This Game is Too Real

Chapter 518: go home

  Above the clouds, a uniquely shaped plane took off from the airport on the edge of the ideal city and flew towards the river valley province.

  It has two pairs of wings and a total of four engines, two front and two rear, symmetrically distributed in the four corners of the fuselage, and spraying blue plasma plumes toward the rear.

  This transport aircraft is a civilian improvement of the "killer whale" transport aircraft, lengthening the fuselage, increasing the cargo hold capacity, and adding a pair of plasma engines.

  Because it is for civilian use, the aggressive name "killer whale" has also become a relatively milder "blue whale".

   From the outside, this aircraft looks like an advanced version of the four-engine tiltrotor, with the traditional propeller replaced by a plasma engine that is lighter in structure, more stable in power, and less affected by airflow.

  Like the killer whale transporter, it can switch between horizontal and vertical flight modes, and can even make "lateral translation" maneuvers that the killer whale transporter can't do.

   Like a quadcopter drone.

   It’s just that most of the passengers on the plane will curse after experiencing it.

  The aircraft was designed by a subsidiary of Silver Wing Group, and more than 100 companies participated in the production. Only one aircraft has been completed, and it has been put into the flight from Yunjian Province to River Valley Province.

  The deeds of the Pioneer have influenced the current mainstream thoughts of Ideal City to a certain extent, and the "influence expansion" proposal put forward by Wu Changnian at the board of directors was successfully passed.

  In the future, the company will not only operate the three-acre land in the province of clouds, but will also project its vision beyond the province of clouds, and explore the future road together with the survivors' settlements in various places.

   They won't go back to the post-war reconstruction committee era, like the predecessors of the "Ministry of Production" to unconditionally support those settlements of survivors, but they won't treat those settlements as non-existent air like the past before this moment.

The birth of the    Alliance has proven that not all wastelanders are incurable troubles.

   And this flight to the river valley province is one of the products of Wu Changnian's proposal.

   His speech at the press conference that day inspired many people, which is why the ticket for this first flight was almost empty as soon as it was hung up.

  If it wasn't for Li Shuyue's help in buying a reserved ticket for business travel through Ruyue Group, the four of the "Bull and Horse Team" would have stayed in the ideal city for a while longer...

   "Damn it! Bad luck today!"

   watched Fang Chang reveal the cards on the table. Ye Shiyi leaned back on the chair with an unfortunate face.

  There are a total of 240 seats in the cabin. In addition to the front and rear cabins, there is also an entertainment room with a bar where the android waiter can serve drinks.

  Before the plane lands, passengers can get off their seats and move around at will, but in case of emergency, they need to follow the captain's arrangement to return to their seats, or take a seat in the nearest safety seat.

   In order to pass the boring commute time, the four of them sat at the table in the entertainment room and played blackjack at Fang Chang's suggestion.

   Looking at Ye Shi with a sad face, Fang Changdan smiled.


The cards of    are already written on the face, it is not too easy to win you. "…

  "but one"

   "You want to say that your expression is actually fake, right?"

   Seeing through what he was trying to say, Fang Chang continued with a smile, "But have you ever considered that the deliberate disguise itself has revealed your intentions."

   "Hey, don't play anymore...that's too much!" Ye Shi sighed and pushed the chair away, "Let's play the landlord game."

  He thought that his perception attribute would help him kill all sides at the poker table, but he ended up bullying Old White who didn't know much about the rules of blackjack, and he never won against the top.

   Looking at Ye Shi who gave up, Fang Chang said with a smile.

   "If you're not good at disguising your emotions, you can learn from the wind...

  ...that kind of facial paralysis is more difficult to deal with, especially since he is very strong in mathematics. "

   The wind coughed softly.

   "Facial paralysis is not enough... It's just that this kind of thing doesn't matter if you win or lose, and I'm not surprised that there are rules to follow to get bad cards and good cards."

   Ye Shi suddenly raised his head.

   "Speaking of which, I've always been curious." Old Bai, who lost all his points early, said with a smile.

   "Curious about what?"

   Ye Shi glanced at Gu Feng.

   "Why do you guys say that a physics guy like Brother Wind can play games?"

   Fang Chang said with a smile.

   "What's so strange about this, who doesn't have a hobby anymore." Gu Feng coughed softly.

   "... Not to mention Da Lao, I'm just more interested in what I'm interested in."

   Ye Shi couldn't help complaining when he heard the words.

