This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 305 The expansion pack launches target Xizhou

Tonglu felt that Master Shiya was simply making things difficult for him.

It was true that he was born next to the stove, but he was really not sure whether the stove was made of copper.

Like many tribesmen who couldn't figure out who their parents were, the elders in the tribe randomly picked up a name that happened to be thrown to him, and then he called it that name.

However, no matter what, this is Lord Shiya's order.

Not daring to neglect, after he retreated, he immediately called his brothers, went back to the room, picked up the guy, carried the long and short rifles, passed the checkpoint, and entered the forest in the south of Qingshi County.

A group of ten people.

Following the leader out, all the looters were very excited.

However, since that retreat, they have been digging holes and building houses here, or watching slaves digging holes and building houses, and their bones are getting rusty from boredom. .

"Boss, where are we going?"


A strong man with a black face said excitedly.

“Are you finally going south?”

Tonglu glared at him.

"Are you a pig? For people like us, what's the difference between going there and hanging ourselves on a telephone pole?"

The plunderers thought it made sense, and exchanged glances and nodded.

The staff officer said that careful planning is needed before taking action. The result of not having a plan is the Black Snake next door. That guy's body was hung on the gallows for a full month. It was put down in the spring when it smelled bad. In the end, he didn't know how to throw it away. Where did it go.

"South! Those blue gophers discovered a copper mine, and we can't let them mine under our noses. Lord Lion Tooth needs to teach them a lesson, but first, we have to help him figure out where the copper mine is!"

Tongluo stopped and looked back at his men.

"Does any of you know what the copper mine looks like? Whether it's features, shape... or something else, I need some clues."

The plunderers looked at each other.

Tongluo's face was filled with disappointment. These losers were so stupid that he didn't expect them at all.

But at this moment, a big brother raised his hand.

"I seem to have an impression! In the town we conquered before, they laid two steel bars on the mountain...and then put the car on the steel bars."

"I also remember, that thing seems to be called a railroad track!"

"Very good!" Tongluo nodded with satisfaction and threw the monocular telescope hanging on his waist to the well-informed guy. "We will go to the mountain later! Take this and look for it!"

Although Tonglu looks rough, he is still very careful in his work.

Not daring to get too close to the sentries of the shelter residents, he led his brothers to the north of Yuanxi Town and then went east around the mountain road for more than 20 miles.

After finding a hilltop with a decent view, he led his men to touch it.

Fortunately, there is no sentry in Far Creek Town here. Maybe those blue coats also think it is too far here and it is not easy to bring in supplies.

The skinny and monkey-like predator lay on a high place, looked around Yuanxi Town with a telescope, and then suddenly screamed.

"I saw it! I saw it!"

Tongluo asked quickly after hearing this.

"What did you see?"

The predator said excitedly.

"Railway! Those blue gophers built a railroad in town!"

Tongluo was surprised and happy. He quickly stepped forward, grabbed the binoculars, and looked in the direction pointed by his younger brother. Sure enough, he saw two railroad tracks on the south side of the town.

The railway track extended from the edge of the forest and led straight into the town. It seemed that it was heading towards the center of the town.

Although I didn’t see where the copper mine was, the two railroad tracks were unmistakable!

Just in case, Tongluo then passed the telescope to the people next to him and asked his younger brothers to take a look one by one.

After receiving the telescope, the looters all said that they had seen similar things in the town they had looted before.

Seeing the serious expressions on his subordinates' faces, Tongluo's heart sank slightly.

Those blue coats are indeed mining in Far Creek Town!

This news must be reported to the captain immediately!


Tongluo stretched out his hand to say hello, and quickly withdrew from the mountain with his younger brothers.

"...Did they really discover the copper mine?"

Qingshi County Department Store Center.

After listening to his subordinate's report, Shi Ya held the armrests of the chair with both hands and sat up straight, his eyes filled with surprise and surprise.

Facing the captain's inquiry, Tongluo said confidently.

"You can't be wrong! Several brothers under my command have seen it. After taking a look, they all said that the things repaired by those blue coats were exactly the same as what they had seen in the previous town!"

Bernie, who was standing next to the lion's tooth, frowned and stared at the copper stove and continued to ask.

