This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1059 Disarming

City of Triumph.

The steps of the Glory Academy are dotted with sparks of fire, which are the torches in the hands of the citizens of Triumph City.

From death potions to threats from celestial beings, the residents of the Valant Alliance have weathered every crisis.

Now that the Alliance and the major survivor forces have jointly announced the end of the Wasteland Era, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team has finally waited for the opportunity to confess everything to the residents of Triumph City.

From the battle in Luoye Valley to the thousand-mile journey alone in Luoxia Province, to the critical assignment at Xifan Port and his imprisonment for being involved in a power struggle, he told everything he experienced along the way. .

Including that he is a resident of Vault 404, including that he initially joined the Legion to gather information, including that he was later moved by the other side of the Valantians, including what he decided to do to help those around him and all those who have been affected by the past. Trapped people…

Except for the part about the game and the players, he told almost everything he could confess... Although even if he didn't say anything, no one would blame him or question him.

But thinking about everything that happened after Marshal Julius left, he thought about it for a moment and finally chose to face those who supported him frankly.

Some things can be left to time, but if some things are not done today, they are destined to become historical regrets.

It was beyond the expectations of the battlefield atmosphere team.

After listening to his statement, the Wilant man standing at the steps of the Hall of Glory was calmer than he imagined.

Including Colway

Including Penny, her father Captain Benoit, etc... those civil servants who supported his rise to power.


Maybe they had already guessed it.

The other warlords didn't know, but Benoit might have guessed a little bit.

However, at that time, Triumph City needed the help of the alliance, and there was really no one in the entire Triumph City who could stand up and carry the banner, so everyone who knew about it turned a blind eye and ignored these things. Important details.

Politics itself is the art of compromise.

At least for the civilian group representing the citizens of Triumph City, it doesn't matter whether the political power that exists in the province of Wilante is called the Legion or the Alliance of Wilantes.

The important thing is whose interests it represents, who it speaks for, and who it protects.

That guy may not be a skilled archon, but he does care about those who support him.

This is enough.

In the shadow of the side hall.

Looking at the pangolin standing on the steps, Captain Benoit was silent for a long time and sighed softly.

"...He is an honest young man, but unfortunately he is not a mature politician."

Penny's expression was much more complicated, ranging from shock and astonishment to sadness and sorrow, as well as confusion and many things that she couldn't explain clearly.

Although she had actually noticed something before, especially after learning that he was from the River Valley Province...

But every time she convinced herself, and finally buried her doubts deep in her heart.

However, what she didn't expect was that he would figure out all of this himself...

"...Why would he lie?" Penny's eyes were filled with confusion, and she felt as if the filter in her heart was broken.

Benoit glanced at his daughter, sighed softly, and rarely stood in the position of a "pangolin".

"Although it may be difficult for you to accept what I say, from my point of view, his behavior can actually be called honest... but he selectively retains part of the truth sometimes."

"But why?" Penny looked at her father incomprehensibly, her eyes full of sorrow, "Can't he... confess everything from the beginning and make things clear to us?"

Benoit was silent for a while and then spoke.

"I ask you in turn, if he had not done this, would you still have stood unswervingly with him when he was in Xifan Port and Tiandu."

Penny stared at her father blankly, speechless for a moment.

She wanted to say the word "yes" without hesitation, but found that she was not as determined as she thought.

Looking at Penny, whose eyes were lost in confusion, Benoit's eyes suddenly showed a bit of approval and kindness.

He reached out and touched his daughter's hair, feeling like a father for the first time in a long time - not a minister.

"When you start to hesitate, it means that you have begun to examine your own heart... instead of being like other young people who are not deeply involved in the world and just blindly regard chasing progress as a fashion."

"People always hope that the other party will treat them without reservation, but they are rarely willing to face their own hearts honestly. In fact, we all know that as human beings, we are not the kind of perfect people, so why bother forcing others to be us? Someone you can’t even become?”

"I'm not trying to say how glorious his behavior was. Maybe as you said, he actually had better choices or could have done better, but that kind of thing only exists in our imagination after all."

"At least in terms of the results, he has never used your trust to do anything to feel sorry for you, nor has he felt sorry for the people who supported him, even when he had many difficulties of his own... Regardless of his deeds, I Thinking that this is enough, even if I am in the same position, I can't do better than him."

"I think... most of the people in this settlement think so too. And the wall that belongs to him will also be left on the mural of Glorious Academy."

When everyone longs for a perfect saint, what they end up with is a smooth-talking liar.

