This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1061 Some roads are doomed to death from the beginning

The dilapidated high-rise building stands in the desolate wilderness, like a giant covered with bruises.

The holes-riddled walls breathing thick black smoke resemble the broken spirits of the citizens of the Bugra Free State.

The occasional explosion or two was no longer noticed.

After all, the residents of this settlement have heard too many similar sounds in the past year.

This is Bugra.

This is not so much another ideal city in the wasteland, but rather this huge prison.

Although it sounds like a hell joke, it sounds cooler than a zoo.

Dragging a light blue plasma plume, four "Viper" light transport aircraft roared over the southern district of Bugra.

Sitting on the edge of the cabin, I looked at the dilapidated high-rise buildings under my feet, and couldn't help but smack my tongue.

"It's so tragic."

Kakarot, who was sitting opposite, shrugged his shoulders and didn't have much sympathy for the people here.

"Trouble is all brought on yourself."

The entire settlement is like a huge vacuum cleaner, siphoning the garbage from the entire wasteland, and after the garbage is full, it mixes it together and spits it back.

99% of the looters sold their stolen goods indirectly or directly here, and at the same time purchased weapons from here.

Ideal City has at least exported some order to the wasteland, even if that order is not always good.

What is output here is only chaos, and it is even one of the sources of chaos.

The lowest-level corporate dog lives in a 20-square-meter single room, carries a century-old loan that has not been repaid, and uses a super-artificial intelligence refrigerator that requires iris focusing for 30 seconds to open the door. On the surface, it does not seem to exploit anyone, but no matter what the situation, From the ten-square-meter single room to the loan and refrigerator full of tricks, they all designed it with their own hands, and these things obviously harmed more than just themselves.

After all, there are still millions of unemployed people living in coffins of less than four square meters, contributing life and labor that are so cheap that they are almost negligible, and like "decomposers" in the ecosystem, they decompose the production surplus of the entire huge system. , acting as a lubricant between Sin City and the Wasteland.

The gangs outside Boulder actually come from here.

Not only that, the most profitable industries of the Firestone Group are weapons and various addictive drugs, which harm not only the residents of the Bugla Free State.

In this criminal conspiracy system, it is difficult to find a truly innocent victim, and those who wake up have already left here, and they will not wait until the cage falls and start screaming.

What were you doing earlier?

At least that's how it seemed to him.

Rather than helping these villains reform, he wanted to go to Triumph City to attend his good brothers' wedding.

The second weekend of January every year is the birthday of the Weirant people, and they set their wedding on the third day after their birthday.

If you can't catch up, you'll have to ask that guy to do it again in Dawn City.

"Let the past be in the past. Even humiliating them is meaningless. At least, they have woken up."

After patting Kakarot on the shoulder, Commander Quanshui pointed his index finger on the side of his helmet, switched the communication channel to the entire team, and shouted to the newbies on the other three planes.

"Okay, rookies, we will be there soon. Remember your mission, clear the way for the NPCs and relief supplies in the refugee home, establish a safe zone at the coordinate location, be careful to avoid civilian casualties, and do not open fire unless necessary, unless the gang Members——"

Before Brother Quanshui finished speaking, there was a burst of gunfire from a tall building not far away.

The bullets flew across the sky, not even hitting the tail flames of the four Vipers.

Those armed men were neither employees of the Firestone Group nor the hound special forces controlled by the city hall, but looters who took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the city.

It is not accurate to say that they have sneaked in. Many of the looters in this area are themselves mercenaries or gang members from the Free State. Some notorious mercenary groups have even gone public.

Several villains with prosthetic tattoos on their faces gestured with their middle fingers at the planes whizzing by. One of them had a mohawk with a rifle between his legs, screaming strangely and making a hissing gesture.

That was probably the way the cyber lunatics swore their sovereignty, perhaps to show that this kind of building belonged to them.

Unexpectedly, these guys were so disrespectful. Brother Quan Shui twitched his brows and said "Don't waste bullets" before switching the communication channel to the rear headquarters.

"...I encountered a situation here and applied for a drone."


In less than a minute, a black dot was thrown from the sky. The moment it flew towards the southern city of the Free State, it unfolded its folded four propellers and slowed down. It flew towards the "Storm Team" with a "woo" sound. "The building where the shooting started.

The gang members standing on the top of the building did not realize the danger at all. Seeing that the alliance's plane ignored them, they curled their lips and returned to their stronghold on the top floor.

