This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1024 Exchange between two civilizations

A device that can produce nuclear fuel out of thin air!

Chu Guang's mood at this moment could no longer be described with the word shock.

"Incredible... This is incredible!" Yin Fang touched his nose, staring at the device called the perforator, and it seemed that this word was the only thing left in his mouth.

The expression on Lu Bei's face was similar to his, and he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

He doesn't understand those complicated physical principles very well, but he knows very well that helium-3 is the strategic resource that the alliance needs most and is difficult to regenerate in a short time!

Thinking of this, Lu Bei couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"...Doesn't this mean that we have control over...infinite energy?!"

As long as they continue to extract the energy from the fuel tank and then put it back into the perforator to "recharge", they can continue to "borrow" the light from another world and turn it into what they need. shape!

Yin Fang woke up suddenly when he heard these words, but he interrupted Lu Bei's idea without hesitation.


The stunned Lu Bei cast a puzzled look at Yin Fang, and at this moment Chu Guang put his hand on his shoulder.

"This may sound like a cheap idea. But based on my past experience, cheap often means that there are hidden costs that we don't know about, and it is very likely that we cannot afford it."

After bypassing Lu Bei and walking to the perforator, Chu Guang stared at it for a long time.

The mottled rust made it hard to believe that this machine could still work, but the reality he saw with his own eyes could never be fake - they had indeed borrowed the light from another universe.

and is the light from the universe of the Creator.

"You are right, there are too many things we don't understand, and ignorance itself is the biggest threat," Yin Fang took over his words and continued in a hurry, "Do you still remember His advice? "

Chu Guang nodded.

“Don’t try to break the fourth wall.”

This sentence was heard by Ye Shi at Nanmen Er, and was updated in a post on the official website forum.

Yin Fang snapped his fingers and continued excitedly.

"That's it! I don't know if you have noticed, but there is probably something on that wall that even He would be afraid of."

Even the civilization that left this universe in Shattered Void would be afraid of its existence...

It's really hard to imagine what that thing looks like.

But thinking about it on the other hand, this piercing machine can be an effective deterrent.

If one day in the future, they really encounter other existing interstellar civilizations in this universe...

At this time, Heya, who had been keeping her arms crossed and silent, suddenly said something from her mouth.

"Sorry, actually I care more about another thing. So... we are all created... uh, characters?"

She wasn't sure if she should use that word, but it felt like it was the most accurate.

Yin Fang nodded, then shook his head.

"It can be said, but there is no point in getting entangled in this. According to the clues left by the pioneers, not only were we created, but our Creator was also created by another Creator... This is true for all universes, one layer There is no end to the iteration of one layer.”

Maybe there is an end.

But that again involves agnosticism.

Heya was lost in thought, pursed her lips, and did not continue to speak for a long time.

Excessive exploration of the spiritual world is actually not a good thing. Some things are meaningless even if you know them.

For example, Chu Guang didn't really care about what was behind the fourth wall.

Every decision he makes comes from his heart, there is no doubt about it.

Whether the Creator exists or not does not affect his judgment.

He is even more inclined to think that this kind of thing is the same as "psionic power".

His existence itself does not depend on someone's subjective will. It is just a stroke of someone in another world that he casually drew on the wall, which just drew the trajectory of his life.

If that stroke is drawn crookedly, it means that the painting is of someone else in another universe, even if that person has the same name as him.

According to this theory, he and his Creator are one-in-a-billion possibilities for each other.

Regardless of whether the Creator exists or not, His destiny is determined by no one and always belongs only to Himself.

At this time, Heya, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke again.

"...What we just tested should be the reverse operation of the perforator. What if the forward operation is performed while inserting a fuel tank filled with helium-3 fuel?"

Yin Fang immediately spoke.

"That is to go to another world... just like Dr. Qiu Shiye, through the gap in the fourth wall, go to the universe of the Creator in the form of electromagnetic waves."

Everyone at the scene fell silent, and the huge warehouse was silent for a while.

This sounds like suicide.

At least from a materialistic point of view, there is no doubt that this is the case...

Chu Guang coughed slightly, interrupting everyone's random thoughts.

