This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 410 Funeral and Visitors from Far Away

"The dog spring water will cost you your life!"

"Damn! I've been whipped so many times...why can't I get hit?! Let me go! I've made contributions to the alliance! I want to see the manager!"

"Come on, give me a hand!"

"I leave my left leg to you!"


"Oh oh oh! This eyepiece is so powerful! The little figures you see are all glowing! Tsk, what a pity, it would be great if it could see through!"

"Ah, O'Wei, don't run away! Show me too!"

"No, no, your head is too big! It will crush me!"

In the sanatorium above Shelter 404, the square at the entrance was as lively as a festival, and all players who logged in received their prizes.

Includes Fountain's Portable Shield Backpack.

Includes thermal imaging eyepiece for tail.

There are also a series of novelties waiting for you.

Quan Shui, who was carried and dragged by his good brothers to a big tree, let out a scream and repeatedly called "dog battlefield" and "where is my son?"

It's a pity that the brave general under his command has already followed the legion to the desert, and may have taken the shape of the legion by now.

Wearing glasses with a square head and a square head, the tail that made out the laughter was being chased by Rourou all over the square. Sisi and Sesame Paste sat beside the square and watched leisurely.

"It feels like that eyepiece... should be connected to the helmet. Isn't it strange that it is tied directly with a rubber band?" Sisi said with some concern.

The cat ears on the top of his head swayed slightly, Sesame paste said with a smile.

"Well...don't worry about these details."

The edge of the square.

Lao Bai held a short ax in his hand and scratched the back of his head with his left hand.

" to use this thing?"

The handle of the ax is orange-red.

The ax blade didn't look sharp, or even a bit blunt, but the side was as bright as a mirror, reflecting a confused face.

The chicken-killing brother walked over and took a look curiously, and saw that the ax was so dull that it could be used as a hammer, so he left without interest.

Lao Bai's face was full of confusion.


It's just a fire ax, right?

"Why don't you find something to chop and try?" Ye Shi, who was standing aside, didn't understand what was so special about this thing.

Bang Feng held his chin and thought for a moment, and was about to express his opinion when a familiar and reliable voice suddenly came from the side.

"Melta cutting axe."

"Although the application scenario is firefighting, it is different from ordinary firefighting axes. It can squeeze the gas on the ax blade according to special effects, forming a directional jet of hot cutting airflow at the moment of high-speed impact on the target."

"The charging interface is at the bottom of the ax handle. There is a button two inches above it. Press and hold to charge the capacitor."

The equipment that has appeared in the game can basically be found in the official website database, and the equipment produced by the shelter has detailed information.

Even if there is only one.

Before logging into the game, Fang Chang had already reviewed all the new equipment in this lottery and had a general understanding of these weapons.

After all, the weapons in the shelter come from the pre-war era and are not exclusive to players. Since they appear in the hands of players, they may naturally appear in the hands of other forces.


What surprised everyone was not what Fang Chang said, but him himself.

"Physical penetration, it's a black cutter, that's right - holy shit! Fang Chang!?"

Looking at Fang Chang coming from the direction of the base gate, Ye Shi's eyes suddenly widened, and even Guang Feng on the side showed a surprised expression on his face.

"you get up?"

"Um...Sorry for being a little late. I just finished reading the update."

There were dark circles on Fang Chang's face, probably because he didn't sleep well. Different from usual, he also had a windproof scarf hanging around his neck.

There are obviously trees everywhere here, and there is no wind or sand to block it.

"Aren't you hot?"


A rare blush appeared on that calm face.

After coughing lightly, Fang Chang changed the topic a little stiffly, and said with a serious expression, "... Putting my affairs aside for now, what did you guys get?"

"Great sniper!" Ye Shi chuckled, with a hint of showoff in his tone, "Type 15 'Python' Gauss Rifle! I finally got my shot!"

Fang Chang glanced at him slightly surprised.

"It turns out you drew that gun... Why didn't you bring it out?"

Ye Shi said with a shy smile.

"I'm going to the city today. It's useless to bring that."

Kuang Feng teased.

"It's because ammunition is hard to come by."

Ye Shi scratched the back of his head.

"The ammunition is a small problem, the main problem is the barrel..."

Different from the manager’s Type 20 ‘Stinger’ Gauss rifle with no barrel design, the Type 15 is a long-range Gauss rifle with a barrel and rifling.

Since the projectile relies on rifling to spin, and the projectile's initial velocity is relatively fast, the loss and load on the barrel are far greater than those of ordinary light weapons.