The drone did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, it flew around the top of the building, marked the identity of the attacker and confirmed that no civilians were present, and then crashed into a window.

Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, the five-kilogram fragmentation warhead exploded instantly, sputtering thousands of steel balls around in the scorching fire and thick smoke!

The gang members smoking cigarettes and sitting on the sofa had no time to react. With their horrified eyes, the sofa and wall behind them were beaten into something like honeycomb briquettes by the hail of bullets.

Floor targeted clearing.

Only a small amount of smoke drifted out of the broken windows.


The intelligence player sitting in the cabin opened his eyes and made a sign in the direction of the spring water.

The latter nodded and continued to talk about the server rules with the newbies in the team who were eager to try.

Although they are said to be newbies, these guys are actually over level 20. They don't lack combat experience, they just lack experience in team battles.

But having said that, the "entry threshold" for this game is really getting higher and higher.

Now that I don’t have 8,000 hours of online time, I’m embarrassed to call myself an old player...

Passing through a row of dense steel forests, a formation of four Vipers quickly arrived at their destination.

The target of the mission is an ecological park in the urban area of ​​the southwestern district of the Free State.

This dome-shaped landmark building was once the back garden of the upper-class cadres and wealthy people of the Firestone Group. The single-family houses nearby are so expensive that they can be priced in trillions.

But this is all in the past.

Currently, the entire area is under the control of the "Hound" special forces and police agencies that support Mayor Odo. It is used as a safe zone to accommodate nearby civilians, and has been entrusted to the Alliance's homeless home to take over.

This is part of the cooperation between the authorities and the alliance.

Although the local war has ended, there is still some distance to go before order is restored.

The dense steel forest not only hides the remnants of the Firestone Group, but also active predator organizations and gangs trying to replace the Firestone Group.

The troops stationed locally have to ensure the safety of the safe zone before they can be free to clean up the mess.

To be honest, today's Free State is like a giant whale stranded on the beach... and it is countless times larger than the former Stone City.

Once a whale explosion occurs, the terrifying power will be far beyond the collapse of the inner city of Boulder City.

Fortunately, today's alliance has grown up, and its experience and capabilities are far beyond what it used to be.

Not only that, Boulder City, which has emerged from its own haze, has also become a more powerful existence than before.

Those who have lived in the new era will not leave these survivors struggling in the northern part of the Vale Province alone.

The person who came to join us was Lieutenant Colonel Adam, the leader of the fourth regiment of the Hound Special Forces.

Strutting toward the tarmac, he wore a bulky exoskeleton that looked like one of the Jungle Corps' iron baboons.

Commander Quanshui looked at his resume and found that this guy was actually an old acquaintance of the Alliance. He had fought side by side with several regiments of the Alliance on Shifeng Mountain before.

Including the adjutant named Tang Feng who was following Adem, he seemed to be a volunteer who came from Ideal City, and he was also a veteran who came down from Shifeng Mountain.

In addition, Quanshui was also surprised to find some Weirant people mixed in with the volunteer team.

"Thank you, you are finally here." After patting Quan Shui's arm, Adem said with a grateful expression.

Quan Shui smiled faintly, stretched out his fist and knocked on his shoulder armor.

"That's too outlandish to say. Just leave this place to us. Go help your brothers."

Adam nodded solemnly, put his fist on his chest and performed a military salute, and then strode away towards the entrance of the safe zone without saying a word.

That was his duty after all.

He must fulfill it himself.

Quan Shui watched him leave, and then set his sights on the safety zone not far away. After reporting the local situation to the headquarters, he prepared to assist the NPC in the refugee home and the local security personnel in the handover.

After all, the city of Bugra is not an alliance settlement, and the local residents are not alliance residents.

Although Mayor Odo and his supporters are willing to embrace the alliance, the alliance does not come and leave whenever it wants.

There are too many things involved in this, and it cannot be settled by just patting your head.

In particular, the vast majority of alliance residents do not have a very friendly view of the citizens of Bugra.

However, although the administrator did not immediately approve the "application for membership" of Bugla City, it has granted the latter the status of "collaborator" and promised to hold referendums in the two places when the situation is appropriate.

This time may be one year, maybe two years, but it won't be too long.

At the same time, a dark group of people was surrounding the checkpoint not far from the tarmac.

They are all residents of Bugra, and they are not entirely residents of Bugra...such as Mr. House squeezed in the front row.

