This Game is Too Real

Chapter 288: Conscious people are usually not bad luck, whether it is NP

  Chapter 288 A conscious person is usually not bad luck, whether it is an NPC or a player

   "Dear Manager, I am willing to dedicate my farm to the new alliance!"

   In the reception room.

   Standing in front of Chu Guang, Old Brown bowed his head respectfully, his wrinkled right hand tremblingly placed on his left chest to show respect.

  Chu Guang gave him a surprised look.

   Good guy.

   Are you so conscious?

   Hearing that Brown wanted to see him on something, Chu Guang thought he was here to ask for the grain and biomass oil he had borrowed before, but he didn't expect that he actually came to surrender.

   "Can you tell me what made you suddenly make this decision?"

   Of course because I want to live——

   But wise old Brown naturally wouldn't say that.

The expression on   's face was slightly adjusted, he raised his head solemnly and solemnly, and said in a cadenced voice.

   "It's your speech, Dear Manager."

  Chu Guang carefully recalled his speech. He couldn't remember exactly what he said that day. He only remembered that he advertised his "nuclear soda" at the end.

   Seeing that Chu Guang did not speak, Old Brown continued.

"...Your generous speech at the celebration made me utterly embarrassed and deeply ashamed of my past actions. In order to survive, I have done a lot of things that I shouldn't do, and I can't. It is involuntary to justify all this, and I only hope that my sins can be alleviated in this way."

   "A new world with equality and no oppression is also what I expect."

When    said this, Old Brown's face was full of piety, but his heart was bitter.

   In fact, he didn't just want to live, even if the new alliance didn't want his farm, he would not be able to run the farm.

   In the previous battle of the waves, Vault 404 confiscated almost all the biomass oil from his warehouse, and after the war, they did not see any intention of returning it.

  Brown was of course embarrassed to ask for it.

   After all, there are no blue coats, let alone the farm. Maybe his head is already hanging on the chair of the Bone-chewing tribe, and there is no wave at all.

   But this is borrowing food and oil, and his warehouse is already empty enough to run mice.

Yesterday, he asked the housekeeper to do a calculation and found that he had lost nearly 10,000 chips in just two months at the beginning of the year. When he thought that he still had to support more than 200 slaves and more than 40 servants, he felt a headache. is to crack.

   This is the beginning of the year.

   If it’s still at the end of the year? ? ?

  Especially now, the new alliance has been established, and the whole area from the North Fifth Ring Road to Yumu District is included in the restoration area, and his farm is within this range.

   What was supposed to come finally came.

  Old Brown was not surprised by this result, but heaved a sigh of relief.

   At least I don't have to be woken up by the sound outside the house in the middle of the night, and I don't have to be afraid to meet the sun of the next morning.

   He's had enough of these days!

   Before Vault 404 came to him to free the slaves, offered the sinful farm to the Great Alliance.

   And this is the only way he can keep the last decent.

   After listening to Old Brown's generous remarks, Chu Guang smiled in his heart, but he didn't believe his nonsense was just a punctuation mark.

   But this guy can be so self-conscious, it saves him a lot of time.

"I'm glad you think so, but we're not the kind of unreasonable people, we won't want your farm, it's your property. As long as you're willing to obey our order and recognize our sovereignty over the recovery area, You can continue to operate it under our supervision."

  Brown was stunned when he heard this. He didn't understand what Chu Guang meant, and said in a low voice tremblingly.

   "My lord, I don't understand what you mean."

   Compared with the fact that the manager of the alliance in front of him took over his farm, he was more afraid of what the other party would say politely to him.

  The new alliance has taken over the farm, which means he can still find a way to live.

   He was really scared, the blue coat said no, no, and when he turned back, he arranged a public trial for himself, and let those slaves write their own crimes.

   That's the end of calling the calf!

   Reading out the fear that gradually appeared in Old Brown's eyes, Chu Guang immediately guessed what he was thinking, so he said with a smile to ease the atmosphere.

   "Literally, as long as you abide by the laws of the Union, free all slaves, hire employees according to our minimum wage standards and labor conditions, and fulfill your tax obligations, you will be able to obtain legal protection."

