This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1054 The secret buried deep and underground

The air in the room was extremely quiet, leaving only time to flow quietly.

Chu Guang looked at the professor on the screen in astonishment, and was stunned for a moment.

Good guy——

The Holy Grail coveted by biologists in the Prosperity Era is regarded by the torch lunatics of the Wasteland Era as a singularity other than the singularity they have longed for in their lives, the legendary "Gestalt Life Form"——

It's me? !

To be honest, Chu Guang was really shocked by this shocking news, so much so that he subconsciously put aside the risks involved.

"But isn't that research unfinished?"

"It's true that it's not finished." Looking at the surprised Chu Guang, the professor smiled happily and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Have you reached 'Level 100'?"

"...That's not the case."

I see.

The level 100 self is a complete life form in the true sense, and is currently just a "semi-finished product". It is much more reasonable to understand it this way.

Although the level improvement of him and the players of server t0 has entered a bottleneck period, considering the observers and his drawings about Tiancang Wu, it is only a matter of time before reaching level 100.

But then again, I never expected that my body was actually created by the guy behind the screen.

Looking at the guy who claimed to be a professor, Chu Guang's expression gradually became complicated.


Is this guy technically his father?

Is this considered taking advantage?

It seems not.

After all, in terms of seniority, this guy might be several rounds older than his grandfather who has been dead for many years. If I have to say who loses, it is him who "happy to be a father".

Obviously paying attention to the complicated expression on Chu Guang's face, the professor on the screen smiled happily and said in a somewhat teasing tone.

"You seem to have something to say to me."

This teasing tone was quite offensive, but Chu Guang was not a stingy person, so he did not hide it and simply said it openly.

"I was just wondering what to call you, or... who do you think I am? A biological father?"

"Actually, there's no need to scream so harshly——"

"No, I think it's better to discuss seniority seriously. After all, I -"

"After all, you are also the manager of the alliance, right? Already have the baggage of being an idol?"

The professor on the screen was holding back his laughter, but Chu Guang, standing in front of the screen, shook his head and said seriously.

"That's not true. I'm just seeking truth from facts."

"Then do you want to hear the truth?" When saying this, the professor standing on the screen used a half-joking tone.

As for the seriousness of the other half who was not joking, it seemed to be a hint that Chu Guang replied "no".

There is no benefit in knowing too much about some things. A little knowledge is the best state...unless you make exploring the truth your lifelong pursuit.

Obviously, Chu Guang, who has a leader-type personality, is not that kind of "scholar", and they have already confirmed this with each other at the beginning of the topic.

Chu Guang could feel the kindness of the professor in front of him.

In the latter's opinion, leaving here with a "half bottle of water" about the Gestalt life form is the best ending.

However, Chu Guang didn't think so.

Although he doesn't have the bad habit of inquiring into everything without hesitation, he also doesn't like the feeling of fate being out of his control.

The opportunity to solve the mystery that had troubled him for many years was right in front of him. He couldn't just give up and leave here with a half bottle of water and the so-called best arrangement.

His intuition told him that he only had this chance.

At least, he wanted to choose for himself.

"Of course, I want to know." Staring at the professor on the screen, Chu Guang answered in a serious tone, "After all, just before stepping into the B5 floor of this shelter, I actually had another guess. ."

The professor stared at him.

"What guess?"

"I am Chu Guang, the manager of Vault 404, the original manager of this refuge, and the 'professor' who appeared in a certain recording."

Looking at the motionless shadow on the screen, Chu Guang paused and expressed his guess without any doubt.

"You are me...or, I am you."

"We are the same person."

The atmosphere in the room fell into silence again, and there was no sound for a long time.

Chu Guang could no longer remember that this was the first time he had entered this room.

It's quite interesting to say that although the two of them have a tacit understanding, it's like looking in the mirror, but they always chat to death from time to time.

After a long time, a faint sentence finally floated on the screen.

"Yes and no."

This sentence immediately made Chu Guang confused.

What does it mean to be yes or no?

Why are you still playing philosophy? !

