This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 188 Officer and Biologist

The maintenance room of Vault 117.

Holding a cup of hot water to warm her body, the woman who finally understood the situation calmed down and then looked at the two guards sitting behind the long table.

"Can I meet your manager?"

The two guards looked at each other.

The older one looked at her cautiously and said.

"We will report this matter to the administrator... Could you please explain your identity, are you a resident here?"

"Heya, a doctor of bioengineering, comes from Wasteland Era 190... You should not be from the shelter."

The guard nodded.

"It's true that I'm not, the two blue coats who brought you here just now are, but the manager treats us equally."

Heya's expression suddenly became tense.

"Are you a torch?"

The two guards looked confused.


"what is that……"

Seeing the reactions of the two guards, Heya breathed a sigh of relief, slowly relaxed her tense shoulders, and leaned back on the chair.

She muttered.

"It's's okay if it's not."


This has been twenty years.

The older guard frowned, looked at her and said.

"what are you saying?"

Heya paused and said.

"I will explain the situation to your manager later. This is my obligation... Speaking of which, what is your number?"



Heya's expression was a little confused.

Does Qingquan City have this number?

She thought that 116 or 115 should be somewhere near 117...

On the other side, the long-term farm.

Discuss my question?

Upon hearing this, Vanus's expression suddenly became tense,

But Chu Guang's next words made him feel a little more relaxed.

"The expedition has failed and your General Klaas has died. Now that the war is over, you can write to your family. You only need to pay a ransom of 2 million dinars to compensate us for our losses in the war. You can go back and forth from there.”

Upon hearing this number, Vanus almost choked on his own saliva and coughed dryly.

"Sir, even if I sell all my property, I still can't raise so much money."

A strong slave could be bought for 2,000 dinars, and 1,000 slaves could be purchased for 2 million dinars.

And the slaves mentioned here are not those cloned fast-moving consumer goods, but the surviving men and women who have full life spans and can work.

1,000 slaves…

At least he must be a captain with a "fief" to have such strong financial resources.

The most he could scrape together was 200,000, and that was after he had spent all his money.

There was no surprise in Vanus’ answer;

"As an alternative, I need to train a group of new soldiers here. If you do me a favor, I can give you a discount on the ransom."

Vanus was stunned for a moment.

Training new recruits?


Seeing that he didn't speak, Chu Guang continued.

"Any questions?"

"No, sir... thank you very much for your trust," after a pause, Vanus said, "May I know the reason?"

Chu Guang said without thinking.

"You should also have heard that a huge tribe of predators is rising. Optimistically, it may be early next year. If not, maybe we will encounter it before the end of winter. If you don't want to change to a barbarian as your master, You'd better show some real skills."

"I will give you ten people. If the training is good, I will give you a 10% discount on the ransom, and then I will give you ten people, and so on. If you perform well, maybe I will directly waive your ransom. Whether you can go home early depends on your performance."

Vanus' Adam's apple moved, and complex expressions changed in his eyes.

There was surprise, disbelief, and other emotions that were difficult to express.

He nodded slightly and said with respect.

"As you wish, my lord."

He suddenly understood something.

How could that man gain the heartfelt loyalty of so many people?

Looking at the obedient Vanus, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

"Go down."


After Vanus left.

Jiu Li, who was standing aside, looked at Chu Guang nervously.

"Sir, are you sure you want people from the legion to serve as instructors?"

In the central and even northern parts of the Valley Province, these people with bulges in the middle of their noses are synonymous with evil and the source of plagues and disasters.

He could not trust a legionnaire anyway, let alone a mid-level officer of the legion.

As for Wrench and Luca, they didn't feel much. There were almost no Legion members in the southern part of the River Valley Province. They hated the local predators and mutants even more.

While it's a bit strange to have a captive serve as an instructor, they themselves were captives of the Reavers and born serfs.

Moreover, this is the judgment of the manager, and they have no doubt that his decision is correct.

Looking at Jiu Li, whose eyes were full of distrust, Chu Guang said bluntly.

"Why not? They are our enemies on the battlefield, but they can also be targets worth winning over outside the battlefield. The Legion's power is not in the River Valley Province. We will not have direct conflicts for a long time. We The conflict between them is not a blood feud. Besides, he has reformed well during this period. Since he can be recognized by the workers, I think he should be given a chance."

The legion's tactics are worthy of reference. Chu Guang needs an instructor to train himself a group of junior officers who are proficient in logistics, light infantry tactics, positional warfare, and mobile warfare.

And Vanus, who has received military education since childhood and is a middle-level legion member, is undoubtedly a suitable candidate.

It is unrealistic to let prisoners lead troops, but there is no problem in giving lectures and training to "NPCs". The only thing that needs to be overcome is the psychological barrier.

