This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 265 Mosquito’s business sense and new players online

early morning.

Li Niu yawned and walked out of the workers' dormitory.

As usual, he first took the aluminum basin to the public washbasin to wash up, then went to the factory gate to get two buns, planning to eat them while standing and go in to work.

It has been two or three months since Li Niu joined the No. 81 Steel Plant and became an honorable worker.

Catching up with the crisis of the bone-chewing tribe's invasion, the steel factory expanded production. With his hard work, intelligence and studiousness, he was quickly promoted by the factory director.

Up to now, Li Niu has gone from being a handyman to being the foreman in charge of people No. 5 and 6. He knows the operating instructions and safety manuals issued by the factory by heart. Not only did his monthly salary double, but the residents of the shelter even gave him a V.

As we all know, only the core employees of the factory are qualified to wear V and communicate directly with the omnipotent shelter residents.

For the wastelanders living in this area, the v worn on the arm is not only a communication tool, but also a symbol of status.

It means recognition!

If nothing unexpected happens, he might be able to take the position of workshop director next year.

In fact, it's not just Li Niu himself, more and more residents of Beit Street have come here to work recently, and few people are doing the original work of scavenging and hunting.

I heard that boy Yu Hu seems to have become the president of the Hunter Guild?

But Li Niu was not envious.

Firstly, Yu Hu is really good at hunting, and secondly, he is quite satisfied with his current life.

No matter what their job is, they have a bright future!

After finishing the buns in his hands, Li Hu clapped his hands and was about to walk towards the factory when he saw some excitement at the corner of the street.

That seems to be a goblin technology workshop?

Compared with the No. 81 Steel Factory with a wide factory gate, Goblin Technology can only be regarded as a workshop in terms of appearance and scale.

"What happened there?" Li Niu stopped a fellow villager who was passing by and asked curiously, "Why is it so lively?"

The fellow replied.

"It seems that Goblin Technology has opened a new factory and is recruiting people. I just went to take a look. They will give you 10 silver coins a day, paid monthly!"

10 silver coins can buy two kilograms of potatoes, or three kilograms of corn...or two bowls of ramen.

Most of the factories here provide food and accommodation, and you can save the wages you pay. Having 10 silver coins a day is considered very conscientious.


It's goblin technology there.

Most of the survivors did not have a good impression of the place because they could always hear deafening sounds coming from the factory.

Strange rumors often come out——

There are some terrible weapons of mass destruction being researched there.

Li Niu found that many people gathered around the factory gate, but few applied for the job.

He is not surprised at all that Goblin Technology cannot recruit people...

"Gan! Why is there no one!"

Only eight people were recruited throughout the morning.

Looking at the employee roster in his hand, wc really couldn't help but curse.

Obviously the treatment is the same, but why is it that every time the entrance to the No. 81 Steel Plant is crowded, the entrance to the recruitment hall is always crowded with people watching the excitement?

Is this reasonable?

Obviously unreasonable!

After thinking about it, Mosquito could only think of one reason.

There is no doubt that he must have been "balanced" by the dog!

Mengxin, who was standing aside, couldn't help but interject.

"Have you ever thought that your salary is too little?"

The other three players also echoed.

"That's right, 10 silver coins a day... you can't imagine that!"

"That's right, even if you give me this little money, you won't do anything. Yesterday I sent ammunition for 10 silver and 10 tributes!"

"Damn capitalist! Be careful of getting hung up on the street light!"

These four people are new employees recruited by Mosquito. They are all newcomers who entered the game in the alpha 1.1 version. Their IDs are also quite neat two-character nicknames - life-killing, soul-chasing, god-killing, and fighting.

When you hear this ID, you don't think he is very old.

However, all four people said that they had graduated and even posted their diplomas.

"You newbies know how to use a hammer!" Old Mosquito blushed, stared at the four newcomers, and defended his behavior, "The salary for NPCs... 10 silver coins is already a lot, okay? No. 81 next door Isn’t this what the steel factory also provides?”

Speaking from my conscience, is 10 silver coins very little?

In the previous versions, the daily salary of these NPCs was less than 2 silver coins. What I gave you was already a lot, okay!

It's all because the managers are too generous with their money and give too many task rewards, which has led to severe inflation in the past few months.

Earlier, the newbies were so excited that they could only earn 10 silver coins a day, and people were rushing to do jobs that cost 5 copper coins. They were very happy to be given 1 silver coin.

Not like now.

Jobs that pay 10 silver coins an hour are not enough for these newbies.

And they also spoke of laziness plausibly——

The same task of 10 silver coins, running errands for the shelter will at least contribute points. Once the contribution points are in place, you can buy land and high-tech equipment.