Because only liars can fulfill all the wishes in people's hearts... no matter how contradictory, twisted and unreasonable it sounds.

In fact, Tyr is such an existence.

He described an era in which Valantians were omnipotent, and promised those who supported him that such an era would surely come as long as they followed him.

Eventually he took everyone to hell.

So at the end, with his dream shattered, he unabashedly showed his twisted and ugly spirit, and not only wanted to destroy everything in the Southern Legion, but also wanted to wipe out the Wilantes themselves from the world.

It's hard to say that he was bewitched by heavenly beings.

After all, that is not the obsession of one or two people at all, but the entire Southern Legion.

Penny lowered her head with a complicated expression, her heart was filled with mixed emotions, and she was speechless for a moment, as if she was hesitating about something.

Benoit didn't speak anymore and just turned his gaze to the steps in the distance.

He suddenly realized that his daughter had grown up and was no longer the girl who knew nothing.

She should live her own life.

He silently made up his mind that no matter what decision she made, he would respect her choice...

The speech has come to an end.

As Pangolin said at the beginning, this was his last speech.

"...My mission has ended. The road ahead will be walked by you, and only by you."

"Hold the reins in your hands, don't give it to anyone, always hold it in your own hands. Be true to yourself, be true to your family and friends, be true to the people you love...ask yourself before doing anything , whether you are worthy of them or not, this is the noblest loyalty."

"As for me--"

"I will return to where I came from."

The warlord bowed deeply, then walked down from the high platform and merged with the crowd holding torches.

From now on, he will no longer serve as the governor of the Valant Alliance, but an ordinary resident of Vault 404.

He had already done sufficient follow-up work before this, and had even been preparing for it in the past six months.

When he steps down, the civil service group will start a new selection process, select the next consul, accept people's supervision, and lead the survivors living in this province to move forward in the new era...

People consciously moved out of the way, nodded to him, shook hands with him, and even saluted.

The Battlefield Atmosphere team responded with a smile to the show of respect.

The play was finally over, and it ended at the most appropriate moment.

After all, he is not a professional politician, and he does not have as much management experience as a manager. If he continues to serve as a consul, he will definitely mess up. It is better to quickly hand it over to truly talented experts after the end of the Wasteland Era.

With the help of the Praetorian Guards and the Civil Service Group, he improved the selection mechanism, scope of authority and accountability mechanism for the position of consul he created, and institutionalized the existing political factions, turning the original black box into a A relatively transparent box... This was the only thing he could do in the end.

As for the rest, let history evaluate it.

He ultimately failed no one and became himself again after confessing everything.

He only felt an unprecedented sense of relief in his heart. This long-awaited day had finally arrived!

He was an undercover agent who worked from the bottom to the boss position, and in the end he was able to escape with a lot of praise——

If this manager doesn't call him "the best player in the history of the league", I'm afraid it will be difficult to end the game in the end.

People standing at the steps of Glorious Academy watched him leave.

People watched with reluctance as he got into the black car parked on the roadside, and did not leave for a long time until the car lights disappeared at the end of the road...

Today is destined to be a sleepless night.

This is true for everyone in this city...

Return to the palace where you stayed.

The warlord simply packed his luggage and planned to return to the alliance tomorrow.

His employment there has concluded and he has received high praise from managers.

It is said that a new version will be released after the public beta, and new maps and main content will be released at that time.

In order not to be left behind by other players, he should also spend some time leveling up and catch up with the progress he had fallen behind before.

"This set of power armor... is better left to the locals."

Looking at the set of gold-painted power armor, the warlord felt a little reluctant to part with it, but in the end he decided to keep it here.

Although Julius had already given it to him, after all, these things contained the feelings of many Wilant people and were no longer the private property of any one person.

Perhaps he was too involved in the drama and had a strong sense of immersion. He really couldn't treat the people here as pure NPCs.

In his mind, they have long been his comrades-in-arms, comrades, and even relatives who are not related by blood...

"...Forget it, I have already received my mission reward." Looking at the set of golden power armor, the battlefield atmosphere team muttered, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He believed that if the spirit of Marshal Julius in heaven was watching, he would definitely be pleased with his choice at this moment.

What’s harder than picking up is putting it down.

The golden armor glowed faintly under the light, seeming to approve his choice.

At this time, there were light footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

"May I come inside?"

That was Penny's voice.

Although they didn’t know how to face that face, the battlefield atmosphere team finally said “come in”.

