This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1017 Breaking the fourth wall!

The air in the laboratory is very dry, completely different from the damp and cold cave outside.

Obviously, Dr. Qiu Shiye considered the ventilation problem, which also relieved Ye Shi, who was worried about the leakage of the reactor fuel tank.

Helium itself has strong penetrability, so it has strict requirements on the storage environment.

Not to mention the gaps visible to the naked eye, even seamless glass and ceramics may be able to show through.

Normally, these nuclear fuels are stored in high-density alloy containers at low temperatures.

"It's really hard for that guy to hide the reactor so deeply..." Jiang Xuezhou couldn't help but complained in a low voice.

Searching the corridor of the laboratory with a flashlight, Ye Shi replied casually.

"But thinking about it from another perspective, if there was no experimental facility and the fuel cans were left in the forest outside, I'm afraid we wouldn't have to go to all that trouble to find them."

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble..."

"how come."

Having already imagined the face that turned red like a monkey's ass, Ye Shi whistled teasingly, and then returned his attention to the underground research facility in front of him.

It can be seen from the traces of artificial excavation that Dr. Qiu Shiye really put a lot of effort into this laboratory.

That was probably in the early days of the Awakening Era, not long after the Second Day of Judgment. At that time, he had not yet written that poem on the bridge of the Gemini.

Ye Shi tried to bring in Dr. Qiu's perspective.

The researcher's mood at that time was probably the same as that of "Tunnan" who discovered himself. His heart was full of surprises, complacency and even excitement and madness.

It's not hard to imagine.

After all, not long ago, standing on the shoulders of the People's Federation, he had just discovered the secret that the People's Federation had not discovered despite all its efforts -

The existence called the "Tree of Insof" that is closer to the secret essence of this planet than Gaia!

And, that pioneer whose history is far older than human beings, and who seems to have glimpsed the "essence of the world"!

This laboratory should be regarded as the beginning of his challenge to the fourth wall.

And when he realized his insignificance and carved that poem on the wall, it was already at the end of his life.

"There are two sets of radiation protection suits and an extravehicular mobility exoskeleton in the cabinet at the entrance of the laboratory. They should have been recovered from the Gemini."

After inspecting the buffer cabin structure at the entrance of the laboratory, Ye Shi then took another look around and briefly reported on the communication channel.

"There are various indications that Dr. Qiu Shiye lived here for about fifteen years. Counting the time he lived with the indigenous people before, he probably died around 60 years old..."

Living to the age of 60 with zero medical conditions, Ye Shi can't say whether this counts as longevity.

An urging voice came from the communication channel.

"Don't worry about this for now, let's quickly find the fuel tank of the reactor."

"Roger that, I'm looking for it."

Ye Shi replied, and then walked along the long and narrow corridor to explore deeper into the laboratory.

Without spending much time, with the help of the drone operated by Jiang Xuezhou, he quickly found the core of the reactor along the wiring structure in the laboratory.

It was a cylindrical tank, about as thick as four or five people hugging each other, with dense pipelines wrapped around it, connecting electrical components removed from the starship.

It was as abstract as it could be, so much so that the fusion reactor almost lost all its appeal in Ye Shi's mind.

However, now is obviously not the time to consider whether or not to be qualified.

The moment the flashlight shone on the reactor, excited voices suddenly came from the communication channel.

"Found it! It's the thing stuck on the round can!"

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Ye Shi looked along the light blue beam projected by the drone and found an outwardly protruding handle in the middle of the huge round tank.

The handle was connected to a metal disc the size of a round-cap basketball, embedded in the center of the reactor tank, and seemed to be an energy supply component.

Ye Shi reached out and grasped the handle, trying to pull it out of the reactor, but found that the entire shell of the power supply component had rusted to death on the reactor structure.

"let me help you!"

While speaking, the drone controlled by Jiang Xuezhou had already flown to the side of the reactor, and two mechanical cantilevers shaped like switch blades eagerly popped out from under the body.


The light blue plasma plume spurted out from the end of the mechanical cantilever, like a hot knife, easily inserted into the rusty gap, and cut along the connection between the tank-shaped reactor and the energy supply component. One lap.

With a clear "click" sound, Ye Shi felt the resistance on his hand suddenly decrease.

Amidst a heart-wrenching sound of metal friction, he finally succeeded in pulling the energy supply component out of the tank.

However, when Ye Shi saw the full picture of the energy supply component, his originally excited mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

I saw a hole as big as a fist printed in the center of the gas tank!

The strong tank body seemed to have been hit by a cannon, pierced through the middle!

No wonder he can't pull it out!

"Good guy... the air is leaking!?" Looking at the unacceptable reality, Ye Shi swallowed hard.

