This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 198 Comprehensive upgrade of the battle system

Outside the Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experiment Base, pine trees covered with snow stretched from the edge of the base wall to the abandoned town down the gentle slope.

The highest building here is only three floors, with most of the first-floor bedrooms with garages and swimming pools. Occasionally, one or two unique houses can be seen, probably belonging to researchers from nearby research bases.

However, no matter who it once belonged to, it is now completely abandoned.

Frozen vines crawled from the front yard into the house, shrubs grew in the dusty garage, roots of vegetation broke through the concrete paths and walls, and lush trees filled the abandoned corners, even from The roofs of some wooden houses were drilled out.

Occasionally, you can hear creaking noises downstairs, either from gnawers knocking something down or from rats.

A half-collapsed roof of a double-storey villa.

Ye Shi, who was crawling in the snow, took a deep breath and gently turned the knob on the sniper scope with his index finger.

In the pine forest on a gentle slope, the treetops just reach the top of the outermost building of the research base.

With his right eye attached to the sniper scope, he could only barely see the figures near the checkpoint through the gaps between tree branches and snow.

Those marauders are ahead.

Less than five hundred meters away from him.

The raiders' patrol came to the town to search once before, but they didn't search very carefully, so they didn't find the two people hiding on the roof.

"Can you see people?" He was lying next to the chimney, holding the square length of the monocular and squinting his left eye.

"It's visible, but it's a little difficult to hit."

"At ten o'clock, do you see the machine gun in the window on the third floor?"

"I can see that his sandbag and tripod head are blocked by tree branches, but it shouldn't be a big problem to get through."

"Okay, he will be yours in a moment. Remember, wait for him to fire first, and hit him one inch above the gun flame."


Taking his right eye away from the sniper scope, Ye Shi took the time to glance at the VM abandoned on the back slope of the roof.

When the brightness is adjusted to the lowest, only a little light can be seen in the direction facing you, so you don't have to worry about the exposed position.

Very easy to use.

Calculating the distance through the map, he stretched out his index finger and tapped on the screen, switching to the taskbar.

Time until the battle starts: 31 21s.

Mission: Arrive at the sniper point completed, reward: 10 war points

Mission: Marking high-threat targets on the VM map is in progress.

Mission: After the war started, the team covering the attack on the east side did not start.

Violation conditions: If you fire to expose the position before receiving the order, all battlefield points will be deducted and you will be punished with a 14-day ban.

Violation conditions: 50 battlefield points will be deducted for refusing to execute the order once, 100 points will be deducted for the second warning, and 100 points will be deducted for the third time.

There are quite a lot of tasks.

Ye Shi silently calculated in his mind that if he could complete all the branches, he would get a total of 270 silver coins, which would be a 430 contribution.

If you're lucky, if you drop a few more bobbins and machine gunners, you might get 400 silver.

Isn't this more exciting than the plug-in V and Lao Liu's summons?

It would be even better if the shooting sound effects of hitting the target could be enhanced.

For example, shake the grip when you hit the target.

"Hang on, boss."

"When I save enough money, I'll give you a magical costume!"

Not far away, a group of players wearing light-colored clothing were advancing along the ruins on the edge of the town in the direction of the experimental base.

The mud smeared on the bayonet hid the cold light on the white snow, but it could not conceal the murderous intent of the forest of spears and flags.

The enemy's position is ahead!

A pair of eyes hidden in the dark night flashed with excitement, and even the howling north wind was a little weaker with that high fighting will.

A war is about to break out!

At the same time, at Brown's Farm, more than 20 kilometers away, sentries carrying iron-pipe rifles were patrolling a wall made of garbage.

Different from the sparse crowds in the past, the farm today is particularly lively.

Country style mansion.

There were about ten people sitting in the spacious living room, and everyone had heavy expressions on their faces, as if they were dark clouds capable of dripping water.

An old radio was placed on the round wooden table. The noisy current sound and the host's glib accent were incompatible with the atmosphere in the living room, but it was particularly suitable for the occasion.

"This is The Boulder Voice, and I'm your dearest radio host, Mr. House, bringing you the latest update on the situation in the northern suburbs."