In large-scale battles, only by allowing NPCs and players to cooperate organically can the players' combat effectiveness be maximized.

Sooner or later they will encounter a stronger opponent than the Predators.

Of course, that's what he said, but it doesn't mean that Chu Guang completely trusts that guy.

Chu Guang will then arrange for two guards who are loyal enough to go in and serve as supervisors while learning from experience. If they find that this guy has any evil intentions or does something unnecessary, those survivors who regard themselves as saviors will report to themselves as soon as possible.

Chu Guang will naturally handle it when the time comes.

"...Identity is not important here at all, and it is the same for everyone."

"I hope you remember."

This sentence is not just for Vanus, but also for the refugee representative.

Jiuli's shoulders shook slightly.

Although he still couldn't trust the legionnaire, he still lowered his head.

"Yes, sir."

After the others retreated, Chu Guang left Luka alone and learned about the recent situation of Jiujiu Farm.

Generally speaking, the naturalization work of the refugees is progressing smoothly. Nearly twenty refugees who have obtained jobs have been allowed to enter the farm.

These included two butchers, three tanners, as well as carpenters, tailors, masons and other craftsmen.

There are nearly fifty other workers, and the procedures are also in progress.

The refugee camp was just a buffer. Chu Guang had no intention of keeping the refugees at the east gate, letting them stay there just to avoid chaos.

As long as they prove their worth through work, anyone can enter the permanent farm and become a legally settled resident.

After listening to Luka's report, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

"There seem to be more refugees recently."

Luka said respectfully.

"Yes, sir, in just this week, more than 20 people have arrived in three batches. This does not include Frost Spear and his more than 50 tribesmen that you just met."

It seems that the turmoil in recent days has indeed brought a lot of trouble to the survivors in the River Valley Province.

Especially the bone-chewing tribe...

Chu Guang's fists clenched slightly.

At this moment, the signal light on the v he was wearing on his arm suddenly flashed.

With a slight movement in his heart, Chu Guang immediately opened V's screen.

The message was from Xiaoqi.

"Master, it seems that a living person was found in Vault 117?"

Chu Guang was stunned for a moment when he saw this line of news.

"Alive person?!"

Xiaoqi: "Yes...her name is Heya. She claims to be a resident of Vault 117. She said she has important things that she wants to talk to you in person."

Looking at the text sent by Xiao Qi, before Chu Guang could recover from his surprise, three lines of light blue pop-up windows suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

【mission completed. 】

[Permissions for the B3 floor of Shelter 404 have been unlocked! 】

[Managers please check it in time! 】

I didn’t expect that my little players would be so awesome.

Chu Guang originally thought that it would take them two or three days to find the remaining 10% of the hidden map, but he didn't expect that they didn't even use 24 hours?

This is too strong!

How is it done?

I'm not in a hurry to open the b3 floor, I won't run there anyway.

Chu Guang, who returned to the outpost, followed the guard to the reception room and met the old popsicle who was said to be from 20 years ago.

"My lord, that's her."

"I see."

Signaling the guard to leave, Chu Guang sat down opposite her.

His eyes fell on the striking white hair. Chu Guang thought for a while and asked an irrelevant question.

"Do you know if silver hair is dyed or natural?"

"DNA defect, I heard it was just a minor illness before the war, but it's a pity that I was born in a shelter... But that's not the point." The lady took a deep breath and extended her right hand to Chu Guang, "Please allow me to introduce myself. Wait, my name is Heya, a resident of Vault 117... and probably the only registered resident who survived."

Chu Guang noticed that she emphasized her identity as a registered resident.

Could it be that there are still undercover people?

However, these things are not important to him.

The key point is her hair, it looks like a SSSR card at first glance!

If this is included in the alpha0.9 version update, wouldn't it be appropriate not to brag about the planning father's awesomeness?

Yin Fang's shoes finally don't have to worry about anyone harassing him, and soon he will feel the feeling of falling out of favor.

There is no creature that loves the new and hates the old more than players.

I noticed a pair of strange eyes looking at me

Clearing his throat, Chu Guang put on a serious expression, looked at her and said.

"Chu Guang, manager of Shelter 404, I have confirmed your identity from my assistant. I want to know what happened to you."

Burying the tip of her nose between her hands, Heya took a deep breath, raised her head and looked at Chu Guang and said.

"A disaster, it might take a while to tell the whole story."

"It's okay, the most indispensable thing in the wasteland is time."

"you're right."

A helpless smile appeared on her face. After brewing her emotions for a moment, she slowly spoke.

"For you, this happened more than 20 years ago, but for me, it seems like it happened yesterday..."

As introduced in the promotion, Vault 117 is a community-based shelter that does not have cryo-sleep facilities in principle.

This type of facility mainly serves residents who are unwilling to accept cryo-sleep and want to stay with their families, as well as those who are uncomfortable with cryo-sleep and those who are allergic to cryogens and thawing agents.

