This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 296 White Bear Knights

North of Shuguang City.

Long Farm Trading Post.

Standing next to a loaded "e-mule" truck, Sisi touched his chin and thought for a long time, and suddenly tapped his right fist on the palm of his hand.

"How about calling us the Panda Merchant Group? We already have bears and cats."

Rourou, who was sitting on the floor, shook his head like a rattle.

"NONO, no matter how you say panda, it's still far behind."

What Sisi didn't expect was that not only Rourou, but Tails also raised their hands to raise objections.

"Object to plus one! Tails and Sisi's names didn't appear at all!"

Sisi: "Well, I think you can just add your name. I don't care."

Tai Wei said seriously: "How can that work! We must think of a name that everyone can appear on!"

"Um..." Sesame Paste raised his hand and whispered, "Let me make it clear first, I'm just doing odd jobs... It doesn't matter if you don't need to consider me."

Although it is fun to play with everyone, she still prefers a more leisurely way of playing than setting up a mercenary union to become an interstellar pirate to conquer the universe.

For example, riding a motorcycle to deliver goods to various survivor strongholds is quite good.

Not only can you see different scenery in this vast world, but you can also get to know many people you would never meet in real life, and you can also make money.

It's just that transportation in this game is too expensive, so she has to save a little.

"Three votes to one? I lost," Sisi sighed, "Can't we just think about it while walking on the road?"

"There's a sense of ceremony, there's a sense of ceremony. You, a woman, have no interest at all. You don't want to think of a name before you go on the road. How are we going to declare ourselves if we meet a predator?" Tails, who was holding his arms, said in an old-fashioned way, and suddenly his eyes lit up. , "How about the Tails Adventure Group?"

Rourou: "Wait a minute, what about me? And I said a second ago that everyone was going to appear on camera."

"Hey, I forgot."

Sisi coughed lightly.

"It's really troublesome... Let's call it the Flesh Knights. We take turns riding the Flesh Knights. We are all the Flesh Knights. From now on, the Flesh Knights will be the group leader, which solves this problem perfectly."

The big white bear raised his paw again dumbfounded: "Wait a minute, although, although I don't mind playing the role of a mount, this is too weird!"

"Yes, the tail feels weird too, as if the meat is meat [beep--]."

With a serious look on his face, he muffled the rather dangerous statement. Before Rourou could react, Taili thought for a moment and then suddenly said with his eyes lit up.

"How about the Knights of the White Bear!"

Maybe it’s because I’ve been struggling with this issue for too long, maybe because it sounds more handsome, but even Rourou didn’t object this time.

In this way, the White Bear Knights were officially established.

Sisi used the remaining money to buy a "Maxin-II" machine gun.

Unlike Maxim, who showed off his skills in the previous wave, the directors of the No. 81 Steel Plant learned from the air-cooling structure of the MG42, redesigned the replaceable barrel according to the needs of the combat environment in the wasteland, and increased the caliber. Arrived at 10.

The 10×100 machine gun bullet has X-4 fiber added to the charge, and the single-shot penetration is no weaker than the 12.7×108 mm large-caliber machine gun bullet of the Deshka heavy machine gun.

It is more than enough to suppress the many-legged beasts that look like tentacle monsters along the way, as well as the monsters that are huge, have thick health and high attack power.

Workers sent by No. 81 Steel Plant not only helped them weld the roof of the car, but also helped them weld bullet-proof steel plates.

Every time he interacted with the director of Factory No. 81, Sisi couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the professional players in this game were getting more and more cruel.

"And the rocket launcher! Don't forget this!" Tails hissed as he carried a wooden box onto the car, which contained three RPG fragmentation grenades and armor-piercing shells.

An electric-powered armed transport vehicle is completed!

The cat ears on the top of his head moved slightly, and Sesame Paste looked at the goods stuffed in the car with some worry.

"Speaking of electric there any problem with battery life?"

There are no charging stations in the wasteland.

Based on real-life experience, the battery life of trams does not seem to be very long.

Sis patted her shoulder.

"e... After all, it is a battery for a science fiction game. Although I don't know what a solid-state hydrogen battery is, it is still very easy to run two times back and forth. Don't worry about using it."

The actual distance from here to Honghe Town is within a hundred kilometers. If you go further away, you will only need to prepare a backup battery or generator.

There are not only no charging piles in the wasteland, but also no gas stations. For small-scale transportation without tankers, tankers are not the best choice. After all, biomass fuel must undergo a series of processing and refining before it can be turned into gasoline, but wood that can generate electricity is everywhere.

