This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1041 The Gift of the Void


This was the first time Chu Guang heard this name, but it felt surprisingly familiar.

It's unclear whether the strong sense of sight may be the "morphological field" at work. He was here because the perforator created "instability points" on the membrane of the universe, so he received information from the void or other universes. resonance information.

At this moment, Chu Guang suddenly discovered that he seemed to have awakened his "spiritual energy".

And maybe the spiritual energy he was awakening at this moment was the reason why he was able to have divine intercourse with this guy who called himself an observer.

at the same time--

This is also the reason why Xiaoqi can't see it.

"Observer... I still don't quite understand what you are observing, or what your purpose is."

Looking at the gaze from the void, Chu Guang paused for a moment and then continued.

" said you come from the void, so what is your relationship with those three consciousnesses?"

Perhaps because he asked a lot of questions at once, the mysterious voice pondered for a moment.

"I... can be considered a child of the original light, but that's not necessarily true. I can see many things, but I can't see myself."

"As for my purpose, knowing too much is actually not a good thing for you. Your mission has been completed. You have successfully continued your endangered civilization... At least in this universe, you have defeated almost all of them. The inevitable disaster transformed into a brand new existence."

"As for the crisis dozens of thousands of years from now, that is not your mission, but what your children... and the children of other civilizations in this galaxy need to face."

That is to say...

Tens of thousands of years from now, will human civilization encounter another major crisis?

And is it a crisis that affects the entire galaxy?

If it is true, then this is really incredible news.

Chu Guang couldn't help laughing or crying in his heart, but he was also a little relieved when he thought that it would happen ten thousand years later.

The People's League lasted less than two centuries before a crisis broke out that nearly destroyed the entire civilization.

Although it is unknown how long the fire he and his friends lit can last, it has at least continued the life of human civilization for dozens of thousands of years.

In the next few dozen thousand years, human civilization may experience periods of sexual exhaustion and regime changes, but there is a high probability that there will be no more disasters like the Wasteland least in the eleventh dimension. That’s what observers say.

It seems that his development strategy of "not putting eggs in one basket" can still withstand the test of time.

As a manager, he seems to have no regrets?

But at this time, he suddenly noticed a detail in the prophecy.

"You mean...beyond this universe, are there us in other universes?"

said the observer in a gentle voice.

"Of course there is. For example, in the universe numbered..., although there is Vault 404, you withdrew from the stage of history very early, and no alliance was born on this planet. In the end, the Wasteland Era ended. , but the era of mankind has come to an end.”

Chu Guang frowned slightly.

"...Is this the world line where heavenly beings succeed?"


The observer gave an affirmative answer, but soon changed the subject.

"But I don't think that can be regarded as their success, because the neutron plume only killed the organisms on the surface and did not exterminate other existences. For example... there is a place called Ideal City on this planet. Due to a long time The previously passed bill allowing androids to participate in public affairs did not paralyze the city's order due to the extinction of survivors. Instead, a large number of androids lost their legally responsible persons, thus enabling the city to usher in intelligent machines. liberation."

"The bionic man who lost his legal person relied on the backup data on the endpoint cloud to weave a gestalt called the Intelligent Brain.

Consciousness body, and according to the spontaneous defense protocol on the server, the war machine of Ideal City was activated, and the rolling metal swept across the entire land. "

"The old servers at Lagrange points were vulnerable to the larger Gestalt consciousness, and were quickly assimilated into the same thing as the latter. In the end, all the efforts of the heavenly beings became their wedding garments , an intelligent mechanical civilization dedicated to containing and preserving organic life forms was born. They will search for species that match their aesthetics within the galaxy and establish new pioneering lands for this purpose."

When talking about this, the observer used a ridiculing tone.

"In fact, this ending is not bad for you. In the millennium of material prosperity, you only need to be responsible for enjoyment and reproduction. Even in the distant era, many great artists and philosophers famous in the galaxy were born among you. , loved by many other intelligent species.”

"Even in the poorest era, those bionic people met your nutritional needs, but only restricted your activities in the material world... and from beginning to end, you did not have to participate in production or fighting, and were completely protected. "

to be honest.

That doesn't sound bad.

It's as if human beings have completely retired from this sea of ​​stars, leading a retirement life of walking birds in cages in advance, becoming Frost and Eclipse's... pets?