Even if you run errands for Jiujiu Farm, you can still gain regional reputation. With a high reputation, you can not only open a store, but also serve in municipal agencies.

This is not much more interesting than working!

Whenever he heard this argument, Mosquito couldn't help but sigh with sadness.

Today’s young and newbies really have no spirit of dedication at all.

How can he reach t0 if he doesn't even work hard anymore?

How can Goblin Technology become bigger and stronger?

If it weren't for the fact that the professional abilities of these four people in "engine repairing" were not used by him, Mosquito would not hire these extra guys at all.

Su Ming didn't believe this guy's nonsense, so he rolled his eyes in disgrace.

"Can it be the same? The No. 81 Steel Plant is a company invested by the shelter. In addition to wages, it also gives gift certificates."

Chaihun: "That's right, and I heard that the companies controlled by Shelter not only employ people for life, but also occasionally give them pots, pans, soap, oil, salt and the like. They work for the Shelter in the first half of their lives, and they are raised by the Shelter in the second half of their lives."

God of Death: "Hey, compared to this, the goblin technology is simply too poor!"

Stopping the fight: “I couldn’t agree more, the capitalists are so hateful!”

wc is really a mosquito. Hearing this, he immediately became anxious.

"Gan! How much does that gift cost!? Also, do you take it seriously that those are game settings?"

The four of them rolled their eyes in unison.

Gifts are not worth much money.

Then why don’t you give it away!

Ignoring these newbies who were against him, Mosquito took out his pen and notebook and silently calculated an account.

After thinking for a while, he bit the tip of his pen and muttered.

"The NPC salary should be increased to 12 silver coins..."

“No matter how much you take, you won’t be able to make any money!”

With a daily salary of 12 silver coins, a month's salary is 360 silver coins, which is 7,200 silver coins for 20 people.

Thinking of the increased cost of 7,200 silver coins, Mosquito's heart ached.


Why can't we engage in slavery?

This is a wasteland, is it too much to spend money to buy two slaves to work?

It’s not like I don’t care about them eating!

In the end, Mosquito raised his salary.

And the facts have indeed proved that giving more money still has some use.

The temporary workers who were still watching the excitement in the morning also came forward to sign up after seeing that their daily wages increased by 2 silver coins.

Working at Goblin Technology is a bit scary, but as long as the money is paid, no one cares so much.


I haven't heard of anyone being killed in the bombing, right?

Mosquito, who finally managed to recruit enough manpower before dusk, breathed a sigh of relief and immediately started arranging production.

As for the reason for the sudden recruitment, it is mainly because Goblin Technology recently opened a new factory.

The reason for everything is that Mosquito learned on the forum yesterday that gas masks in Boulder City are very expensive and the demand is strong!

Even civilians whose salary is only two or three chips will buy one for themselves and their families to wear.

Mosquitoes with a keen business sense immediately sensed an opportunity to make a fortune.

What are the urgent needs of the wasteland?

That must be something that can save your life!

The wave came, and the entire Qingquan City was shrouded in clouds of spores.

Those slime molds and spores cannot be killed with muscles and bullets.

Even those who are awakened cannot withstand the continuous inhalation of harmful substances.

Whether it is merchants going to Boulder City to do business or local people living there, they all need at least one gas mask to ensure their safety.

After discovering this business opportunity, the mosquito was delighted.

He went online immediately without saying a word, went to the manager's assistant overnight to register a branch whose main business was "production of military equipment", and applied for a new factory building.

What technical content can a gas mask have?

Cut three holes in the rubber, stuff a plastic bottle with activated carbon to make a filter, and use two circles of aluminum rings to clamp the lens together to solve the problem!

Because their neighbor Brown Farm planted many Camu trees, the rubber in the shelter was very cheap, just a little more expensive than food.

The plastic used to make filters is also very easy to get. The most common garbage in the wasteland is plastic bottles. And even if there is no need to collect garbage, chemical plants in industrial areas can synthesize polyethylene independently from biomass oil, and the price is cheaper than wood.

Mosquito studied it carefully, and after taking into account the labor cost and the cost of purchasing raw materials, a mask only cost two silver coins at most.

If the scale of production increases, the cost can even be reduced to less than two silver coins!

Even if a mask can only be sold for 10 chips, it will more than double the profit for him!

If the chips earned were exchanged for local specialties from Boulder City and shipped back, the profits would be even more terrifying.

Looking at the busy workers sitting in front of their workstations in the brand new factory, Mosquito's face was filled with a proud smile and he couldn't help but boast.

"I am simply a genius!"

Suiming, who was following him, couldn't help but complain honestly.

"I remember the Mole came up with the idea, right?"

Mosquito said nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter! I was the first to do it!"

Death: "..."

Oh my god.