   "Listening to your words is worth a word."

   Fang Chang watched the wind with interest.

   "Speaking of which, what is the subject of your research?"

   He also learned a little about artificial intelligence recently, although he only read the introduction part.

   He doesn’t really understand what the physics professors at the university are studying, but if the field of Brother Gust’s research happens to be related to algorithms, he can just talk about his discoveries in the game.

   Gu Feng thought for a while, then suddenly changed the subject.

   "By the way, didn't we agree that we won't talk about reality in the game?" Hearing this, Ye Shi couldn't help spraying.

   "Damn it! We've known each other for so many years and still come here! Go to Jinling Sun another day."

   The wind said with a smile.

   "Okay, you're here to show you around." Fang Chang squinted Ye Eleven.

   "...Don't listen to this kid, he clamored to come to Shanghai to play with me the year before, and he has changed from a high school student to a college student without seeing anyone else."

   Pigeon for so long, Ye Shi also felt a little embarrassed, scratched the back of his head and explained.

   "Hey...I don't want to wait for an opportunity to get together. When that time comes, I will bring Lao Bai and Gufeng together. It will be more fun if there are more people. What's the point of going alone."

   Fang Chang rolled his eyes.

   "Come on, see you in the game." Speaking of which...

   In fact, there are people.

   also said that he was going to Shanghai to play with him.

   Fang Chang couldn't help thinking of a guy who played chicken and thieves.

   He didn't even want to understand how the sales guy ran off to make games.

   I've never seen him express this idea before...  

  While the four of them were chatting, at a long table not far from the bar in the entertainment room, a well-dressed man was talking with a glib voice in front of a group of young people who looked like travelers.

   "...You said Qingquan City? What a coincidence, I grew up in Qingquan City since I was a child, and no one is more familiar with it than me."

   "Really?" A young man in his early twenties looked at the man in surprise and continued to speak quickly, "Are you a resident of the Alliance?"

"Alliance? said that." The man was stunned for a moment, and said impatiently, "There was no alliance when I left home for a trip, and there was only one true survivor in the entire Qingquan City, the Boulder City. settlements, other small villages are not worthy of being called settlements at all.”

  His name is Jixiu. He is the second son of the president of the Jushicheng Bank. In his early years, he was entrusted by his father to a local familiar merchant and sent to the ideal city to see the world. It's been almost five years in the blink of an eye.

  When he was in Boulder City, he was a well-known dude in the city. Even a noble in the inner city would give him a little bit of credit for the fact that his father could help make money and his mother's family status was not small.

   And not to mention the residents of the outer city, no matter what he does, no one will trouble him, and he has done a lot of bullying men and women.

   However, when he arrived in the ideal city, it was a completely different matter here. No one took his father's identity as the president of the Jushicheng Bank into account at all, and the chips in his pocket could not even be directly exchanged for Cr.

   Thanks to his father sending him some money from time to time, otherwise he is a nobleman, and he might have to work in a fast food restaurant.

  The ideal city is indeed prosperous, and there are many times more people than the Boulder City, but living in a room of dozens of square meters, and only being able to line up with a group of sanders on the endpoint cloud all day is not the life he wants.

   That group of mentally handicapped.

   If anyone dared to be so disrespectful to him in Boulder City, he would definitely find someone and shoot them down.

   If it wasn't for the long journey, the father didn't give him a chance, and he couldn't save the toll, he would have wanted to go home long ago!

Of course, the reason why he misses home is not entirely because he misses the freedom there, but more because he wants to do something to prove that he is not what the idiots on Endpoint Cloud say he is - he is not only a good father Useless waste.

  Especially recently, the recent resolution issued by the Enterprise Council gave him hope, and the ideal city even opened a flight to the River Valley Province!

   He intends to use this shareholder wind to revitalize his hometown!

   Feeling that the atmosphere was almost in place, Kisho cleared his throat vigorously and continued speaking in an uplifting tone.

  "・・・Friends, we are ushering in an era full of opportunities!

   Did you hear the speech at the press conference? From now on, the company will expand its business scope more aggressively and proactively. As the first stop of the company's overseas business - Qingquan City in the River Valley Province, with a population of more than 500,000 people, Jushi City is undoubtedly the most Potential market! "However, a

   To his surprise, those young people did not react after hearing his words.

   At least not the kind of excitement and longing he expected. " mean that old man?"...

   "Aren't they getting old?"

   "Uh... yes, but I didn't pay attention to what he said." "Where is Boulder City?"