However, compared to the Type 20 "fin-stabilized bullets", the Type 15 bullets are much cheaper and can even be rubbed by hand on the workbench of a weapons store.

Most of the company's Gauss rifles use a similar "barrel" design, and the barrel is made detachable for easy replacement, mostly due to cost and convenience of local materials.

Fang Chang nodded clearly.

"...I have seen the data of your weapon. When the capacitor is fully charged, it can accelerate the 65g 7 projectile to Mach 5. The killing performance against long-distance and ultra-long-distance targets is very good. I should be able to send it after going to the desert map. Put it to great use."

After making a fair comment on Ye Shi's weapons, he then looked at Guang Feng.

"And you?"

Storm replied.

"Alpha Dog."

Fang Chang was slightly stunned.


Storm continued.

"A mechanical dog, he named it."

"The mechanical dog...the A-1 ground weapons platform?" Fang Chang nodded clearly.

He had also seen that weapon on the official website.

It looks like a 4-legged robot with a length of 1.5 meters, and can carry a conventional load of 2.7 tons. It can be used as a mobile supply station, a battlefield signal repeater, and even a "charging pile" for drones.

At the same time, it can also be used as a firepower platform, mounting 12mm machine guns, 40mm grenades, smoke generators, etc.

Whether you are playing a Quest or playing in a group, this thing is very useful. It is simply a magical outfit tailor-made for intelligence players.

It only took Fang Chang 5 seconds to come up with more than 6 application scenarios. So far, this one seems to be the only one in the entire server.

Lao Bai looked at Fang Chang.

"What about you?"

Fang Chang said with a smile.

"Powered wingsuit aircraft! I was about to go to the shelter to take it out. According to the instructions, it can be carried as a backpack, or it can be detached and used as a fixed-wing drone. However, after putting this thing on, it will not be able to wear a heavy-duty exoskeleton... And I’ve never done wingsuit flying before, so I still have to practice.”

Ye Shi: "Fuck, that's awesome!"

Kuang Feng: "It goes well with your bow and arrow."

"It's not bad," Fang Chang said modestly, and then looked at Lao Bai, "Speaking of Lao Bai, your contribution points have already reached the knight level?"

"Well, 100125 points, I just got the knight title!" Lao Bai grinned and said, "That power armor is quite expensive, costing me 1 million silver coins."

Hearing this, everyone around him was filled with envy.

The first powered armor in the server!

The server's combat power ceiling has been raised again.

Fang Chang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "It's good if you can buy it for one million silver coins. Just be satisfied."

Ye Shi couldn't help but complain.

“So Versailles!”

Lao Bai smiled sheepishly.

To be honest, he was a little worried about whether there would be any flaws in the thing at first. However, after he actually put on the power armor, he immediately understood why the manager always wore power armor and was unwilling to take it off.

Although that thing looks bulky, it is actually more flexible than expected. After the power is fully increased, you can hardly feel the slightest weight.

Not only that, the comfort of the armor is also very particular, with a built-in air purification system and air conditioning. The service life of the portable reactor and fuel rods that provide energy are calculated in years and months respectively, so there is no need to worry about battery life.

Such perfect equipment is obviously worth more than one million silver coins. Even if there is a zero at the end, the nobles of Boulder City will definitely spend tens of millions of chips to buy it without hesitation.

It is precisely for this reason that this equipment requires level contribution to purchase, and will be bound to the user after purchase. If it is no longer used, it can only be sold back to the shelter at a 100% discount.

Having said this, some cloud players will definitely be curious, what will happen if I don't abide by the rules and laws and have to sell the bound equipment to other survivor colonies?

This is a very good question.

After getting the helmet, it took nearly a year to train the contribution points to become a knight, and you will know when you try it with an account worth tens or even hundreds of millions, and carrying countless memories and emotions.

Of course, if you can't even stand the ban from the dog owner, it's best not to overestimate your blood pressure and mentality.

After roughly understanding the equipment of his teammates, Fang Chang continued.

"Speaking of which, what are our plans today?"

"The mission of the scientific expedition team is to be within the Second Ring Road of the city center. Help our brother Yin Fang get some research samples back, and test the new equipment he just got." Lao Bai looked at Fang Chang and joked, "Tell you what. Are you in such a hurry to complete the task that you don’t want to spend time with your little girlfriend?”

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask, how far have you developed?" Ye Shi's Bagua soul instantly burned with light shining in his eyes.