After the decline of civilization and the end of the severe cold, the first thing to occupy the city was the lush vegetation, and then the mutant slime mold.

"Be careful on the road." Shuanghe, who was standing in front of the stall, waved gently, smiling and sending blessings to these adventurers.

This is already the third wave of caravans formed by the residents of the shelter that she has sent away today.

Previously, the trading post had always been populated by traders from Honghe Town, including large caravans like the Horseshoe Trading Company.

But recently, the number of residents in the shelter has begun to increase.

They usually choose to purchase LD-47 rifles and 7 full-power ammunition with stable prices as trade goods, and Honghe Town, which is relatively "close" to Dawn City and has strong demand for weapons, is their first choice.

Shuanghe skillfully operated the VM with his index finger, signed and uploaded the purchase list. These data will be checked by the manager on the day and used as her performance for the day.

At the same time, these data will be automatically synchronized to the central server of the shelter after verification. On the processor with crazy computing power, the AI, which is close to complete artificial intelligence, will be verified against the data submitted by the inventory department and production unit.

Even if a bullet is missing, it can be found out in which link it was lost and who is responsible for that link.

The highly AI-based management model has technically replaced a large number of middle-level managers who need management experience, making the entire management system flatter.

This system also has relatively low professional requirements for grassroots staff. They only need to master the fool-like operating procedures of VM and be familiar with specific job responsibilities to ensure the stable operation of the entire system.

At the same time, managers can also get the most authentic "first-hand data" and formulate specific macro strategies based on the most real situation.

The current literacy rate in New Alliance is less than 30%, and this is after literacy classes and night school education have been implemented for half a year.

This is also the improvement method Chu Guang made by drawing on the "future municipal" technology of the People's Federation.

For the pre-prosperity era, completing this system would have required hundreds of programmers working overtime for a year or more.

But for Xiaoqi, who has nearly "complete artificial intelligence", he only needs a little time to communicate with managers.

\u0026aThe fourth day that version 0.2 went online.

The number of players participating in the Xingshang system reached 417, and the number of players joining the Corps system was nearly 657. The rest are either players who have formed a fixed style, or are casual players of the Buddhist type and newcomers who have not yet met the conditions.

A game cannot be enjoyed by everyone, but it can make those who can enjoy it even more excited.

Chu Guang was very pleased to see that the previously abnormal prices had finally returned to normal.

Now the indigenous people can also enjoy the delicacies of another world, and the professional life players who were spoiled by the combat professional players have finally stepped out of their comfort zone, upgraded equipment, expanded production, expanded production, and opened up the market. Develop new markets.

The "versioned graduation outfit" hanging in the NPC shop - light cavalry exoskeletons sold 40 sets in just three days, and 12 "electric mule" light trucks worth 50,000 yuan were sold.

This number is still increasing.

Chu Guang has arranged personnel to expand the production of "e-mules" and expanded investment in Bach Aluminum Factory and Lister Factory by increasing loans.

Future A3-type aerospace aluminum alloy and solid-state hydrogen batteries will be cheaper.

After solving the players' problems, Chu Guang can finally free up his hands to deal with matters related to the future of the new alliance...

B4 floor browsing room.

Staff members wearing VMs brought in boxes of neatly packaged books from outside. According to Chu Guang's request, they divided the books into science and social science categories as much as possible and put them on the empty bookshelf.

These books are from Vault 401.

After the reactor in Vault 117 shut down, the books stored in it were either taken away by torches, or used as firewood by the residents who escaped or the nearby wasteland guest gates.

Fortunately, Chu Guang found many interesting books in the recently excavated Vault 401.

Predators are not interested in these things.

Under the influence of the old popsicle named Sun Zewen, these good "fuels" survived.

At least part of it was saved.

Thanks to this.

The fuel can finally be "burned" in the right form and in the right place.

Currently, the work of sorting out the books is handled by staff from the Hong Merchants Union.

This is currently the department with the highest literacy rate in the New Alliance.

At the same time, it was old Charlie who was in charge.

"Dear Administrator, there are a total of 2,490 books sent from Vault 401, including 217 social science books, 332 science books, 641 engineering application books, 110 popular science books, and biographies. Readings..."

"Among them, there are 31 books related to the subdivided fields of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, and food processing related..."

Shuangxue was so nervous that she almost bit her tongue several times.

This was the first time she walked into the heart of the new alliance - the B4 floor of Vault 404.