"According to unreliable news, a predator force called the Bone Chewing Tribe is developing and growing in places we can't see. This is definitely not alarmist. Their strength is not weak, at least it is better than those who hide in the ruins and dare not come out. The villain is much stronger.”

"Those plunderers not only absorbed the remnants of the legion, but also took over part of their equipment. They are now recruiting troops throughout the central part of the River Valley Province. It seems that they intend to establish a country belonging to the plunderers."

"If they continue south, there is no doubt that none of the hillbillies in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City will survive, and the militia will never waste a bullet for those who have not paid taxes. If you happen to be in the northern suburbs, You don’t want to watch your wife and daughter being kidnapped and sent to the pasture, Boulder City Voice Radio would like to solemnly recommend the Far Wind Hotel to you!”

"There is a super five-star hotel specially opened by the generous Mr. Reston for the refugees. It is located on the edge of the outer wall of Boulder City. Although it is on the outside, legally, it also belongs to the territory of Boulder City, and the militia will not It only takes one chip to sit back and watch what happens there, and you can stay there all day.”

For the sounds on the radio.

The people sitting in front of the round table only responded silently.

For citizens living legally in Boulder City, 1 chip may be an hour's salary or a bottle of watered beer.

But for them, they need to exchange 1 kilogram of grain or more valuable garbage.

As if he had had enough of the wordless silence, a middle-aged man with a strong appearance and wearing a hat slowly spoke.

"The Bone Chewing Tribe is growing in power, we should unite! The Morrowind community can send twenty people."

Seeing someone raising his head, the fat man sitting not far away breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on his round head with a towel, and responded.

"We can give nine." Seeing everyone at the table looking at him, he quickly added, "I know this may be a little less, but we only have so much."

"Tsk tsk, listen, there are only nine men in the fat red train station." The strong man with a burn scar on his face sneered and said in a mocking tone, "If all your men are dead, We can help you.”

A trace of irritation flashed across the fat man's face, but he was frightened that this guy was not a good guy, so he just narrowed his eyes dangerously and did not dare to say anything.

The Red Railway Station receives merchants from Honghe Town who come to Qingquan City to do business all year round. Compared with the pauper sitting here, he does have two more chips in his pocket.

However, in this horrible weather, this little bargaining chip did not bring him much security, and it was not even enough for a militia plane to make a business trip.

Staring at the ugly scarred man, the inn boss thought sinisterly in his heart.


When this winter passes, I will invite mercenaries to visit your home!

The atmosphere in the living room was a bit stiff.

Mr. Brown, who was puffing away his smoke, looked a little bored.

Although they knew that these neighbors probably couldn't count on them, they didn't expect that at this juncture, they were still arguing over whose family would have two more people.

It’s really hopeless!

At this time, sitting in the corner of the round table, a thin-faced man who had been silent from beginning to end suddenly spoke.

"It's useless. We can't possibly be a match for those people. Their numbers are like locusts sweeping from the center to the south."

Seeing everyone including Brown looking at him, the man paused for a moment and continued.

"I have a relative in Shibei Town, about thirty kilometers away from here. He fled to me a few days ago and said that hundreds of plunderers invaded their town, and those who resisted were beaten into pieces. , that is, they were hanged at the door, and the rest were either captured and worked as hard labor, or they were pressed to the ground and tortured until they almost died."

"At that time, he was hiding in the ruins, watching the fire burning in front of his nose, pretending to be a corpse and not daring to move. Finally, he survived by luck."

The atmosphere in the living room became even more tense.

As if to lighten the atmosphere, a slightly older survivor let out a soft breath and muttered something in a low voice.

"At least I didn't get eaten as a coolie. It seems like these people want to be clear about it."

"I haven't finished saying that the old people and children have been beheaded," the thin man gently moved his Adam's apple and continued with a numb expression, "They only need those who can work and have children."

The fire burned brightly in the fireplace.

There was a bright firelight swaying in the living room, but the air was terribly cold.


Mr. Brown banged the table, shaking the cigarette ashes from the corner of his mouth and falling beside his boots.

He took off half of the cigarette butt, pressed it into the ashtray, glanced at everyone present with a gloomy expression, and slowly continued.

"This is our home, we have lived here for generations, run? Where can we run? We have no way to retreat, the only way is to fight to the death."