Although Kuangfeng didn't speak, he looked at this side curiously.

Fang Chang's gaze drifted to the side with a slight dodge, and his index finger and thumb, which had nowhere to rest, pinched the temples of his hair.

Everyone waited for a while.

The result was an ambiguous and perfunctory sentence.

"...This game is too real."

There was silence.

Ye Shi suddenly looked at Guang Feng.

"Why don't you send this guy to accompany Brother Quanshui."

Kuangfeng nodded subtly.

"Hmm... I think it's okay."

Fang Chang: "...?"

id: Chu Guang

Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 4)

Level: lv.27→lv.30

——Basic attributes——

Strength: 25→33

Agility: 20→25

Constitution: 22→27

Perception: 21→26

Intelligence: 24→29

Floor B3 of Vault No. 404.

Lying on the scanning bed in the infirmary, Chu Guang confirmed the updated attribute panel through the tablet handed over by Heya.

28 attribute points.

More than half of them are caused by the progress of gene sequence development exceeding 30%.

Compared to other players, his attribute growth is relatively balanced. Although one item is not outstanding, the total amount is ridiculously high.

In addition, following "Wild Instinct", "Psychic Deterrence" and "Hive Mind", the fourth stage of the genetic sequence gave him new "talents".

["Victory Call": The vocal cords vibrate at a special frequency, injecting courage into the cry and making those who resonate with it feel invincible. 】

The new talent is also aura.

At Heya's suggestion, Chu Guang experimented with her.

According to his own evaluation, the heart rate and epinephrine have increased, and other indicators have also changed slightly, but the effect is not too obvious.

Maybe it's because the application scenario is wrong, maybe the volume is not enough, or maybe the bionic organ weakens the resonance between organisms...

In short, the effect is not as obvious as hive thinking.

After all, when standing in the command post and activating his talent, Chu Guangneng could clearly feel that the officers' thinking speed was much faster.

I don’t know when I can give him “all combat power +8”.

"... It seems that my previous conjecture is correct. Your genetic sequence will obtain evolutionary elements from the development progress of other individuals, thereby accumulating its own development progress. Just like you said, you are relying on experience... although the principle is not yet clear. , but the general effect is similar.”

Staring at the DNA sequence and the three-dimensional human body structure diagram floating slowly on the screen, Heya sighed softly with her arms folded in front of her chest.

"If you keep going at this rate... it won't be long before you become a monster."

"Thank you for the compliment."

After putting on his shirt, Chu Guang's eyes fell on the terminal screen not far away, and the expression on his face suddenly became a little subtle.

Although it is a three-dimensional structural diagram, although this is a medical office, although...

It was indeed a bit strange to be stared at.

Noticing Chu Guang's gaze, Heya raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Anything else?"


"Then get out quickly, I want to continue my research." Heya urged with a slightly excited expression.

It can be seen that the research materials she just obtained from herself have brought a lot of inspiration to her research topic.

I hope her project can be completed soon.

He was equally confused about what happened to him, especially when he thought about the dream he had last night.

In a dream.

He returned to the original wilderness, but instead of walking south to Beit Street, he looked for the dim lights and walked uncontrollably to No. 76 Street in the east.

That's the lair of mutants.

The big green-skinned guys sat at the door and feasted, chewing rotten pieces of meat and humming doomsday songs in rude voices.

He clearly "saw" himself. The man in the blue coat backed away with a pale face, accidentally stepped on the mine's trip wire, and fell next to an abandoned car in a puff of smoke.

The dream ends here.

However, there was a slight difference. That night was not a clear sky, and there was no two-headed dog barking. Instead, it was snowing like goose feathers...

After coming out of the infirmary.

Chu Guang happened to bump into Yin Fang walking out of the warehouse, and saw him with a sad face and muttering in a low voice.

"What a waste..."

Chu Guang, who was thinking about the nightmare last night, raised his head and looked at him confusedly and asked.


Yin Fang sighed.

"Well, that black box where the coffee beans are produced."

When he came back from the front line, Chu Guang brought back the black box from Vault 79, leaving only a box for making blue jackets for the newbies, and a box that was too big to move and was used to produce portable reactors. box.

"Champion" injection is a good buff for players, and can also be used by researchers in the shelter to refresh themselves, while "Quqi" multi-flavor biscuits can be used to earn foreign exchange, and "Asteroid" brand canned meat can be used as military rations. .

Chu Guang had made proper arrangements for how to use each black box. Only the one that produced coffee beans was of no use, so he simply left it to Yin Fang for study.