   Release all the slaves?

  Brown said with a wry smile.

"My lord... you better take my farm. The land in this wasteland is everywhere, but without slaves, they are just a pile of useless soil, and you can't expect food to pop out of the ground by itself. "

  People are always dissatisfied.

   As if giving the employees two more days off and letting them get off work on time, the day is about to collapse.

   Can’t grow land without slaves?


  Chu Guang felt that he had to settle an account with him.

   "How many slaves do you have?"

  Old Brown didn't dare to hide anything, but he really didn't have the habit of counting how many slaves he had every day, so he said carefully.

   "There are about two hundred..."

  Chu Guang continued.

   "How many fields?"

   Old Brown went on.

   "The actual planting area...about 500 mu."

   More than five hundred acres?

   There are so many?

  Chu Guang looked slightly surprised.

   The actual planting area of ​​Brown's Farm, which he estimated based on the map, was only about 100 mu, but he didn't expect it to be five times more than his estimated value?

   This error is a bit outrageous.


   This matter can be pondered later, and the process of liquidating fields has not yet arrived.

   "Don't you think it's a waste of more than 200 laborers to plant 500 acres of land?" Looking at Brown who didn't know it, Chu Guang said bitterly.


   Brown's face was filled with daze.

   He didn't feel the waste at all.

   Slaves don’t need to be paid, they just need to feed themselves. And the food for the slaves is also cheap. After planting the grain, they scatter a handful of green wheat in the field, or find a corner of the corner to grow some croissants, which is their ration. If they can't eat it, they can sell it to the scavengers at a low price.

   When the slaves can no longer work, they can be sold directly, or they can be taken outside for disposal.

"If I were you, I would sell the slaves and use the money to buy a few tractors, add a seeder and a harvester, and save some money to build a water tower and irrigation canal for the farm. A mere five hundred acres of land, More than 20 people are enough! Give them some wages and bonuses, and they will work harder than slaves, and even make the farm their own home on the spot."

   "You can't grow land without slaves? This kind of thinking is very problematic!"

  Old Brown was taken aback by what Chu Guang said.

   After a while, he whispered something.

   "...Sir, 200 slaves can only be exchanged for 200,000 silver coins at most. Is this enough money to buy the things you said?"

   He didn't know how many silver coins or chips were needed to buy these equipment, he just thought that the manager's algorithm was casual enough.

  Chu Guang said with a slight smile.

   "It may not be enough, but it's not much worse. For your sincerity in joining the alliance, we are willing to provide you with a loan with negligible interest to help you upgrade your agricultural tools and get through the initial transition period."

   "Don't worry about not paying, we will distinguish between personal and corporate debts. This is not a Boulder City, and even bankruptcy will not make you a slave. As long as the accounts are normal, at most the remaining assets will be auctioned off."

  Old Brown walked out of the reception room in a dizzy way, thinking about it for a long time and didn't understand.

   He was already prepared to lose the farm. He just hoped that the manager would leave some property for him to support him, but he actually got a loan?

   And he can continue to run his own farm.

   His heart was full of confusion.

   It seems that you are still earning after all the calculations?

   is outrageous.

   For this self-conscious feudal lord, Chu Guang did not embarrass him, and even encouraged him a few words and sent him out of the door himself.

   It is Grandet’s behavior to hold all the property tightly in the palm of his hand, and the rational allocation of resources is what the alliance managers should do.

  What Chuguang needs is not a farm, but a guarantee of the production of food and industrial raw materials in the territory. If Old Brown is willing to take the initiative to welcome the new order, he can certainly give him a decent ending.

  If propaganda tools are used properly, the deeds of old Brown may also serve as an example for those small feudal lords outside the recovery area.

   Looking at the figure disappearing on the edge of the park, Chu Guang touched his chin and thought.

   "…the new alliance needs its own propaganda department."

   Why don't you just learn from the voice of Boulder City and get a radio station belonging to Dawn City?

  Chu Guang's eyes lit up, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was necessary.

