof plate is not very durable, its defense power is absolutely nothing to say. Generally, bullets of light weapons cannot be penetrated at all. If it is damaged, the steel plate can be replaced.

  Chu Guang had an ecstatic expression on his face, and couldn't wait to open all the cabinets in the preparation room one by one.

   A total of 200 sets of five-type light cavalry exoskeletons!

   There are also 20 sets of six-type heavy cavalry!

   In addition, there are more than 300 palm-sized flexible rotors and programmable short-range drones, which can automatically follow within a range of 40 meters, and can follow themselves or their opponents. It can also act as a body camera while syncing the footage on the helmet eyepiece in real time!

  When not in use, it can also be charged on the right shoulder of the exoskeleton, leaving only a camera outside.

   Very easy to use!

  Chu Guang studied it carefully.

  The equipment stored in the cabinet is more comprehensive than the five-type and six-type exoskeletons that I have drawn from the blind box!

  With these exoskeletons and drones, you can easily build a semi-mechanized light infantry company.

   With a few trucks converted into anti-aircraft guns and recoilless guns, everything that a mechanized army should have is alive!

  Xiaoqi leaned close to Chu Guang's calf, and the camera above his head looked left and right curiously.

   "I didn't expect this to be the same as new after more than two hundred years."

   "Perhaps it was only when we came in that the air was cleared. Maybe it was a special technique... Who knows." Chu Guang put the exoskeleton he took out and put it back into the cabinet temporarily.


   Why didn't you give these good things to Lao Tzu earlier!

   In addition to the exoskeleton and the matching drone, there are more than 300 batons and explosion-proof shields, as well as fifty "Silver Snake" revolvers, which are the same ones that I picked up on the B2 floor before.

   may be a hunch that after the shelter is opened, some big and outrageous monsters may be faced, and these pistols are all large in caliber.

   But Chu Guang was a little surprised that he did not see the shadow of a rifle or submachine gun here.

   "Speaking of which... I still have one thing I don't understand."

  Chu Guang stared at the door leading to the gym and the rest area, and said thoughtfully, "Why is the equipment room behind the rest area and fitness area?"

   This layout is weird.

   Each floor should have a corresponding function. No matter how much Chu Guang thought about it, he couldn't think of the connection between this room and the previous two rooms.

  Xiaoqi: "Hmm... Maybe these equipments were transferred from other places? For example, the maintenance rooms on the B1 and B3 floors?"

  Xiaoqi's hint reminded Chu Guang that the two exits of the shelter also had similar preparation rooms, between the buffer room and the giant gear-shaped metal gate.

  The locker there is slightly larger than here, and players are currently renting it as a locker.

think carefully……

   These equipments may have been transferred from those two places.

   "Makes sense."

  Chu Guang looked at the door at the end of the preparation room.

   That was the last unexplored area.

  Chu Guang had reason to believe that what could be called a "treasure" by the first-generation manager could not be a mere two hundred sets of exoskeletons.

  Unlocked the last door with permission.

  Chu Guang walked in with Xiao Qi.

  It was a round room, and the light inside was very dim, but the moment he stepped into the room, the soft light slowly lit the whole room.

   Four familiar devices were quietly lined up in the room, causing Chu Guang to hold his breath involuntarily.

   Black Box!

  The universal wishing machine in the eyes of countless wastelanders, the crystallization of the advanced productivity and technology of the pre-war civilization!

   And there are four here!

   However, what surprised him the most was not the four black boxes lying in the corners of the room, but the jet-black cylinder as thick as a thousand-year-old tree in the center of the room—or a cylindrical terminal.

   Intuition told him.

  The "treasure" in the mouth of the first generation manager is this thing!

   "Little Qi..."

   Following the wastebasket next to Chu Guang's calf, he raised the camera sensible.

   "Here, Master, do you need me to go up and take a look?"

   "...No need, wait for me here."

   With anxiety and excitement, Chu Guang walked up to the black cylinder. The diameter of more than ten meters made him look as small as a leaf.

   How to use this thing?

  Thinking like this, Chu Guang subconsciously put his palm on it, and a cold feeling came from the metallic shell, followed by a circle of light blue ripples on the pitch-black shell.


   Before Chu Guang could react to what happened, countless light blue particles of light sprinkled from the "canopy" like stars in the sky, landed around him, and stopped steadily.

   Adam's apple moved, Chu Guang looked at everything around him, and his eyes were filled with surprise and confusion.

"……This is."

   Half a sentence just came out.

   Lines of familiar IDs appeared in his pupils through the light particles.

   Not only that, but also the corresponding serial number.

  Chu Guang immediately understood what the thing in front of him was.

   " this the 'morphogenesis field'?"

   or the tip of the iceberg.

   From the flickering ripples on the particles of light, Chu Guang found that he could faintly perceive those fluctuating emotions.

  Invisible threads crossed the walls of the dimension, connecting the mirror consciousness bodies that flickered and dimmed.

  Chu Guang did not understand the principle.

   But he could sense their presence.

   "It turns out that the training cabin is just a signal repeater... This terminal is the port that connects to the 'other world'."

   "That is to say... the destruction of the training cabin will not cause the player to be cancelled?"

   In other words, resurrection points can be deployed outside the safe zone!

  Chu Guang thoughtfully manipulated the screen with his index finger, and a line of light blue windows appeared in front of him.

  【Currently connected consciousness: 1500 people】

  [Enabled sequence: 1500]

  【Currently Available: 3000】

   (end of this chapter)

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