When he first got the black box, Chu Guang saw the expression on this guy's face as if he had found a treasure. It had only been less than a day and he was already tired of it?

Chu Guang's expression couldn't help but be a little weird.

"...Is there anything wrong with that black box?"

“There is no problem, the technology is like magic, it is so perfect and fascinating, and the coffee beans grown in an environment of 1,500 meters above sea level are undoubtedly the best among the best...”

As he spoke, the expression on Yin Fang's face suddenly became filled with indignation, "But why does it need to be dried and dehydrated! Can't it omit the last extra step!"

Chu Guang was stunned for a moment.

"...Can't it be dried?"

He doesn't know much about it, and he doesn't know how to drink it.

"... Can rice be grown from rice grains that have been peeled? And those same beans, even if they are ground into powder, can't cover up the fact that they have no soul. I might as well drink the instant version."

Muttering unintelligible words, Yin Fang shook his head and walked towards the elevator under Chu Guang's blank gaze...

The rising dawn in the distance climbed onto the treetops, and the midday sun shone on the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, making it much quieter than yesterday.

Yesterday was a celebration.

Today is the funeral of the Glorious One.

Since most of the creatures that have survived to this day in the wasteland are not very picky about food, most of the survivor settlements will burn the corpses to avoid attracting dangerous alien species.

Over time, cremation became a custom.

The league continued this habit.

However, for those who sacrificed their lives for the Alliance, the Alliance will reserve a tombstone for future generations to pay respect to, and respect their wishes by burying their ashes in the tombstone/\u003e In addition, players have more choices, including cremation or cremation. You can lie down in the active material conversion furnace and refine your body.

Recycled active materials can be deducted from the cost of resurrection.

Alliance propeller planes stretched white smoke in the sky, and several ace pilots kicked off the funeral with superb flying performances.

The plane landed slowly on the airport runway.

Taking off his pilot hat, Luo Yu complained.

"Damn! Why is my plane called Xiaochuan?"

Mosquito walked next to him and said with a playful smile.

"You chose the name yourself. If you don't choose it, who will?"

Luo Yu: “@#%!”

The cemetery east of Dawn City.

There are blue-gray stone tablets sitting on the green lawn, and there is a touch of sadness in the quiet atmosphere.

The emcee, dressed in formal attire, read the eulogy in a long and steady voice.

There were many people standing inside and outside the cemetery.

There were officials from Dawn City, officers from the First Corps, representatives from various industries and soldiers from the honor guard. Outside of the cemetery, there are also people who come here spontaneously.

Including mercenaries who joined the war with the alliance.

For most survivors in the wasteland, funerals are a very strange thing, especially such public funerals.

The Exposed Wasteland is where the Wastelanders end up.

Standing in the middle of the group of people, Chu Guang watched the funeral proceed quietly.

In the ceremony regulated by the alliance, those attending the funeral ceremony are not required to wear clothes of a certain color. They are only required to dress formally and appropriately.

The azure blue armor named "Order" is undoubtedly the highest level of courtesy for the souls of heroes who died in the war.

Standing next to Chu Guang, Luo Hua felt a little depressed, and his eyebrows were filled with heaviness. Although he was still recovering from his injuries, he still insisted on coming here on crutches.

"Sorry...for causing you so much trouble."

Chu Guang glanced at him and said softly.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

Regardless of whether there is Luo Hua or not, the people of the legion will come here sooner or later after solving the trouble in Luoxia Province.

There is no limit to the Jackal's ambition.

Unless they hurt.

However, Luo Hua didn't think so. He was still immersed in the mood of self-blame, his eyes were full of complexity, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Halfway through the funeral.

At this time, Luka suddenly moved to Chu Guang's side and whispered in a very soft voice.

"The envoy from Boulder City has arrived in Dawn City. The head of the mission is the head of the Boulder City Militia. He claims to represent the city owner of Boulder City and hopes to meet with you face to face regarding the establishment of the embassy, ​​the Heart of Steel, and future cooperation. Let’s talk.”

After listening to Luka's report quietly, Chu Guang nodded slightly and said in a very soft voice.

"Let them come to me."

Luka asked softly.


Chu Guang nodded.

"Yes." Without asking any more questions, Luka nodded respectfully, turned around and retreated into the crowd, and left the cemetery in a hurry.

About half an hour or so.

When Luca returned again, he was accompanied by two guards and the envoy from Boulder City.

There are six people in the delegation.