"Where is the copper mine? Has the location been determined?"

He was more concerned about this than whether or not there was one.

Tongluo replied.

"It should be in the town... Someone is hunting in the forest, and there are gunshots every now and then. We can't get too close and can't see the specific location clearly."

In the town?

Something is wrong.

Bernie looked confused and stared at the scout and asked repeatedly.

"Are you sure you read that correctly? That's a copper mine?"

Tonglu looked puzzled.

Why is this staff officer so busy?

A few months ago, everyone respected this guy. After all, the leader said these people could help them win the war. However, these few months have passed. Let alone victory, they have not even seen the men in blue coats, they are just digging holes there.

Moreover, after finishing digging in Yuanxi Town, they went back to Qingshi County to dig.

What's the use of this thing?

In the end, you don’t have to rely on guns to kill people.

Tonglu thought for a long time and could only come to one conclusion.


This staff officer is so cowardly!

No wonder the legion suffered a defeat in the north. It is said that millions of people were killed.

If he were to take command and millions of people rush together, even if the Great Rift Valley had three heads and six arms, it would still be drowned by millions of spittles.

"I'm sure I won't be wrong. How can I be wrong when I see it with a telescope! If you don't believe me, just go with me, or I can call some of my brothers over and you can ask them one by one."

Just as Bernie was about to say something, Lion Teeth laughed loudly.

"Not bad! I didn't expect that those gophers had two brushes and actually found the copper mine in Yuanxi Town for us! Let's not act rashly. Once they open the mine, we will catch them off guard!"

Bernie frowned and said, "I think we should be more cautious."

"Hahaha, it's not important!"

Patting the chair with his right hand, Shiya looked at his confidant standing on the right.

"Tie Ya, you go to Xizhou City later and bring a message to the leader for me, saying that a copper mine has been discovered in Yuanxi Town, but the blue coats there are difficult to deal with, and we need reinforcements!"

A strong man with human teeth on his animal skin coat stepped forward and said.

"Yes, sir!"

Shuguangcheng North Street.

Houses with red bricks and bright tiles are neatly arranged on both sides of the street. There are many merchants on both sides, some selling pots, pans, small hardware, some selling vegetables and dry food, and some selling imported goods brought by caravans from far away. You can see things you have never seen before here every day.

Pedestrians coming and going dressed differently and were choosing among the stalls.

Some of these people are traders from far away, some are caravan guards, some are mercenaries who boarded the car temporarily, and there are also many locals and guards on routine patrols. From time to time, Y-1 four-rotor drones slowly pass by in the sky - —Those are Xiaoqi’s eyes and Chu Guang’s eyes.

It's noon now, the busiest time on the street.

Although the buildings here are not as high as those in Boulder City, and there are no towering giant walls, the liveliness here is not inferior to the street next to the reservoir area of ​​Boulder City.

As a "permanent partner" of the company, almost all caravans passing by the north of Qingquan City, whether they are from Ideal City or not, will come here to take a look and add Fresh water or trade goods for supplies.

It is not easy to find a survivor stronghold above "Lawful Neutral" in the wasteland. Except for the desperate refugees and the paupers who do business with their heads tied to their waists, few people dare to approach a strange settlement of survivors rashly.

Who knows if the food floating in the bowl is pork or people?

Being recognized by Ideal City at least shows that they are not a black shop.

The most comfortable ones are probably the professional life players. The cutting-edge technology they master may not be outstanding here, but their "different world cuisine" is particularly popular here.

There was a long queue at the entrance of Haiji Ramen House. Behind the stall were three aboriginal boys, one pulling noodles and the other

A bowl of plain noodles costs 2 silver coins, and a bowl of beef noodles costs 4 silver coins, and the meal takes less than five minutes. The fair price and affordable portion have been welcomed by many locals, and some players also lined up with NPCs at the door.

Chu Guang was very happy to see that people from two different worlds and even different painting styles became one under his management.

Although there are still many problems that need to be solved in the B-round closed beta, new problems and challenges will definitely arise in the future.

But it's a good start.

Following Chu Guang, Xia Yan looked around excitedly, like a child in an amusement park. To her, it was much more interesting than farmland.

