This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 228 The snake came out of its nest

"I always thought that in FPS games I was just an emotionless killing machine, and in RPG games I was just a quest master who liked to rummage through boxes and cabinets."

"Until this morning, I found that a familiar person was missing from the Guard."

"I don't know the name of the guard, I just know that he is probably the eldest one in the guard."

"Like other nameless NPCs, his life is very regular. There are only three things he does every day, namely training, guarding and patrolling. In addition, he also has one day off every week, usually Thursday or On Sundays, and every day he would go sit by the lake and watch us fish and kill time.”

"I'm not bragging. As a senior fishing friend, I can tell at a glance whether a person is good at fishing. Few people can endure nothing for a whole day, but he can sit next to us and watch us empty-handed. I spent the entire afternoon shooting.”

"So I asked Mosquito to make me a fishing rod, and warned him not to add any extra functions on it, and then gave the fishing rod to the old man."

"The old man was very happy. He thanked me many times and wanted to give me silver coins. When I didn't accept them, he gave me a dagger the next day. At first, I thought it was a mission prop and I was quite excited. But later I found out it wasn’t, it was just an ordinary gift. But even so, the unique feeling was still interesting.”

"Later I taught him how to swing a club, how to make a nest, and how to make simple traps with bottles to catch leech babies as bait. Sometimes we would take the fish to the warehouse or market and sell them. Sometimes I bake it and eat it.”

"I'm like Robinson, who knows a little bit about everything. And he's like Friday, not very smart, but very studious, and full of curiosity about everything about us."

"Occasionally I will complain to him about some real-life troubles, and he will also talk about something about himself, maybe about adventure, maybe about what he wants to do in the future, or something else."

"Even if we don't understand what the other person is saying, surprisingly it doesn't hinder our communication. And I also learned a lot of interesting words from him, even though some of them I still don't know what they mean to this day. "

"But... everything came to an abrupt end early this morning."

"The solemn-looking guards stood in a row at the north entrance of the Long-term Farm and fired three shots into the sky. I saw a teenager carrying his body onto a truck and watched them take him to be cremated. His ashes were taken to the lake and half were scattered on the shore and half in the lake."

"Maybe this was his last wish."

"At that moment, I suddenly felt that those NPCs were like living people, not just a cold program."

"I never thought that one day I would become friends with the characters in the game, and I never thought that I would feel sad because of an unexpected parting."

"For a moment, I wished it was me who died that night."

“This is a tribute to a fishing friend who will never come back.”

"Even in the end I didn't know his name, but I will remember his story, even if I am the only one who remembers it."

The post is very long.

The buildings are very high.

Chu Guang rarely saw Shao Duzi posting on the forum before, but only occasionally saw his replies in some posts.

But this time he wrote a lot.

In the subsequent replies, he told his memories about the old man from the perspective of a friend, including some interesting things that happened while fishing.

Although it is not a magnificent story, it is all simple and simple things, but the words are as if they are alive.

Makabazi: "Touch the fishing guy..."

Tails: "Hmm."

Sisi: "Sorry, I couldn't save your friend."

WC really has mosquitoes: "It's uncomfortable. It would be great if NPCs could be resurrected."

Kuang Feng: "Yeah, but if you think about it from another perspective, maybe it's because the NPC has only one life, so we feel that the world in the game is extremely real. What we created is not just a meaningless number, but a meaning given to it. Something of the soul.”

Ye Shi: "Hey, I know, but I still feel so upset..."

Lao Bai: "This game is always too real in unnecessary places."

Fang Chang: "It's like the elusive life."

Teng Teng: "Hey..."

Crow: "Well, I feel bad. (gt;﹏lt;)"

Chu Guang saw the end and was silent for a long time. He typed a lot of words in the reply, but in the end he pressed the backspace key and deleted it.

Repeatedly for a long time.

There was only one sentence left in the end.

Light: "His name is Jixiang."

The morning sun rose as usual the next day.

Although many people will never come back, life must go on.

For people living in the wasteland, death is the norm. People who are not mentally strong enough would have died two centuries ago, and it is impossible to survive until now with weak thoughts.