At the same time, Xiao Jiang's desperate voice came from the communication channel.

"How could this happen... wasn't it plugged into the reactor? What on earth penetrated it?!"

That was their only hope of getting home.

Without the fuel that can open the hyperspace channel, they can only spend the rest of their lives in this world five light years away...

"Don't despair yet, there might be some spare fuel here... At least now I know what this gas tank looks like."

Looking at the empty can in his hand, Ye Shi was also panicked, but he still took the time to comfort Jiang Xuezhou, and then continued to search nearby.

Hard work pays off.

After searching for a while in the experiment, he actually found himself on a folding bed

"There's another one here!" Ye Shi shouted in surprise, and then he overturned the folding bed with both hands and took out the gas tank underneath.

I don’t know what Dr. Qiu Shiye was thinking in his head, but he actually used this precious nuclear fuel as a stool to cushion the bed.

Is this guy planning to use this method to awaken his spiritual energy?

But would it be too stable to use helium-3 as a radioactive source...

Seeing the gas tank in Ye Shi's hand, Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting on the bridge of the synchronous orbit ship, regained a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

The drone flew next to Ye Shi, and the light blue scanning beam was quickly projected onto the tank from the transmitter under the body camera.

Controlling his fluctuating emotions, Jiang Xuezhou took a deep breath and said.

"Tank integrity...100%."

"Fuel remaining..."


"Gan!" Hearing the last "0", Ye Shi almost choked on his own saliva and still asked without giving up, "Could it be that the test was wrong?"

Jiang Xuezhou: "It's impossible... Liquid helium made of helium-3 is lighter than liquid helium made of helium-4. If you don't believe it, weigh it yourself."

Ye Shi fell silent.

Mainly because he doesn't know how to do this.

After a while, a long sigh came from the communication channel.

"...In fact, it is obvious. If there is still fuel left, how could Dr. Qiu Shiye throw it on the bed board as casually as trash?

This time the voice coming from the communication channel was much calmer than before.

There is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart.

Although Jiang Xuezhou admitted that he was a little excited when he first saw the gas tank, it turned out that it was just an unrealistic fantasy.

After a pause for a few seconds, Jiang Xuezhou suddenly changed into a relieved tone.

"Well, actually, if you think about it... it would be quite nice to spend the rest of my life on this planet with you."

"What nonsense are you talking about? We just agreed to go to the edge of the universe to have a look." Ye Shi couldn't help but complain.

Why did this guy suddenly use the tone of the finale?

He hasn't given up treatment yet.

"Haha...yeah, what a pity."

Ye Shi could feel that there was a little loneliness in the voice of relief.

It could be seen that she was really interested in the proposal she made, not just to cooperate with him.

Thinking of this, Ye Shi couldn't help but smile.

"My gut tells me our story doesn't end there."

Jiang Xuezhou joked.

"Oh? Did the spirit tell you?"

"Just take it as such."

Ye Shi smiled mysteriously, and then cast his confident gaze around.

It actually had nothing to do with psychic energy. It was just his keen perception that gave him a strong sense of violation and caught his attention.

It was dark in the not-so-spacious laboratory, with the only light sources coming from the flashlight in his hand and the drone beside him.


Even though it was so dark here that he couldn't see his fingers, it was as clear as day in his mind.

He memorized everything he saw from the moment he entered the laboratory, and carefully organized every clue.

And those clues that he had ignored became completely clear at this moment.

"The vertical cabinet at the door has two triangular hangers, corresponding to the only two sets of protective clothing. Both sets of protective clothing are in the cabinet, indicating that he has not left."


There was silence in the communication channel, only the rustling sound of electricity.

Obviously, Jiang Xuezhou didn't understand what he was saying, and it took him a long time before he answered the question.

"...You want to say that he is still in the laboratory?"

Ye Shi analyzed calmly.

"The accurate statement should be that Dr. Qiu Shiye spent his last moments in this world in the laboratory."

Jiang Xuezhou sighed and said.

"I think it's a bit far-fetched to make such an inference just because both hazmat suits are in the closet. What if he just didn't wear a hazmat suit?"

It is true that his remains were not found in the ruins of the Gemini, but that doesn't mean anything. He could still have died anywhere in this forest and valley.


What's the point of knowing where the guy died?

The key is nuclear fuel.

That's what they really need.

Ye Shi smiled faintly and continued.

"If he goes out, he will definitely wear it... As for why, as long as you come to the ground and see it, you will know why I said this."

All local indigenous records about the ancestors seem to be inseparable from "power armor".

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what the indigenous people saw may not necessarily be "power armor", but it may also be a combination of exoskeleton + protective clothing.

