This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 167 News from the North and the Second Wave of Refugees

Early morning, brick kiln by the river.

Vanus was in a daze facing the square wooden box in his hand, his expression looking a little dazed.

He really didn't know how to use this thing, so he lowered his head carefully and humbly asked the foreman next to him for advice.

"How to use this?"

Yang Ergou was a real person, and he did not dislike his subordinates' clumsiness, so he patiently explained to him.

"This is a mold for laying bricks. Put the mud in it, press it tightly, and flip it upside down on the wooden strips. When it dries a little, just pull out the mold. But it's been too cold recently, no matter if it's the mud on the river The mud under our feet is frozen as hard as stone. We have to transport the mud into the hole to preheat it. You can throw the mold here first and go outside to pick up some firewood."

Vanus nodded numbly, put down the mold, and walked into the forest nearby.

Looking at the camp behind him, he thought about running away, but the idea only occurred for a moment, and he gave up.


Where can I escape from here?

To the south and east are frozen steel jungles, to the west is a lake, and to the north is a frozen wasteland.

Without a gun, no food, and no fuel, walking in the wilderness, he was just fat in the eyes of aliens and even predators. A thin piece of clothing could not bring him any sense of security at all.

Those real barbarians would not give him a chance to pay the ransom, but would happily chop off his head, make his skin into a chair cushion or carpet, and introduce it to their barbarian brothers. The human skin of the Legion Commander, I defeated them!

Vanus felt that rather than die in this way, it would be better to be shot or hanged and then buried, which would at least preserve some dignity.

The north wind was blowing loudly, heavy snow was falling intermittently in the sky, and snow fell from the pine trees from time to time.

After finally collecting enough firewood, Vanus carried a bundle of dry firewood and trudged back to the brick factory. He saw that the originally deserted open space had become lively.

Yang Ergou directed the workers to cart the mud into the cave dwelling nearby. He glanced at him and didn't ask him why it took so long. He only urged him to send the firewood in quickly.

Vanus didn't dare to neglect, and immediately ran into the cave dwelling with the firewood in his arms.

The temperature in the cave was very high, like summer. He was shivering from the cold just now, but now he was sweating due to the heat.

No wonder everyone works so hard. It turns out that it is much more comfortable here than outside!

Vanus noticed that inside the cave was a furnace made of bricks, and a tall chimney connected the floor and ceiling, and extended out from the top of the cave.

Workers burn charcoal at the bottom of the chimney, the smoke is discharged from the chimney, the produced carbon is sent to burn bricks, and the waste heat is used to soften the frozen soil by the river.

This concept is simply brilliant.

Did they come up with it themselves?

Vanus was surprised. Although he was educated at a military academy, he had never done any lower-class work.

Here, he can only be at the mercy of others. Basically, he does whatever others ask him to do, helping out like a helper without appearing to be too much of a hindrance.

Been busy all day.

A group of people worked together to pile up ten piles of bricks in the cave dwelling, put them on iron racks with wheels, and sent them to the adjacent cave dwelling along the smooth road paved with bricks.

The coals are lit.

The kiln door is sealed.

Only then did Vanus realize that not only was he sweating, but his whole body was covered in mud, and his whole body turned into a pile of briquettes.

Yang Ergou looked at him for a moment, then laughed and patted his shoulder.

"This is the first time. Let's take a shower later."

"Where's the shower?"

"There is a smaller public bathroom here. We are usually too lazy to go to the outpost a kilometer away, so we settle here. But you have to collect firewood yourself, and the carbon is used to burn bricks."

Vanus breathed a sigh of relief when he heard there was hot water.

In this damn weather, the river is about to freeze.

Taking a cold shower is torture!

late at night.

After taking a shower, Vanus put on fur clothes and sat in the work shed with a brazier lit. Foreman Yang Ergou came over and handed him a wooden box.

The shape of the wooden box was very similar to the brick mold, but it was not dipped in mud. Inside was a piece of hot roasted potato and a piece of dried meat as long as the middle finger and as thick as a thumb.

"The hot water is boiling in the stove. If you need it, go get it yourself." Yang Ergou sat next to him and said with a grin, "How does it feel on the first day of work? Are you still used to it?"

Vanus smiled bitterly in his heart, how dare he complain.

Working here, at least there is a fire. After sealing the cave, it will be more leisurely. It is much more comfortable than his subordinates digging ditches in the north.

"It feels good. How long have you lived here?"

Yang Ergou said.

"It's been more than a month, what's wrong?"

Vanus: "You look familiar here. I thought you had been here for a long time."

Yang Ergou said with a smile: "I can't say I'm familiar with it, but this place does feel like home to us."

Vanus: "Home?"

Yang Ergou: "Yes, we were all about to die originally, and almost died in the dungeon of the predators. Later, the wise and powerful administrator planted the flag in the lair of the predators. Those of us who were rescued had nowhere to go, so we simply stayed.”