   "Aren't we going to Dawn City?" "I should have bought the wrong ticket."

   A group of people chatted and laughed, completely ignoring his words. Apparently they were just here for tourism, not very interested in business matters.

   Jixiu's brows twitched, but he still didn't give up, trying to make a last effort.

"Yes, we will get off the plane at Dawn City, but when it comes to River Valley Province, we have to mention Boulder City, which may be the only pure land of civilization in the southern part of the entire River Valley Province. After arriving at Dawn City, we can hire a team of mercenaries. Escort us to a—"

   A taller young man coughed, interrupting his growing voice.

   "The Enterprise Exit Office reminded us that we must be cautious when leaving the province between the clouds. The commando cannot receive our distress signal. If it is not necessary, it is best not to leave the actual control area of ​​the alliance."

   A young girl with glasses nodded and said worriedly.

   "Indeed, I heard... Riverdale is the birthplace of Death Claws, and those guys with horns on their heads can even shred power armor with one claw."

   "That's probably an exaggeration...but are we going to run into wild death claws?"

   "I don't know, but you can visit the Death Claw in Vault 79! I heard there is a legendary first born there!"

   "The claw of death was artificially created!?" "Did you know that?"

   "Go ahead, I plan to stay in Dawn City for a few days... I heard that there will be a celebration in three days."

   "Can you see the legendary manager?"

   "Haha, stop being a nympho, they don't have time to see you as a tourist.

  Those men and women chatted and laughed, and the topic unconsciously went to the Alliance side again.

  Looking at these guys who couldn't get in the oil and salt, Ji Xiu clenched his fists, and black lines appeared on his forehead.

  ・・These guys!

  Why don't you listen to him at all!

   Taking a deep breath, Keishu suppressed the anger in his heart and told himself that he must be calm and not act arrogantly.

   Most of the people who can buy tickets for the first flight are rich people.

   Either you have money, your family has money, or you simply travel for business.

   If he can get Cr from these guys and invest in the local industry in Boulder, his plan will be much smoother.

   He had already thought about it.

The problem of Boulder City is the stagnation of development caused by the solidification of stratum. The lazy survivors found that no matter how much they worked, they could not become nobles. If they did business as a trader, they risked their hats being skinned by looters, so they became frustrated. poorer.

   The solution to the problem is simple.

   As long as another outer city is built outside the outer city and the original "outer city" becomes a "middle city", wouldn't the problem be solved?

   Not only that, he also intends to learn from the advanced financial experience of Ideal City.

   However, this card must be used as the hole card of the finale and cannot be played at the beginning. …

   I'm afraid there is a lot of resistance in advancing in the inner city. If you do it in the outer city, you will be spanked by his father, but if it is outside the giant wall, it will be no problem.

   A digital currency issued based on credit!

   Those who have never seen the world will definitely drop their jaws by his genius idea!

   But what annoyed Jixiu was that these wealthy children from the ideal city were not interested in what he said at all, and those businessmen who were napping with neural connection devices were too lazy to pay attention to him.

   Looking for a while in the lounge, he quickly noticed the four guys sitting in the corner playing cards, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked over there.

   At the same time, Ye Shi, who had just drawn a good deck of cards, was thinking about how to manage the expression on his face, and at this moment, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came from the side.

"...Hello, I'm glad to be on the same flight with you. My name is Jixiu, the second son of the president of the Boulder City Bank." In order to keep his approach from appearing blunt, he turned his attention to the table on the table. Paper, curiously asked, "What are you playing? Can you bring me one?"

   " wait for the next round."

He was too lazy to pay attention to this passerby NPC who came from nowhere, Ye Shiliang stared at Fang Chang who was about to read the card, intending to read the flaws on his face, and then ruthlessly slapped the good card in his hand. Find the place.

   However, to his disappointment, Fang Chang did not read the cards, but turned his attention to the man who spoke to them.

  The second son of the president of the Boulder City Bank? That is...Alyssa's brother?

   Fang Chang's expression was slightly surprised.

   This is too coincidental...

   But then again, since he hasn't been to Boulder City for so long, he almost forgot about the NPC who once entrusted him to find the cat.

   "My name is Fang Chang... They are my friends." Out of courtesy, Fang Chang introduced himself, and then introduced Ye Shi and his friends one by one.

   Jixiu stared at Fang Chang for a while, chewing the name over and over again, and always felt that he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

   But it doesn't matter!