This guy is too thick-skinned!

Although he is always criticized by other players as a profiteer, he has to admit that Mosquito's mobility and efficiency are definitely T0 level among all players!

From a post on the forum to a new factory with 20 people, it took this guy less than 48 hours.

While other players were still debating the size of the market and posting their own design drawings on the forum, the gas masks produced by Goblin Technology were already on the shelves at the north entrance.

A perfect explanation of what time is money!

The design of the gas mask is quite simple, and to put it bluntly, it is directly copied from a World War II movie.

The awl-shaped outline and two oblate filters as big as fists are very similar to the set of Wolfenstein. Two aluminum rings sandwich a resin lens. The whole thing is a replica of the 38 rubber gas mask!

And because the people of the wasteland do not have high requirements for quality, as long as it can be used, Mosquito can be regarded as complying with everyone's needs. The material of the entire mask is not even half of that of the 38 rubber gas mask!

Mosquitoes simply named it n19.

Since the cost is only half of 38, the number is naturally half as well.

Although this gas mask is full of flaws, it still looks much more beautiful than the one that Brother Mole made out of garbage.

In addition, twenty pieces of gray and black protective clothing made of chemical fiber cloth were also put on the shelves.

Although slime mold and spores have no direct damage effect on the targets they come into contact with, for those players who fight deep into the infected area, this kind of protective clothing that can cover the whole body without affecting the movement is still better than nothing.

At least a little better than body armor.

In order to take care of players' wallets, Mosquito's pricing is also quite "conscientious". The price of a protective suit is only 80 silver coins.

If you choose a mask + chemical protective suit set, it only costs 100 silver coins!

It can be said to be quite "conscience".

The person in charge of sales was a little girl from the Frostspear tribe. Mosquito did not pay her a basic salary, but promised her a 15% sales commission.

According to the price of a mask of 10 silver coins, she can get a reward of 1.5 silver coins for every mask sold.

In order to make money to support her family, the little girl was full of energy and started shouting hard as soon as she took up the job. That exotic face and melodious voice attracted many players to come and watch.


Not long after the booth opened, players immediately discovered the problem.

Silver Sword: "Wait, why is the price of the set more expensive than buying it individually?!"

Just as he was about to pay for quitting smoking, he suddenly got excited and took back the v that he had just stretched out.

"Damn it! It's true!"

"Dogs and mosquitoes are crazy about money!"

"This is too dark!"

Seeing everyone's excitement and reaction, the little girl from the Frostspear tribe who was selling masks was a little overwhelmed and looked at the mosquito standing next to her with a pleading look on her face.

Anticipating that someone would complain about his pricing, Mosquito plucked his ears with his little finger, stood up from the crowd, and said nonchalantly.

"What's the fuss about? The suit comes with free gifts! Didn't you see that it also comes with an engineer shovel and a belt?"

The engineer's shovel was assembled from a custom-made blade from the No. 81 Steel Factory and a wooden handle wholesale from the Carpentry Hut. The cost was only 5 silver coins.

As for belts, they are even cheaper. They are cut from leftover materials from clothes made in tanneries. The wholesale price is only 3 silver coins per piece.

Losing money?


Earn a little at most.

Silver Sword: "Can I just buy a mask and a sapper shovel?"

Silver Hand: "I just want a gas mask and a belt!"

The mosquito shook its head like a rattle.

"If you don't want to sell it, don't sell it. The engineer shovel and belt are gifts, not just for sale!"

Bai Yin’s father: “Gan!”

Quit smoking: "@#¥!"

Although they cursed, many players still took out their v and paid for the gift. Looking at the gas masks and protective clothing that have been sold out, Mosquito's face lights up with joy.

What does it mean to be a professional player in life?

This is what I call it!

The third day after the alpha1.1 version went online.

The countdown of four hundred helmets finally reached zero, and the young players who had been looking forward to it for countless days and months finally logged into the game as they wished.

When they opened their eyes and let the dazzling white light shine on their retinas, almost every face that looked up was filled with surprise and shock.

This light!

This wind!

Such a realistic touch!

And that solemn broadcast!

The immersive shock hit their faces, and every frame to every decibel made them feel that their funds were burning!

And this is just the opening animation...

"Awesome! I actually played such an awesome game in my lifetime!"

"Isn't this more awesome than that metaverse?!"

"The child cried with excitement!"

"Open the door! Let me out!"

"...Wear pants before going out? Why do you have to wear pants? Can you not wear them?"

"Can you take it off after you get out of the house?"

The chirping sound was the same as before.

Finally, when the broadcast ended, more than 400 newbies swarmed out of the room and crowded into the square under the guidance of the broadcast.

It's different from Vault 404.

