This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 133 Training the Guard

In the end, Miss Fujiteng, who is kind-hearted and kind-hearted, paid for the machine.

Even if it was not an order placed by myself at all.

Brother Mosquito and Tousuo probably felt very embarrassed, and they both said that they only charged half the fee for the steam engine, and refunded half of the money to Teng Teng.

In addition, the two also asked Tengteng for a few more days of grace on the order, and promised that she would not be disappointed this time. The remaining balance can be settled after the textile machine is produced.

Helped move the machine into the Tengteng hut.

Looking at the steam engine that took up less than half of the room, Mosquito scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said awkwardly.

"Well, it's mainly because I don't know much about weaving, but don't worry! I'll ask a few knowledgeable acquaintances and I'll definitely be able to figure it out!"

Looking at the big guys in the workshop, Teng Teng sighed quietly.

"hope so."

In any case, having a steam engine is always a good thing.

During this period of time, Teng Teng himself has not been idle, and has been studying how to make the cocoon of the devil moth into raw silk.

Referring to modern silk production techniques, she discovered that the cocoons of devil moths were continuously cooked with 90-degree hot water. After the pupae inside were cooked, they were placed in room temperature water and left to stand for a while, and the cocoon silk would naturally fall off in circles. Come down.

At this time, you only need to use two chopsticks to stir it in and sift out the "threads" of the devil's silk, and then you can draw the silk by hand.

Fortunately, the cocoons of the devil moth are large, and each cocoon is made of a single thread.

Moreover, these silk threads are tough enough to be cut easily with scissors, making reeling much easier than the small cocoons in reality.

Teng Teng referred to the PPT downloaded from the Internet and assembled a set of hand-operated silk reeling machines by himself with a set of parts customized in the carpentry cabin, and the efficiency was acceptable.

A lot of raw silk has been stored in the inventory, and the next step is to find a way to weave these raw silks into cloth.

Of course, it would be better if steam power could be applied to it.

At the same time, outside the trench at the west gate of the outpost.

A group of survivors who had been transferred here from the brick factory stood in a crooked formation. Although many of them are skinny and look bad, they are still much better than they were half a month ago.

They were wearing fur coats they had just put on, and each held a wooden stick more than one meter long. Their eyes were blankly looking at the manager who was standing in front of the queue lecturing.

"I have a new job here that I plan to give to you. Of course, you have the right to give up. Now put down the stick in your hand and you can still go back to work in the brick factory."

Chu Guang waited for a while.

No one moved.

Nodding with satisfaction, Chu Guang continued.

"Very good. Since you have all chosen to stay voluntarily, I hope you will use actions to prove your loyalty."

Clearing his throat, he raised his voice.

"Starting from today, you will be incorporated into the guard team of the outpost and be responsible for maintaining order in the outpost!"

"The number on the nameplate on your chest is your number, and it will accompany you until you are discharged. Your work includes but is not limited to patrolling, standing guard, maintaining order, maintaining the dignity of the law, and daily drills and studies."

"As compensation, Vault 404 will pay you a monthly salary of 80 silver coins, and will also provide you with food and accommodation."

The monthly salary of 80 silver coins is still very good.

When I was in the brick factory, there was only one silver coin a day at first. Later, the managers raised their salary to two silver coins a day.

When they heard that their wages had been raised again, the survivors who were still at a loss showed expressions of joy on their faces.

Chu Guang didn't care about their eyes widening at the sight of money.

After all, it is more unrealistic to expect a group of wastelanders who live like hyenas to have lofty ideals and beliefs than to expect mutants to sit down and negotiate with themselves.

But it doesn’t matter.

He will use harsh training to teach them what obedience and discipline are.

"Say it if you understand."

"I understand!"

"Speak louder, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I understand!!!"

Faced with the majesty of the manager, no one dared to neglect, and they all used all their strength and shouted at the top of their voices.

Although it's still a bit disappointing, it's pretty good this time.

Chu Guang nodded and then ordered.

"Now, everyone, turn left and run around the outpost. After finishing the run, come back to my place and assemble! Why are you just standing there? Get moving! Let me see who comes last. Run more. Five laps!”

After hearing the last sentence, a group of people finally came to their senses and ran forward, fearing that the slowest person was themselves.

Before waiting for a while, someone had already completed a lap and returned to Chu Guang.

Staring at the man who was out of breath, Chu Guang said.

"Report your name and number."

The man tried to control his breathing and replied respectfully.

"Wrench, No. 006, sir!"

It took Chu Guang a while to realize that "Wrench" was this guy's name.

Boy, this name is so casual.