  What is it called when you do good deeds without leaving your name?

   That is an honest man!

   You can't always let others run the train with their mouths full.

  Boulder City and even the wastelanders in the southern area of ​​Qingquan City have the right to know the truest new alliance and Dawn City.

   All in all, he also has to find a few people who can brag and **** back the propaganda positions he has been neglecting!


   The next day, a working group sent by the new alliance entered the Brown Farm, and with the assistance of the guards, liquidated the assets of the Brown Farm.

  The main things that need to be counted are slaves and land.

   One is about principles and the other is about taxation, both of which are top priorities. As for Old Brown's private property, Chu Guang did not intend to take it away from him.

   As long as it is within the territory of the new alliance, it will be the same in whoever holds it.

   Old Brown also cooperated quite well with the work team that came to transform him, but when he saw who it was, he was dumbfounded.

   "Lu, Luka... hello sir."

  When he went to the outpost last winter, he didn't recognize this face, and it was not until later that he inquired about the situation of Changchang Farm that he learned that Luca was a slave who had escaped from him.

   When he first heard about this, Old Brown broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

   He still remembered that he was so angry that he almost killed the guard who let Luka go privately. But considering that this might make things worse, he thought about it and finally didn't do it.

  Looking at Luca standing in front of him, Old Brown was nervous, feeling like fish on a chopping board.

   He even started to regret that he didn't pack up and run away.

   But Luka didn't embarrass him, looked at him calmly and said.

   "Hello, Mr. Brown."

   "Following the order of the manager, I am Luca who came here to supervise the renovation of the farm. We will take the slaves here to Changlong Farm for study and reform, and the commissioner will evaluate the price and give you a one-time compensation."

"And after this, I need to make sure that everyone here has a free identity, remember, everyone. Unlawful restraint of personal liberty is a felony, and you are now a citizen of the new union, I hope you keep this in mind. thing."

   He has been given a new life. As for the past, Luka has long wanted to pursue it, and it has no meaning.

   Besides, this is the task of the manager. Luca, who feels more loyal than anyone else, will never mix his personal feelings into it.

  Brown Chicken nodded as if pecking at rice, and his face was filled with a pleasing smile.

   "I promise you! I will do my best to cooperate with your work!"

   Luca nodded.

   "Better so."

  Twenty guards in black coats marched in a uniform pace and entered Brown Farm in two teams.

  The serfs standing beside the shacks stared blankly at these people, confused about what was happening in front of them,

   They don't know yet that their destiny will be drastically changed.

   The farm guards standing around the fence cast envious glances at the rifles on the backs of those guards.

   "No wonder they can beat the Bonebite tribe... With this equipment, I feel like I can touch Boulder City."

  Although they have never been to Boulder City, the uniform formation and uniform, as well as the shiny long bayonet and rifle on their backs, are already the limit they can imagine.

   At this time, someone went on to say.

   "I heard that this group of people is not the one who can fight the most."

   "Is there something more capable of fighting?"

   "Those blue coats are all Awakened! Those in black coats are just guards maintaining order."

   Everyone is an Awakened? !

how is this possible!

   Not many people believe this sentence.

   One or two hundred is acceptable, but all of them are awakened ones, which is too exaggerated!

   After all, awakening requires more than acquired effort, and this thing does not require low talent. Many people can't wake up even after death, and many people suddenly wake up just after a life-and-death experience.

   "By the way...Old Brown surrendered, what will happen to us?"

   "Probably dissolve in place. If I were the manager of the new alliance, I would not allow such a large uncontrolled armed force to exist on my own territory."

   "But they didn't pay attention to those mercenaries?"

   "It's different. A mercenary is a mercenary, and a slave owner's guard is another matter... In short, there is a difference."

   "If it's really disbanded, I'll go to the army. I'll give my life to anyone, and I won't do anything else anyway."

   "Come on, it's just you poor and sour? Can you pass the medical examination!"

"Ha ha!"

   Hearing the unscrupulous laughter of the surrounding companions, Liu Wuyue's face was full of anger. He hated both the blue coats that took the farm, and the indifference to the fate of the farm. He was ashamed of Brown's favor on them!