But one thing is beyond doubt.

That is, all the "ancestors" almost never show their true colors to others. Whenever they go out, they will always wear clothes or armor that cover their whole bodies.

As for the reason, it’s actually very simple…

"This forest is full of all kinds of poisonous insects. Didn't we see them when we first landed?"

Jiang Xuezhou was stunned.

"Ah...but isn't it hot to wear such a thick protective suit?"

Ye Shi smiled slightly and said.

"The protective clothing comes with a cooling and ventilation module. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is better than being bitten or even killed by poisonous insects."

The local indigenous people may not be affected by the poisonous insects. After all, they may have become accustomed to it after living here for so many years.

But for the crew of the Gemini from Earth, those poisonous insects are annoying enough even if they are not deadly.

"...But even if we know this clue, what use is it to us?" Jiang Xuezhou muttered softly.

Ye Shi glanced around the dark surroundings and continued in a gentle tone.

"How could it be useless? This is obviously a great clue."

"We have conclusive evidence to prove that Dr. Qiu Shiye spent the last moments of his life in the laboratory, but his remains were not found in the laboratory."

"Then the question comes..."

"Where did he go?"

The air was dead silent.

After a long time, a sound of swallowing saliva came from the communication channel.

"What you said...why do I feel so cold on my back?"

"You feel as cold as a hammer in the sky."

Ye Shi complained angrily, and then walked to the desk and whiteboard nearby.

There were some calculation formulas written on the whiteboard that had been scrawled and revised. They were probably a casual draft written by Dr. Qiu Shiye.

He couldn't understand what those formulas meant, so he just took a picture with the combat recorder and then turned his attention to the pile of papers on the table.

Due to the baptism of time, those papers have turned yellow.

But even so, Ye Shi could barely see clearly the notes remaining on the incomplete pages of paper.

He was completely immersed in the incomplete clues.

And at this moment, the ability given to him by spiritual energy once again created a miracle.

In the void that could not be penetrated by sight, Dr. Qiu Shiye seemed to come to life, standing beside him, and picked up the dust-covered pen...

That face was full of piety.

Even after hundreds of years, Ye Shi could still clearly see that face.

In the blink of an eye, he sat at the table and meticulously wrote in his experimental notes.

"They all say I'm crazy...but I think they are really crazy. We have never been so close to the door to the truth, and someone has even found it for us!"

"All we have to do is open that box that's been opened once... I've even found it, and it's right under our feet!"

He kept mumbling.

Ye Shi, who was standing behind him, kept repeating his murmur.

Jiang Xuezhou, who was watching from the sidelines, was confused.

As the operator of the drone, she couldn't see what Ye Shi saw.

The picture in her eyes was completely different. Ye Shi, who was standing in the drone lens, seemed to be crazy, mumbling to a few incomplete pieces of paper.

"what are you saying?"

"I'm reading what he left in the notebook..."

Ye Shi replied casually, and then continued to concentrate on the experimental notes on the table, while the virtual image that spanned time sitting in front of him continued to write furiously.

That is not the mental state of a loser, but more like a seeker who has reached the end of the maze.

Completely different from what he imagined!

After discovering "him" and realizing that he was just a mural on the wall, Dr. Qiu Shiye did not give up. Instead, he devoted himself even more selflessly to the unfinished business!

Even at this moment, he realized that what was behind the fourth wall was not what he imagined.

Even if he has realized that even meeting the Creator does not mean that he can become the Creator...

Ye Shi suddenly thought of Dora, the temple maid of the Doma tribe.

At this moment, he finally fully understood Dr. Qiu Shiye's mental state.

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!

He finally walked out of the mural that trapped him and became a cloud in the sky!

"I succeeded! I found it! Hahaha..." The old man who was bending over the desk suddenly laughed out loud, and then stood up from the experimental table in high spirits.

He was as excited as a child, humming a tune and touching the reactor in the laboratory.

It was a reactor he pieced together using materials dismantled from the starship, and it wasn't just a reactor.

Ye Shi imitated his movements, even his frown and smile, even the tuneless ditty.

As if he was crazy, he returned to the reactor and inserted the exhausted gas tank into the cylindrical metal tank.


There was a slight sound, and the gas tank was tightly sewn together with the patchwork reactor.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xuezhou asked nervously, looking at the obsessed Ye Shi.

Ye Shi didn't answer, he just reached out and operated on the dashboard on the side of the metal tank, as if someone somewhere told him what to do.

Finally putting the last button back in place, he took a deep breath to disarm the power armor, and stepped on the cold rocky ground with his feet.

"We all understood it wrong... Dr. Qiu Shiye's research does not end here."