It was also the first time she saw a manager without power armor.

"Well done, you've done a great job."

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Chu Guang nodded in approval.

Being able to classify these books into broad categories is already very good, and he will not harshly blame his subordinates for doing things beyond their abilities.

However, they not only completed their task in just a few days, but also exceeded their expectations by further subdividing these books into fields.

To be honest, this was even a little beyond Chu Guang's expectations.

He originally planned to scan these books with Xiaoqi's help and then use his free time to read and sort them.

It seems that old Charlie has been worrying a lot these days, which saved him a lot of time.

Chu Guang will then select some books that have a relatively low threshold and are not difficult to read as textbooks for primary education.

I guess I'll have to trouble the elderly with this matter.

Old Charlie used to be the mayor and principal of Bate Street, and he knew the actual situation of these aboriginal people better than any expert.

Chu Guang planned to let him be the Minister of Education of the new alliance after the Hong Kong Merchants Union got on the right track.

Of course, the premise is that he is still willing to continue working.

After all, the old man's age is considered old in the wasteland.

"...That, that."

Seeing that the little girl in front of him still had something to say, Chu Guang spoke in a gentle tone.

"Anything else?"

"Mr. Charlie said... let me remind you to take a rest. You are the manager of the alliance, and your health is more precious than these books." Shuangxue whispered.

Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Haha, thank him for his concern for me, and by the way, say a word to him and me, I'm still young, and this little job is not enough."


This new job is much easier than his previous job in sales, isn't it?

With Xiaoqi helping to organize reports and monitor abnormal data, he can not only grasp the closest to real data in every aspect of the new alliance from industry to economy like a P player, but he can also use cultural products from the parallel world in his spare time Find inspiration.

Before, Chu Guang was so exhausted from running business that he had to bite the bullet and drink with his customers. Occasionally, people would do something to him because he was young and handsome.

Chu Guang will probably never touch alcohol again in this life.

Unless you meet a Tiehanhan like Luo Hua who is good at food and loves to drink, you can try to get information from others.

As for normal times?

Drinking some sparkling water or mushroom soup is enough.

However, Shuangxue didn't know what Chu Guang was feeling in her heart. She just felt that the manager who dedicated his whole life for everyone was too gentle.

Under his management, everyone lives in warm brick houses, and they don't have to face painful choices in order to survive, let alone wandering in the wilderness without a fixed abode.

And he never seemed to do anything for himself.

Not only are they still living in the caves of the pre-civilization, but even the abandoned sanatorium where the new alliance was announced has only been briefly repaired.

I really hope he can be a little nicer to himself.

There was a hint of reverence in her longing eyes. The little girl was embarrassed to disturb his work anymore, so she lowered her head to show respect, then turned around to help her colleagues organize the books.

It took some time to put all the more than two thousand books on the bookshelves. Looking at the room that finally looked like a browsing room, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

In his eyes, these treasures are more precious than black boxes.

Black boxes solve current problems, but they can solve future problems. Compared with the incomplete data collected by the scientific expedition team from the memory in the ruins, every book here can correspond to at least one specific field.

"The basic requirements for science and engineering are too high, and culture and art are temporarily unavailable. I'll start with popular science books, and I've also decided on the teaching materials."

“Education is a century-old project, and the earlier we start, the better.”

"Then there's social science... 20 points of intelligence is too wasteful to use to bully the stars' AI. You have to recharge yourself occasionally."

“In the future, grassroots managers’ announcements will also require professional study and examinations.”

"As for the players..."

As for whether to open it to players, Chu Guang thought about it for a long time and finally decided to adopt a more cautious strategy.

First of all, "not exposing the real world here" is the bottom line of everything.

The first-generation managers had hinted at him many times, and Chu Guang himself had somewhat realized the risks behind this in practice.

Exposing one's needs in a relationship is a very dangerous thing. It is equivalent to sticking one's neck out for others to manipulate.

Whether they are cloud players or players, there are many experts in various industries and fields. What they lack is just the experience of "building wasteland". Chu Guang can slowly let people in as needed. There is no need to do it for zero percent. Point a few BUFFs to increase the difficulty for yourself.

Players have done the best they can, just like the natives who helped him organize his books.

As for research on high-end technology?

Who can be better suited to engage in scientific research than the old popsicles of the prosperous era and his sons and grandsons.

Recovering the legacy of the Prosperous Era does not require so many people. The residents of the shelter are completely sufficient. According to Yin Fang's description, the strategy adopted by the academy is similar.