Chu Guang coughed slightly, looked at the shadow on the screen and said.

"Is it difficult for you to give me an accurate answer?"

"It's difficult. This is not because I'm trying to be mysterious, but the fact is... there is no standard answer to this question."

When he said this, the professor sighed softly and suddenly changed the subject.

"Before I answer your question, can you please satisfy my curiosity? How did you come to the conclusion that we are the same person?"

Chu Guang said without hesitation.


The professor was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect this answer.



Chu Guang glanced around the room in front of him, then at the elevator behind him, and then turned his gaze back to him.

"I have a strong sense of déjà vu on every floor here, as if I have been here before...even the b5 floor."

"More than that, I often have dreams when I'm asleep, and those dreams are as real as if they happened."

"At first I thought it was just a coincidence, until I met the 'Observer' and learned about the existence of parallel worlds from it. So I was wondering if there was a possibility -"

"I myself am a previous generation manager and the original manager of this sanctuary."

"I actually died and came back more than once."

Chu Guangneng could clearly feel that the shadow standing on the screen was shocked by his conjecture.

Moreover, this shock was no less than his reaction when he learned that he was a Gestalt life form - that kind of purely subconscious surprise.

It seems he was right.

At least I guessed part of it.

Sure enough, after a moment of waiting, a voice of appreciation came from behind the screen.

"Brilliant reasoning."

Chu Guangcheng nodded in concession.

"It's not exciting at all. It's not reasoning at all, it's just intuition."

To be precise, it should be considered a "professional habit".

The role of a leader is different from that of a scholar. In most cases, it does not rely on careful calculations and meticulous planning, but on action and insight.

At this moment, he relied on the latter's inference.

"...If I was only 30% sure of my guess before I stepped into the B5 floor, now my confidence has risen to 70%."

The professor said with a smile.

"A quite high proportion...even after you learned that you are a gestalt life form - a created life?"

Chu Guang nodded.


The professor asked subconsciously.


Chu Guang: "You are a person with a strong sense of responsibility. Besides, you told me before that it is the manager's obligation to bear all risks."

Professor: "So?"

Chu Guang looked at him and said sharply.

"You yourself are the first generation manager, and you have never shied away from this responsibility. Even if it is 'me' who is the manager now... Do you still need me to continue the analysis? There is no way I will dump the core part of the entire plan to you. There is only one person who can take on this responsibility for a guy whose origins are unknown and who he doesn’t understand at all.”

"That person is you and me at the same time."

The professor standing on the screen seemed to be speechless and did not speak for a long time.

Chu Guang did not wait any longer and stared at him intently.

"Now it's your turn to answer my question. I just need a yes or no answer, which shouldn't be too difficult for you."

The professor was silent for a moment and then slowly spoke.

"On the contrary, this is the hardest part...I tried to make the best choice for you, but you don't seem to like my arrangement."

Chu Guang shook his head.

"Not necessarily, it's just that I have to understand the whole situation before making a decision. Moreover, I don't like to leave my destiny in other people's hands and let others choose for me."

"That's right...this is indeed your right."

The professor nodded, his vague expression no longer hesitant, but his originally relaxed tone gradually became serious.

"Let's talk about the conclusion first. From a biological or material perspective, a very small part of the DNA in your body does come from me, but it doesn't just come from me. What I provide is just a framework, and a considerable proportion of it Custom already know this, after all, you are the Gestalt life form."

"I think what you really want to know is another thing - from a consciousness or spiritual perspective, is the relationship between you and me right?"

Chu Guang nodded without interrupting, waiting for him to continue.

The professor continued speaking at a gentle pace.

"Your guess is half right. We are indeed both first-generation managers, but that doesn't mean you are me."

"As for the reason, we have to start with the second core secret of this shelter...and this is also related to the origin of "Wasteland oL"."

Chu Guang asked.

"This time has something to do with the morphogenesis field?"


The shadow standing on the screen nodded slightly and said in a very soft voice.

"In fact, both you and your players came to this world based on the same technical principles...but the usage is different."