Was it because there happened to be a wrench next to the bed where he was delivered?

I really couldn't think of a good surname to go with this name. Chu Guang, who was not very good at naming, didn't bother to give him a surname.

"Number 006, starting from today, you are the captain of the guard. Your only job is to be responsible for training the rookies behind you and training with them."

As he spoke, Chu Guang threw a piece of VM into his hand.

Seeing the flattered look on his face, Chu Guang let go of the stick in his hand and hurriedly caught VM's wrench. Chu Guang stared at him and continued.

"The training plan will be sent to your VM later, and the drone flying above your head will record your training results. I allow you to use all means, the only requirement is to let them finish their daily tasks alive. Training mission.”

"If you can't complete it, it will only prove your incompetence. I will not find anyone else, but you alone."


Looking at the manager, Wrench nodded nervously.

"Understood, sir!"


"Yes, sir!!"

very good.

Pretty clever.

Glancing at the stick lying on the ground, Chu Guang looked at him and continued.

"Pick up the stick on the ground. Before you get the gun, it is your weapon. I hope you will regard it as your life."

"Train well, I will watch you from above."

Looking at the wrench who hurriedly bent down to pick up the stick, Chu Guang dropped these words, turned around and walked away in the direction of the outpost.

Not long after he left, he received the wrench of the training plan and immediately greeted everyone to start training.

The manager has said that the drone is floating in the sky and he can see clearly what they are doing. In order to avoid punishment, this wrench also worked hard and did not dare to relax even a little bit.

To be honest, Chu Guang didn't know much about training.

After all, in his previous life, he had only experienced high school military training and college entrance military training.

No matter which time it was, the training intensity was far inferior to that of serious military training.

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t. If you’ve never eaten pork, you’ve always seen pigs running around, right?

A lot of information can be found by searching online, and it only needs to be re-edited according to the needs and conditions in the wasteland.

For example, running exercises, military stance, crawling, basic fighting, and bayonet fighting training, etc.

Practice these basic skills, improve your physical fitness, practice them with discipline, and nourish your energy and spirit a little more, and you'll be good to go.

Chu Guang doesn't need them to have strong combat power, he just needs them to be loyal, loyal, and more loyal!

As for combat, that's the job of the players.

After all, no matter how hard these survivors train, it is unrealistic to think about defeating a group of clones that can stably "awaken" and are not afraid of death.


Quality Plaza in front of the sanatorium.

A group of players gathered here for lunch with bowls in hand, chatting excitedly.

"Have you noticed? There seems to be a new group of NPCs in our outpost?"

"I saw it too! It's at the west gate, right? When I went to see it, they were contacting me for bayonet fights! If you don't understand, just ask, can I bring them with me to fights in the future?"

"What do you mean there are an extra group of people? Those people at the west gate are the prisoners we rescued from the Blood Hand Clan's dungeon before. Didn't they say before that in order to repay our life-saving grace, they would help us in the brick factory? Live.”

"Holy shit? It's actually them? Well, I'm relatively face-blind, and my eyesight is bad, and those people don't wash their faces often, so it's not surprising that I didn't notice it!"

"It seems that those people have completely joined us, excited! There are more and more NPCs in our outpost!"

"The guard captain seems to be carrying a VM! By the way, can he trigger the mission? Have any of you tried it?"

"I tried! As long as you pester him and ask twice, you can trigger the task of training with them. But for one thing, that task is quite boring. It only costs 5 copper coins to train with them for an hour! I might as well go to the carpentry hut Let’s rent an ax and chop down a tree!”

"Do you think if you train with them for a whole day, will you unlock the mission to join the Guard?"

"You can always get the tasks of the 484 Silly Guards from the manager. They are the duty of standing guard for the new people."


At first, when they first noticed this group of NPCs suddenly appearing at the west gate, holding sticks in their hands and practicing in a stylish manner, many players were full of curiosity about them.

However, this curiosity only lasted for one morning.

As players discovered that these NPCs could neither trigger tasks nor pay much attention to them, they gradually lost interest in them and turned back to do their own things.

Maybe, this part of the content planning hasn’t been done yet.

After all, it is in the closed beta stage, so it is understandable that the content is a little lacking!

After lunch time, the players dispersed from the outpost.

The cow-horse team, which lost its military advisor, temporarily disbanded the team.

Lao Bai and Kengfeng went to the brick factory, thinking about how to further increase the output of the brick kiln. Ye Shi went to the lake and studied the techniques of throwing rods and feeding fish with the fishing guys for a while.