"Okay, today's experiment ends here... We did get something amazing from Nanmen 2."

"Using it to produce helium-3 is purely an overuse of materials. That little energy is a drop in the bucket for us. It's better to use this guy to do something meaningful."

Heya tilted her head.

"for example?"

"Study the void!" Yin Fang's eyes flashed brightly, and his sharp eyes were like a lion seeing its prey. "Compared to a little bit of helium-3, which is not lacking in the solar system... I look forward to what we can do from it. What did you learn in middle school!”

The fanatical eyes made people shudder, and even several Yin Fang researchers present could not help but shrink their necks.

It's hard to say whether this is a good idea.

However, Chu Guang felt that ignorance was more terrifying than the fear of the unknown.

Bold ideas.

Perhaps someone had already started researching this thing before them.

They are neither likely to be the first new generation civilization to touch the remains of the pioneer civilization, nor are they likely to be the last.

Looking at Yin Fang who looked expectant, Chu Guang nodded and approved his proposal.

"At least we have to figure out what we have on our hands."

Just when the alliance's scientific community was exclaiming in disbelief at the astonishing discovery of Nanmen II, a majestic steel submarine was breaking through the waves towards the Baiyue Strait on the vast blue waters of the south.

The Alliance Academy of Social Sciences is responsible for receiving the "Doma envoys" from the planet Gaia.

According to the route designed by Ms. Han Mingyue, they will board the "Dolphin" cargo submarine, depart from the base of the space elevator, pass all the way through the Baiyue Strait, arrive at Jingallang Port, and then go to Silver Moon Bay to transfer to the train to Dawn City .

There is no doubt that this is the farthest road to Dawn City.

However, according to Ms. Han Mingyue, this route will better represent the real wasteland and can better help Dora understand the world where the "ancestors" live.

After all, if you land on the Death Coast, the scenery you see along the way will be almost the same...

The huge alloy hull was buried under the waves, with only the U-shaped bridge exposed.

Looking at the waves lapping on the curved floor-to-ceiling windows, Dora stood in the bridge with her eyes wide open in excitement.

"Is this...the sea?!"

"Haha! That's right! It's all over here! The residents of the South Sea Alliance live here, and they have lived here for more than two centuries!"

Captain Chen Jianhong, who was standing in front of the control terminal, laughed heartily and waved to the crew members on the side.

Seeing the captain's gesture, the latter immediately adjusted the rudder with understanding, allowing the huge hull of the boat to stand out from the rolling waves, pushing the bridge higher.

The view ahead is instantly broadened!

I saw the vast blue connecting the sky, as if it was connected with the blue sky and white clouds!

The faintly visible horizon glows with a touch of emerald green and golden, like a necklace given by the sky to the sea.

Ships of various sizes floated on the sea.

There are container ships and salvage ships cruising around.

Since the gravity well was activated, a large amount of space junk fell into the vast southern sea, and scavengers in the wasteland swarmed up like sharks smelling fish.

Thanks to this, this sea area that was originally isolated on the edge of the wasteland has become completely lively!

Dora clenched her fists excitedly and stood on tiptoes, wanting to jump up so she could see further.

Seeing her excited look, Captain Chen Jianhong couldn't help but have a proud smile on his face.

Although he joined the Alliance a long time ago, he has always regarded this sea as his hometown.

This has never changed.

"That's amazing..." Dora sighed, finally calming down her excitement.

Seeing her ignorant look, Ye Shi couldn't help but complain.

"It's not that powerful. Hydrogen-oxygen compounds are quite common in the universe."

Dora looked at him curiously and asked excitedly.


Ye Shi coughed and explained.

"It means water."


"I told you it's nothing great."

Ye Shi explained dumbfoundedly, but found that the little stars twinkling in the girl's eyes shone brighter and brighter.

The little koala on the side looked up at the ceiling, and made a tinkling sound from under its round metal belly.

"I don't like it here very much. The humid air makes me feel uncomfortable."

Especially when that humid air condenses into water droplets on its steel plates.

Professor Sun Wenze, who was standing nearby, stared at it for a long time and muttered to himself.

"It's unbelievable. Machines can actually have souls... So what is your soul called? Machine soul?"