Guard training continues as usual.

Thirty new faces joined in and went to the Long-term Farm for training.

The vast majority of them come from refugee camps and sign up voluntarily.

Maybe it was because they were inspired by those heroic deeds, or maybe it was just because of the steaming piece of barbecue that made them feel that they had found their own destination in this wasteland.

They don't want to go back to a homeless life.

With no way out, they decided to take up arms and defend the order and peace here with their own hands.

The entrance to the nursing home.

A fat, big mouse came out of the door, rose up against the snow filled with morning sun, and spoke in human language.

"MMP! I'm alive!"

This is the only advantage the rat people have.

Others need three days to survive, but he only needs OB to be online in one day.

The Elf King Fugui, who happened to have just come online, came out of the nursing home. He glanced at this guy in surprise and asked curiously.

"When did you die?"

He was forced to do something difficult: "When else could I have died? That night! I didn't even have a gun, but I was shot under the nose, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet."

Having said this, Qiangren sighed.

"Hey, I get angry when I think about this. MMPD, I just saw a gun and was about to rush to pick it up, and then I was caught by a hyena."

Elf King Fugui: "Ah this..."

Mutated hyena.

Is this the most common monster in the wasteland?

Although it is slightly stronger than the Gnawer, it is not much stronger. Due to its sensitive sense of smell and good night vision, many predators like to keep it. It is basically a mutant species that novices can easily deal with. If you can't even defeat a hyena, he generally recommends deleting your account.


I heard that hyenas belong to the cat suborder?

There is nothing wrong with bloodline suppression.

The cat ears on the top of his head moved slightly, and Aoao Sesame looked at the fat mouse with sympathy.

"That's too tragic..."

Ashamed to say it.

She didn't notice at all how he died.

On the other side of the square, Tail, carrying a rifle, had also just come out of the nursing home.

But compared to yesterday's full of energy, his expression seemed somewhat depressed.

He could tell what was on her mind at a glance, and Sisi said comfortingly.

"Okay, Tails has worked very hard. Although it's a pity, there is nothing we can do about it. If you want to scold me, just scold the dog for planning to set the difficulty too high."

"Well, I'm fine. I just think it would be better if I were stronger... But then again, aren't you afraid that you will be targeted if you say such things in the game?"

Do not make fun of the rumors circulating on the forum in the game or on the forum, otherwise the African may die on the spot at worst.

Although it is metaphysics, sometimes you have to believe it.

Sisi immediately lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and reflected sincerely.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong in my planning. Please forgive me for saying some thoughtless words from a girl who spoke unabashedly."

"Hey!" Taitail looked at her in surprise, "Are you giving in too quickly?"

At this time, the two happened to pass by the security post of the outpost.

Tai Tai glanced over there subconsciously, and suddenly stopped.

Si Si also stopped and cast a questioning look at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Look over there."

Tails pointed in the direction of the guard station.

Sisi looked in the direction she pointed and saw that there was an extra wall beside the bulletin board.

Was it built yesterday?

There was a surprised expression on Sisi's face.

She hadn't noticed it at all before.

I saw nails driven into the wall, and some iron plates were hung on the nails.

"What's hanging on the wall?"

"Hmm...there are twenty-five in total. What's written on them are probably their names? They're probably military cards or something like that."

It turned out to be a memorial wall.

This design is quite wasteland style.

By the way, is this an Easter egg from the production team?

Si Si suddenly discovered that Tai Wei seemed to be in a better mood than before.

"Let's go," Tails said energetically, having regained his energy, "In order to be promoted to the first echelon as soon as possible, there is no time to waste! Everyone in the outpost is still waiting for Tails to protect us!"

Sisi couldn't help but smile.

Knew it.

A lively and bouncing tail is cuter.

Although she felt that no one expected them to help.


"In order to win the MVP next time, we have to work hard."

North of the Elm District.

An abandoned town is located on the edge of the forest, and even the howling north wind cannot blow away the smell of blood settled there.

There used to be more than a hundred families of survivors living here, living a basically isolated life.

However, just a month ago, a group of looters arrived here and completely turned this isolated town into a hell on earth.