The poorly maintained facilities in Vault 117 are slightly outdated, but the space is slightly larger.

But these newcomers obviously don't care about this.

Being able to become the one-of-a-kind European Emperor and witness the birth of an epoch-making game is already an exciting thing in itself.

As for which shelter he was born in, who cares?

Under the gazes of pairs of expectant eyes, a blue power armor strode forward in front of all the players.

The shiny armor and powerful war hammer captured the attention of everyone as soon as they appeared on the stage.

The helmet's visor opens.

After looking around at the players present, Chu Guang cleared his throat and re-read the opening remarks he had finally thought of in a solemn tone.

"...Now is the two hundredth year after the end of the world. Fortunately, we have successfully survived the most difficult years. You are luckier than 12 billion people to be standing here, and now I need you as soon as possible Recognize the current situation, and then fulfill your declaration under the banner of the People’s Federation – to rebuild our home!”

"This is my assistant next to me. Its name is Xiaoqi. If you have any questions about the shelter or anything you don't understand, you can ask it."

After the routine was over, Chu Guang handed over the remaining time to his assistant Xiao Qi and the veteran players beside him.

The threat of the wave is looming.

People are needed everywhere.

Regarding how to play "Wasteland OL", these players with bigger and bigger ideas are more capable than me in planning.

All they need is a little guidance.

By the time the task of "Passing on the Fire" is completed, I believe these newbies should have a basic understanding of the rules and gameplay of the game.

After the opening animation ends.

The newbies dispersed in a swarm.

A little player, who was poking around, walked up to the old man who quit smoking and asked curiously.

"Boss, how should I play this game?"

When he heard someone calling him boss, he suddenly felt happy to quit smoking. He acted like a master and looked at the player calmly.

"What's your ID?"

The player chuckled.

"The sixth guy in the corner! I'm a sniper and a thief. I can jump, jump, instant and blind. If you don't understand, I'm asking, where can I buy snipers in this game?"

Quitting looked at him with a caring face and said patiently.

"First of all, the most basic ld-47 assault rifle costs two hundred silver coins. If you are new, I recommend the more maneuverable pu-9 or the bolt-action Ripper... Before you think about buying any gun, you should touch it first Touch your pocket."

The old man in the corner touched his pocket and pulled out a coin with n and f written on the front and back.

"Well, I only have 5 silver coins...what can I buy?"

Quit giving him a surprised look.

"The novice gift pack has actually increased to five silver coins?"

He originally paid for one silver coin, but it has doubled five times!

The old man in the corner was stunned for a moment.

"is it a lot?"

Quit smoking and chuckle: "Probably enough for a bowl of noodles."

The sixth person in the corner: "..."

Quit smoking and patted him on the shoulder in an old-fashioned way.

"Don't be discouraged. This is how everyone came here. Anyway, you first get a fire mission, and I will help you complete the novice mission. When you save 500 and contribute 50 silver coins, you can buy a v first. There is no player interface, and you can't do anything. convenient."

The old man in the corner was shocked.

"What the hell?! Do you have to spend money to buy the system interface of this game?"

Quit smoking and nodded.

"After all, it was a function that we forced the planners to create. From the beginning, this game didn't even have a currency for transactions, not to mention the operation interface."

"Awesome!" The old man in the corner looked at him with envy, "Boss, you must be a master, right?"

Quit smoking and smile mysteriously.

"Don't dare, don't dare. This game is very deep. There are many big players, so I'm just average."

Hearing this, the eyes of Lao Liu in the corner suddenly lit up.

Just by saying this, he must be the boss!

"Boss! Can you bring my brother with you to play black games with you?"

Quit smoking and said with a smile.

"Okay, I can take up to four people. How many of you are there?"

The old man in the corner chuckled.

"Not many, including me, there are exactly four!"

Damn it?

Four coming in at once?

Quitting looked at him in surprise, raised his arm and clicked on v.

"What are the IDs of your three friends?"

"It's free to lead snipers, props masters, and lost newbies!"


This ID sounds like an FPS player.

After quitting smoking, they entered their nickname on the screen and clicked on the application. As long as they went to Xiaoqi's place to confirm, the task of passing on the legacy would officially begin.

"Done... I think you guys have been waiting in line for a long enough time."

The sixth man in the corner smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"It has indeed been a long wait... Anyway, I filled in the reservation after seeing the promotional photos of the new map in the alpha 1.0 version. I have been waiting for about a month."

As he said this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This game is so popular recently, the number of pre-orders has exceeded 100,000!"

Quit smoking: "..."


It’s been a long time to wait for only one month!

The mood that was originally beautiful because of those few boss calls was no longer so beautiful in an instant.


(A bowl of beef noodles, I squatted in the toilet for half an hour...)

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