On the other hand, it was Xiaoyu, who was as obedient as a sister, and kept holding Xia Yan's little hand.

Although she was equally curious about everything around her, those unfamiliar faces always made her instinctively nervous.

Her father said that you should not trust those outsiders easily. There were many liars and robbers among them, except for Brother Chu and the residents of the shelter.

But unfamiliar strangers still can't believe it. Who knows where their coats were picked up?

People running around in such a mess outside must be exposed to something bad.

"Is there ramen here too?" Xia Yan looked at the ramen restaurant on the roadside excitedly as if he had discovered a new world.

Business is quite prosperous.

She wasn't very hungry at first, but when she saw the long queue, she suddenly felt hungry.

"That's the branch opened by Zhang Hai, right? Don't you want to buy clothes?" Chu Guang said with a smile.

Xia Yan looked over pitifully.


Xiaoyu also swallowed, but was too embarrassed to speak.

Seeing that this guy was so self-conscious, Chu Guang made a joke.

"Go and eat when you're hungry. Are you waiting for me to treat you?"

That pitiful expression was instantly filled with smiles.

"That's what you said!"

"I remember correctly that I should have used a questioning tone."

"Let's go, let's go, it's not expensive," Xia Yan pulled Chu Guang's arm forward with a playful smile, and said coaxingly, "I'll treat you to dinner!"

Three people lined up.

It was already half an hour after we entered the noodle shop.

After finding a seat in the corner and sitting down, Xiaoyu was about to pay the money secretly, but Chu Guang beat him to it.

"Let me do it."

"I asked for this meal."

After paying with VM, Chu Guang returned to the table and sat down. He happened to hear the person at the next table bragging.

"...For authentic ramen, you still have to go to Beijie in the south of the city. The beef here is cut too thick and the knife skills are still a bit lacking."

"There's also a North Street there?"

"Haha, don't you understand this? There was no Shuguang City earlier. North Street is the market in the Wetland Park. Many branches here opened from there!" The man who spoke He looked proud, obviously he had been here many times.

The diners next to me looked envious, as they had only recently learned about this place.

"There are only about three to four thousand survivors in the nearby can it be so lively?"

"The permanent population is less than 5,000, but there is a lot of floating population. I see that many mercenaries from Boulder City have come here to take jobs. They sit in the hotel next to the trading post and drink a bottle of beer all day long. "

A person next to me said worriedly.

"Then the security here may be a big problem."

"It doesn't exist," the man who often comes here said slowly, "You will know it just by looking at the farm gate. The walls are covered with bullet holes, and even the road was built after trenches were filled in. Don't look at it here. They look very polite, but they are actually a group of tough people. Last time, there was a man who drank too much and caused trouble. Before the patrolling guards could take action, he was restrained by a few blue jackets."

Someone interrupted.

"I heard that many of those blue coats are awakened ones."

The man nodded and continued talking.

"That's right. Their awakening is different from ours. I heard it has something to do with the food they eat. It just so happens that my brothers are here these days. Everyone eat more, maybe they will awaken!"

"Brother is right."

"one more bowl!"

Chu Guang almost choked the noodles in his nose when he heard half of it.

Xia Yan gave him a strange look.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing... I thought of some interesting things, but let's wait until the trouble in the north is resolved."

Chu Guang coughed dryly and wanted to find toilet paper, but found that there was no such "luxury" thing here.

Fortunately, Xiaoyu noticed his embarrassment in time and generously handed him a handkerchief.

"Use mine!"

"Thank you, it's a big help... I'll buy a new one to pay you back when I get back."

Seeing that he had helped, Xiaoyu smiled happily.

"No need for crabs! There are a lot of small fish, all bought with the pocket money you gave me!"

Chu Guang corrected.

"That's called wages, it's the reward for labor... By the way, who taught you that?"

Xiaoyu opened his big eyes and answered honestly.

"My second brother told me not to send the little money I have home. He and his eldest brother's income is enough to support the family, so I can just keep it as pocket money."

Chu Guang: "..."

never mind.

Let’s have a good chat with her brother later.

After the group had eaten, they continued to stroll on the street.

The places to eat here are not only ramen restaurants, but also bun shops and dumpling restaurants. Chu Guang even saw a Sichuan restaurant.