"It's just that you have no choice but to retreat. After all, you have such a big farm."

The scar-faced man who had previously ridiculed the inn owner pointedly exposed his beautiful words and spoke aggressively.

Mr. Brown's face froze, his face turned the color of pig liver, and he stared at the man and said.

"What do you mean I have no way out? I can definitely go to Boulder City with my chips. There, my life will be a hundred times more comfortable than it is now. Do you want me to do this?"

"Go to Boulder City? Like the mayor on Beit Street?" The scar-faced man narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer, "I heard that he has not been having a good life these past two months, don't you have an alliance with him? ?Why didn’t they help him when they were beaten by Fatty in Blue Jacket?”

Brown looked grim.

At this time, someone suddenly spoke.

"Why don't we go to those blue coats for help? They even eliminated the Blood Hand clan, and they had a fight with the Legion before. Maybe they can deal with those marauders."

Before Brown could speak, someone next to him said in a mocking tone.

"Those blue coats? They have no obligation to help us. When it comes to life and death, they will immediately hide in their mouse holes, close the door, and hide away from the world for decades before coming out. Two centuries ago Isn’t that what they do? I’ve heard of it.”

The owner of the inn said nervously.

"Then please ask Boulder City to take action."

The man wearing a hat shook his head.

"We have no money left."

"Then give me food!"

Seeing the pairs of eyes looking at him, Brown responded with anger to the unrealistic desires in the eyes of these poor people.

"Food? Where is the food now? There are only seeds left in the warehouse for next spring. We can't eat grass for a whole year."

"Then what are you going to do? This won't work, and that won't work either. Are we just going to make a noise here?"

"I have no problem with running away. Anyway, I can't live my life any longer. I'm interested in finding a place to grow crops in the south before next spring."

"Let's vote by a show of hands. Those who agree with fleeing will vote."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, interrupting the chaotic quarrel in the living room.

Brown, who was about to explode, restrained his anger and took a deep breath.

"Come in."

The name of the man who came was Liu Zhengyue, and he was his security chief.

Shaking the snow in front of the door, Liu Zhengyue walked into the warm house.

"My lord, our neighbor sent you a letter"

Brown asked, looking at him.

"What's on the letter?"

Liu Zhengyue glanced at the people at the table, then at Mr. Brown, and whispered.

"Sir, do you want to read in here?"

A trace of impatience flashed across Brown's face, but perhaps he thought it was inappropriate for so many people to listen, so he patiently waved to him to hand over the letter.

Take the letter.

The envelope is opened.

Pulling out the letter, Brown glanced twice, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, but it was soon replaced by suspicion and solemnity.

The middle-aged man wearing a hat looked at him and asked.

"What's on the letter?"

"The invitation from the neighbor is nothing, it has nothing to do with you," Mr. Brown replied casually, while carefully folding the letter and stuffing it into his pocket.

The people sitting in front of the wooden table looked at each other, exchanging distrustful glances.

Of course they wouldn't believe the old fox's lies, but this was his territory, and if he didn't want to speak, they couldn't force him.

"Okay, let's all disperse. We have already discussed this point during dinner time. If you still plan to continue arguing, please move to another place and don't bore me to watch."

The owner here has issued an eviction order. Although the guests in the living room were dissatisfied with his attitude, they did not want to continue to struggle here. They all got up and left the place with unhappy faces.

It's snowing heavily outside the house.

Yet it was no colder than in the house.

The group of people walked towards the outside of the farm.

The thin man rubbed his shoulders with his hands, glanced at the other people around him, and lowered his voice.

"I still say what I said, we can't be the opponent of the Bone Chewing Tribe. We only have one option: escape. The other survivors in the central part of the River Valley Province also did the same."

asked the older survivor.

"Where did they go?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and after exchanging glances, someone who knew the situation spoke.

"I heard that some refugees seem to have gone to the Changjiang Farm a little north of our place?"

"A little further north? Long-term farm?"

"Well, that farm seems to be the territory of those blue coats. They helped the enterprise deal with the Legion, and the people from the enterprise helped them build a city in the wilderness. That's what I heard."