Chu Guang glanced at the man closest to Luka.

He was wearing the military uniform of the militia group, with golden ribbons on his shoulder straps. His brows were majestic and sharp. He must be the leader of the Boulder City militia group.

If I remember correctly, his name seems to be Zhao Yongxu, and he is a close associate of "Lord Fang Ming" as Mr. House calls him.

Chu Guang's eyes stayed on him for two seconds, then moved away and continued to look at the emcee who was presiding over the funeral.

The militia leader's expression was slightly surprised, followed by a flash of displeasure.

Noticing the expression on his face, Luca standing next to him said softly.

"Our manager is attending the funeral of the fallen soldiers. This is the most important arrangement in his schedule today... Please wait a moment."

Zhao Yongxu's voice had a hint of displeasure.

"Is there anything more important than our relationship?"

In his opinion, it was just a few boxes of ashes. He could just bury them somewhere, so why go to such trouble.

After the usual wave, they usually package the bodies of the mercenaries and the bodies of the aliens to the cooperating trading houses for disposal, without wasting time on any funeral ceremonies.

Luka's expression did not change, and he still spoke softly in a calm tone.

"The administrator often tells us that respect for death means respect for life... You are in your prime, and you should have a long time to go. Why are you racing against the deceased?"

Zhao Yongxu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fierce light flashed in his expression, but it was only for a moment, and he quickly restrained his eyes.

He was really at a loss for visiting unexpectedly without prior reservation.

But even so, the "pretentious" attitude of these people still made him feel angry.

You simply don’t take them seriously!

However, now we are under someone else's roof after all.

Signing to his subordinates and other envoys to be calm, Zhao Yongxu stood quietly outside the cemetery, intending to see what tricks the manager wanted to play.

It didn't take long.

He heard the master of ceremonies say in a solemn and solemn voice.

" commemorate the sacrifices of the 2934 Vault residents, 231 Dawn City residents, 71 Dawn City residents, and 397 Stone City residents."

"Your sacrifice has brought about hard-won peace, and we will continue to move forward with your ideals."

The officer standing next to Zhao Yongxu raised his eyebrows, lowered his voice and whispered to the envoy on the other side.

"Residents of Boulder City? Could that person be talking about... those mercenaries who trade their lives for alcohol?"

The nobleman from the inner city nodded with the same subtle expression.

"should be."

These people actually buried the ashes of the mercenaries together?

The officer glanced at his mouth. Although he said nothing, the disdain in his eyes became even more obvious.

He didn't care who these northern suburban bumpkins planned to bury, but he was offended by calling the mercenaries residents of Boulder City.

If those cockroaches lying beside the wall begging for work could be considered residents of Boulder City, then there would be too many of them.

Zhao Yongxu frowned slightly.

What concerned him was not the conversation among his men, but the mercenaries standing nearby and watching the cemetery.

The complicated expressions on those people's faces made him feel a little unhappy, but he couldn't tell where the unhappiness came from.

Standing in the cemetery, Chu Guang walked to the tombstone and placed a bouquet of flowers. After reading, he prepared a eulogy in advance and quietly returned to his place.

By now, the funeral was drawing to a close.

Chu Guang did not expect the envoy from Boulder City to be so moved by this solemn funeral that he would make concessions in the negotiations...

That idealistic thing is simply not realistic.

But if their leader is willing to come forward at this time and place a bouquet of flowers on the tombstone, it may change many people's evaluation of them.

Whether they are people from Dawn City or Boulder City.

Unfortunately, the man didn't do that. He didn't even want to perform a hypocritical performance. He just felt that staying for one more second was a waste of life.

If it were Du Long, he would probably have taken this opportunity to make an impromptu speech and declare his friendship with the alliance... Anyway, there is nothing wrong with talking.

"Looks like a 'hawk'."

Chu Guang thought silently in his heart.

The identity of the "Supreme Military Officer" is due to importance, and the attitude of the "Head of the Mission" generally represents the attitude of the city lord himself.

I'm afraid this negotiation will be difficult.

But thinking about it from another perspective, if the hawks' claws can be smoothed, the south may become the strongest shield of the alliance.

This may be an opportunity.

He already knew what the group leader was going to say next. Just when Chu Guang was thinking about how to talk for a while, Xiao Qi's gentle words came to his ears.


"There's a plane coming due east!"

Chu Guang hesitated slightly.


Xiaoqi said enthusiastically.

"Yeah! There are a lot of them."

(Thanks to the leader of "ix" for the reward!!!)

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