  The people who can get on this flight are all powerful masters. Maybe they have seen it in any advertisement.

   A bright smile appeared on his face, and Kishu stared at the young man in front of him.

   "I knew the first time I saw you, you are not an ordinary person." Fang Chang said with a smile.

   "So you're going to repeat to me what you just said to those people."

  Because of Ye Shi's skills, he could even play cards with this kid while listening to those NPCs. He didn't expect that the liar who sneaked into the flight would target him, and he didn't expect that he even had the identity of the second son of the president of the Boulder City Bank.

   If he hadn't lied, that's a great identity.

"...Since you've heard it, then I won't repeat it," Keishu lowered his excited voice, "how about it? Are you interested in revitalizing the Boulder City with me? The market there is not just half a million people, Its influence is enough to cover the entire southern river valley province, and even most of the Jinchuan province!"

   Hearing this sentence, Fang Chang's face showed a smile that couldn't help but laugh.

   was about to tease this guy euphemistically, but his heart suddenly moved, and his face showed an expression of interest. …

   "So...then tell me, how do you plan to revitalize that boulder city?"

   Seeing Fangchang's expression of interest, Kisho's face revealed an indescribable joy.

   "It's easy! No, it's not that easy, but no one found 66

   "Shh." Fang Chang made a silent gesture to interrupt him, then took out a business card and handed it to him.

   "Don't talk about such an important thing on the plane... After you get off the plane, come and find me at this address."

   Jixiu, who took the business card, was stunned for a while, and instead of looking at the address, he stared straight at Fang Chang.

   "Have you... been to Qingquan City?"

"What are you talking about, I've been here before, it's like my second home," Fang Chang said with a smile, looking at the stunned young man, "Have you heard of the Changyue Group? No? As you said, are you willing to play chicken?"

   "Is that your company?!" Ji Xiu was shocked for a moment, but quickly recovered, "Wait, but I heard that it is a subsidiary of the Ruyue Group."

   Of course he knows this company!

   He even mentioned this in his last letter to Dad! Fang Chang coughed.

   "There is a big problem with your understanding of equity... But aside from this, aren't you curious about how the head of the Changyue Group came from?"

  Changyue Group is a joint venture between Niuma Group and Ruyue Group, but it is under the name of Ruyue Group because of qualification issues.

   As for why he used his own name, Fang Chang also felt puzzled, but it didn't matter if the brothers didn't mind him.

   After all, using cows and horses is really not very pleasant.

  Geeche stared at him in disbelief.

  "Is it..."

   Looking at Jixiu who clearly misunderstood something, Fang Chang smiled mysteriously, without any explanation, just pointed to the business card in his hand.

   "Some things are inconvenient to talk about in a crowded place... I got off the plane and talked"

   Jixiu quickly stopped and nodded excitedly. "Yes! Makes sense!"

   Completely forgot what happened at the poker table, Fang Chang quickly chatted with this NPC about something else, the more he talked, the more engaged he became, the more he forgot about himself.

   When Ji Xiu heard that the person in front of him actually had the same experience of studying at Yunjian University, he immediately grabbed his hands excitedly, as if seeing each other late.

   Ye Shi glanced at Lao Bai who was sitting beside him.

   "...I finally know what Fang Chang said." Lao Bai was stunned.

   "Which sentence?"

"It's the phrase "write the cards in your hands on your face"." Glancing at the two cards on the table, Ye Shi sighed and put the cards on the table together, "These guys with a lot of heart. It's too dirty, I really won't play this time... Let's play Fighting the Landlord with the three of us."

   Gu Feng nodded in agreement. "Agree."

  The flight from the east coast to Dawn City is still floating in the sky. The Heart of Steel, which returned from the great desert, has returned to the capital of the alliance with the glory of victory and the flag.

  Chu Guang rested on the airship for a night, and at dawn the next day, he and his little players returned to the surface in the pod.

  Three days later, Dawn City will hold a grand celebration to celebrate the triumph of the expedition. …

  Although it is not yet the time for the official start of the celebration, the streets have been filled with a festive atmosphere these two days.

   In order not to affect the normal life and work of the residents, and in order not to overdraw the joy of the celebration in advance, Chu Guang did not make much fanfare when he came down from the sky, and even specially told Luca and others not to come and pick him up.

   The Heart of Steel flying the flag of the Alliance also stopped quietly on the edge of the Elm District, and did not continue to advance in the direction of the settlement.