The door creaked open.

Penny stood in the doorway.

She was wearing a long dress with sloping shoulders, and the slightly slit hem extended to her knees.

The smooth brown hair is draped over her shoulders, and the tips of her hair outline bold curves, like a squirrel tail falling from the treetops.

Different from her usual simple and capable appearance, after being carefully dressed up, she is like a princess in casual clothes in a stage play, moving vigorously and resolutely without losing her calmness and elegance.

Staring straight at those sapphire-like eyes, the battlefield atmosphere team didn't know where to put their eyes for a moment, and their eyes suddenly fell on the suitcase in her hand.

"...Where are you going?"

He had nothing to say, but Penny, who spoke to him, seemed prepared.

She glanced at the suitcase spread out on the ground, and slightly raised the corners of her lip gloss.

"Wherever you go, I will go."

Perhaps because of resigning, the battlefield atmosphere team at this moment did not have the calmness when standing on the high platform just now, and coughed hastily.

"Don't make trouble, your father is a minister, and I will no longer be a consul from tomorrow on."

"Does this matter?" Penny said nonchalantly, "That's his business and has nothing to do with me."

Seeing the indifferent expression, the battlefield atmosphere team couldn't help but complain softly.

"It has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I was the one he killed in the end."

Penny raised her eyebrows slightly and asked provocatively.

"Are you scared?"

Out of man's dignity, the battlefield atmosphere team certainly couldn't say that he was scared.

But out of man's responsibility, he finally said, "Don't make trouble."

"I'm going back to the league soon... As for the future, I don't even know where I will go."

Penny said teasingly.

"You have done such an earth-shattering thing and even shocked the Emperor of the Eastern Empire and the President of the New Federation. Can your managers still make you evaporate?"

The battlefield atmosphere team shook his head and said.

"That's not the case, but I might go to a new map to open up wasteland - well, I mean another planet, the kind outside the solar system."

"What's the matter?" Penny said nonchalantly, "I'll just go with you."

The battlefield atmosphere team stared blankly at the willful guy in front of them. They always felt that she was different from before, but they couldn't tell whether she had become more mature or childish.

Or maybe it wasn't her who changed, but herself who suddenly became hesitant and hesitant at some point.

He wasn't really like that before.

Looking at the pangolin, or rather the battlefield atmosphere group, who was speechless, Penny continued in a serious tone.

"I'm not kidding you. I don't care about the 'code name in the shelter' or the 'real name'. I can't remember such complicated things... I only know one thing. You are my pangolin." , so your answer is?"

"Frankly speaking, this is a very attractive proposal. Can I interpret it as a confession-"

She no longer wanted to listen to this guy's nonsense, so she threw the suitcase into the door. Then, under the stunned eyes of the battlefield atmosphere team, she hooked his neck and twisted him against the door.

The door hit the door frame with a bang, and the sudden sound echoed in the empty corridor.

Perhaps this is the tradition of the Weirant people——

But is there something wrong with this position?

The battlefield atmosphere team originally wanted to resist, but suddenly realized that they were actually not that resistant.

After experiencing so many things together, he actually already had the answer in his heart... but due to some concerns and a sense of responsibility in his heart, he never crossed that line.

But just a few hours ago, with his confession, those concerns no longer existed.

His head was buzzing for a while, and he finally had time to squeeze out a sentence in a soliciting tone.

"Wait a minute - I accept your intention, but can you change it to a nicer name?"


The name pangolin has no sense of substitution!

If he had known better than to listen to those bullies' instigation in the first place, he might as well have used his real name!

There's nothing wrong with that being his name anyway.

But it seems it's too late to regret now.

Looking at this guy who shot himself in the foot, a devilish smile appeared on Penny's face, and she bit into it without mercy.

"Don't even think about it!"

A night of silence.

The next morning, sparse light passed through the gaps in the leaves outside the window and sprinkled on the messy room.

The overturned tables, chairs and scattered cabinets looked like they had been blown by a tornado.

At this moment, the battlefield atmosphere group sitting by the bed has entered the sage time.

Thinking back to the madness last night, he couldn't help but hit himself on the head several times.

Originally, the two of them were just noobs, and theory was far greater than practice. They agreed to discuss each other until the point was reached, but they both liked to show off.

In short, because someone said something triumphant like "You're really good at playing cards," the card game accidentally dragged on from early morning to late at night.

Faced with the provocation of the talented Wilant people, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team finally succeeded in maintaining the dignity of the Fourth Natural Disaster before dying of exhaustion.