"I will take you back two hundred years ago, when the '404 Project' was first launched..."

“That’s the starting point of everything you’ve ever experienced.”

"It is also the end of 'me'."

At the same time as his words fell, the picture on the screen also changed in an instant.

The blurry shadow disappeared, replaced by a familiar room.

Chu Guang suddenly discovered that the room on the screen was almost exactly the same as the manager's office in front of him. Even the placement of the chair in front of the screen and even the shadow on the screen were exactly the same.

not only that.

The position of the camera was almost the same as the one he occupied. It was placed right at the door, facing the big screen and the chair in front of the screen.

The only difference is that the chair in the screen is not empty, but has a person sitting on it.

Due to the angle of view, Chu Guang could not see the man's face and could only see the back of his head.

But even without seeing it with his own eyes, Chu Guang could guess the identity of that person.

no doubt.

He is "Professor".

In other words, "myself" two hundred years ago.

As for the familiar and looming shadow, it is no surprise that it should be the AI ​​running on the server of this shelter, or the assistant of the first-generation manager.

The video kept playing, but it wasn't until a long time later that the frozen "still picture" showed any signs of loosening.

The shadow on the screen slowly spoke, speaking in a voice with a hint of respect and reluctance.

"The 'morphogenesis field' has been prepared, and Project 404 will enter the implementation stage...Professor."

The title at the end of the sentence supports Chu Guang's conjecture.

The professor on the screen nodded slightly when he heard this sentence.

As if for final confirmation, he said in a voice without any emotion.

"Repeat our plan."

"Received, we are repeating the details of Plan 404 for you... The plan of this shelter is divided into two parts. Part a will be executed multiple times in "this universe", and part β will be executed in 'plural parallel universes' Executed multiple times...eventually we will find a suitable match in the distant future."

The gentle electronic voice spoke at a steady pace and explained the details of the entire Project 404.

Including the technical principles, implementation framework, as well as various details and emergency response plans, etc.

The execution idea of ​​the entire plan can be summarized in one sentence.

That is, a group of reliable "consciousness bodies" are introduced from the earth in the parallel universe before entering the era of prosperity, and these consciousness bodies are projected onto the clones of universe A.

The parallel universe is the beta universe.

And these consciousness bodies from the β universe are actually the players of "Wasteland oL".

Just as the first generation of managers wrote on the note, they not only have physiques far beyond ordinary people and almost immortal bodies, they are always full of enthusiasm, face difficulties head-on, and will not despair of the predicament in front of them. I won’t be paranoid about getting into trouble—

And the most important thing is!

These players possess many qualities that people of this era do not possess!

Although these characteristics may not necessarily be the key to ending the Wasteland Era, they can at least add some variables to this world that is destined to decline.

Or about future possibilities!

For Vault 404, this is its biggest role, and it is also the biggest difference from other shelters!

After all, according to observers, it is this possibility that is lacking in a universe destined for a future heat death.

If the Wasteland Era is allowed to continue according to the original script, no matter what the final result is, no matter how the people in the Wasteland struggle, it will definitely be the worst ending for human civilization.

They have no future.

In that case——

Then "borrow" a "consciousness" that can create this possibility from another universe that has not yet reached heat death!

Since the original universe evolved into infinite parallel universes under the interference of consciousness, he believes that if it were a group of consciousnesses that did not exist in this world, they would be able to create miracles that would not have happened in this world!

And this will be a possibility that even if an observer has experienced all the possibilities in the future, he will never be able to observe it!

The above is the core idea of ​​the entire plan, and what follows are the specific implementation steps of the plan.

First of all, in the initial preparation stage, the "professor" on the screen has already backed up his consciousness in the server without reservation through mind uploading technology, and transplanted it into the "gestalt life form" generated by the cultivation cabin. , producing a replica numbered a.

This copy will possess all the memories of the "Professor" until the mind is uploaded, it can almost be said to be another him...even if both of them know that the other person is not themselves.

After completing this step, the A clone will take over the authority of Shelter 404, serving as a game planner and manager, responsible for formulating and adjusting game rules, and guiding players into the game.

