This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1027 The Germination of the Holy Tree

The next day, on the outskirts of Port Fries, a jungle regiment carrying chain saws and bolters was on duty.

Although the wild vegetation in the forest has stopped growing, the danger has not been completely eliminated.

In particular, the wildly expanding vegetation has alarmed the alien species active in this area, causing the danger factor in the area around Potato Port to rise sharply.

Several patrolling drones even discovered large carnivorous alien species with a danger level of 60 in the forest!

This type of extremely dangerous alien species was originally active in the deep forests deep inland, but now it is attracted to the vicinity of Friesport due to the migration of the herds.

This situation is also beyond the control of the mother nest in the forest. It cannot directly order a certain alien species to go where.

At present, several passes leading to the inland areas have been closed, and only players and people with passes can enter and exit.

In fact, at this juncture, except for the ranger team of the Jungle Corps, there are not many players who will explore the depths of the forest at this time.

After all, even if there is no real death in the game, the death penalty is still a headache.

However, even though the official website and V have raised the risk factor and recommended level in this area, there are still die-hard players who don't believe in this evil and will infiltrate wherever there is danger.

For example, at this moment, there are three young players in their early 20s standing at the door of the checkpoint.

The NPC officer on duty checked their VMs and confirmed that the three people were undoubtedly residents of the shelter.

But seeing their dumbfounded looks, he still reminded them out of good intentions.

"The current recommended level of the map has been temporarily raised to level 40. If the player's level is 10 levels below the recommended level, the insurance will only pay half, and if the player's level is 20 levels lower, the insurance will only pay a quarter. You guys have to think clearly."

The lead player said with a smile.

"See clearly, brother."

The other two players also shouted.

"We don't have to worry about you."

"We are responsible for ourselves."

After hearing what this group of people said, the NPC didn't say much. He put an approval mark on their VM, and then performed a military salute in awe.

"Go ahead and good luck."

[Team: Just want to be a quiet dog, just want to be quiet as a Japanese dog, so handsome that the frame drops. (Approved!)]

After completing the map registration, the leading captain smiled and returned the greeting, and then rushed into the forest with the two brothers behind him, fearing that the baby would be snatched first.

Watching the three people disappear into the forest, the officer couldn't help but look at the brothers in the jungle corps.

"Are they okay?"

The guy dressed in a tin can can be considered an old player. He could guess what the three rookies were thinking with his feet. He yawned and said.

"I guess I want to earn contribution points. Don't worry about them and let them play by themselves."

Just taking a photo won't add many contribution points unless you get high-value specimens or dropped materials.

To put it simply, you have to do it well.

These people are still too young and will recover after dying a few times.

NPC officer: "..."

On the other side, the three players who passed the checkpoint have gone deep into the jungle.

Just as the old player expected, these three stupid young men were all rushing to earn contribution points.

Now affected by this wave of wild plant growth, many alien species that were originally hiding in the depths of the forest have fled to low-level areas, but from another perspective, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

There will never be a similar opportunity to allow so many high-level alien species to appear in low-level areas!

In order to reduce the loss of equipment, they only carried an LD- and a few white phosphorus bombs. As for protective equipment, there is only a stab-proof vest, not even a basic exoskeleton.

This outfit can be said to be quite economical, to the extent that other players can tell at a glance that these guys have no intention of returning to the save point alive.

However, as they continued to go deeper into the jungle, the group of people still couldn't help but beat their drums in their hearts.

"By the way, why is it so quiet here?" [Japanese Dog who just wants to be quiet], who carefully searched the corners of the jungle and remained silent for a long time, finally couldn't help but muttered, "Didn't they increase the recommended level of the map? There is no movement at all. No……"

"Shut up and listen carefully to the footsteps." [Just want to be a quiet dog] glanced sideways at him, focusing on the surroundings, but the more he did, the more panicked he became.

This is so wrong.

The map after the recommended level was raised is actually quieter than the previous map.

The alien species that were originally active in this area disappeared somewhere and seemed to have disappeared.


They hide.

Thinking of this, [I just want to be a quiet dog] felt my heart beating hard and my adrenaline soaring.

But only half of his adrenaline rush was the thrill.

And the remaining half is a surprise!

There is only one possibility to hide the alien species in the entire forest——

There's a BOSS around here!

Seeing the enthusiastic expression on the captain's face, the passerby whose ID was "so handsome that he dropped frames" became even more panicked.

He is the only perception player in the team. Although his level is only over 20, he is considered qualified as a scout.