When he saw the Alliance plane landing on the tarmac, it was as if he had seen a life-saving straw. He rushed over without hesitation until he was stopped by soldiers from the Hound Special Forces.

Looking at the arms and checkpoints in front of him, House let out a high-pitched howl with his drake throat as if he was driven mad.

"Get out of the way——! You wild dogs, do you know who I am?! I am from Boulder City! I am also a citizen of the Alliance!"

He couldn't wait to get on the plane to Dawn City immediately.

The two things he regretted most in his life were not rushing ahead of others to exchange the Bugla dollars that avalanched overnight into silver coins, and not rushing out of this rotting ditch before the war broke out.

This sentence really shocked several soldiers, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

There are indeed some Alliance citizens in the safe zone, and there are even many volunteers.

Just when everyone was in trouble, Commander Quanshui had already led his people over.

Looking at the familiar face in the crowd, my darkest eyes suddenly lit up as I stood next to him, and I walked up with a playful smile and said.

"Hey, Mr. House, long time no see. Why are you still alive?"

Hearing the voice coming from behind, the soldier on duty immediately turned around and gave a military salute.

Commander Quanshui nodded to them, his eyes saying "Leave this to me", then walked up to the pale House, looked into his eyes and said.

"Your ID number?"


House's lips were trembling and speechless, looking as if he was about to urinate.

Where does he have that thing?

Although Boulder City joined the alliance, he had already gone to Garbage City by that time. It would be a good thing to move to Bugla and resume his old career later.

Kakarot quietly glanced at the ghost hunter on the grave next to him, and teased in a low voice.

"Actually, I think this guy is not a bad guy, but he is not very smart. At least he does what he says. He is indeed not one of our people."

The graveyard ghost hunter smiled and curled his lips.

"I don't care, I'm a fun person."

Looking at House who was speechless for a long time, Commander Quanshui shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever you want, it's not illegal to pretend to be an Alliance citizen, but you'd better not disrupt order here."

Having said this, he looked at the group of people behind House, turned on the speaker and said.

"Everyone, I don't care where you are a resident or where you plan to go after this. At least while you are still here, please abide by the order here."

"Evacuation planes will arrive here, but not the ones you see in front of you. What you have to do is to register your name and tent number, then wait patiently and evacuate in order."

As early as the beginning of the war, the Alliance had already evacuated the vast majority of citizens active in the area. Even if there were a few special cases, it would not be possible for so many to appear at the same time.

Commander Quan Shui could guess without asking that most of the people around here were fishermen in troubled waters.

How could it be such a good thing to mess up your own home and then run away, leaving the mess behind to others?

It is impossible for the Alliance to accommodate so many people in an instant, and it is impossible for Ideal City to do so.

People here must and can only stay there and take up the responsibilities they once gave up.

Until the outside world is rich enough to give charity or accommodate them without reservation, they can only save themselves.

This is also the only chance for redemption.

When they heard that the plane parked here was not an evacuation plane, the refugees gathered in front of the checkpoint dispersed.

House also wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, but with a playful smile, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"How about I show you the way? When this war is over, you can take a boat from Silver Moon Bay to Jingallan Port, and then go west along the Yongliu River to find a place called Tiandu... There may be a use for your talents there.”

"While there is still room for you in this world, seize the opportunity and run away quickly."

After saying that, he smiled and patted House on the shoulder, and let the scared guy go.

the other side.

At the door of a tent in the living area, Weijia, the owner of Weijia Trading Company, was looking coldly at the disappointed fellow villagers who dispersed.

Many of them were once residents of Boulder City. He moved to this city after the inner city collapsed.

Although they usually don't keep in touch, when encountering such a big change, they have to stick together even if they are reluctant.

After all, if they don't do this, they may not be able to wait for the establishment of this safe zone, and they may not be able to get here at all.

However, we are still together, Weijia will not look down on these useless snacks.

Unlike these idiots who are useless outside the inner city, wherever he goes, he can use his skills to break into the local upper class, or at least the middle and upper class.

Before this war broke out, these losers didn't even have a chance to see him.

If it weren't for the high-ranking officials of Sigma and Firestone Group who lost power, this ecological park where every inch of land is precious would be the place where he usually walks his dog, and these guys wouldn't even have a chance to beg here.

However, there were unexpected events. Who would have thought that the Firestone Group would collapse?