Most players enter the game with an entertainment mentality, and they are not here to learn.

Just like Bang Feng said jokingly a long time ago, if this technology is used by bosses at work, he might as well just sleep.

Chu Guang will consider allowing players to access some technologies as the game progresses as a reward for the players, but all this will be under the premise of "not exposing the nature of the world."

This is actually not difficult to deal with.

Previously, Chu Guang got inspiration from the different strategies adopted by governments of various countries against him. Those people seemed to regard this game as the first contact between extraterrestrial civilization and earth civilization.

And it is a contact above neutral level.

With limited information, they could not explain how the helmet appeared at their doorstep, nor could they explain that the website and game servers were as powerful as gods.

Is it strange that technologies unknown to Earth appear in advanced civilization games?

Of course not surprising.

Chu Guang can even guide them to understand this game as a "goodwill enlightenment" from extraterrestrial civilization to earth civilization.

They will carefully speculate on their bottom line, reduce meaningless temptations, keep secrets about extraterrestrial civilizations, and treat the "players" who have gained enlightenment from advanced civilizations as treasures - even strategic resources in the palm of their hands.

They even set aside part of their budget to secretly increase the price of silver coins. Like themselves, they use macro-level means to gently or aggressively encourage players to apply for "labor visas", participate in advanced civilization games, and learn from their neighbors outside the solar system. The knowledge and experience of coping with the apocalypse will come back to build the country and benefit society.

Just like he encourages players to work for the Pioneer at any cost, and strictly restrains players not to do inappropriate things to those who can't be offended.

In fact, if Chu Guang is a bit evil enough, he can also use "This is your dream and this is your future" to fool them like a magic stick into following their own rules in reality.

But that would be another unimagined path.

The art of management lies in guidance rather than command. Excessive force is not a good thing.

Looking at the rows of bookshelves in front of him, Chu Guang felt like he was seeing a stack of cards, and he couldn't help but smile.

"...Would you like to put out some bait first?"

Or keep the dividends until the next round of "closed beta"?

Just when Chu Guang was thinking about which technology or basic scientific knowledge was more suitable for fishing, footsteps came from outside the trap door.


From the expression on his face, Chu Guang had a premonition that something good was probably going to happen, so he said pleasantly.

"I guess there's some progress with the fuel rods."

"You should guess wrong on purpose to give me a sense of accomplishment."

Yin Fang made a joke and handed the tablet in his hand to Chu Guang's hand.

"We found fuel rods of the type that can be used in the shelter from the underground warehouse of a thruster assembly plant. The remaining energy is 67%, which should be able to be used for a long time. Your regiment is on its way back, and they will be responsible for delivering the goods to Vault 401, I will install it later... By the way, you have moved all the books from Vault 401?"

He noticed that the bookshelves in the browsing room were packed with books.

When he came here before, he didn't see any of it, and he even thought that the first generation manager here was an ignorant idiot.

"This is more convenient... Next time I will pretend that I guessed wrong. For example, how about asking you if you have a sweetheart first?" Chu Guang teased with a smile.

"Forget it, the remains of pre-civilizations are more interesting to me."

Although he entered the shelter with a semi-threatening attitude at first, in the subsequent interactions, Yin Fang gradually felt that the guy in front of him was actually an easy person to get along with.

To put it simply, there is no airs.

Unlike the technocrats in the academy, those people knew a little bit about technology at first, but later they turned into bosses who pointed at people with the tip of their noses. People like him who really do things have little room for advancement.

This guy in front of me is different.

Although he knows nothing about basic knowledge, which makes people doubt whether he has received basic education in the shelter, his attitude of respect for knowledge still makes him very comfortable.

Yin Fang glanced at the browsing room, especially the coffee machine next to the wall, and said with envy.

“The environment here is also great.”

"Do you want to move your office here?"

"No need, I don't feel comfortable when there are people around... Can I move a coffee machine? There are so many anyway." The last time he came here, Yin Fang was thinking about the coffee machine in the corner. But I didn’t have the nerve to speak.

Chu Guang said with a smile.

"The coffee trees have just been planted, so what's the use of carrying one around... Forget it, just take it if you want it."

Yin Fang hugged his favorite one with a look of joy.

"Thank you so much!"

The coffee machine of Renlian era is also a rare black technology in this era. In addition to automatically drying, roasting, deacidifying and grinding, it can also simulate various processed flavors according to needs.

I heard that in the Prosperity Era, the large supermarkets of People’s Union will supply freshly picked coffee fruits to meet the more personalized needs of customers.