In addition to the artificial intelligence in Ideal City, there may also be bells from Vault 100, tree people living in Vault 101, and other artificial intelligence beings.

Even Xiao Qi in Vault 404, the other AIs that come here will definitely not leave it alone.

Of course, if it weren't for itself, it probably wouldn't be called this name. Maybe other AIs would call it "Trash"?

But then again, this "celestial being" is too unreliable, isn't it? !

Because this ending was so perfect, Chu Guang even felt a little discouraged, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Then what?"

It’s been fun for so long, what’s the cost?

You can't always be happy, can you?

Perhaps seeing what he was thinking, the observer smiled, but did not give the answer he expected.

"There is no more. The indescribable fog blocks my sight. No one can see the distant cause and effect, not even me."

"What I see is only part of the possibilities for the future... As for the follow-up you expect, you can imagine it as you like, and you don't have to get the answer from me."

Looking at the slightly disappointed Chu Guang, the observer continued with a gentle voice.

"Of course, besides this ending, there is another situation in the universe numbered..."

"Due to the earlier disturbance, Vault 404 did not open properly at all. When faced with the Legion's invasion, Boulder City chose to compromise, and the Pioneer did not reach the Great Desert at all, and died early in the central part of Luoxia Province. .”

"In that expedition across the great desert, the legion won the final victory at a high price. The fifth legion was born in the eastern part of the great desert, and eventually combined with the Torch Church to form a 'zheng-religious' military" body, using the torch as a new totem to replace Marshal Julius, and setting his sights on the academy in the Wandering Swamp. "

"As for the Enlightenment, they have been hiding in the dark and successfully stole the legacy of the Eastern Legion with the help of the disintegration of the Legion. After that, a huge mutant empire was also established on the coast of the Borneo Sea and obtained the heritage of the southern sea. "

"It will be an era of chaos with a complete lack of order, and the final outcome has been doomed earlier. The only suspense is whether the academy can successfully evacuate before the neutron plume hits."

"Due to the lack of reinforcements spanning tens of thousands of kilometers, Ideal City did not pass the bill allowing androids to participate in public affairs. Therefore, when the neutron plume descended on the planet, the heavenly beings successfully took over the legacy of Ideal City. , and implemented a more thorough extermination protocol for the few remaining organisms."

"From then on, an intelligence whose mission is to exterminate organisms

Energetic mechanical civilization was born. As for whether that can be regarded as the continuation of the Celestial beings, I can't make a judgment for you... After all, the goal of the 'Celestial beings' should be to return to the era of the Human League, but as far as the results are concerned, they have not returned to the past. Instead, he completely killed himself and will never change again.”

"More than ten thousand years later, their eternal hostility has become one of the troubles in this galaxy, and is regarded by countless civilizations as a pest that threatens prosperity and stability. But in turn, this has also become an opportunity to promote the union of various civilizations."

"After conquering dozens of galaxies, this trouble was finally crushed by the combined fleets of civilizations... and not long after that, the victors who visited this galaxy discovered your story from the wreckage of the database. "

"As for what happens after this, it is the cause and effect that will be born outside the fog."

That was a complete failure...

But then again, things like "celestial beings" are freaks born in special times.

As long as some people are killed, another group of people can achieve Utopia. This has never been done before in human history.

Although it was a bit regretful that he could not hear the bad ending of "Universe No. 1", after hearing the ending of "Universe No. 2", Chu Guang suddenly felt relieved again.

The "organism's paradise" is not destined to appear, and there is a more desperate possibility behind the chaos of inaction.

They did not come in vain.

After realizing this, he felt that his mind was much calmer, and he immediately continued to ask.

"What about our future?"

The observer smiled mysteriously and replied in that ethereal voice.

"If I tell you, then 'good things' might not happen. Are you sure you want to know?" "

After Chu Guang was silent for a moment, he finally said with a free and easy smile.

"Then forget it. I still believe in myself more than in the illusory fate."

And his reliable companions.

Although his answer was expected, observers gave it a favorable view.

"This is the wisest decision. In fact, the future I see will continue to change with your actions...just like an indescribable fog."

Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing, and having too strong a will to change your destiny may instead become an inducement to disaster. I have seen too many civilizations that focused on exploring the spiritual world pay a heavy price because they relied too much on the revelation of the void, and even turned themselves into nothingness. "

"You don't have to follow my inspiration. It's enough to move forward of your own will. To be honest, I shouldn't have revealed so much information to you. The signal from the void will interfere with your original destiny."