Looking at the heavy snow in the sky, the man wearing a human hat suddenly spoke.

"I'm going to go to those blue coat parks in the north."

The inn owner looked at him in surprise.

"Now? It's getting dark."

Although there are not many alien species that go out to look for food in winter, when are we going to the north now, when do we have to go back?

Although they were all survivors in the northern suburbs, they didn't have much contact with the blue coats, so they couldn't just ask them to take them in for a night as soon as they met.

"It's not scary that it's dark. What's scary is that it won't get bright again."

The Adam's apple moved, and the man wearing the hat continued. "If we don't want to become refugees, this may be our last hope."

The mansion on the farm.

After seeing off the guests, Brown turned around and went to the cloakroom, took out his most beloved coat, put it on his body, and carefully adjusted the collar.

But soon, he seemed to have thought of something, came back to his senses, stuffed the coat back, took out a piece that didn't look so new and put it on his body.

At this time, his wife came from the side, put her hand on his shoulder, and said in a soft voice.

"It's so late, do you still want to leave the hospital?"

Brown replied perfunctorily.

"Our neighbors invited me to watch a movie. I had to go there once, at least to let them know that we have no more money to make."

asked the lady.

"Can't you just go?"

Brown paused with his fingers on the collar of his coat and was silent for a while, rarely restraining his bad temper.

"I have no idea."

"But I think it would be better to go than not."

Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experiment Base.

At the foot of the gently sloping mountain, next to the road on the north side.

Two predators in fur coats threw the dead branches they picked up into the burning iron barrel and gathered around the flames to keep warm.

Looking at the stars floating on the fire, the marauder, with a trench stick hanging on his waist, couldn't help but curse.

"Standing outside in this damn weather is going to kill you."

The predator next to him heard it and unconsciously glanced at the checkpoint on the slope.

"Shh, don't let the captain hear what you said."

"What does it matter? He is only allowed to sleep with girls under the covers, and I am not allowed to complain here?"

Thinking of the woman he met at the last survivor gathering place, he unconsciously licked his lips that were cracked by the wind.

Those breasts are really huge.

He could still remember the look on his face that turned from pain to despair.

Unfortunately, it was all because the boss played too much, and the man failed to survive in the end. Before he died, his throat became hoarse.

“Why do I feel like it’s getting colder and colder today?”

"I'll pick up two more firewood."

As he spoke, the predator tightened the Ripper rifle on his back, stepped on the snow up to his calves, and walked into the woods nearby.

There is no light everywhere.

But it's not in the way.

There were many dead branches lying on the snow. He leaned down and touched the ground casually.

A cold touch came from his palm, making him stunned for a moment.


Why is it so hard?

Two guns stretched out from the darkness, pointing straight at his head.

What he was holding in his hand at this moment was not firewood at all, but a bayonet covered in mud and emitting a cold glow.

Looking into the eyes of the man lying in the snowdrift, his face gradually turned as white as the snow.

The players who were stared at also looked confused.

Originally, he was lying down fine in the snowdrift, but who would have thought that there were so many branches next to this fool, instead of picking them up, they grabbed at the muzzle of his gun.

Damn, how can this be done?

Use your eyes to communicate with teammates next to you while paddling on the edge.

The big-eyed debtor also looked confused.

How about you wait for him to fire the first shot?

At this time, shouts came from beside the fire beside the highway.

"Xiu, why are you dawdling there?"


The controlled predator's lips trembled and he could not speak.

Upon hearing the trembling voice, the predator behind him immediately realized that something was wrong. He immediately raised the rifle in his hand, squatted down, pulled the bolt, and shouted sharply into the forest.

"Who's there?"

After seeing this scene through the drone, Chu Guang knew that the people in the forest must not be able to hide.

But it doesn't matter.

It was the feint attack group that was discovered. Although it was a few minutes early, it did not matter.

It’s time to put your micromanagement to the test!

Chu Guang stretched out his index finger and made a vague stroke in the air. The pre-compiled task suspended in the tactical eyepiece window was immediately sent out.

Battle countdown: 0s

Mission: Free Fire! Release target: All teams in Group A

Mission: bombard the target area! Posting to: Support Team

"Hit me hard!"

Next chapter before eleven o'clock!

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