He used to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Far Wind Hotel, quietly watching the huge stone towers rise and collapse, but now he has become the one being looked down upon.

But it's okay.

He didn't put all his eggs in one basket. He also deposited a sum of money in the banks of Alliance and Ideal City as start-up capital for his new business.

Difficulties are always temporary.

After today's test, he still has a chance to make a comeback. At worst, he just needs to be an honest man from now on.

"My dear Sir Sid... I'm really sorry that your servant didn't do things well and couldn't take care of your wife and children. If you have a soul in heaven, please don't blame me..."

Weijia, who was still sneering a second ago, suddenly showed a compassionate expression.


He had clearly turned Bonnie into his property physically and mentally, but in the end he had to get rid of this perfect work of art.

no way.

She knew too much that she shouldn't know, and the dark sludge might become an obstacle for him to obtain a legal identity.

After all, the Alliance opposed slavery and even more so all atrocities against humanity.

If the circumstances were serious, he might even be considered a predator, even if what he did to the lady was not even a thing in Bugla.

Regardless, he was risk-averse and gave her the final straw.

Although that's just the result of happiness.

Just when Vega was seriously thinking about his future plans and how to use the resources in his hands to seize the opportunity of rebuilding the city of Bugra, Grandpa Sid's youngest son Kumit walked up to him.

The young master who used to only hide behind his parents and show off his power now seems to be a lot more sensible.

After all, Master Sid's undying kindness is there. Although Vijia would add "Dear Master Kumit" every time she addressed him, she would never get used to him and would suddenly turn against him and reward him with a big mouth of love. .

During those days when he was living under someone else's roof, not to mention the clothes and things he wore, even the meals he ate on weekdays were leftovers from his former follower, Piru, the son of Vijia.

So much so that sometimes Piru couldn't stand it anymore, and would occasionally secretly give him money and comfort him without telling his father.

As part of satisfying her twisted hobbies, Vega did not deal with him the same way she dealt with his mother.

Firstly, he didn't think this cowardly child could pose any threat to him, and secondly, he had never let this guy know about the bad things he had done.

He is playing a big game. He plans to raise this child to be as twisted as Master Sid, and then make up for the things that were missing in his childhood.

Looking at Weijia's face, Kumit was instinctively afraid, but unlike before, he did not run away, but stared at the former's forehead and said.

"Mr. Vega."

Hearing the voice coming from above her head, Weijia squeezed out a warm smile on her impatient face and said gently.

"What's the matter, my dear Master Kumit, do you have any orders?"

Normally, if Kumit dared to make any request according to his words, no matter how humble the request was, he would definitely get a severe beating from him.

But this time, Kumit didn't show much fear, he just looked at him with empty eyes.

"Where is my mother? You said you would take me to see her when we get to the safe zone."

A trace of boredom flashed across Weijia's face.

I dealt with this problem a long time ago, why does this kid keep returning it?

Since the patrolling guards were still nearby, he did not immediately beat or scold him, but just said with a smile.

"Ah...are you talking about Mrs. Bonnie? I have sent her to Ideal City. After all, you have seen that this settlement has suddenly become very dangerous, very, very dangerous."


Poor Master Sid.

His son will never know the price his gentle mother paid to protect him.

But who can blame it?

Is that guy just a good man and a believer?

The younger son of the Sid family did the same things that the fool of the Malvern family did, and he could always find the guy who took the blame.

Even if he does something bad, it can be regarded as justice for God.

Looking at Uncle Vega with a smile on his face, Kumit uttered a word from his dry lips.

"is that a lie……"

Weijia's smile froze on her face for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

"How could I lie to you? You are the son of my dearest friend. I treat you like my own son-"

Kumit didn't speak, just stood with blank eyes and dropped a holographic computer pen on the ground.

Weijia was stunned for a moment, frowning and wondering what was going on, until an unsightly picture and an unbearable sound came out of the light blue cubic cone.

A buzzing sound.

Looking at the blood-curdling scene and the face that shouldn't have appeared here, Weijia felt as if her head had exploded, and she was stunned on the spot for a moment.

The nearby refugees were all stunned, confused by the sudden playing of a short movie.

Weijia was the first to wake up.

And the moment he woke up, cold sweat broke out from his forehead like a waterfall.

Especially when those pairs of stunned eyes looked this way, he seemed to be standing naked in the middle of the street.

"Are you crazy?! She, she is your mother!"

