This Game is Too Real

Chapter 292: Are you also convicted?

   Chapter 292 You were also sentenced?

   When Chu Guang and his party arrived at the Third Ecological Protection Park in Qingquan City, the fire caused by the previous air raid had gradually extinguished.

   However, the smell of barbecued meat that permeated the air could not be dissipated for a long time.

   Ten KV-1 exoskeletons of the Jungle Corps are standing at the entrance of the building.

   Seeing the azure blue power armor coming from a distance, Midnight Killer immediately greeted it, and gave a military salute with his right fist to his chest.

   "Dear Manager! The looters in the area have been cleared, and the Third Ecological Protection Park is under your control!"

   Brother Killing Chicken has a loyal expression on his face.

   Players with a strong sense of substitution occasionally do this. Of course, some players do it for favorability and hidden missions.

   "You guys did a good job." Chu Guang fulfilled his character design, watching them and nodded approvingly.

   At the same time, the reminder pop-up window for the completion of the task was displayed on the VM of Midnight Killer and his teammates behind him.

  [Mission: Raid on the Third Ecological Protection Park in Qingquan City (Completed)]

  【Reward: See the battle settlement list for details】

   Seeing the quest rewards displayed in the VM, everyone's faces showed surprise expressions.

  The income of 500+ silver coins per capita!

   Such a high return can be said to be blood earned.

   Sure enough, I have to brush up on the grades of the scientific research team in the future.

The    mission has been completed, and the Midnight Killer took the team away happily. The hostile units here have been eliminated, and there is no need to leave both regiments here on guard.

  Chu Guang took Yin Fang and Heya forward, walked through the wooded street, and walked into the ecological protection garden with vines in front of him.

   "Do zoos in the People's League era look like this?" Chu Guang looked at the fully enclosed dome in front of him, and felt that it was more like a gymnasium than a zoo.

  Hya also looked around curiously, but she was more interested in the wasteland vegetation in this area.

   This is completely different from what she saw in the VR device, and even slightly different from those steep pine and cypress trees in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

   As if from another world.

"It is said that tourists in the urban area look like this, and the large ecological reserves outside the urban area are another look. After the war broke out, the animals here all ran out, and the monkeys active in this area probably went out from here. of."

  Chu Guang glanced at her unexpectedly.

   "The monkeys before the war also had scales on their backs?"

  Heya said: "Gene mutation + natural selection, maybe monkeys with scales on their backs are more likely to survive here. As for how the scales came about, only they themselves know."

   At this time, Yin Fang, who had been staring at the tablet and did not speak, suddenly raised his head and said a sentence.

"found it."

  Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang.

   "What did you find?"

  Yin Fang continued with an interesting expression on his face.

"I just recovered the information about this ecological protection park from a damaged court record... In 2113, 12 years before the outbreak of the war, a major event happened in the third ecological protection park in Qingquan City. The scandal, or the scandal, caused a sensation in the entire People's Federation at the time."

  Chu Guang had a weird expression.

   "What scandal can a zoo have?"

"An unauthorized experiment involved the safety of 23,000 tourists. The 20 researchers and professors involved were expelled from their academic institutions, and the person in charge was prosecuted. Close the door..." With his index finger slid on the tablet, Yin Fang said excitedly while browsing the newly repaired data.

  Chu Guang was not interested in trivial matters two hundred years ago.

   But when he heard the experiment, he raised his eyebrows with interest.

   "What is the content of the experiment?"

"It's related to the colony of the People's Federation and the resonance field theory," Yin Fang turned off the tablet and looked forward excitedly, "It has been more than two hundred years, not to mention the pre-war events, which can be recovered from public information. That's all there is to it, but we'll figure it out soon."

  The entrance to Vault 401 is in the basement of the Ecological Park, and players have marked the location of the entrance with VM.

   As for the control room of the mind interference field, it is on the third floor of the ecological protection park.

   After entering the dome-shaped building, the group split up.

  Yin Fang went to the entrance of Vault 401, Chu Guang issued a mission to let Gufeng follow him and be responsible for his safety. In addition, Chu Guang also provided Yin Fang with a Hummingbird drone, and instructed Xiao Qi to support him within the scope of his ability.

   As for Chu Guang himself, he took Heya straight to the third floor.

   As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, before entering, they heard arguing and scolding from inside.

   "You bastard! This punch is for my compatriots who died for me!"

   "Enough, calm down... I'm also a victim, you can't count all the people killed by the predators on my head?!"