Recently, most of the vegetable fields on the farm have begun to harvest, and the resettlement fields of the aboriginal people have also been shipped out one after another. There are many more vegetables on the market that were not available before.

Varieties such as green peppers and garlic sprouts have begun to appear on people's tables one after another. By mid-to-late May, garlic will also begin to appear on the shelves, and the stir-fry dishes in restaurants will be more fragrant.

Chu Guang did not forget what he said and took Boss Xia to the place where he bought clothes.

At this time, he was surprised to find that Tengteng House also opened a branch here.

But Teng Teng himself is not here. Standing in front of the store counter is a little girl from the Iron Ax tribe.

As for why Chu Guang could tell her identity at a glance, it was mainly because her wheat-colored skin was so similar to the sisters Qiucao Qiuye.

She wears a leather jacket, which highlights her figure while maintaining flexibility. The belt that crosses the side can be used to store magazines and guns.

There is no doubt that this is definitely Teng Teng’s work. There are both women’s and men’s styles on the shelf next to it.

There are many female mercenaries in the wasteland, and cannon fodder in this era is gender-neutral.

However, Chu Guang still doubted that there would really be mercenaries other than players who would not only consider practicality but also consider whether the equipment looks good?

But when Chu Guang saw Boss Xia's shining eyes, he immediately gave up his thoughts.

It seems that my confusion is a bit unnecessary.

The people of the wasteland know better than themselves, as managers, what they need, so they should take care of what they should take care of, and leave the rest to them to decide.

Xia Yan seemed to know the salesperson. As soon as he met her, he greeted her with a smile and took Xiaoyu in to try on clothes.

Chu Guang didn't join in the fun, mainly because it wasn't appropriate, so he decided to go shopping nearby for a while.

As a result, before taking two steps, he saw an acquaintance nearby.

"Huh? Sir Manager?" Yaya who was setting up a stall looked at Chu Guang in surprise and recognized him at a glance.

Chu Guang also looked at her with surprise.

"Why are you here?"

Crow Crow blinked.

"I've been here for the past few days...the mushrooms near the park are all gone. Now I can only go to the Yumu area to pick them."

Chu Guang asked curiously.

"Why don't you hire someone to help you?"

Crow Crow smiled sheepishly.

"The main reason is that others can't tell whether it's poisonous or not, and I can't force others to take a bite. I can only demonstrate it myself."

In fact, it's not that they can't be distinguished, but that most people are not sure whether they can eat some mushrooms they have never seen before, so they simply don't eat them to be on the safe side.

For example, there is a kind of green pointed mushroom growing in the Elm District. Both players and aborigines think it is poisonous, but it is actually not poisonous.

It wasn't until later that Crow Crow performed the unique skill of eating a large mushroom raw on the spot. Everyone saw that the players in the sensory system were fine after eating it, and then they all realized that this thing was really edible.

But whether it tastes good or not is another matter.

Speaking of which, there is a small episode.

Because the mushroom looked poisonous, but unexpectedly could not kill anyone, Heya studied it curiously.

Finally, it was discovered that this mushroom can secrete structural analogs of PBP substrates, bind to PBPs receptors, and interfere with bacterial cell wall synthesis.

It may be a bit complicated to say this, but to put it simply, it is similar to penicillin.

Because of this, Chu Guang also gave Crow Crow a special achievement and assigned Heya a homework, asking her to take the time to study how to artificially cultivate and extract this penicillin analogue on a large scale.

Although most players do not consume much medicine, the demand for antibiotics is still quite high in areas such as reconstructive surgery and disease prevention and treatment.

Now that there are so many people, we can’t rely solely on our own points to subsidize them. Compared with the 10-point blind box, Chu Guang still wanted to redeem more high-tech equipment to support the scene.

After looking around the stall, Chu Guang discovered something interesting.

The round red umbrella and the flat and short white pole are also dotted with round white spots, which look very poisonous at first glance.

"Isn't this poisonous?" Chu Guang looked at Crow Crow suspiciously.

"That duck, you can't eat that! And you can't eat it!" Crow Crow shook his head like a rattle.

Chu Guang thinks so.

Just now he noticed that the white pole


How come these mushrooms are so acquainted?