However, even he couldn't sense the presence of the alien species nearby...

There is only one explanation for this. The trouble they are facing at the moment is far beyond their strength!

"Brother, do you have something in mind? Why do I feel a little panicked?"

[Just want to be a quiet dog] narrowed his eyes.

"Have you ever heard a word?"

[So handsome that it dropped the frame] Swallowed.

"What words..."

[I just want to be a quiet dog] grinned and said viciously.

“The bigger the waves, the more expensive the fish!”

[Japanese dog who just wants to be quiet]: "..."

[So handsome that it drops frames] He said with a sad face.

"Is it too late to quit the group now?"

"That's too late!"

It was indeed too late.

The moment [I just want to be a quiet dog] said this, a suppressed roar suddenly came from in front of everyone.


The roar seemed to shake the entire forest, and even the earth trembled!

The three of them were suddenly startled. Before they had time to react, they saw a dozen black figures rushing over from the front.

The black shadow was about three meters long, shaped like a cheetah, with sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth, like two upright sickles!

[So handsome that it dropped the frame] He recognized the identity of this alien at a glance, and the whole person was shocked for a moment.

"Hunting Shadow Coyote! Level 30 Alien——"

This name was given by the player who first discovered it. It is usually active in the mountains 100 kilometers away from Potato Port. Because it has sharp teeth that can bite through steel plates and often hunts in groups, it is so dangerous that even a small team of rangers would find it difficult!

Before he could finish his exclamation, [I just want to be a quiet dog] had already raised the rifle in his hand, and sprayed out long tongues of flame from the muzzle, shooting at the approaching black figures.

"Don't worry about the fucking level, just fire!"

Tu tu tu tu——!

The hot metal shrapnel opened up a rain of death in the forest, and collided head-on with a shadow-hunting coyote that sprang out of the bushes. The latter whined and died instantly.

This shuttle bullet had a critical hit, hitting the head by accident.

"Nice job-!"

Seeing his good brother kill a level 30 shadow-hunting coyote alone, [Japanese Dog Who Just Wants to Be Quiet] shouted excitedly. After that, he took advantage of the chaos to pick up the head and headed towards the scurrying creature. Black shadows swept randomly.

However, the good times did not last long.

The death of his companion made the shadow-hunting coyote, who was originally running in all directions, aware of the approaching threat!

The instinct of the beast reminds them that if they cannot deal with the two two-legged beasts in front of them first, they may die here before the predators chasing behind them catch up with them!

Driven by the desire to survive, the wolf king who led the team howled. The shadow coyotes originally scattered and fled, but after escaping a round of fire, they actually gathered together and no longer ran away, but towards the stumbling block on the road to escape. Swarm up!

Seeing the black figure rushing towards him, [Japanese Dog who just wanted to be quiet] was immediately frightened. He exclaimed "fuck" and freed his right hand to pick up the white phosphorus bomb on his waist.

However, before he could pull the white phosphorus bomb off his waist, a giant wolf more than three meters long rose into the air, bit his shoulder with a snarl, and swallowed his entire head into his throat.


The sound of fangs breaking flesh was mixed with the crunching sound of chewing bones. Hot blood sprayed two to three meters high, dyeing a broad-leafed short tree bright red!

Inspired by the blood, the beastly nature of the shadow-hunting coyote raised its head and howled before turning to kill another dog next to it.

[I just want to be a quiet dog] The whole person was frightened by this bloody scene, but fortunately, the movement of his hand did not stop, he pulled off a white phosphorus bomb, detached the fuse and threw it out.

The dazzling white light suddenly lit up, causing the beast to subconsciously close its eyes.

And at the same time, scorching flames exploded into starlight in the air, covering half of its body with thick white smoke, and ignited the hair on its body!


The shadow-hunting coyote let out a wail of pain, and its three-meter-long body fell heavily to the ground. It struggled and rolled in the bushes, trying to extinguish the flames on its body.

However, what it didn't expect was that the more it struggled, the more raging the flames became! In just a few breaths, it has been burned all over its body!

Seeing the shadow-hunting coyote that was no longer moving, [just wanted to be a quiet dog] did not dare to take it lightly. He had already held two other white phosphorus bombs in his right hand, ready to take action again at any time.

And just a short distance away from him, three shadow-hunting coyotes were staring at him fiercely.

If they weren't afraid of the sudden explosion of fire, they would have swarmed up and tore it apart.


The leader, the shadow-hunting coyote, was crawling, its front claws scraping against the ground, and it was making threatening sounds from its mouth.