   This is not loyal at all!

   Finally, he couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

   "We gave them so many tributes, and now they have to take the farm from us? No **** hands are such bastards!"

   A few years ago, he managed to change from a slave to a bodyguard, to a person with a name. Now he can finally ride on the heads of those slaves and make a fortune, but now someone tells him that they are free?

   What a joke!

   He doesn't want that!

   The older guard glanced at him.

   "Blood hands... that group of wolves often come to us to fight the autumn wind. We give them much more food than the blue jackets."

   Liu May said stubbornly.

   "But at least they didn't take our farm!"

   The older guard shrugged.

"Maybe, but what does it have to do with me? It's old Brown's farm, neither yours nor mine. Maybe he's got some deal with the new league, a promise of money or something, but whatever. It has nothing to do with you or me."

   He still has a good impression of the new league.

   Unlike most of the guards here, he is a wastelander who wandered from the east, not a guard who was promoted from a slave. He worked for Old Brown not for loyalty, but purely for life.

   Along the way, he met many slave owners, but it was the first time he saw an idealist who was willing to return freedom to people.

  Although he had never met the manager, he was deeply impressed by the kindness of this adult.

   Maybe later he will join the army.

  Like the other guards said, it’s hard work for anyone, anyway, he can’t do anything other than pull the trigger, it’s better to leave the bullets to those predators and aliens.

  Liu Wuyue was angrily speechless. Seeing that there was going to be a conflict, Liu Jiuyue, who was standing next to him, hurried up and pulled him.

   "Forget it, brother, don't be impulsive."

   Fighting in front of guards is not a good idea.

  This is already the territory of the new alliance.

   As the head of the farm guards, Liu Zhengyue's mood at the moment is also full of complexities.

   He felt that old Brown was simply frightened by those blue jackets.

   Maybe the people in the new league didn't plan to care about them at all, and they didn't look down on their slap in the face at all. It was all because of old Brown's own cleverness that led to such a result.

   What's more, they have been donating food to those blue jackets, and those people wouldn't be slaughtering donkeys, right?

   But it's useless to say anything now.

   Their owners have dedicated the farm to the new alliance, and the only consolation is that they can continue to farm the land.

   It’s just that there are no more slaves to use.

   on the drying field.

  All 217 slaves were brought here and stood in two rows in the open space, staring blankly around, and the guards with rifles on their backs.

   They didn't know that these people were here to save themselves, or even what was going on outside the fence.

   They watched Old Brown walk in front of them.

   This man who has always been arrogant to them, today used a polite tone for the first time in the world, looking at them like a person and said.

   "The new alliance is established, thank the great administrator, you are free from now on! I am no longer your master, and you are no longer anyone's slave."

   "Let's live well in the new era."

"everything is over."

After    dropped this sentence, Old Brown left in a hurry, and soon the working group led by Luca took over the place and started to work with the cooperation of the guards.

   Many slaves recognized Luka, but the changes in him made all slaves dare not recognize him.

   But Luka didn't put on any airs with them, and patiently walked in front of them, and promoted the thoughts and will of the manager with them.

   and the only private item he carried—


   It is the managers who saved you, so you must remember and keep your loyalty!

   After hearing these words, the originally uneasy slaves all breathed a sigh of relief.

   For most of them, loyalty that can be explained in one sentence is far easier to understand than equality and salvation.

   Seeing that these people finally understood the painstaking efforts of the manager, old Luca finally showed a gratified smile on his face.

   In any case, backward production relations must be abolished.

  In the recovery area of ​​the new alliance, people's freedom will be protected by law, and this is also Chuguang's promise to those who support him.

   217 serfs and 41 servants will automatically obtain the status of guardians and go to Changchang Farm to undergo transformation ranging from one to six months.

   During this period, the new alliance will provide them with food and opportunities for education, and their obligation is to learn at least one skill that will enable them to earn a living.

  Whether you are stepping on a sewing machine or moving bricks and screws, you must at least find a job that you can do.