Chu Guang picked up an egg-sized one and squeezed it. It felt a bit rubbery and light in weight. It looked like it was dehydrated, but it didn't feel shriveled at all.

Could it be a mushroom that produces resin or rubber?

Chu Guang was a little confused.

The creatures in this world really don't act according to common sense.

"This mushroom can't be bitten, but it's not poisonous either. I discovered it by accident, and then made it into a decoration. Hehe, the small piece is quite cute... You see, you can wear it on your head like this superior."

With that said, Yayao and Chu Guang demonstrated and stuck the little mushroom in their hair.

The small mushroom looked like it was growing from the top of the head.

That said, it's quite cute.

However, this scene happened to be seen by the surrounding players.

"giao! Boss Crow has a mushroom growing on his head!"

"That thing seems to be a decoration... Will anyone really buy 5 silver coins each?"

"Damn it! 250 yuan! Is this a luxury item?!"

"Your understanding of the silver coin market and luxury goods made me not know where to complain."

"Wait...that customer is a manager?!"

"Gan! I didn't even recognize him when he took off his power armor! Let me tell you, he is really handsome!"

"Pass it on! Crow Crow is being cute to the manager!"

"What?! Boss Crow seduces the manager?!"

"Is this game serious?!"

Originally, he didn't intend to pay attention to the salesman, mainly because he was used to it. But the canine customers became more and more exaggerated, and her face gradually began to turn red.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, she angrily grabbed a bunch of mushrooms and threw them at them.

"Get out, get out! Which of your eyes can see me, me, me...what am I there!"

She was really too embarrassed to say those two words.

The little player who was hit was as ecstatic as if he had won a prize. He yelled "Mine!", picked up the mushroom and ran away.

After calming down his disordered breathing, Crow Crow took a deep breath and suddenly realized that there were still guests here, so he quickly put on an "amiable" smile.

Really unwilling to live up to this effort, Chu Guang silently left five silver coins on the stall and left with the mushroom that he didn't know what it was used for...

Night gradually fell, and the sky became dim.

Played like crazy all day.

Xiaoyu, who was sitting on the bench outside the barbecue stall, fell asleep on Xia Yan's lap from exhaustion before the boss could bring the skewers.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face, Xia Yan unconsciously reached out her hand and gently touched the black and fluffy hair. She finally understood why everyone liked her so much.

Suddenly remembering something, Xia Yan looked at Chu Guang, who was sitting opposite.

"So what exactly is it baby?"

Chu Guang said casually.

"Didn't I show you already?"

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then understood what he meant, rolled his eyes at him and said.

"That's a very cunning answer."

"Your reaction was too slow."

Chu Guang laughed indifferently.

to him.

Everything here is his treasure.

Whether it's the endless farmland to the west of Jiujiu Farm or the increasingly prosperous streets in the north of Shuguang City.

This place is definitely not as good as it was more than two centuries ago, but for the survivors in the wasteland, this is a good place that cannot be exchanged for any number of black boxes.

That rare tranquility.

At least here, the rifle's safety can be turned off.

Barbecue with the scent of cumin was served on the table. The little fish who was sleeping on Boss Xia's lap probably smelled the scent and moved his little nose.

But maybe she was too tired, so she didn't wake up immediately.

Xia Yan took advantage of the fact that the little girl was still awake and asked the boss to serve her a glass of her favorite beer. Chu Guang drank sparkling water. Nuka-Cola has almost become the most popular drink in Dawn City.

"Speaking of which, aren't you worried about being in danger if you come out alone like this?" Xia Yan took a skewer of barbecued meat from the plate and said casually while eating it.

"The drones in the sky will identify every unfamiliar face that enters the patrol area and plan the patrol route."

Chu Guang smiled faintly.

"As for the people living here, I trust them just as they trust me. If one day they want me to die, then it means that I really need to reflect on my own problems."

Of course, Chu Guang's biggest reliance is his 21 points of physical fitness, 19 points of perception and 18 points of agility, as well as the carbon nano protective clothing on his body.

This works better than any bodyguard.

He was able to take on the creepers before he awakened, so there is no reason why he would be useless after he awakened.