But unfortunately, his moral integrity has been lost...

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face bathed in the sun, a soft smile suddenly appeared on the face of the battlefield atmosphere team.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he saw her like this.

His even breathing gently blew up the hair that fell on the tip of his nose. He stretched out his hand to brush it away for her, but found that a pair of sapphire-like eyes were staring at him motionlessly.

"you're awake?"

Penny nodded slightly, said nothing, and just looked at him with her doting eyes.

It looked like a well-fed cat, sleeping in the sun and licking its paws leisurely.

The battlefield atmosphere team felt their heartbeats speeding up a lot, but they felt a little distressed and gently stroked their silky hair.

"Can you still get up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Penny, who was lying on her side, yawned and sat up, stretched, grabbed her clothes and put them on her shoulders.

"Are you kidding? It's just a minor injury, it's nothing to me."

The battlefield atmosphere team made a helpless expression.

"Are you sure? That's not what you said yesterday."

"That's the exception."

Penny narrowed her eyes slightly and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"I won't lose next time."

I always felt that this guy's desire to win was being used in a strange way, but the warlord didn't want to argue.

From now on, he must try his best to be a gentleman and give in more when he should be humble.

After all, she sacrificed so much for herself and decided to accompany her to a place so far away from home...

As if she understood the look in his eyes, Penny stretched out her index finger and flicked it on his forehead.

"Listen, I don't want you to feel like I've made some big sacrifice, or that you owe me a huge favor, and make it look like it's some kind of deal."

Holding the soft and powerful hand, the battlefield atmosphere team said in a solemn tone.

"I swear I didn't think about it that way, I was just thinking... about my responsibility."

Although it was a bit disgusting to say this, he really couldn't think of a more appropriate way to express it.

"You'd better not," Penny narrowed her cat-like eyes slightly and said in a lazy voice, "As for responsibility, just think about your part. I'm not a child. I will take care of myself. Take responsibility for yourself.”

When she said this, she suddenly looked at him with a half-smile and said in a non-joking tone.

"So if you dare to be disloyal to me or do something sorry for me, I will do it myself without my father taking action."

The battlefield atmosphere team has no doubt that she can do it, even if she actually fights, she is no match for them.

However, that kind of thing will never happen, and he can guarantee it with his character.

Whether it's reality or the character in the game.

Looking into those sapphire eyes, he made the most solemn promise in his life.

"I promise! If something like that really happens, I will never trouble you to do anything. I will solve it myself."

Those bright eyes were filled with moving ripples.

She could feel that there was no reservation in this promise.

It was not a vow made in the name of anyone or in a name that could be thrown away at any time, but a solemn promise made by one soul to another.

The two stared at each other intently, and the room was silent for a moment.

It seems superfluous to say anything at this time.

Biting the edge of her lip, Penny looked at him for a long time, finally confirming the same unreserved intention, and then burst into laughter.

"No, I have the final say on this."

After saying this with a hint of coquettishness and cunning, she suddenly pounced on him like a tiger pouncing on prey, and suddenly pushed the unsuspecting battlefield atmosphere group onto the pillow.

The branches bent by snow outside the window swayed and creaked gently in the north wind, and the snowflakes falling all over the sky were like a wedding dress put on by the sky for the earth.


There was actually no need for him to leave in such a hurry.

The battlefield atmosphere team thought about it for a long time.

In fact, it wasn't that he failed no one. He even almost failed the person he should least let down, making it a pity for a girl who had been with him through life and death for a long time.

It's better to wait a few days before leaving.

He had to tell Benoit about Penny and meet his future mother-in-law.

Ashamed to say it.

After coming to Triumph City for so long, he has been busy with business and has not even officially been to her home.

Although the Weirant people don't care much about these, after all, they also have their own traditions and cultural customs...

It’s difficult.

How do you tell your family about this kind of thing?

Are you marrying a paper person?

Then they must not be sent to Professor Yang! ?

After thinking about a lot of things in a mess, Warfield completely lost the game this time.

Looking at that proud face, he completely lay flat and raised his hands in surrender.

do not care!

In short, just take it one step at a time and get married before returning to the alliance.

This is what Penny thinks too.

Although she also said at the same time that this was just to say hello, and if her father didn't agree, then she wouldn't care about Lao Deng, but he couldn't be as willful as she was, leaving an eternal regret for this happy ending.

In any case, I'm afraid the period before my birthday will be quite busy...

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