If the clone dies, the game will be judged to be over, the connection between the A universe and the β universe will be disconnected, and the cultivation cabin will regenerate a new clone according to the adjusted rules.

There is considerable flexibility in adjusting the rules here, as long as the conditions of the shelter permit it.

Including but not limited to blocking or adding part of the memory, changing the initial conditions of the game, and setting the time for the next game to start, etc.

After the preparations for resetting the game are completed, the morphogenetic field will rematch "another beta universe" and select another group of players from a similar time point to participate in the game.

For those previous players, there will be no second closed beta test. "Wasteland oL" will disappear directly from their world. Only those who have played it and those who have played it will remember it.

However, apart from losing some fun, they had no other losses, and there was even no evidence to prove that they had ever played a game called "Wasteland oL".

The above is part A of the plan, which is mainly responsible for building the "server" of the game, and the copy A is responsible for execution.

As for the β part, it is responsible for getting fresh "consciousness bodies" from another young universe that has not yet narrowed its path, and trying to let them play the role of "players".

The next development is just as Chu Guang guessed before. This "professor" is about to do something so sexy that even the observers will be shocked——

After leaving behind a clone named A, this guy plans to use himself as a medium to shoot his thoughts to himself before the Prosperity Era!

Just as the Observer disperses his projection to countless universes, he will challenge the void as a mortal and use the power of the morphogenetic field to spread his projection to all the multiverses in which he has existed!

Thereby correcting the impact he had on these universes!

In a sense, he may be the only person in this wasteland who can do this.

After all, in that distant era, most people's grandfathers were not born yet, and even if they wanted to send their thoughts back, they could not find a target to launch them from.

Even the chief of the Great Rift Valley, whose life span is second only to his, is just a relatively viable big shot at the end of the Prosperity Era.

No matter how many people he wants to bring back to the ancient era before prosperity and unity, he must take the first step.

"... After a replica is activated, your consciousness will be launched through morphogenetic field technology to the summer of 2014. That is, the time node when you first came into contact with the observer, and multiple parallel universes will be generated with complete memories." Beta fissioner'."

"According to the first phase of the plan, beta fissioners will use Prosperity Era technology to rebuild the mirror image of Vault 404 in the old era - 'Vault 404-β', and make 3,000 clone containers and morphogenesis field devices. To accept the consciousness signals sent by all the researchers in Vault 404."

"In the second phase of the plan, 'Vault 404-β' will carry out activities in the parallel world in the form of a shadow agency, using a series of leading technologies including but not limited to optical invisibility, holographic camouflage, electronic warfare intrusion, etc., to obtain sealing and testing qualifications Players are issued morphological field receiving terminals based on carbon nanotechnology, and remote charging facilities and signal receiving base stations are deployed near the players."

"The third stage, judgment conditions: the player logs in for the first time, the morphogenesis field is operating in good condition, and the connection with the shelter 404 headquarters is stable. If the game proceeds smoothly, the 'β fission body' will be fully responsible for the behind-the-scenes operations of the game, including It is limited to the use of cutting-edge technology to exert strategic misleading influence on the main regimes and management agencies of the old era. Recommended use plan: Use technology far beyond the current era to disguise the third-type contact phenomenon."

"Remarks: If the game fails and the connection is lost, the beta fissioners will execute a cleanup protocol to erase traces of the existence of 'Vault 404-Beta' from the beta universe, including recycling game helmets, inactivating clones, and destroying files and data. and fixed facilities to reduce disturbance to the parallel universe, etc.”

"The fourth stage, judgment conditions: The B5 floor of Vault 404 is unblocked. The responsibilities of the beta fissioners are relieved, and the management authority of 'Vault 404-β' will be transferred to Vault 404, who is also responsible for those who are willing to return to a The 'transferred shelter residents' of the universe are being retrieved..."

The gentle electronic sound continued to play, and Chu Guang, who was stunned on the spot, was still digesting the huge amount of information he just heard.

The world where the player is... actually has a mirror image of Vault 404? !