   "Hehe, victim? I tui!"

   Control room.

  Two old men over fifty years old scuffled together, swearing and swearing in unintelligible words.

   The old man with a fairly tough body and a blue coat was probably at fault. He had been passively defending, and occasionally glanced nervously at the players standing beside him, as if he was worried that they would shoot.

   The other old man in tattered clothes and punching was aggressive, but he had a disease all over his body, and his fists and feet had no strength. He didn't see the face bruised and bruised, but he was out of breath.

   As for the players?

   is, of course, standing by and watching the play.

   They don't even understand what they're saying and how to intervene.

  The Gully went out earlier, and the best couplets here are square and long, but the so-called good is only relative to other players, and the parallel analogy is the level of "junior high school English" to "bulk English".

   Tomato Scrambled Egg looked at his teammates with a subtle expression.

   "Should we pull them away?"

   Lao Bai looked at Fang Chang.

   The latter thought for a moment and shook his head.

   "Don't act rashly, what if it triggers the plot?"

   quit smoking suddenly nodded.

   "Makes sense!"

  Then let them keep fighting.

   Anyway, the two old men have no fighting power, and they are not afraid of making trouble.

   At this moment, the door of the control room opened, looking at the power armor that appeared at the door, the eyes of several players in the room suddenly lit up.


   Really triggered the plot!


   A loud voice came from the door, causing the two old men facing each other to stop involuntarily and look at the blue power armor.

   Among them, the old man with sparse hair and tattered clothes clearly recognized the equipment on Chu Guang's body, and there was a trace of excitement in his turbid pupils, and there were even tears.

   "Mr. Seven... is that you?"


   This old man is from Vault 117?

  Chu Guang's expression was subtle, his index finger tapped twice on the side of the helmet, releasing the locked mask.

   When he saw the young face under the helmet, the old man was stunned on the spot.

   "...I'm the manager of Vault 404 and the manager of the new alliance, you can call me Chu Guang. As for the Seventh Willard you mentioned, he passed away many years ago."

  The old man's expression darkened, his eyebrows lowered slightly.

   "Dead... Yes, it's been so many years."

   The old man in the blue coat next to him muttered something while panting heavily.

   "The new alliance? That post-war reconstruction committee? Didn't it go yellow more than a century ago."

   At this time, Heya suddenly sneaked in from behind Chu Guang, stared at the old man in ragged clothes, and suddenly said in shock.

   "Zhao Yuan?!"

  The old man stared at Heya for a moment.

   "You are...Hya?"

   Did not expect to see the fellow in the same shelter twenty years later, Heya nodded excitedly.

   "It's me! How did you... become like this?"

   "Natural aging... Twenty years ago, I was not young, not to mention now," the old man's eyes were a little dodgy, and he seemed a little guilty.

  Chu Guang glanced at Heya, who rarely showed excitement.

   He originally thought she would hate these traitors who destroyed her homeland, but he didn't expect her to be unexpectedly open-minded after meeting her compatriots.

   "Your acquaintance?"


   The long white hair swayed gently. Heya nodded vigorously and said excitedly, "He and my master are both experts in the study of bionic organs. I didn't expect everyone to be alive... by the way."

  Heya looked at the old man and asked expectantly.

   "Where's Karen? Isn't my master with you?"

"She went to the south... A lot of people followed that guy named Wang Yi," the old man named Zhao Yuan, with anger and remorse flashing in his eyes, whispered to himself, "None of those wastelanders are good. Things, they should be left to fend for themselves! I should have realized this long ago!"

  Chu Guang stared at the old man for a while.

   "Are you from the Torch Church?"

   "Torch Church? Do you mean Torch?" The old man was stunned, lowered his head and said softly, "I did join Torch more than 20 years ago... This is the thing I regret the most in my life."

   It seems that the torch at that time had not yet developed into a religion, and the old man did not know where the companions who parted ways with him went and what they did.

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully.

   The one standing in front of him is probably one of the "rebels" at the beginning of Torch's establishment, and it was their actions that led to the downfall of Vault 117.

   Judging from the old man's tattered clothes and weather-beaten face, he has suffered a lot in the past 20 years.

  Chu Guang looked at the other old man and looked at the blue coat on him.

   "What about you? Also a survivor of Vault 117?"

   Before the old man spoke, Zhao Yuan, who was beside him, stared at him and glared angrily.