Xia Yan, who was wiping a wooden stick, joked.

"That's true. They look at you as if they were looking at their god. I found that the meat on our skewers is more than that on other people's skewers."

Chu Guang made a helpless expression.

"So I'm actually more willing to take care of the players' business."

Although the players' names for him are sometimes more exaggerated and always have some inexplicable titles, they do so more for fun or for the so-called favorability, not because of true admiration.

It is precisely because of this that he doesn't have so much baggage when facing players, and it doesn't matter if he occasionally tricks them or makes harmless jokes.

On the contrary, they will be as excited as children, and then shout "NPC can cut leeks!", "Okay! We are one step closer to the open beta!".

Looking at the dim scenery in the distance, Xia Yan seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, she seemed to have made up her mind and spoke.

"Can you give me one of that serum?"

Chu Guang glanced at her.

"What do you want that for?"

Xia Yan looked down at Xiaoyu lying on her knees and gently touched her hair.

"I feel like I'm becoming more and more useless."

Chu Guang, who was drinking happy water, almost choked and coughed twice to cover up his gaffe.

"You finally realized... I mean, you finally realized you were too lazy?"

Xia Yan rarely talked back to him, lowered her head and muttered something in a low voice.

"I can still fight... As you have seen, my marksmanship is actually pretty good, and I can change my own weapons. It's not my fault that I can't awaken. What can I do? I've been like this since I was born. Those militiamen threw their guns to us I almost missed it because my hair was still conspicuously red, and I wanted to shave it off several times, but every time I saw it, I thought of my mother again, but I couldn't bring myself to do it."

She sniffed and looked to the side stubbornly.

"Sorry, I said some unnecessary nonsense."

Chu Guang was silent for a while, then thought for a while and said.

"Actually, not only strong people can find the meaning of existence, and awakening is not the only criterion for evaluating whether a person is strong. Fists can solve some problems, but not all problems can be solved with fists."

Xia Yan looked at him confused.

To be honest, she didn't quite understand this sentence. She just suddenly felt that the man in front of her looked a bit like her... dad?


This may be a bit strange and disrespectful to say.

She had never met her father, and she didn't want to know in which alley the bastard who left her mother died in the gutter. But she once imagined that it would be great if there was someone who could tell her how to go about the future.

Although she also admitted that if there was such a person nagging nonsense next to her, she would never listen to him.

Every time Xiaoyu said to her, "What did my dad say?" Although she couldn't help but roll her eyes on the outside, she was actually a little envious in her heart.


I don’t know which wave it started from.

All she had left was the gun.

After taking a sip of beer, Xia Yan muttered.

"...Does the shelter still teach you these things?"

This is a very interesting question.

Chu Guang thought seriously for a while and gave an uncertain answer.

"I have no idea."

Xia Yan looked at him in surprise.

"have no idea?"


Chu Guang nodded and said calmly.

"Just like you have a lot of questions to ask me, I have a lot of questions to ask the man who entrusted everything to me."

"For example, why did he choose to trust someone who didn't even belong here, why didn't he do these things himself, and why a man who died more than a hundred years ago knew me so well... I believe he hid the answer In a corner of the maze. As long as I prove that I am the person he is waiting for, he will gradually tell me the answer."

Xia Yan, who was drinking beer, said "Oh".

She didn't quite understand, and it wasn't the answer she wanted.

Chu Guang suddenly remembered something, took out a mushroom from his pocket, and placed it gently on the table.

"By the way, this is for you."

He really couldn't think of any use.

I don’t want those 5 silver coins to be wasted.

Looking at the mushrooms on the table, Xia Yan had a strange expression.

" this for?"

Eliminate eating first.

No one would eat a red mushroom covered in white spots.

"Put your head over here."


Before Xia Yan could react, the mushroom was already on her head.

Chu Guang looked her over and over, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, it suits you quite well."

The big mushroom is on top of the small mushroom.

It's just that the color is not very obvious.

Xia Yan touched the top of his head and found that there seemed to be a mushroom growing, and it was also growing crookedly. He immediately glared at Chu Guang.

"Did you hit my head with a mushroom?"

"Don't you like it? Then give it back to me."

Before Chu Guang reached out, Xia Yan quickly ducked back.