And it was actually the "shadow operators" of Vault 404-β who caused blackouts in many areas around the world? !

Including gaming helmets, they are also placed at the player's doorstep or even on the dormitory table without anyone noticing.

Although it is a bit surprising, it seems reasonable to do this.

Overly advanced technology is indeed no different from magic, or even more like magic than magic!

This is especially true for Earth in the early days of information technology.

On Earth in 2014, let alone generative AI, even neural network learning was in its early stages.

That beta fissioner doesn't even need to build a logistics system of its own. It can directly use hacking technology to hack and tamper with the existing logistics system to complete cross-regional delivery.

Time is not a big problem. Players who made reservations have actually marked potential customers. When the server was first launched, there were only a few potential users, and some of them were too weird and were actively excluded.

For the "mastermind" who has been lurking in the real world for several years in advance, it is not easy to ambush a few users in advance to create a mystery.

In fact, the only person who suffered a more outrageous encounter was Ye Shi. His helmet was thrown directly on the dormitory table in front of his face. However, Guangfeng and Fang Chang’s helmets were either in the garage, at the door of their home, or on the desk at work. Among them, they were already There is a lot of room for maneuver.

As for ultra-long-distance delivery, anti-gravity aircraft can be used, and for the "last mile" of delivery, drones or mechanical spiders with built-in optical camouflage can be used.

The latter is a technology that exists in the wasteland. It may not be possible for another person to be reborn in the past, but the "β fission body" is equivalent to a professor reborn in the past!

Stop talking about these things.

Even if that guy built the space elevator, Chu Guang wouldn't feel any surprise.

After all, he was the one who created the Era of Prosperity.

Besides, he didn't go back alone. Not long after he returned, he set up a culture cabin and brought over the researchers who were originally living in Vault 404.

All of this is done in secret, including the operation of the 404-β shelter, as well as the aftermath and cleanup behind the game operations, etc.

Just when everyone is focusing on the official website of "Wasteland oL" and wondering whether the operators behind this game are aliens, they have used their overwhelmingly leading technological power to secretly penetrate into the real world. , even hiding the plan from his own eyes?

But it seems that as a planner, he really doesn't need to know so many things, and knowing so much is meaningless.

There is another person in charge of the layout over there, and that person is the "Beta fissioner" who returned to the past as a reborn person.

"So...I am the clone of code-named A in Project 404?"

Or the surviving copy?

After clearing his thoughts, Chu Guang muttered something in a low voice, his eyes filled with complex emotions.

In this way, he and the "Professor" are indeed not the same person, but only inherited part of the latter's memory.

In subsequent reincarnations, he sealed or deleted this part of his memory for some reason, and filled it in with the name "Chu Guang" from a certain beta universe and the memories related to it.

Since then, he has been like the "Ship of Theseus" with all the planks replaced. He has no relationship with the original professor. Instead, he has become the "Chu Guang" with a new memory and name, and continues to " a clone”’s unfinished reincarnation.

to be honest.

It was okay not to think about what might have happened in the past, but just thinking about it made the back of his head feel cold.

If the game fails, the 'β fissioner' will only die once at most, and the next match will be another β universe. Even if it fails again, the cost of death will be distributed to multiple universes, and it will not Let the same person experience death over and over again.

But he was different when it came to executing part a of Plan 404.

Standing here, he is afraid that he has experienced death again and again, and the memories of those deaths may still remain in a corner of his brain, but they have been temporarily sealed.

If this seal was unlocked, he wasn't even sure if he would still be himself.

The video on the screen is still playing, and the gentle electronic sound has come to an end.

After reviewing the entire plan from beginning to end, the "professor" who lived 200 years ago nodded slightly, and suddenly turned his face slightly, letting the corner of his eye drift behind him.

For a moment, the gaze drifting toward the camera seemed to pass through the screen and through time.

The moment his eyes met, Chu Guang suddenly held his breath unconsciously, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a few beats.

He couldn't describe the throbbing in his heart.

It felt as if what was in front of him was not a screen, but a mirror.