"What are you talking about? How come I... can't understand you anymore?" Jiang Xuezhou's confused voice came from the communication channel.

Ye Shi knew very well that when she was confused, her confusion was actually what Dr. Qiu Shiye encountered in the early stages of his research, and it was also a confusion that normal people would have.

Maybe it wouldn't be so difficult to understand if she also awakened her psychic powers.

"...This reactor is not used to maintain power in the laboratory, or more than that."

"Then what is it?!" Jiang Xuezhou asked incomprehensibly.

Ye Shi said with a confident and speechless tone.

"It's a miracle."

Jiang Xuezhou stared at the screen blankly.

"Strange, miracle?"

Ye Shi nodded.

"This is a... perforator. It is a miracle created by 'mortals' and gods through the will of 'gods'. It can travel through the void and through the 'window of vision', or the 'fourth wall' .”

Jiang Xuezhou's mind went blank, and he stood in front of the holographic screen as if in a daze.

"Breaking...the fourth wall?!"

Ye Shi nodded slightly, with a meaningful and complicated expression on his face.

"His kindness to this world made Him finally choose to take him away, just like we took Dora away. Regardless of whether that is what she wants from the bottom of her heart, we have to give her a chance to choose... I think, He The echoes left in this universe also think so."

The information that can be exchanged by psychic energy must be mutually recognized by both parties.

At this moment, he finally understood the words He left behind in a true sense——

"It's not like you haven't succeeded before."

While saying this, Ye Shi removed the nuclear battery of the power armor and guided the nuclear battery held on his fingertips to release a terrifying current.

The scorching energy gathered into crackling arcs in the air, and the dazzling light made it impossible to look at it.

Although this energy is only a drop in the bucket compared to the energy required to open a hyperspace channel, it is enough to drive this "mini-level" perforator!

All he needs is a hole the size of a hair. He doesn't want to destroy the planet.

The restless static electricity made every hair and fine hair on his body float.

The drone floating aside lost control and fell to the ground, and intermittent exclamations came from the communication channel.

"What are you doing?!"

Guiding the terrifying current to penetrate into the reactor in the opposite direction, Ye Shi said in a gentle tone.

"I'm demonstrating to you..."

"This perforator can not only fold the mass and energy in this universe into the light of another universe, but also unfold the light from another universe into energy or mass... just like unpacking a folded paper airplane. ,"

He wasn't kidding.

Under his guidance, this perforator built a century ago has been successfully activated, and successfully drilled a small hole in the absolutely unbreakable fourth wall, allowing the light of another universe to pass through. Come over.

In another universe, it would be just a tiny beam of light, so small that it cannot even be caught with the naked eye, and so small that it cannot even illuminate a speck of dust.

However, when it fell into this universe, the dust-like light turned into a giant in an instant, and released terrifying energy that was enough to burn the entire planet!

Fortunately, there was a suitable container waiting quietly where it fell.

The "battery" that was plugged into the reactor and could never be charged was actually fully charged in an instant...

The shining light gradually went out.

The drone that had lost control and fell to the ground began to float again and flew to the front of the reactor.

The light blue scanning beam once again shined on the metal shell of the gas tank.

But this time, Jiang Xuezhou was completely shocked.

"Helium this done?!"

Helium-4 combines with protons from nowhere and becomes helium-3 again...

How the hell is this possible? !

Her head felt like she had been hit with a stick, and she was stunned in place, opening and closing her mouth unable to say a word.

The entropy of the universe decreased from disorder to order, and physics disappeared in front of her again...

Maybe it's not enough to have a diplomat with psychic powers. They have to go to Earth and kidnap a few physicists on board.

Listening to the muttering on the other end of the communication channel, Ye Shi gently pulled out the fully charged gas tank from the "Visual Perforator".

"In short, we have the fuel to go home...and in theory, we can get as much as we need. The only risk is that frequently borrowing energy from another world may attract things stuck in the wall, so use it as little as possible. For the best.”

Exactly how Dr. Qiu Shiye completed this device remains a mystery.

Even with His help, it's amazing enough that such a thing could be accomplished.

After a pause, Ye Shi continued.

"As for how this is done... I think we may have a century to study this topic."


(Thanks to the leaders of "ice_Ω" and "|Baddie|" for the reward!!! I currently have two ideas for the new book, and I would like to hear your opinions. A cyberpunk, mechanical ascension, set in a huge cyberspace background Transforming the Stone City, focusing on combat, prosthetics, and the "psionic power" of Goldfinger. Another idea is to travel through the game world in groups, digitize the starry sky, and inherit the official website forum part and part of the setting of this book. One is probably One of them is probably about farming. The third idea is still being conceived...)

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