In fact, compared to those rescued people whose families were ruined, he still had somewhere to go. After leaving the Wetland Park, he could walk four or five kilometers south to Beit Street, where his relatives were all.

But how could it be as comfortable as here at home?

Not only did he have a warm house, he also had firewood for heating, he was provided with three meals a day, and he was given money to spend. To be honest, before coming here, this was the first time he had heard that there was such a thing as dinner in the world.

There was no such thing as dinner in Beit Street, and even oil lamps were rare items. As soon as it got dark, only Old Leech's castle still had lights on, and everyone got under the covers to rest early. At most, in the evening, make a pot of green wheat paste, dry it into green wheat cakes, and save it as dry food for the next day.

After the old Shuili family was driven away by the manager's gunfire, Yang Ergou took a leave of absence and went back to take a look at the house, but he ran back here after only two days. Not only did he have no idea of ​​going back, he even wanted to take his family over.

Life here is like paradise.

Yang Ergou talked for a long time, his mouth was dry, and he realized that he had been talking all the time, so he looked at Vanus curiously.

"Speaking of you? Were you also rescued by the administrator?"


Considering the reputation of the Legion outside, Vanus did not dare to say that he was from the Legion, so he nodded vaguely.

Yang Ergou's eyes lit up, and he had no doubts. He then continued to talk to him endlessly about how good life was here. Under the rule of the administrator, they were not only well fed and clothed, but also far away from predators and predators. Alien harassment.

After listening to the foreman's words, Vanus fell into silence, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

People here also seem to live under order.

However, there are two completely different orders from the territory under the rule of the Legion.

He has no doubt in his heart that the order of the legion is supreme. Only the strong are worthy of talking about it. Only the strong can live in this barbaric world that follows the law of the jungle, while the weak are born slaves, and their inferior genes and personalities are not worthy of standing up at all. Live straight. As a member of this powerful group, with RDX flowing in his veins, he deserves to have the most luxurious material enjoyment, whether it is a luxurious mansion, gold, fine wine or beauties.

But Vanus also had to admit in his heart that maybe these weaklings and servants with impure blood and contaminated genes would indeed live a more comfortable life here.

Order gave them the greatest tolerance, allowing them to build and enjoy at the same time.

Let the brick burner eat meat?

It's crazy.

Around ten o'clock in the evening.

News came from Jiujiu Farm that a group of refugees wandered over from the north. Most of them were old, weak, women and children, and there were about a hundred of them. Like Wu Tieaxu and others, they were all nomads wandering from the north, but the number was obviously much larger.

After hearing the news, Chu Guang immediately issued a mission and summoned two truck drivers and more than 30 small players who were still online to go to Jiujiu Farm for support.

Because the manager gave too much, many young players who had just returned from Changchun Farm followed suit without taking off their equipment.

When passing by the northern part of the Wetland Park, Chu Guang suddenly remembered that he seemed to have left a legionary commander at the brick factory, so he stopped by and took a look.

When he arrived at the brick kiln, everyone had already fallen asleep except for Yang Ergou, who was on night duty, and another brick burner.

Over there in the shack, snoring could be heard one after another.

Chu Guang found Yang Ergou, looked at him and asked.

"How did the man I handed over to you do at work today? Was he lazy? Or disobedient?"

When he heard the manager asking about the foreigner, Yang Ergou didn't think much and answered respectfully.

"Are you talking about the one from yesterday? He worked quite hard, but he was a little clumsy and didn't feel very smart."

It seems that this man has two brushes and can bend and stretch. No wonder he can become a captain of thousands.

Since Vanus was so obedient, it saved him a lot of trouble.

"Yes, I understand."

After understanding the situation here, Chu Guang turned around and went to the north gate of the Wetland Park to join the young players waiting there.

Two light trucks, carrying more than thirty people, set off in a mighty manner.

And while Chu Guang and his party were on the road, at the same time, outside the north gate of Jiujiu Farm, there was a mess at the moment.

Hundreds of refugees gathered around the door, not daring to get close, but had no intention of retreating, and negotiated with old Luca standing at the door.

Behind old Luca are the guards led by Wrench.

Fifteen guards were divided into two groups. They stood in a row at the door and in a row on the wall. They held guns tightly in their hands and stood ready.

Standing next to the wrench, the young guard did not dare to let down his guard for a moment. He stared at the group of refugees in front of him and carefully controlled the white breath he exhaled.

"I've said before that such a big smoke will definitely attract bad people."

Another guard standing next to him cursed under his breath.

"Why do you think those people dare to come close? Aren't they afraid that we are predators?"

"Haha, do you think they are just good people? Look at those people, they all have guns on their backs! I bet that if we hadn't had fifteen guns here and built such a high wall, I'd probably still have to fight today. A tough battle!”

The young guard muttered under his breath.