   "He's not from Vault 117, he's just a dog, the dog of those robbers!"

"Sun Zewen, from Vault 401," the old man in the blue coat cleared his throat, ignoring the swearing old man, and said politely, "Dear Vault 404 manager, and the owner of the new alliance... ...thank you for helping us in this difficult time."

   scoffed at this man's pretense, Zhao Yuan said with a sneer.

   "Mr. Chu Guang, please don't listen to his rhetoric, he is clearly an accomplice of those looters! According to the law of the People's Federation, he should be sentenced to at least three hundred years in prison for crimes against humanity, and he must not be frozen to sleep."

   seems to be stimulated by a certain word in this sentence. Sun Zewen, who was polite a second ago, suddenly glared at the old man next to him.

"I just want to live, what's wrong with me?! Who the **** put those outsiders in? Is it me? And I refuse to admit your accusation, I did nothing but help them tame a bunch of monkeys did not do."

   "Don't do anything?" Zhao Yuan gave him a contemptuous look, "Including the girl they rewarded you? You are a few hundred years old, and it's really your fault."

  Sun Zewen's old face turned red, red and purple, and he stopped in Bengbu for a long time.

   "I...that's out of my control! If I don't accept it, have you thought about what will happen to her? And what a few hundred years can't count the time I sleep."

  Chu Guang listened to the quarrel between the two with great interest, and probably restored the original appearance of the matter. At this moment, he noticed the tragic corpse in the corner of the wall, looked at the players and asked.

   "Who is that person?"

   Trash-kun, who was shaking his tail, took a step forward excitedly.

   "I did it!"

   "He's Tus!"

  Although he didn't understand what Chu Guang said just now, Zhao Yuan probably guessed that the manager should be asking about the identity of the deceased, so he continued.

   "He is the leader of the robbers here. He has countless lives in his hands. It can be said that the crime is extremely heinous, and he will die! Please don't blame your soldiers."

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

   "Of course I don't blame them, we have always had zero tolerance for predators in New Alliance territory."

   Hearing these words, the shoulders of the old man named Sun Zewen trembled.

   "Sir, I—"

  Chu Guang looked at him.

"I believe that you can't help yourself. The laws of the new alliance will not be retroactive. I don't care what you have done in the past. From the moment I stand here, I hope you can do a new one that is useful to society and civilization. people."

   Now is the era of wasteland, an era that is more chaotic than the troubled times. Humans have even fallen to the top of the food chain. At this time, it is meaningless to go back to the past.

   Besides, there is no real good person in this wasteland.

   Including Zhao Yuan himself.

  Chu Guang doesn't think those torches are good things, but he also doesn't want to pursue what happened in other shelters.

  Sun Zewen said tremblingly, bowing his head.

   "Thank you for your kindness."

   Zhao Yuan still had a trace of resentment on his face, but he didn't say anything.

   These people saved his life.

   has already said this, he will not force them any more, he must understand and sympathize with the suffering he has endured.

   At this time, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

  Yin Fang, who returned from Vault 401, held a tablet in his hand and pushed open the door like a gust of wind and walked in.

   "Amazing! You can't guess what I found!"

   Before Chu Guang opened his mouth to ask what he had found, Yin Convenience shouted excitedly.

   "Resonance Field!"

   "I've been looking for something for half a year, but I didn't expect it to be here!"

   Taking a deep breath, he looked at Chu Guang and said excitedly.

   "We found a treasure!"


  It all started more than 200 years ago.

   Two years earlier than the scandal that nearly closed the zoo, probably in 2111, a letter from a distant colony and the sample carried in the letter caused a stir in the biology and sociology community.

The original    letter could no longer be found, but as a professional archaeologist, Yin Fang was able to reconstruct the approximate meaning of the letter based on limited clues.

   In short, the colony is infested with alien creatures, and the frequent organic activity seriously threatens the safety of the colonists.

  At first, the colonists used the "infrasound fence" prepared for them by the parent planet to drive away alien creatures. However, in long-term practice, they found that the seemingly harmless infrasound fence would cause serious damage to the colonists' health.

   Due to the limited scientific research conditions in the colony, the colonists hope that the academic community of the home planet can lend a helping hand and help them develop a harmless shielding field to prevent alien creatures from harassing the colony.

   After obtaining the approval of the relevant departments of the Human Association, the colonists sent several samples of extraterrestrial organisms, and this was the first time that the human alliance home planet accepted biological samples from the colony.