   In addition to this, they also need to learn the laws of the new alliance and embrace new ideas.

  When the transformation is over, everyone will automatically acquire the status of residents of the new alliance and decide their own future.

   They can of course continue to farm.

   But not for others, but for myself.


   Chu Guang originally planned to visit Brown Farm in person, but unfortunately there were more important things that he couldn't leave, so he entrusted it to old Luca.

  Today is the third day of the establishment of the new alliance. At 8:00 am in wasteland time, the first batch of European emperors who have qualified for the beta version 0.1 are finally online.

  The newly produced training cabin, Chu Guang temporarily placed it in Vault 117.

  Because there is no separate room suitable for the sleeping cabin on the B4 floor, and it involves the most core area of ​​the shelter - the terminal that controls the server.

   This is a "developer" function, and it is naturally impossible for Chu Guang to open it to players.

  Although there is no more space in Vault 404, there are still 100 "deluxe single rooms" available in Vault 117.

  Chu Guang changed all the 500 rooms of Vault 117 into double dormitories in the bug fix of Beta0.1. The maximum population of Vault 117 was doubled instantly, and now it can accommodate a maximum of 1,000 people.

  The first batch of players in the B round of testing is tentatively scheduled for 40 people.

   At the same time, the exploration plan for Vault 401 and the reactor fuel rods is also underway. At present, this work is mainly carried out by the scientific research team led by Yin Fang.

   On the plaza of Vault 117.

   There was a lot of noise at the moment.

  The vast majority of people put on the helmet with the mentality of trying it out, but they didn’t expect it to be true.

  All expectations and anxiety have been settled at this moment, and the joy and excitement gushing out like a new life!

  My voice is a little softer: "Hahahaha! Come in! I finally come in!"

  Asian Photo: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me, everyone here is a person who stands out among hundreds of millions of good brothers, speak hard!"

  Brother Bing and Huozi: "Ow! Everyone, be tough! Is the dog planning? Give me a new cigarette!"

  Asian Pic: "Fuck, bro!"

  Luo Yu kneaded his face repeatedly.

   "Huh huh? Isn't this game a part of pinching and choosing gender?"

   Qingfeng looked around blankly.

   "The modeling has no flaws, it can't be worn at all, and there are differences in light and shadow effects and temperature. This game... is too real!"

  Clad in azure blue power armor, Chu Guang brought his most loyal guards and stood by quietly watching these cute newbies cry, laugh, make noise and dance with excitement.

   He was already accustomed to the performance art of the players, and could understand their excitement, but the guards next to him were somewhat unaccustomed.

  Chu Guang coughed softly and said softly on the communication channel.

   "Frozen awakening syndrome, dormancy time for more than two centuries... Occasionally this happens, don't be too surprised."

  The symptoms are made up by him now, and no one can falsify them anyway.

  The guards wearing exoskeletons certainly have no doubts about what the manager said. In their opinion, the manager's will is the truth, and they nodded loyally.

   Don't say it was an accident, the expressions on their faces didn't change at all.

   Same as previous versions.

  Chu Guang gave these excited little players enough time to celebrate and let them fully vent their excitement and excitement.

   At the same time, most of the old players who planned to do the "Passing on the Fire" mission stood on the edge of the hall and watched the newcomers comment and choose.

   Most of them came this way.

   is even more exaggerated than these newcomers.

   Watching the newbies make a fuss is one of the reserved programs of the "Wasteland OL" beta test server.

   "This year's newcomer can't do it," he clasped his arms tail and shook his head old-fashionedly, "No one took off their pants!"

  Siss squinted his tail.

   "Your speech is dangerous."

  The old players with the new ones are mainly in the range of LV8~LV11, but there are also some "fifty percent new" who have just passed LV5.

  Chu Guang did not strictly limit the level of the "Passing the Fire" quest, or even a professional combat player, the only requirement was to have a VM.

   At the same time, due to the updated Corps system in the Beta0.1 version, many old players who plan to form an independent Corps are also here.