Although it said so, Chu Guang did not hear any regrets from its words.

"But you did it anyway."

"Yes, because this is too rare. Generally speaking, you cannot see me. I have not given you any help, and the person chosen is not you at all, but someone before you... There is only one kind Explanation, the indescribable fog intervenes in this game, and only it can establish cause and effect between two existences that have no causal connection."

Observers answered in the affirmative.

Even though this answer sounded a little difficult to understand to Chu Guang.

"In other words... I was selected by that 'indescribable mist'? "

the observer chuckled.

"Haha, maybe, after all, your experience is indeed miraculous. There are many civilizations more powerful than you, including spiritualists who understand the mysteries of the void, and materialists who realize the nature of the universe and explore the mysteries of dimensions."

"But there are indeed very few civilizations that have taken a different approach like yours. They did not choose to rely on the power of the void or other dimensions, but chose to rely on the power of another universe, and also applied it on a large scale."

"There are too many coincidences in this

, but this one-of-a-kind coincidence did happen... and I also got a revelation from you that I had never had before. "

Chu Guang: "Revelation?"


The observer's voice suddenly became much more serious.

Although his tone was still gentle, it was significantly more solemn and sacred than before.

"To answer your original question, the meaning of my existence is of course not just passive observation. When conditions permit, I will also try to pass through the obstruction of the fog and provide a certain degree of enlightenment to the objects being observed... just like now. The conversation I had with you."

"And all these actions have only one purpose, which is to fulfill the will of the original light - to prevent the heat death of the universe and to fight against the 'natural disasters' that stop us." "

"To put it simply, it is the 'inverse of entropy'." "

Prevent...the heat death of the universe?

Chu Guang was stunned when he heard this unimaginably ambitious goal.

But if you think about it carefully, although this is not very scientific, it is surprisingly reasonable.

This guy has been laying the groundwork for telling the origin of the universe for so long. If he just said "I'm just wandering around" in the end, it would really be too anticlimactic.

Since it knows so many things, it must have a plan for things within the scope of its cognition.

But what he didn't expect was that this plot was so big that it was completely beyond his understanding.

"Why...why do you do this? Or is there any reason for doing this?"

The observer replied naturally.

"There is no reason, we are born for this, just like you need to eat when you are born."

When it said this, it paused for a moment and then continued.

"And I'm not the only one doing this. Besides me, I also have a companion who is also doing this. Its name is 'The Sower', and it was born from the original light like me. We The projection has existed in the endless universe since the beginning of the rupture of the original universe. It is responsible for sowing the seeds of civilization, and I am responsible for what comes after. "

Chu Guang tried to clarify his thoughts, but there were still many things he couldn't figure out.

"I remember you mentioned that the birth of consciousness accelerated the heat death of the original universe... But if that's the case, then why do you still sow seeds everywhere and then accelerate their growth?"

If we really want to suppress the heat death of the universe, shouldn't the correct operation be to extinguish the fire of civilization?

the observer said in a gentle tone.

"Merely preventing the birth of consciousness cannot prevent the heat death of the universe. Even without the birth of civilization, the universe will still usher in the end of heat death after its life span reaches the end. Consciousness will indeed accelerate this process, but in this process it will also New hope will be born."

"Speaking of which, we have to mention our third partner... Its name is Boundary Breaker."

Chu Guang pressed his index finger between his eyebrows.

"He is also a child of the original light?"

"That's not... Strictly speaking, he is not the continuation of any existence in the void, but a variable born in the infinite newborn universe."

Having said this meaningfully, the observer continued.

"He can be anyone, any consciousness, or a collection of discrete consciousnesses... which is what you understand as civilization. His appearance will change the pattern of the universe where he lives, complete his ascension in the way we expect, and Taking the universe he is in, he becomes one with another universe."

Chu Guang tried to imagine that scene.

"...Like two soap bubbles put together?"

Upon hearing this metaphor, the observer said approvingly.

"It can be understood this way, and this is what I call 'entropy inverse',"

"When all the fragments are put together, the broken original universe will return to its original form, and our mission since the collapse of the original universe has been completed.