Some people could not withstand the torture and were slaughtered and hung on the wall. A small number of people survived and became their slaves.

The raiders occupied their homes, took away their winter food, and transformed their houses into fortresses. They placed wooden bunkers on the streets and at the windows, dug trenches, and built simple fortifications.

It's not like something a predator would do.

Even if they had slaves at their disposal, few knew how and where to dig trenches and foxholes.

Building a position is a very particular skill. For the looters who are accustomed to being harassed by small groups of people, and then swarming up and then dispersing, this is a skill that is not usually used at all.

All thanks to their adviser, a man named Bernie.

As a former commander of the legion, his understanding and application of light infantry tactics can be said to have reached the level of proficiency.

After all, no one who could survive the indiscriminate bombing in the Great Rift Valley was an ordinary person.

Not just building a position.

The defense deployment from inside to outside, as well as the patrol route of the patrol team, were all personally planned by the staff officer.

It was precisely because of this that when Yang Er, covered in snow, stumbled out of the woods, he was immediately discovered by the predators patrolling with dogs.

"Don't shoot!"

"Don't shoot! I'm one of my own!"

Seeing the two predator sentries aiming at him, Yang Er immediately dropped the gun in his hand on the snow and hurriedly raised his hands.

"One of our own?"

The predator walking in front raised his gun and looked him up and down with a suspicious expression.

"Which account are you under? Who is your leader?"

Yang Er said immediately without even having time to take a breath.

"Gray Wolf! I am a scout under Gray Wolf's tent... Please take me to see the Captain. I have something important to report!"

The two plunderers exchanged glances and felt that he was not lying, so they took him to the checkpoint on the edge of the town, where they searched him and sent someone to report the situation to the Chief Commander.

After learning the news, the captain agreed to receive him.

Soon, Yang Er was taken over.

As soon as he entered the room and saw the man sitting on the chair, he immediately knelt on the ground with his forehead firmly pressed to the floor, afraid to say a word.

Lion Tooth, who was leaning lazily on the chair, looked down at him and spoke slowly.

"You lost?"

Yang Er swallowed, lowered his head and said.

"Yes, my lord."

Bernie, who was sitting next to Lion Tooth, looked at him and said.

"Tell me what happened the night before last."

Not daring to hide it, Yang Er immediately whispered.

"...After making all preparations, under the orders of Gray Wolf, we launched a raid on Jiujiu Farm. However, the resistance of those survivors was more tenacious than we imagined. We once captured their walls, but Soon more and more reinforcements arrived, but eventually we were outnumbered."

Yang Er described what happened at that time in detail.

Including their fierce battle with the defenders at the north gate, including the rubber tracks of local survivors, including the amazingly powerful "rapid-fire cannon".

"Quad anti-aircraft guns, and high-explosive bombs..." Bernie, who was standing next to Lion Tooth, listened carefully to the scout's statement. After thinking for a long time, he said solemnly, "These survivors are difficult to deal with."

Especially installing rubber tracks on the truck was an operation he had not expected at all. What made him even more confused was where did these people get so much rubber?

The expression on Lion Tooth's face was impassive.

After all, he didn't expect the Gray Wolf to take down the survivor stronghold.

Looking at the scout kneeling on the ground, he continued.

"Where's the gray wolf?"

With his head firmly pressed against the floor, Yang Zhanji said tremblingly.

"I don't know... Gray Wolf, he said he wanted to stay and break up the family."

After the break?

This sentence successfully made Shi Ya laugh.

It’s really a euphemistic way of putting it.

But it doesn't matter, that guy is a useless chess piece anyway, it would be nice to use the lives of some foreigners to test the strength of the survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

And it can also stimulate the cunning snake to make the first move.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone...oh no, kills three birds with one stone.

"get out."

Hearing those three words, Yang Er felt as if a mountain had been removed from his shoulders, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Unknowingly, his back was soaked with sweat.

"Thank you, sir!"

Not daring to stay here for a second longer, he hurriedly turned around and retreated.

The door is closed.

Lion Tooth looked at the staff officer sitting beside him and said in a casual tone.