   Prior to this, biologists from the People's Federation wanted to study creatures in alien galaxies, and they could only take a monthly immigration flight to go there in person.

  Because the forefoot of the People's Federation has just moved towards the sea of ​​stars, the mastery of the gravitational channel is not yet proficient, and the development level of the colonies outside the system is relatively low, so the flights to the colonies are basically one-way tickets, and it is difficult to come back after one trip.

   One can imagine how precious these samples are.

   The samples and information for help from the colonies quickly attracted extensive attention from all walks of life in the People's Federation, and the research on alternatives to "infrasonic fences" has become a hot topic nowadays, attracting the participation of countless scholars.

   "Wait... an alien colony?"

   Listening to Yin Fang's narration, Chu Guang rubbed his forehead with his index finger, and said with a slight headache, "I always thought that the territory of the People's Federation was limited to the Kuiper Belt."

  Hya also looked blank.

   She grew up in a shelter, not to mention an alien colony, it was only a few months ago when she saw the sky.

  Yin Fang said patiently.

"There is no problem with this statement. After all, going to an extra-system colony and going to Mars and the moon are two completely different concepts... But this has nothing to do with us, no matter where it is, it is too far away from us. I don't understand. Not much more than you."

  Yin Fang coughed lightly and corrected Chu Guang's crooked topic.

"Continuing the topic just now... The analysis of alien life forms is an eye-opener for the academic world. Reliable evidence shows that these alien life forms have evolved a set of systems in the evolution of tens of thousands or even tens of millions of years A unique form of beehive society. They will divide labor and cooperate like ants, perform their own duties, selectively express their own genes according to the needs of the group, and even modify their own genes."

   "Aren't you surprised? A group of aliens who didn't even invent the internal combustion engine, but mastered the mysteries of evolution. If only I were born in that era..."

   Yin Fang's eyes showed a hint of envy as he continued to speak while looking at the tablet in his hand.

   "In short, based on these research results, the research group of Nantianmen University's Institute of Biology has brought out the 'resonance theory' and boldly made a conjecture that those alien life forms are dominated by a unified consciousness."

"In order to prove this conclusion, the leader of the research group found a medical company called Silver Hope and used their resources to connect with the Third Ecological Protection Park in Qingquan City, hoping to use the site here and the resonance field for animal research. "

  Chu Guang: "...They succeeded?"

"It's more than success, it's simply too successful," Yin Fang said with admiration, "they got inspiration from those alien biological specimens, put forward resonance theory on the basis of resonance theory, and designed a set of mental interference device. - It can output a specific message and multiply it in the individual."

"This kind of information can be specific to a sentence, even a complex picture, a vague dream, or just a pure emotion. The higher the mind, the more specific information it can accept, but the less affected it is. The lower the mind, the less information it can receive, but the greater the relative impact."

  Chu Guang touched his chin.

"I see."

  The mind of a monkey is probably between that of a man and a hyena?

   has a certain mind and can understand simple commands, but the mind is not high, so it will be affected by the mind interference device.

   The psychic interference device designed in Vault 401 is quite similar to the one used by the Torch Church.

   It’s just that the latter has probably improved it to a certain extent, turning the “AOE skill” into a point-to-point single skill.

   "...This device is much more reliable than infrasound fences. It not only consumes less energy, has more application scenarios, and has fewer side effects, but also only affects specific living organisms, and the frequency is adjustable."

   "As long as the alien creatures around them continue to express fear, they will consciously stay away from the colony. When used in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, it can also allow animals to reproduce faster."

   "However, the company that sponsored them was obviously not satisfied with the immediate results. They quickly hit the idea on the customers, so the experiment continued, but the objects changed from zoo animals to tourists."

"There are indications that they are still successful. Although it is difficult for people with higher minds to be directly influenced by this device, under the constant stimulation of 'buy it', the sales of souvenirs in the ecological protection park have reached a record high, and many tourists have Even paying for a set of smart wearables for an item worth less than a bottle of mineral water...that almost turned the advertising industry upside down."

  Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang dumbfounded.

   "That's okay too?"

"People in Prosperity Era are all monsters... Whether they are researchers or businessmen," Yin Fang expressed his heartfelt emotion, "Of course, it is true that the company was eventually punished for bankruptcy. People who treat others as fools usually don't end up. All right. The people involved have all been prosecuted, and it is said that the one with the heaviest sentence has not yet ended."

   has been listening by the side, and a look of shame appeared on Sun Zewen's red face.