[Just want to be a quiet dog] Not to be outdone, he stared straight at it, and at the same time carefully glanced to the side, wanting to seek help from his teammates, but saw that the ugly one was gone because of the frame drop.

"Damn...passers-by are just unreliable." He complained in his mind, completely giving up the idea of ​​relying on his teammates to help him get out of trouble.

But at this moment, the situation seemed to take a turn for the better.

The three shadow-hunting coyotes that were confronting him suddenly seemed to smell danger. Their hair suddenly stood up, and they roared and took a few steps back.

Then, without any warning, they turned around and ran back into the trees behind them.

After confirming that the rustling sound was really far away, [I just want to be a quiet dog] breathed a sigh of relief and let go of all the tense nerves in my body.

"Damn... I'm really unlucky today."

We actually encountered a herd migration, and it was a shadow-hunting coyote!

But what puzzled him was what on earth could make these wild dogs that dared to bite even armored vehicles so afraid.

Just when he was confused, the roar that shook the earth sounded again.

What was different from the past was that there was a scorching wind blowing along with the roar.

The hot air flow was like the breath of some giant beast. He who had just relaxed suddenly tensed up his nerves again, tore off two white phosphorus bombs and turned around.

However, the moment he turned around, he was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

It was a lizard that was about five or six stories high.

Its body is covered with colorful scales, and its two huge eyes are like the dials of a bell tower.

Standing half straight in the forest, it looked like Godzilla, with every inch of its scales exuding suffocating pressure!

"What... is this?!"

[I just want to be a quiet dog] Everyone was dumbfounded and even forgot to use VM to record this shocking moment.

The lizard didn't seem to see him, and just moved forward slowly. And as he moved forward, the entire forest shook as if the earth was shaking.

But at this moment, the lizard seemed to be summoned by a certain voice. Instead of continuing to move forward, it turned around.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't turn around, as it twists its big butt, and its tail as thick as a bucket suddenly sweeps through the woods hundreds of meters wide like a sweeping whip.


[I just want to be a quiet dog] He didn't have time to react, or even let out a scream, before he was thrown away by the devastating tail, along with countless flying sawdust in the air. disintegration.

At the same time, [so handsome that he dropped frames] who dug a foxhole on the spot and pressed his head to the ground was lucky enough to survive.

He didn't know what he was thinking at the time. When he saw the escaping beasts, the first thing he thought of was not to open fire, but to instinctively find a place to hide.

Whether it was because of cowardice or because of his perceptual attributes, in short, he survived by luck.

Looking at the mess on the ground around him, his eyebrows twitched involuntarily.

"Oh my this a typhoon?!"

He smacked his tongue and raised his head, but held his breath for a moment.

I saw a huge lizard standing in the middle of the messy forest, its raised crowned head emitting colorful light in the afternoon sun.

It's so huge that if you put it in front of it, you might look like an ant!

Dragon lizard!

The word "so handsome that it drops frames" suddenly came to mind.

He raised his trembling hands, held the camera-enabled headphones next to his ears, took several photos of the incredible creature, and then uploaded them to the VM.

Data archiving.

Exotic naming...


Looking at the "Named successfully" pop-up window that popped up on the VM screen and the huge reward for unlocking the illustrated book, [so handsome that it dropped the frame] finally breathed a sigh of relief. This adventure was considered a worthwhile trip.

I am afraid that a creature of this level cannot be hunted by a single player, and the alliance may be forced to use strategic weapons.

Just when [so handsome that he dropped the frame] patted the mud on his pants and was about to sneak away from the vicinity, he was quickly shocked by the scene in front of him.

Behind the swaying woods, I saw a majestic giant tree standing in the middle of the forest!

It didn't seem to be one tree, but many trees of different types growing together!

It was the only thing in the entire forest that was taller than the huge lizard.

What surprised him even more was what came next.

I saw the huge dragon lizard approaching the towering giant tree.

It was like the latter's child, with its crested head hanging down and nestled against the latter's side, licking the roots of the tree with the tip of its forked tongue, and purring from its constantly rising and falling cheeks.

Looking at that incredible scene, [so handsome that he dropped the frame] was speechless for a moment.

He suddenly remembered a certain post he had read on the official website forum.

That was what Big Ten Ye wrote about the Gaia planet in the Nanmen II system.

This giant tree seems familiar...

When he came back to his senses, his eyes widened for a moment.


Could this be...

The sacred tree of the Domars? !

It has actually been recreated on Earth!

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