Weijia rushed forward in panic, not caring about the dirt on her knees, and used her fat belly to cover the holographic computer pen and her twisted and tangled desires, just like she did when she suppressed Master Sid's wife. .

Kumit looked quietly at the face twisted with anger, showing no fear, no despair, not even sadness.

He just calmly put his hand into his pocket, and then took out a pistol in front of everyone's stunned eyes.


There was a bloody hole on Weijia's forehead, and she fell into a pool of blood in shock.

The whole world went silent.

He never expected it.

After exhausting his efforts, he actually fell before dawn, and he died so carelessly.


How could he accept such an ending? !

It took a lot of effort for him to get here!

Why? !

His spasmodic hands subconsciously curled up the soil on the ground, leaving a few shallow claw marks in the mud.

He doesn't want to die!


I can't help him anymore...


"What are you doing! Put the gun down!"

Looking at the young man who had killed someone, he heard the gunshot and the soldier yelled and rushed over quickly.

If it weren't for the other's age, they might both have fired.

However, Kumit did not listen to the roars of the adults. He just pressed the smoking muzzle against his thin chin impatiently.

It's so noisy...

It's so boring.


As the second gunshot rang out, he fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut free.

Everyone froze in place, whether they were refugees in residential areas or soldiers who came following the sound of gunfire.

Only the unbearable sound was left echoing throughout the entire scene...

The commotion in the residential area attracted the attention of the alliance soldiers, and Quan Shui and his team quickly rushed over from the tarmac.

It was confirmed that the deceased was Vijia himself, the owner of Vijia Trading Company, and the murderer was his adopted son Kumit.

The murderer committed suicide on the spot after the attack and had no vital signs.

According to further background investigations, everyone learned that the former was once the white glove of Sid, a noble in the inner city of Boulder City. He escaped unscathed when the inner city collapsed, brought a huge amount of property to the Bugra Free State, continued to run Vega Trading Company, and at the same time adopted Lord Sid's helpless widow and children.

As for Kumit’s motive for committing the murder, it was also completely preserved at the crime scene.

"It's so twisted..."

After returning to the Sheriff's Office, I inserted the chip of the holographic computer pen into the terminal and took a look at it, and finally couldn't help but complain.

No one else spoke, only Brother Quan Shui silently pressed pause.

"never mind."

There is nothing to read in the content, it is nothing more than the process of the deceased inflicting violence on another deceased.

The guy named Weijia has a hobby of video recording.

He videotaped the whole process of Bonnie's mental breakdown, and somehow her son Kumit found out.

Maybe this was part of the guy's bad taste, maybe he made a miscalculation, or was plotted by his enemies. After all, it was doubtful that Kumit could get the pistol from the safe area... But these trivial details are no longer important.

The locals who died in this settlement have been burned out, and the outsiders are even still queuing up.

Just ensuring basic order in the safe zone is enough to exhaust the new authority's security officers.

At this juncture where troubles are piling up, no one really has the extra energy to seek justice for a beast.

That's it for now.

Crime scene.

Everyone didn't disperse for a long time, and they were all talking about the two deceased people.

Especially those people who come from other residential areas to join in the fun.

Confused about this murder case, they asked nearby refugees who had lived in Boulder City to inquire about the identities of the two people and the grudges behind them.

Others are inquiring about "resources."

After all, in a place like this that lacks entertainment, anything that can be used for entertainment can become fun.

Not far away, a fair and fat young man stood in the crowd. He sighed as he looked at his father who died on the street and was carried on a stretcher. He made a sad expression on his face and muttered to himself in his plump mouth.

"Dad, don't you feel too tired? We escaped from Boulder City to the Free State, and we don't know where we are going to escape next..."

That hypocritical sadness was exactly the same as that of his father.

"I'm almost tired of playing with this toy Kumit. I really can't come up with any new tricks... I'm still not as good as you in this regard. You can train Aunt Bonnie to be obedient. What can you ask her to do?" She does whatever she wants.”

"But don't you think it's a pity to kill such an obedient person? You're tired of it anyway, why don't you leave it to me?"

Piru suddenly sighed a little lonely and shook his head without interest.

"That's all, you can't hear me either... Anyway, I will collect those inheritances for you, and I will never let your hard work in this life go in vain."

"You can rest peacefully."

Like a fat ghost, he turned clumsily to blend in with the crowd that didn't fit in with him, disappearing completely as if he didn't recognize everyone here...