   "Hahahaha, my grandfather is finally home!" His feet finally landed on the ground, the mosquito roared in the sky, and happily walked towards the direction of the industrial zone.

  The war is over!

  The era of true goblin technology has finally arrived!

   Compared to those fast, economical, and simple-to-operate equipment, he really likes to make some more interesting inventions.

   A few young cute newcomers stood on the edge of the wheat field, looking at the prosperous settlement in the distance, with surprised expressions on their faces.

   "Is this Dawn City..." "Shocked!"

   "Too awesome..."

   There are many scattered houses, and there is no feeling of wasteland at all. The walls made of red bricks are painted with white paint, and there are many construction sites on the periphery of the city.

   The closest to them at the moment is the railway station of Dawn City.

  The open space in front of the station has been turned into a distribution center for goods. There is an endless stream of merchants coming and going, and shouts can be heard from far away. Huge wooden boxes almost filled the entire freight platform, and the carriages waiting to be dispatched formed a long queue in front of the platform...

   This in itself is no surprise.

   In reality, any city is more prosperous than here.

   But what is astounding is that just a year ago this place was an overgrown wilderness with no houses at all, let alone the farmland that could not be seen.

   Every brick, every piece of grass and every tree here is built by the players who have entered the game since the lp0.1 version, together with the NPCs.

   The shock that came to the face was much stronger than what I had seen in the photos...

   Glancing at those ignorant guys, I am most

   Black joke said.

   "You look like you just arrived." The extrajudicial fanatic scratched the back of his head.

   "Well, I did come back here for the first time... My resurrection point was at Vault 79, and I was sent to the front line right after I was born."

   He still remembered what he heard clearly. Not long after he arrived at the front line, he was fooled by those old players to become cannon fodder at the Legion's position.

   Later, he accidentally learned from the forum that the pangolin turned out to be his own.

The one next to   , who was sleepy when he woke up, nodded in shock. "I'm also... coming home for the first time."

   My darkest eyes lit up, hooked the shoulders of the two of them, and said with a smile.

   "Bet version 0.4, right? Hahaha! Let's go, brother, I'll show you a lot."

   The extrajudicial fanatic suddenly became alert when he heard the words.

   "What are you going to do... I don't dare to do something illegal." Even when he woke up, he looked at this guy with the same vigilance.

   "+1! You were in line before the alliance! Don't mess with me!"

   I pouted the darkest. …

   "Cut, who didn't queue up to come in...don't worry, just invite you to a bowl of ramen, what are you thinking about in the early morning?"

Harmful. It was eating noodles.

   The two of them suddenly showed dull expressions. White looking forward to it!

   Looking at the little players who clasped their shoulders and clamored, Chu Guang had a father-like smile on his face.

  A lot of Bet 0.4 players have fought for the alliance for a long time, and they have died many times, but they don't actually know what the alliance is, and just regard it as the setting of the game.

  I believe that at this moment they will have a deeper understanding - that it is a homeland formed by a group of people, and people are fighting for it not just for money and experience.

Of course, even if his little players have a new understanding of the cause of the alliance, he still hopes that they can play the game in a joyful way, without having to carry "civilization revival", "unite the people who survived", etc. A series of too heavy burdens.

   That's his job.

   In addition to his status as the manager of the alliance, he is also the game planner of "Wasteland Online".

   In contrast, he still prefers that his players can play the game in a relaxed mood.

   After all, as he said, this is a fun casual game. Looking back from the players, Chu Guang said with a smile.

   "Let's go, we should go too."

   Sitting on Chu Guang's shoulders, Xiao Qi, who rested her cheeks with both hands, has been scrutinizing the expression on his face.

   Seeing the unnoticeable loneliness, Xiao Qi thought that Chu Guang was feeling lonely because no one came to pick him up, so he cheered with a vigorous tone.

   "It's okay master, Xiao Qi will always be with you!"

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then he laughed out loud, stretched out his index finger and lightly touched its little head.

   "Well, thanks to having you with me." "Hehe."

  "It doesn't matter master, Xiaoqi

   will always be with you! "

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then he laughed out loud, stretched out his index finger and lightly touched its little head.

   "Well, thanks for having - you're with me." / "Hehe."

  Xiaoqi had a satisfied smile on his face, and shook his calf happily.

   Just when Chu Guang was thinking about whether to go to North Street for breakfast first, or just avoid the physical examination, a familiar figure was walking towards him from not far away.

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