. "

Looking at Chu Guang who was too surprised to speak, it continued with a voice with a hint of regret.

"It's a pity. In fact, the civilization before you, the existence you call the 'pioneer', had hope of becoming a boundary breaker. Unfortunately, however, they explored the spiritual world too deeply, were beguiled by other voices in the void, and embarked on a path completely different from ours. In the end, they embraced the void...the Creator they understood in a way we never imagined. "

Chu Guang was silent for a moment, then sighed softly and said.

"I probably understand your motives...but there's one thing I still don't understand. Why are you telling me this?"

Is it simply because the indescribable fog created a connection between them?

It can also choose not to respond, just as it always has.

Anyway, they can't affect each other, or they are all untouchable to each other.

Chu Guang always felt that it still had some reservations that it had not told him.

The observer was silent for a while, with a rare tone of uncertainty.

"Because... I think you, or you, have the potential to become a boundary breaker."

Chu Guang was slightly stunned.


Become...a boundary breaker?

That kind of goal is a bit too ambitious for today's league no matter how you look at it.

However, the person standing in front of him didn't seem to think so.

"Yes, you may not realize it yourself, but you actually have an amazing...affinity. Although you have just stepped into this sea of ​​stars, I think if it were you, maybe after dozens of thousands of years, there would be hope. Realize the miracle we have been waiting for."

This unstinting compliment made Chu Guang, who had never been thin-skinned, feel a little embarrassed.

To be honest, he is not interested in becoming a boundary breaker, and he is not interested in the heat death of the universe and its destiny that is measured in billions of years.

But perhaps as the observers said, after they understand their position in the universe and their destiny, they will always wait until the day when they need to make a choice.

Having understood everything he wanted to know, Chu Guang leaned back on his chair and spoke in a sincere tone.

"Thank you... you answered a lot of my confusion, although it also made me have more confusion in my head."

The observer smiled faintly.

"You're welcome, it's me who should say thank you. Your revelations have given me a lot of help... Maybe I can try to change my thinking, no longer just looking for hope from this universe, but starting from the beginning Looking for opportunities to seek coexistence between the two universes.”

Chu Guang said cautiously.

"Can I ask one more question, where are you planning to conduct this experiment?"

As if hearing the alertness in his voice, the observer said with a hearty smile.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything here. It's no different from superfluous. We are no longer needed here. You just need to continue moving along your own path. I will watch you from a distance in the void... Until the person I'm waiting for appears, or there's a crisis from outside the membrane in this universe."

"We are going to a universe that is doomed to decay and has no hope...the situation there is completely out of control."

"The oldest civilization that we had high hopes for has completely gone astray. After they realized their destiny, they did not become 'boundary breakers' who broke through the void. Instead, they took the initiative to release natural disasters and systematically spread them across the world. Searching for and clearing out new generation civilizations across the much so that we have almost given up on that 'bubble'."

"If we can successfully save that part of the universe, it means your method is working. And if we fail, we have nothing to lose."

Chu Guang probably understood its meaning.

This guy seems to be planning to put his

Copy the law and start a similar game in another universe?


This guy might not be copying himself, but the first-generation managers who actually figured out the method.

But no matter how you say it, it's a matter in another world. The relationship with him is even further away than the players' world, so it's obvious that he doesn't need to worry about it.

As a result, Chu Guang made a favor without hesitation and said with a smile.

"You're welcome, if you think it's useful, just take it and use it!"

Upon hearing this generous answer, the observer in the void smiled lightly and replied in a joking tone.

"Don't worry, I won't get it for nothing. I will give you...and you a certain amount of reward, even though it is yours originally."

When he said this, the joking voice suddenly became ethereal, just like the lizard that turned into invisible gravel and disappeared in the air.

As if realizing that the connection was about to be interrupted, it spoke faster and used the little time left to speak.

"Don't you need a new 'server'?" There is no need to choose, just go to Tiancangwu. There happens to be a livable planet there that is just right for you. "

"In addition, the 'pioneer' you call left some interesting ruins there, including a group of projections from the void that guarded it..."

"Not only that, there is something about me there. That thing is much more powerful than your piercing machine, and it doesn't have such serious side effects."

"It just so happens that their original owners have left this universe, so I will make the decision for them... and give them to you."

"You are Welcome."


(Thanks to the leader of the book friend "You Ye" for the reward!!!)

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