"I didn't expect them all to be wiped out."

Bernie gave him a strange look.

"I thought you did it on purpose."

Lion Tooth shook his head slightly.

"You misunderstood. I didn't want to let him die outside. I just wanted to take this opportunity to beat this dishonest guy. I didn't expect that this guy was so stubborn that he actually added more than 150 people to himself. It’s all lost there.”

Bernie said.

"Then that flare gun you gave him?"

Lion Tooth said with a smile.

"Of course it's for Black Snake."

Bernie was silent for a moment.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of General Klaas, whose life and death were unknown, and that massive but ultimately failed expedition.

Perhaps they too were abandoned pawns.

Who knows?

Those big shots never tell them everything. At most, they only tell them what to do now.

Including now.

He still didn't understand why his commander chose to join a group of indigenous people. The people in the Great Rift Valley did not kill them all, and it was not that they had no chance to go home.

"If Gray Wolf is captured, he will tell those people all our information. This is not a good thing."

Lion Tooth smiled slightly and said.

"I know, but what does it matter? We are far stronger than them. Even if we see each other's cards, we have a greater chance of winning. The only suspense left now is how long they can hold out under the Black Snake's attack. . We must choose the right time to enter the battlefield, not too early, not too late... What do you think? My friend."

Bernie thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I don't know, but it might not be easy for Black Snake to win."

Lion Tooth said disapprovingly.

"Just that machine gun?"

Bernie continued.

"It's not a problem with a certain piece of equipment, but that the survivors in the northern suburbs have obviously acquired industrial capabilities and have been preparing for this war all winter. And the intelligence we have is very limited, and we have very limited information about their logistics situation. We don’t even know anything about it. If this war drags on for too long, it may not be a good thing for us."

But on the other hand, if they can capture this survivor settlement, the benefits they can gain from it will be huge.

A survivor stronghold with industrial capabilities is much richer than those agricultural communities.

In the several strongholds they had robbed before, all that was left in the warehouses were some potato chips and green wheat. If they can capture the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, their chances of winning the attack on Boulder City will be much higher.

Lion Tooth touched his chin.

"So how do you think we should end this war as soon as possible?"

Bernie said.

"It is the best choice to operate with friendly forces in the southern suburbs of Tianshui City."

"That's impossible," Shiya waved his hand and interrupted him, "I know that guy too well, he will definitely not cooperate with us."

Bernie smiled bitterly.

Noticing the expression on the staff officer's face, Shiya smiled and comforted him.

"Don't worry, this tough nut may be a little harder to chew, but it's just a little bit. We have an absolute advantage in terms of equipment and manpower. Even one person can drown them with a spit."

"As long as our friendly forces take action to contain their frontal force, I will immediately lead my brothers and appear on their flanks unexpectedly, and cooperate with our friendly forces to annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

"Don't you think this plan is perfect?"

Moreover, they can also dedicate part of their manpower to capture Black Snake's stronghold first.

When that cunning and greedy guy sees his flag flying above the long-term farm, his lungs will explode.

When he thought of this, Lion Tooth couldn't help but show a happy expression on his face.

Looking at this overly optimistic captain, Bernie sighed softly in his heart.

"You're right."

"This might be a good plan."

It would be great if everything goes as planned.

It is a full 20 kilometers away from Changjiu Farm, and these 20 kilometers of snow are not easy to walk. There are forests and ruins during the period. I am afraid that the team will be very long and consume a lot of energy.

Assuming that Black Snake really fell into their scheme and decided to launch a lightning-fast offensive before the end of winter, then these twenty kilometers of snow would probably become the biggest variable in this battle.

Can they really kill those people's flanks like divine soldiers descending from heaven when the battle situation is at its most intense?

This is not as simple as drawing on a map.

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the door, and a predator walked in quickly.

The man had an excited expression on his face.

After entering the house, he knelt down on one knee and said in an excited tone.

"grown ups!"

"That snake finally came out of its nest!"


(The next chapter will be a little later...if it is not posted at twelve o'clock, it should be one o'clock. Say sorry to the brothers, I will finish writing and then have lunch.)

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