"do not talk……"

   These data are all stored in the deepest part of the Vault 401 server. He never told anyone, and he doesn't know how this guy dug up these things.

  Chu Guang looked at the guy in front of him in surprise.

   "You were also sentenced?"



   It was the first time he saw an old popsicle from the People's Union era.

   In response to Chu Guang's surprised eyes, Sun Zewen said with a wry smile.

   "I'm just a little researcher... The main responsible person was indeed sentenced to a heavy sentence, but it won't be liquidated on us."

  Yin Fang looked at him with interest and said.

   "You even got a ticket to Vault 401."

  Sun Zewen was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, I don't deny that I can live to the present, and it has something to do with the research I am engaged in. After all, technology itself is innocent, and it can free the compatriots in the colony from the infestation of alien creatures. It's just a pity... this is just born. new things, used by the wrong people in the wrong places."

   "I agree with what you said, the technology itself is not right or wrong, it is the people who use it who need to be supervised." Chu Guang nodded approvingly, and continued after a pause.

   "Now it's not just the distant world, the land under our feet is infested by alien species. The new alliance needs your technology, and I hope you can use your technology to do something more meaningful."

  With this gadget, the prevention and control of alien species does not have to rely on walls, and the farmland, pastures and villages near the settlement no longer have to worry about the harassment of alien species.

   But this technology is not without risks.

   Once the frequency is adjusted to the range suitable for the human brain, it is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box.

  Although the influence of spiritual resonance on higher mental beings is limited, continuous emotional input is still tantamount to brainwashing.

   And the effect is indiscriminate.

   Thinking that the Torch Church also mastered similar techniques, Chu Guang couldn't help but be secretly vigilant.

   He is a man with a bottom line.

   But it’s hard to tell if anyone else has it.

   He must take over the legacy of Vault 401, not only to deal with alien species and tides, but also to develop a countermeasure.

   "Of course, Mr. Manager..." Sun Zewen lowered his eyebrows and bowed, "It's my honor to play for the great new alliance."

   Honestly, he doesn't care about that at all.

  The world has become like this, and the knowledge in his head can be used by anyone. At least the man in front of him looks much better than those predators.

   Zhao Yuan, who was standing by the side, did not speak the whole time.

   He looked at Sun Zewen, who decided to join the new master, and at Chu Guang, who was wearing the equipment of the former manager, and suddenly said.

   "You said the same thing as that person."

  Chu Guang saw that he was talking to himself, and glanced at him curiously.

   "Which one?"

"Wang Yi... The boy we rescued from the wasteland, we raised him, and because he split twice, maybe we shouldn't have opened the door that day." The turbid pupils flashed with remorse, and the old man lowered his head. head.

  Chu Guang remembered the name.

The name    was the beginning of the disintegration of Vault 117, as well as the leader of the Torch Church more than a decade later - known to his followers as "The Son".

   Ever since he came into contact with the Pioneer, Chu Guang has been trying his best to collect information on the major forces in the wasteland and identify useful clues.

   "I've been wanting to ask since just now, have you been here for a while since you came out of Vault 117?"

"Vault 401 threw an olive branch to us. Their mind-intervention devices can drive out alien species within a three-kilometer range. We originally planned to establish a stronghold here, and then take over the old diehards of Vault 117 and use beautiful The new home slaps them in the face...but that Wang Yi, he thinks we should keep going south to find the specimen of that alien lifeform."

   Zhao Yuan's Adam's apple moved, and he said in a heavy tone.

   "We parted ways again... There are only three people left except me, and the rest followed that Wang Yi to the south. I even suspected that they were all brainwashed by that resonance field and mind interference device."

"Don't spit, the resonance field doesn't have this function," Sun Zewen, who had taken refuge with his new employer, was more stubborn than before, looking at the old man and sneering, "Have you never found a reason in yourself? For example, it's too deceiving. already?"

   Zhao Yuan was angry again.

   "Who are you calling a liar!"

   Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Chu Guang had a headache and planned to stop it.

   But at this moment, Heya suddenly whispered something.

   " master is still alive."

The anger in the    pupils was gradually replaced by shame, the old man slowly lowered his head and said after a long silence.

"I have no idea……"

   "But she, like you, can live a long time under normal circumstances."

   "If nothing else, she should still be there."


   (Thanks for the reward from the Silver League of "Jijia Luoyu"!! Call the boss!!)

   (end of this chapter)

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