As for Brother Mole, he took out the 200 silver he raised in tears and bought the priority exploration rights on the second floor of the greenhouse ruins from the Cow Horse Team. He took the Elf King Fugui, Irena and four other passers-by with him. Teammates started a new round of betting aggressively.

Whether he can roll this snowball all the way depends on whether he can defeat the second level of the level within 7 days!

In theory this isn't very difficult.

After several previous battles, Brother Mole has gained rich experience in "fighting against moths" and is quite comfortable in dealing with these bugs.

However, having said that, the situation they are facing now is not very optimistic.

The main reason for this is that the location of the greenhouse ruins is too awkward. It is located right at the entrance of 76th Street. Just around the corner is Brother Fringe and his teammates who often lose glory, as well as mutants who are ready to launch cold arrows at any time.

This also means that Mole and his team members have to be careful about harassment by mutants while conquering the dungeon.

After all, no one can guarantee that those mutants will not come to them on their own initiative.

The Mole had heard before that the administrator seemed to be planning to use the first floor of the greenhouse ruins, but since the threat of mutants had not been eliminated, this plan could only be put on hold for the time being.

But thankfully, Brother Edge did not give up. This guy seemed to have completely come into conflict with those mutants, attracting the hatred of the mutants to a certain extent.

After a morning's rest, this guy once again gathered a group of teammates who were more disbelieving than him and launched today's second round of raids on the mutants.

This time he learned the lesson and did not take the main road again. Instead, he detoured from the south gate of the Wetland Park, followed the street adjacent to No. 76 Street, crossed the ruined terrain, and crossed to the side of No. 76 Street.

The sneak attack seemed successful.

The mutants who spread out their defenses did not expect that a troop actually penetrated their flank.

Caught off guard, a lone mutant archer was shot to death by the surrounding players and his head was cut off.

Distant gunshots and explosions rang out again and lasted for a while.

The clouds of war hung over 76th Street.

Compared with those players who didn't take the danger seriously at all, the nomadic tribe at the east gate was panic-stricken at the moment.

Most of their tribes are old, young, women and children, and some babies have not yet been weaned. The remaining young and middle-aged people have a hard time dealing with ordinary predators and cannot resist the attacks of mutants.

However, unlike the frightened clan members, Wu Tiaxu, as the leader of the clan, is not very worried. Especially after receiving the sect leader's promise "not to attack without permission", he felt even more relaxed.

This patriarch is very kind.

Knowing that there were few men in their tribe, they had no intention of using them as cannon fodder.

As for safety, Wu Tiaxu is even less worried.

That man is very strong, and his subordinates are also very strong. There is no way that a few mutants can be their opponents!

This can actually be seen from the attitudes of those mutant people.

Those mutants didn't dare to take the initiative at all. They only dared to huddle on 76th Street to lay out defenses and ambush. In Wu Tiexu's view, this is not because those bloodthirsty beasts don't want to fight back, but because they have no room for counterattack!

I don’t even dare to enter the forest!

However, out of caution, Wu Tiaxu still warned his tribesmen not to go to the east to fight for the time being, and to go north or south as much as possible.

According to his exploration these days, the area along the Fifth Ring Road is a good place.

There are many ruins of high-rise buildings there, hiding some small animals such as squirrels and rabbits, and many mutant hyenas have also hid in them after winter.

As long as you are patient and lay out traps and bait, you can still get something occasionally.

As for the north, which is the direction they came from, there are not many things there. Especially along the section of the elevated highway out of the city, there is a long stretch of no-man's land.

In this wasteland, as long as there is some source of food or other good things, there will be no one left.

The third floor of the nursing home.

Sitting on the chair, Chu Guang stared at the VM screen, overlooking the edge of the battle and retreat through the drone, and the group of paddlers retreated south along the route he planned.

About twenty minutes ago, Chu Guang had arranged for twenty fully armed players to be on standby near the evacuation point by assigning tasks.

If the mutants chase them out, a fierce head-on blow awaits them!

By the way, is this considered micromanagement?

It probably doesn't count.

At this time, Xiao Qi, who was squatting by the window, suddenly turned the camera, looked at Chu Guang sitting on the chair and said.

"Master, Xiaoqi feels like things are going to change."

"Change in the weather?" Chu Guang raised his head and glanced at the white snow outside the window, then looked at Xiao Qi with a strange expression, "How can the weather change like this?"

Can it be lowered by another ten degrees?

Xiao Qi shook the camera and whispered.

"Xiaoqi doesn't know either, I just feel that the clouds are moving a bit fast."

Chu Guang frowned slightly.

Just as the conflict between Vault 404 and the mutants was heating up, a group of uninvited guests appeared near the viaduct in the northern part of the Wetland Park.

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