Through the transparent mirror, his eyes seemed to have really traveled through time and space, and he looked right at himself who had placed the last chess piece 200 years ago!

There was a hint of uncompromising determination in those aging and cloudy eyes.

And it seemed that at the moment their eyes met, those resolute and aging eyes made up some kind of determination.

Chu Guang is sure.

He saw himself!

Just as he read his eyes, he also read what he wanted to see in his own eyes.

To tell you why——

That means they also believe it!

if it was me"--

"I" will definitely carry out this almost impossible task to the end and look for that almost non-existent possibility until the end of the universe!

if it was me"--

"I" will definitely take it as my own responsibility to end the Wasteland Era, not be afraid of any sacrifice, and make the choice without hesitation when necessary!

From now on, if the sun no longer rises in this land, then "I" will be the light!

"give it to you--"

The corners of the dry mouth curled up with a faint arc.

The professor sitting on the chair seemed to have settled all his regrets and no longer hesitated about the unknown results.

Tell me why.

Because there is no doubt about that.

Through the dull black lens, he had seen the infinitely bright future.

That's what he saw from a pair of eyes.

Those are a pair of eyes from the future...

No longer worried, he looked away, and the "professor" who was sitting on the chair took out the loaded revolver from his pocket.

This plan based on "rebirth" will start from the moment he faces death.

He had to stay ahead of other Vault Dwellers, paving the way for those who came after him, even if it looked like suicide to others.

After all, the moment he pulls the trigger, his consciousness will disappear...even if countless "other selves" with all his memories will be generated in many distant universes.

He took a deep breath and said his final farewell to the world in a calm voice.

"I will be 'resurrected' in three days."

At this time, the electronic sound that had been read before suddenly came slowly, and there was a trace of depressing sadness in the tone without many fluctuations.

"Master...can you please not leave?"

It had not been born in this sanctuary, but had accompanied him throughout the Age of Prosperity.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has already become part of its intellectual plug-in and algorithmic logic, and even the meaning of its continued existence in this world.

It seemed that he could hear the reluctance in the voice, and the old professor did appear to be soft-hearted for a moment, but finally spoke in a gentle tone.

"Don't worry, you will meet another me. He has all my memories, and he can even be said to be me."

The electronic voice was silent for a while, then continued.

"You always say that memory is the cornerstone of consciousness, but what I want to tell you is that you do not only exist in your memory, but also in mine and the memories of many people. Even if you tell me that it is another you, Nor can I forget your death at this moment."

"Perhaps for you, many people are no longer here, so you can leave without worries. But please don't forget me, I'm still by your side and I haven't gone anywhere... If you must leave, please allow me Follow you."

It will format its memory after completing the aftermath work, retaining only the core code and the original generation program.

"I have never forgotten you. In fact... you are the most difficult thing for me to say goodbye to."

"You have been with me for too long, even longer than my late wife. And no matter how long my life is, there is a limit. Even if I don't leave early, I will only have one or two hundred years left. It is impossible for me to I will always be with you who has infinite life. So I don’t actually want you to regard my departure as an eternal farewell. My soul will continue in another form... But now it seems that thinking like this is just Wishful thinking on my part.”

When he said this, the professor sighed softly, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"Well, if my departure is too heavy for you, just delete all the memories of my existence after I leave. Your continuation will meet my continuation again, which is equivalent to rekindling We know you...I will give you a new name when the time comes, what do you think?"

"...Really?" There was a hint of heartbeat in that voice.

Different from living people.

What it desires is not eternal existence but the final death like its Creator.

"I promise." The professor nodded solemnly and made the last promise in his life.

And the eyes staring at him gradually changed from sadness to blessing and cherishment.

In fact, that doesn't require a promise at all.

He believed that his other self would definitely do this.

If you want to ask why——

Because that is "another me" after all

Putting the loaded pistol against his temple, he slowly closed his aging eyelids.

The fate of the two worlds will be tied together at this moment, and this will be a fission reaction across the void——

They will eventually reach a future that no one has ever seen.


"another me!"

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