   However, the conditions for these big guys to recruit are usually more stringent than those of casual players, mainly for like-minded **** players.

   There are many ways to play "Wasteland Online".

   Although we tend to recruit hard-core players who can live, it is not “only” to recruit hard-core players.

  The server atmosphere that is too serious will make the game into a niche, and this is why Chu Guang has been emphasizing on the official website that "Wasteland OL" is a casual "MMORPG" with a focus on leisure.

   Carrying a wooden sign in his hand, he shouted excitedly with big eyes and big debts. He looked like the old man who picked up the child at the gate of the kindergarten.

"The death corps is recruiting! We have the highest battle damage and the most medals, we will go wherever it is dangerous! The only requirement is to obey the command in team battles, and you are not afraid of death in team battles. Professional firefighter Shui Ge will take you to experience the most realistic firefighting experience. on site!"

   I couldn't help spraying the edge of the water.

   "Did you advertise like this?"

   Debt with big eyes and a smile.

   "You know a der! Haven't you seen the eyes of those cute newbies?"

   The construction site boy and the brick raised their hands.

   "I'll keep my eyes open! It's better for us to speak clearly with the newcomer than to have a conflict in the group!"

   On the other hand, Brother Mole's "Skull Corps" and Commander Spring's "Storm Corps" are also recruiting, but neither of them are too open.

   To talk about the characteristics, there are also some. The former is the main equipment of the German club, and it is sent to the regiment to send the engineer shovel. The latter advocates breaking it into pieces, and everyone wears whatever they want.

  Many cute newcomers have read Brother Mole’s posts on the forum, especially I heard that he is an unemployed painter, and some **** players who are more punished have gone to him to sign up.

   In addition to the death corps, the most active is undoubtedly the mosquito brother.

   This guy can be said to have performed performance art to the extreme. He stood in the square in the equipment of a fire-breathing soldier and shouted with the voice of the drake.

   "The Burning Corps is recruiting! T0 bosses will pretend to force you to fly! The Corps has air force and artillery, and now join the 10% discount coupon benefit with more goblin technology! The usage time is unlimited!"

   Spring Water Commander: "Damn it, Mosquito, aren't you a professional life player?"

  The fleeing mole rat in the canyon: "That's it! You are running here to join the fun of the der! And your thing is also called the Air Force?"

  Makabazi: "That's right! Your broken plane, I'm not ashamed to talk about my brother like an air force!"

  Stop talking shit: "???"

   Ignoring everyone's complaints, Mosquito laughed and said, "Hey, who said I'm a life professional player! Have you ever seen a life professional player who killed the BOSS for the first time?"

   The Battlefield Atmosphere Team and I, who were standing aside, were the darkest, and rolled our eyes in unison.

This guy.

   is just stealing someone's head, are you embarrassed to talk about it every day!

   Mosquito coughed.

   "No nonsense, I'm recruiting for Lao Bai and the others. Originally, we planned to call it the Bulls and Horses Corps, but the name was too lame. It happened that everyone used to play Warcraft together, so it was changed to the Burning Corps."

   It turned out to be a few bosses of the cattle and horses.

   Everyone no longer complained about Mosquito Pit.

   The combat effectiveness of the bull and horse teams is obvious to all.

   However, Lao Bai and the others did not recruit new recruits themselves, but let Mosquito do the work for them, which was beyond the expectations of the players such as Mole and Spring.

   Did these hateful Europeans receive any hidden missions?

   It is too much to not take a knife!

   In addition to the major newly formed corps, those business players who were planning to fool the newcomers into the group were also shouting cakes there.

   The noisy sounds in the square are endless, and the newbies are stunned to find out that these old players are more noisy than them.

   At this moment, there was a scream from the crowd.

   Unprofessional anti-man: "Gan! Why is my nose flat?"

The players around    turned their heads to look at the door, and were immediately happy.

   Good guy.

   An upright walking... Bajie?

   That nose and ears can't be wrong!

   "Fantastic, are there pigmen after Catgirl?"

   "Friend, can you eat pork?"

   "Hey, the bad taste of dog planning!"