The comrades next to him all expressed their agreement, not doubting this statement at all, and not even having any different opinions.

In the wasteland, kindness is rarer than gold. Even the neighbors can't be completely reassured, let alone these refugees with no fixed abode?

When encountering a force stronger than themselves, each of them is a little white sheep who is good at singing and dancing. When encountering a force of survivors weaker than themselves, it is not surprising that all of them will take off their sheep's clothing and become hungry wolves.

Similar cases are nothing new in the wasteland!

"The wind outside is really strong. Our children and pregnant women are about to freeze to death. Please be kind and let us rest here for a while. We will leave when this snowstorm passes."

Standing in front of the refugee team was a burly man with an iron-barreled rifle hanging on his back and a revolver on his waist not far from his right hand.

Old Luca noticed that the corners of his clothes were stained with dried blood, but he was not sure whether it was the blood of beasts or humans.

Judging from the respect and awe in the eyes of the people around him when they looked at his back, this man was probably their patriarch or leader, and his prestige was not low.

Being able to take so many people on a long journey in the wasteland is really impossible without some skills.

"I can't make the decision in this matter. I have to wait for my master to come." Although he was like a dead branch standing in front of this strong man, there was no trace of cowardice on old Luca's face.

His master was a strong man who could defeat even the Blood Hand Clan, and even gained the respect of companies as far away as the east coast.

There were just a few refugees, not enough to scare him.

The man stared at him and continued.

"Where is he? Can I talk to him?"

"He is on his way here and will be here soon," Old Luca raised his chin slightly, looked at him, and continued in a calm yet powerful tone, "Before visiting someone else's home, shouldn't you? Would you like to state your name first? Who are you, who is the person behind you, where are you from, and where do you plan to go."

The man stared at the old man for a long time, and then glanced at the guards behind him on the wall, as if to judge whether these people were easy to mess with.

Old Luka frowned.

"It seems that you are not sincere in communicating, so we have nothing to talk about."

"Sorry, I was abrupt," seeing that old Luka seemed to be planning to leave, the man quickly said, "My name is Li. Most of us are from the central part of the River Valley Province."

Luca: "What does mostly mean?"

The man named Li nodded and continued.

"We are not from the same survivor colony. At least half of the people here joined us halfway."

Luka: "This doesn't make sense. If it's true as you said, you were once a survivor settlement, then why did you leave there suddenly? And it's still winter."

"Because of the damn war, we don't want to, but we have to leave," Ming Li said angrily. "You should have heard that the Legion members have been fighting in the north for a whole year. The recent sudden cold winter probably made them Unable to hold on any longer, scores of people fled southward."

Luka frowned.

"You met the Legion?"

Li said angrily: "To be precise, we encountered the legion's rout. Those people are no different from marauders, they rob everything they see! Hell, I even feel that the marauders can negotiate at least, but they are simply A bunch of utter scum! Beasts! Scum!"

This burly man poured out almost all the curse words in his stomach, detailing their atrocities in the northern and central areas.

However, Old Luca's focus is not on these trivial matters, but on what this person means.

The Legion seems to have lost?

Or at least almost losing.

After all, if it was an organized robbery, it wouldn't be a rout.

There was a hint of surprise in Luka's eyes.

The administrator seemed to have said before that if the expeditionary force of the northern legion could send a full formation of two thousand people to desert and intercept the Enterprise's Pioneer, it would either be a sure win or it could not continue the fight. Prepare to get some benefits and leave.

If these people are telling the truth, then the manager may have really guessed it.

The surprise in old Luka's eyes gradually turned into admiration.

And the man named Li was still pouring out the bitter water, trying to persuade the old man in front of him to let them in.

At this time, the sound of an engine suddenly came from the distance.

There was a commotion among the refugees gathered in front of the wall, with panic expressions on their faces. Liya took half a step back alertly, placing his right hand on the pistol on his waist.

Wrench stared at him, his thumb already pushing the arbiter's safety, and several guards beside him raised their guns slightly.

Seeing that the atmosphere took a turn for the worse, Old Luka was filled with surprise and quickly raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

"Don't be impulsive! It's the manager!"


Li Weiwei was stunned.

At this time, the two headlights in front of the truck suddenly came on.

Li looked in the direction of the light, his eyes narrowed unconsciously, and he saw a majestic figure standing next to the truck with the lights on.

That man should be their manager.

Or to put it another way, he is the lord here.

He was wearing an exoskeleton, and what people couldn't ignore was not the rifle he was carrying behind him, nor the warhammer standing at his side.

It was the soldiers behind him who were watching eagerly, and the rifles in their hands.

Facing the dazzling light, Li felt a chill in his heart.

At the same time, the ups and downs of the sound passed through the snow curtain and came from afar.

"Put down your weapons and accept our placement."


"Wherever you come from, go back there!"

The next chapter will be out before eleven o'clock, please be patient

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