Being able to own a high-tech coffee machine of his own was even more surprising to Yin Fang than digging up fuel rods for a fusion reactor.

This is a treatment that only B-level researchers can enjoy in the academy!

Seeing Yin Fang's obsessed expression, Chu Guang couldn't help but have a strange expression.

It is said that middle-aged people will place their emotions on some weird things, such as teapots, fishing rods, and even charging plugs.

But this guy is only in his early twenties, right?

"Is the coffee that good?"

"You don't understand, savoring the beauty of the old days is one of the few pleasures..." The hand stroking the coffee machine stopped, and a rare melancholy appeared on Yin Fang's face, "I have been In pursuit of the relics of previous civilizations, I dug them out from the ruins and sorted them into categories. I even dreamed about that era in my dreams..."

"Yet the frustrating thing is, the further I go down this road, the more it becomes clear to me... that going back is not possible."

Chu Guang was silent for a while and didn't say anything. He just patted the guy's shoulder lightly.

"No need to miss the past."

"We're still here."

"We are their continuation"

The jungle in the east district of Qingquan City.

The team of cows and horses, all members of which were equipped with exoskeletons, was escorting the fuel rods and advancing cautiously on the streets covered by the jungle.

They had just experienced a battle before.

Instead of surrendering, a group of raiders stationed near the mission target opened fire on them.

But it didn't take much effort to deal with those barbarians.

After handing over the rescued prisoners and remaining plunderers to the NPC soldiers who changed defenses, they continued towards the direction of Vault 401 with the cargo box containing the fuel rods.

I have to say, the exoskeleton is really useful.

Carrying hundreds of kilograms of fuel rods through the ruins would be tiring even for those of the strength type.

But hanging on the exoskeleton, apart from a slight increase in energy consumption, there is no feeling of weight-bearing at all.

Walking in the front C position of the team, I quit smoking and took a look at the graduation outfit I was wearing. After hesitating for a long time, I couldn't help but say what I had been holding back all the way.

"Brothers, I-"

"Okay, don't talk anymore. This mission will deduct 15% from your income. Can the four of us divide it into the head office?" Interrupting him, Lao Bai said helplessly.

He had long noticed what he was thinking about quitting smoking.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, I quit smoking and breathed a sigh of relief, and my expression slowly relaxed.


Light cavalry worth ten thousand silver coins.

There are currently only 40 sets in the entire server, and there are 60 sets hanging in the NPC store. Each account is limited to purchasing one set.

Of course he couldn't afford it with his little savings. After all, he only entered the game during the "Land Boating" expansion pack.

Although everyone used to give each other equipment when playing games, this equipment was too expensive, costing two to three hundred thousand RMB.

He just couldn't afford it.

"Why are you thanking me?" Ye Shi rolled his eyes angrily, "We are still waiting for you to become the master."

"There's no need to take it too seriously." Fang Chang patted Quit on the shoulder, "We just took advantage of the advanced games and gained a little advantage. You can't thank us as much as you thank Aguang."

Kuangfeng: "I agree. Don't carry too much burden when playing games. Calculating how much your equipment is worth is meaningless."

He quit smoking and took a breath. He stopped saying those disgusting polite words, but silently remembered everyone's care for him in his heart.

"There are still two kilometers left to enter the safe area. After this mission, a new stronghold should be unlocked, which will serve as a novice village for rookies..." Lao Bai reached out and clicked on the VM to confirm the location, "Two options , go straight and take a shortcut, pass through the abandoned theater and go directly to Ecological Park Station No. 3, or go back along the way we came."

Guangfeng touched the bridge of his nose.

"Generally speaking, taking shortcuts is a standard flagging behavior."

Fang Chang: "Then just be more stable."

However, at this moment, Ye Shi suddenly grasped the sniper rifle in his hand.

"No need to choose."

The other four people were immediately alert.

Lao Bai immediately looked at him and asked seriously.

"what have you found?"

"Killing intention..." Ye Shi swallowed and carefully observed his surroundings, "It's very weak... but I can feel it."

The streets were quiet, and nothing unusual could be seen at all.

Yet Ye Shi's instincts are rarely wrong.

The presence of murderous intent means that the other party has discovered them.

Lao Bai looked stern, gestured to spread out, and shouted in a low voice.

"Ready to fight!"


(Thanks to the Silver Alliance of "Laplace 12351131"!! You guys are awesome! I tried for a long time, but the numbers still can't be added to the title QAQ)

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