In the south of Bugra, in the wilderness about fifty kilometers away from the city, lies the largest stronghold of the Refugee House in the vicinity.

Although the vast majority of refugees were stranded in the city, a significant number of survivors escaped.

The Alliance will not prevent those refugees from leaving, no matter where they plan to wander next.

However, for survivors who are willing to stay and rebuild their homes, the refugee home will provide them with food, fresh water, and necessary daily necessities and medicines.

In fact, most people prefer to stay as long as their basic survival needs are guaranteed.

After all, for them, whose knowledge is still stuck in the year 215 of the Wasteland Era, there is still a world of cannibalism outside, and no matter how hard the civil war in Bugra is fought, there are still a lot of high-rise buildings left.

Although the latter is not uncommon in the wasteland, survivors born in this settlement have not been seen after all.

Many people have never left the streets where they live, let alone the world outside the city.

After all, there are very few people running around like players in the wasteland.

In the center of the camp, Chu Guang met Mayor Odo of Bugra again.

Different from the last time we met in the Great Rift Valley, this guy has changed quite a lot. He has changed from a smooth bureaucrat to a real leader.

This guy is a talent.

After the two met and exchanged pleasantries, they started chatting about the scene in the camp.

"...There are still many people in this world who need to do their best to survive."


Listening to the inhumane answer, Otto couldn't help but think of the people who died in the war, and couldn't help but ask a relatively pointed question.

“Even then can it still be called a ‘New Era’?”

He doesn't blame the league or companies or colleges.

After all, it was a courtesy for others to help them, and it was their duty not to help them. He had no intention of complaining either emotionally or rationally.

Moreover, while they were fighting a civil war, other forces in the wasteland were dealing with more serious threats.

They didn't cause trouble for anyone else, but they basically didn't serve any purpose.

But even so.

At this time, the Sticky Community announced the arrival of the "New Era" and the resolution on South Gate II, which somewhat hurt the feelings of the citizens of Bugra.

It feels like they've been left behind.

And in the earlier Torch War, they obviously put in some effort...

After reading Odo's eyes, Chu Guang's thoughts didn't change much, he just nodded as usual.


Otto's expression was a little tense and he asked.


Chu Guang turned his gaze to the camp in the distance and said in a gentle tone.

“The initiative we initiated on the New Era on the Stick Community does not claim that we have built a utopia on earth, but it means that we no longer wait for the arrival of the savior, and no longer indulge in the illusion that the prosperous era will be unsustainable. Save yourself, be your own light.”

"If you really understand the weight of this sentence, then you are also a member of the new era, and we will never give up on you, just like we are standing here today. If you can't understand it, it means you still need a little more time."

The settlement is not hopeless.

Apart from the mountains of body bags, he also saw a person supporting another person's shoulder.

No one ever abandoned them.

Even though many people already hate this evil place and want to blow it up with a nuclear bomb.

When people saw their determination to resist, they still extended a helping hand to them.

Otto was silent for a long time.

Those eyes that were originally a bit confused finally had a glimmer of understanding.

"...I see, I understand."

The smile returned to his face. He looked at Chu Guang beside him and sincerely extended his right hand.

"Thank you, and...please give us, the residents of Bugra, a chance to move forward with others in the new era."

"We've actually been doing this a long time ago."

Chu Guang smiled and held his hand.


A relieved smile appeared on Odo's face, and he cast his slightly haggard and tired eyes towards the city and wilderness in the distance.

"We also don't know what people in the future will think of us...and the new era they are about to start in their lives."

They are neither as prosperous as the Era of Prosperity, nor as completely desolate as the Era of Wasteland.

It's really hard to rate.

He thought for a long time but couldn't think of any words to use to summarize the difference between today and yesterday.


Perhaps people at the end of the Prosperity Era were confused by similar questions: How should they explain to their children that the world they once lived in was not what it is now.

Looking at Odo who was deep in thought, Chu Guang was not particularly entangled in this distant issue, and just lightly shrugged his shoulders.

"It's better to leave this kind of thing to themselves."

(PS: The ending of Free State is actually a continuation of Boulder City. The former participated in the Boulder City incident like the Alliance, but inherited different things. In order not to repeat the plot, I wrote this paragraph from the side. In addition, this The chapter is connected with Chapter 545 "The road is chosen by oneself". If you have no impression at all, you can start reviewing it from Chapter 517 "Going Home")

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