   "Hahahaha, brother, I've read your book!"

   Unprofessional anti-man: "%¥#@!"

   Chu Guang, who was standing on the square, also had a surprised expression on his face.

  Especially when he browsed the properties panel for this little player.


  ID: Unprofessional anti-man

  Gene sequence: Physique line

  Level: LV.0

  ——Basic Properties——

  Strength: 5

  Agility: 3

   Constitution: 7

   Perception: 5

  Intelligence: 5




Pigman: Get the nose, ears and tail of a pig (screwed up, pigs and humans are 83% genetically similar, but the fusion of the two didn't go as smoothly as I thought... Maybe I should try cats next time .)]

   Accelerated Recovery: Has a 133%~150% recovery speed bonus, and the hunger accumulation speed also gains a 200% bonus.


   is the same as the previous oooo sesame paste.

   The player's sequence is not classified as a heterogeneous, but a constitution system. The attribute panel is also the standard template of the constitution system, with 3 sensitivity and 7 body, and the rest are the benchmark value of 5.

   is also a loss.

  After all, the claws of the lizard and the big white bear can be used for a while, and the debuffs of the hands and feet are at most not very coordinated with the fingers.

   But the trotters...

   Chu Guang really couldn't think of any other use except for the braised fever.

   "Forget it, the specific gameplay is left to players to figure out for themselves."

  Chu Guang coughed lightly, walked in front of the players, deftly fended off the hand that was trying to attack his chest, and activated the talent of mental deterrence, forcing the naughty little player to instinctively retreat.

  Wait for everyone to quiet down.

   Responding to the pair of expectant gazes, Chu Guang read out his redesigned opening remarks for the Beta version with a serious expression.

   "Welcome back to the surface, lucky ones alive! I'm the manager of Vault 404, and I'm also the manager of the Alliance.

   "I have two important news for you here, the good news is that the war is over, and the bad news is that our world has changed beyond recognition."

"However, the situation here is not as bad as you think. Thanks to the efforts of your predecessors, they united the aborigines on the surface, defeated the savagery that threatened us, and successfully established our first country in the wasteland. A stronghold."

   "According to the resolution of the highest level of the People's Federation, the United Front for the Restoration of Human Civilization has been established, and we have formed a new alliance. Soon, recovery areas will sprout up like mushrooms, until we get back what we lost one by one."

   "You are more fortunate than tens of billions of people to live in this new era. After celebrating the joy of being reborn, I need you to recognize the status quo as soon as possible, and then fulfill your vows under the banner of the People's Federation—"

   "Rebuild our home!"

   In the setting, the players are the old popsicles that have been dormant in the People's Union era.

  Although the dormant cabin does not have a freezing function.

After    finished speaking this sentence in Chinese, Chu Guang recorded it and backed it up on the server.

   In the future, new people will join the game every day, and it is impossible for him to come to the scene every day as a repeater.

   Afterwards, Chu Guang will instruct a trusted guard, wearing a six-style "heavy cavalry" exoskeleton, to come here to complete the work for him——

   Replay his recording.

   Or repeat what he said.

   The opening animation ended, and Chu Guang handed over the time to the old players.

In the lively welcome ceremony, the newcomers found their own organizations one after another, and eagerly took the novice gift package prepared by the manager for them, ready to step into this mysterious wasteland world and experience this 100% real virtual reality How real can the game be?

  With the care of old players, the fastest death record created by the quit smoking brother should not be refreshed so quickly.

   At the same time, the most powerful team of cattle and horses on the server was quietly approaching the eastern part of Qingquan City, an area that few people set foot in.

  Standing on a half-collapsed high-rise building.

   Fang Chang, who held the telescope in his hand, looked at the vast forest scattered among the reinforced concrete ruins, his face was full of shock.

   "This is amazing too..."


(Thanks to the leader of "Di Sanxian Gai Van" for the reward!! This chapter is still a few thousand words short, so it should be made up for yesterday's update. I will pay back the updates I owe before, it's too uncomfortable not to save the manuscript T.T.)

   (end of this chapter)

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