After all, although cryo-dormant technology has been introduced, the longest freezing period is only fifty years. For dormancy measured in centuries, no one can guarantee that there will be no side effects.

Rather than spending a life of fear in an unpredictable future, some people prefer to spend the last bit of good time in a shelter with their family, and then leave the future to future generations.

After the war broke out, a total of 100 residents entered the shelter. Among them were teachers, doctors, professors, business executives, lawyers, etc., all of whom were highly educated elites. After entering the shelter, they performed their duties as planned and continued the utopia for a long time.

However, in the face of time, nothing is eternal.

As the first newborn baby falls to the ground and the oldest person dies, the survivors of the old era inevitably usher in aging and death.

Mathematical models can only predict macroscopic samples, but cannot predict love. Even though all the survivors were well-educated and consciously controlled the population, the population still grew much faster than expected. There was eventually a crisis in space and resources, and the crisis led to divisions.

Some residents of the new generation believe that they can only wait for death if they stay here. There is no hope for the future, and they must get out of here.

Calling themselves the Torch, they hope to promote change in the sanctuary and carry out their future mission in advance with the tools left to them by pre-war civilization.

However, other older residents believe that the outside world is worse than here, and there is only a dead end. They should wait patiently for the preset number of years to arrive, pass on knowledge to the next generation, and then open the door to the new era as planned.

The differences quickly worsened in the 180th year of the Wasteland Era, and the trigger was a member of the Torch who opened the door without permission and saved a child in the Wasteland.

His name is Wang Yi.

The young children were very smart and easy to learn. Under the care of the Torches, they soon became the core figures of the "Torch" organization.

In the 190th year of the Wasteland Era, a rebellion broke out and many people died. The most serious thing was that the reactor fuel rods were damaged. Even if there were 10,000 reluctant people, the then manager Severn Willard had to compromise and open the Shelter, and promised the Torches that as long as they find fuel rods, they will be given a portion of their pre-war reserves to carry out their mission.

Vault 117 will be closed again as planned and will continue to wait for the planned time to arrive.

Unfortunately, the Torch did not keep their promise. They blocked the door of the sanctuary and forced Severn Willard to teach him the remaining black boxes.

Due to lack of fuel, the full cycle system could no longer be maintained, and the remaining people had to enter the emergency shelter.

There are twenty sleeping pods stored there.

In order to give the opportunity to others, manager Severin Willard chose to stay alone.

After listening to all the stories, Chu Guang couldn't help but ask.

"That Severn long did he live?"

Heya looked confused and shook her head.

"I don't know, he's been alive as long as I can remember."

All right.

Chu Guang let the question go.

"But others still died."

Heya nodded.

"Yes, most of our ancestors are uncomfortable with cryo-sleep technology. In fact, strictly speaking, I am too, but I am not the same as them."

With that said, Heya showed her arm to Chu Guang.

A silver trace could be seen on her pulse.

Chu Guang frowned.

"Prosthetic transformation?"

Heya nodded.

"Yes, due to DNA defects, my prosthetic body has been modified to 79%. Basically, all the organs you can name have been replaced with bionic organs. I think... this may be the reason why I survived. .”

Chu Guang couldn't help but ask.

"How do you make bionic organs?"

Heya explained.

"The black box, the product of the Ark Project, is a very magical thing. You only need to input a few basic raw materials to get a preset product. Our black box is mainly used to produce bionic organs, but they are basically It was snatched away by the men of the torch during that rebellion.”

Hearing that he had been snatched away, Chu Guang felt a heartache in his heart.

This was all twenty years ago.

Even if it can be found, it’s hard to say whether it can still be used!

"Then what are your plans next?"

Heya looked confused and shook her head.

"I don't know, but the manager told us that if anyone survives, go find other shelters and tell them our story. By the way, there is a power armor in the manager's office, and he also said that it can help We're busy—"

"I have recycled it, including his v."

Looking at the confused child, Chu Guang continued.

"If you don't have anywhere to go, why not join us? We just need an expert in biology."

Heya was stunned for a moment and nodded slightly.

"I have no objection, although my research may not be able to help you..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and her expression became a little embarrassed.

"By the way, I have something I don't know if I can ask you for a favor."

Chu Guang, who is willing to help others, said with a smile.

"Tell me what's going on."

Heya smiled shyly and said politely.

"Um...can you lend me some DNA? I want to study it."

Chu Guang: "???"

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The door opened.

Liu Ding, the deputy captain of the guard, quickly walked into the reception room and said with a serious face.

"Master Manager, there is a plane coming from the south."


Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly became serious, and he stood up from the chair suddenly.

"Take a few people over there, and I'll be there soon!"


(Gan! The internet was disconnected just now, I used a hotspot to upload it)

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