"Buy it and leave! You've already given it to me, so it's mine!"

This time Chu Guang couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

It’s okay to buy it and leave it.

Where did this guy learn the words? He still speaks Chinese.

"That's not how the word is used."

Xia Yan made a face and concentrated on the beer and barbecue on the table, ignoring him.

Maybe he was awakened by Boss Xia's actions just now, Xiaoyu rubbed his eyes and sat up in a daze.

"Huh? Is it already baked?"

Xia Yan stuffed a skewer over.

"It's ready a long time ago. Eat quickly."


Dazedly, he wiped off the hazelnut hanging from the corner of his mouth. The little fish, who had not yet woken up, smelled the food near his mouth and opened his mouth to take a bite.

Xia Yan was still feeding with a smile, but when he saw her rubbing the corner of her mouth, his expression suddenly changed and he quickly lowered his head.

His face instantly turned red to the color of pig liver.

Chu Guang probably guessed something, and his expression was slightly awkward.

Out of comfort, he coughed slightly and said.

"It's one can see me at night."

"you you……"


"Please stop talking..."


Looking at Boss Xia, whose voice gradually became as quiet as a mosquito buzzing, Chu Guang finally chose to shut his mouth and not mention the matter.

That night.

The official website is busy again.

Chu Guang found that these players were bored enough and even filmed themselves eating barbecue.

Have these people never seen a handsome guy?

I was the darkest: "Shocked! Boss Xia has mushrooms growing on his head!"

Irena: "The manager bought the mushrooms from Crow Crow! (Funny)"

Teng Teng: "Woo woo woo, I suddenly feel a sense of relief, although personally I prefer the team of manager x hunter boy bsp;o(*///▽///*)o"

Makabazi: "Wait! The relationship is a bit messy. Why is there an extra crow between Boss Xia and the manager? I have to figure it out!"

Crow Crow: "What the hell! What does it have to do with me! I'm just a sidekick selling mushrooms, okay! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

Kill the chicken at midnight: "┬─┬ノ('-'ノ)"


Chu Guang: "Xiao Qi..."

As if guessing that Chu Guang was looking for him, Xiao Qi's voice floated out quietly.


Chu Guang: "Didn't I ask you to filter out my photos?"

All the photos of him on the official website were taken by him himself, or he asked Xiaoqi to take them. In short, they are all photos that best highlight his positive image.

After all, if players are allowed to take pictures, who knows what curious expressions they will take.

This is something Boss Xia has learned from his mistakes.

Xiaoqi: "Yeah, but that photo doesn't have your front face, you only show your back... Then I'll delete it? QAQ"

Chu Guang sighed.

"...Forget it, I've already lost my hair."

He felt that Xiao Qi probably did it on purpose.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

Just now, Chu Guang received a report from the Logistics Department that all war supplies had been prepared. Due to falling resource prices and sufficient supply, the industrial zones of the New Alliance not only completed their production tasks, but even completed them beyond expectations.

Seven million rounds of ammunition and tens of thousands of artillery shells of various calibers are ready for use, and the production lines are still running continuously.

The pilots trained by Mosquito have also successfully mastered taking off, firing and dropping bombs, and they can take over the sky of Xizhou City for him just by giving his order.

Yesterday I reviewed the achievements of the farming parties.

Tomorrow it is time to review the achievements of this military reform.

Whether players with high morale and low organization can adapt to battles above the regiment level under the coordination of the corps system is also one of the core contents of this beta round of testing.

At the same time, this is also related to whether the new alliance can truly gain a foothold in the wasteland.

Only by opening up the situation to the north can we obtain the resources and space for development, as well as the strategic depth to deal with powerful neighbors.

Chu Guang dragged the edited expansion file out of the new folder, copied and pasted it in the backend of the official website.

Pressing the OK button, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

"It's time to deal with the trouble up north."

"I hope you're ready."


(I’m not afraid of your jokes. Even if I check it twice after I finish writing, sometimes there will still be typos. But if you catch bugs in your chapter, I will basically correct them quickly when I see them. T.T

I uploaded this picture of packing my luggage to go home for the New Year, and wishing everyone a happy Chinese New Year in advance and all the best! Love you guys! )

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