The little koala replied helplessly.

"I don't know, don't ask me about this kind of thing."

The submarine slowly sailed into the Baiyue Strait and docked at the port of Fries Port.

A group of people stood on the pier.

Due to the strict confidentiality of the itinerary, the survivors of Chips Harbor did not know that the guest from Nanmen 2 would disembark here.

It was precisely because of this that when Dora stood on the pier, a pair of curious eyes suddenly drifted over.

Emerald green skin.

In the wasteland, only mutants have this skin color.

But that emerald-like green was different from the emerald green that exuded the breath of life on her body.

Even excluding the difference in color, people standing at the port could still tell the difference between her and the mutants.

One is hair.

Another one is gender characteristics.

Mutants have no hair, and there are no female ones.

Just as everyone on the port was looking at the pier in surprise and curiosity, Dora, who was standing on the pier, was also surprised and wide-eyed, looking at the people on the shore with excitement.

I saw parasols on the sunny beach, and a tree-lined street in the distance.

The crowds of people on the street are faint, coming and going under the colorful signboards and the shade of the dancing trees.

It was a sight that Dora had never seen before.

In her tribe, people live in trees and eat and live in tree holes.

And even if the Qiu people living in the Forbidden Forest Valley knew how to build houses with stones, they could not build such a beautiful house, let alone pave the road with smooth stones... In her knowledge, it was not possible. There is no such thing as a road.

The scenery that greeted her eyes was so dizzying that Dora didn't know where to put her eyes.

The legend about the ancestors is still too conservative.

This is not like heaven, but like a paradise above heaven.

"There are so many people..." She couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the crowds of people coming and going on the path along the shore.

There were already more people walking on the shore than there were in the entire tribe in her hometown!

There are even more people living in the entire forest!

Seeing her fuss, Ye Shi smiled and said.

"This is not the most. When you pass by Golden Gallon Port, you will know what it means to have too many people."

It was probably the most populous gathering place for survivors in the entire wasteland, other than Ideal City.

As for French Fries Port, it really doesn’t rank high in terms of population alone. It can only be regarded as a resort port with pleasant scenery.

Dora looked at Ye Shi with surprise.

She could tell he wasn't joking, but she couldn't imagine what it would be like to have more people here than there were.

People stacked on top of people?

Looking at the fussing Dora with a smile, Han Mingyue put on the sunglasses on her collar and asked casually in a joking voice.

"By the way, have you sensed anything unusual in the air here... or elsewhere."

Dora was stunned for a moment, recovered from the initial shock, closed her bright eyes, and the expression on her face returned to her peaceful and pious look.

Han Mingyue stared at her face with interest, as if she was looking at some work of art.

Didn't wait long.

Dora opened her eyes again, and those eyes also bloomed with surprise at the same time.

"I feel a very familiar scent... very similar to our forest!"

Everyone standing nearby had surprised expressions on their faces, including Ye Shi, a player.

Only then did he suddenly remember that this forest seemed to be alive!

not only that.

It is also a child of Gaia!

Just like the previous nest in Qingquan City!

Speaking of which, it seems that no one has completed the mission of finding the brood nest released by the Alliance Biological Research Institute several versions ago...

Looking at Dora who had discovered something, the interest in Han Mingyue's eyes became even more intense.

She continued to chase.

"Can you communicate with it? Or...does it have self-awareness?"

Dora nodded excitedly.

"Yes! It is greeting me. Its voice is very similar to the 'Insof Tree', but it is not exactly the same. It feels like... it is His child."

It is indeed His child.

Just like the Gaians on the planet Gaia, they all have the same parents.

The only difference is that it is a strategic weapon designed by the radicals of the People's League based on the concept of "destruction".

But Dora is the "Insof's Tree" - or the ecological maintenance system left by the pioneer civilization, a new life bred for the purpose of "saving endangered species."

Han Mingyue looked at Dora excitedly.

"Did it say anything?"

Dora nodded quickly again.

But this time, her expression was a little embarrassed, not as natural as before.

"It's complaining that you guys are noisy."

"It also said that it would be nice if you could be quiet..."

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