This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 441 Time to Counterattack

, this game is too real

The clouds were like boiling flames, black and red intertwined, and the whole sky seemed to be burning.

The rain of bullets flying in the sky seemed to be unable to stop the black curtain from falling, and the billowing smoke had already engulfed a corner of the majestic castle.

Even if the flame is as weak as a piece of dust.

But it still shattered the myth that the shield was unbreakable.

As the fire exploded from the right wing, all the sergeants on the land showed surprised expressions, their eyes filled with disbelief.

And a touch of uneasiness.

"……what happened?"

"Why did the engine break down again?"

"It seemed like something hit me just now..."

"How is that possible! The deflector shield's defense is absolute, how could anything get through it!"

"Is that a parachute? Or is it my imagination..."

"Are those lunatics planning to land on the Heart of Steel?!"

"What can those few people do... only one or two Centuries can survive." Although the engine on one side was broken, no one was worried that something would happen there. As the lowest-tech thing on the Heart of Steel, the row of engines connected to the wings often malfunctioned, so there was nothing to make a fuss about if they broke.

The most common accessories in their airship inventory are propeller blades. It's just that the transfer plan may have to be delayed for more than two weeks... Looking in the direction of the Heart of Steel, Rachel opened her mouth in slight surprise.

From the moment there was a commotion in the sky, the airship's observation cabin stopped paying attention to them.

He didn't know what those natives had done.

But looking at the unbalanced airship, he probably understood that he probably wouldn't be able to count on air support for a while.

At least we have to wait until the airship stabilizes again.


It doesn’t matter anymore.

Looking back from the airship, Rachel looked at the ruins 2 kilometers ahead and narrowed her eyes slightly.

It was an abandoned town.

The bumpy dirt is dotted with broken walls and ruins. The small country-style villas are covered with vines and moss, and the rain and snow of the years can be seen everywhere.

The town was quiet, and no movement could be seen. However, under the seemingly calm water, there was an undercurrent brewing.

Stand next to him.

The deputy, who was also wearing a jet black exoskeleton, held the telescope and carefully observed the circle before speaking in a positive tone.

"The defensive bunker... is very crude. They probably didn't have time to prepare it.

About an hour ago, the observation module of the Heart of Steel discovered an unidentified team of a thousand people approaching them from the southeast, seemingly intending to enter Ruigu City.

Considering that the indigenous guerrillas were active in Ruigu City, the staff of the Heart of Steel immediately made a judgment that this team should be reinforcements sent to support the guerrillas.

Of course, General McClung could not let this force slip into the city under his nose, so he immediately issued an order to the Air Marine Corps, asking Rachel to stop this force in the city before it entered the city. outside.

Compared to the small force that attacked them before, an armed force of a thousand people was undoubtedly a big fish.

Although in front of the legion, he is still an ant.

However, Rachel did not relax her vigilance because of the insignificance of the opponent. After receiving the order, she immediately led three thousand-man troops to cooperate with more than 2,000 soldiers, and attacked the thousand-man armed forces in three directions to reinforce the guerrillas in the city. Surrounded them.

The plan went smoothly.

With the help of aerial reconnaissance, they successfully blocked the team's forward route, forcing it to give up entering Ruigu City and evacuate south.

Of course Rachel would not let the big fish escape, and immediately mobilized armored troops to block their escape route and drove it to the edge of the forest.

Seemingly knowing that they could not escape, these natives simply gave up escaping and hid in a small town in the southern suburbs of Ruigu City, intending to use the limited bunkers here to fight to the death with the legion's pursuers.

5000 versus 1000.

And there is the support of armored units.

Although the fighting has not officially begun, the winner has clearly been decided.

Big raindrops slipped from the helmet's eyepiece, and the adjutant's lips curled up into a slightly mocking smile.

"It's a pity that we couldn't bomb them first, otherwise the battle should be over within ten minutes.

"It doesn't matter."

Rachel said lightly, took off the walkie-talkie hanging on her shoulder, and said in a cold voice.

"Everyone is free to fire!"

"The First and Second Thousands suppressed the west and east sides."

"The 1st Armored Squadron, cooperate with the 3000th Army to attack from the north!"

A neat response came from the communication channel.


The war machine begins.

Twenty "Scorpion" wheeled infantry fighting vehicles started their engines first. The twin 45-gun barrels on the turret were aimed at the town. They lined up in a sharp arrow-like formation and rolled forward slowly. .

At the same time, the 3000-man team sent out two centurions and broke them into twenty squads, closely following the infantry tanks and advancing together. Each team consists of two heavy infantrymen armed with machine guns and wearing heavy flak armor, and eight light infantrymen wearing basic protective gear.

In addition, thirty "Hyena" light armored vehicles also started their engines,

Divide into two groups to cover the two wings of the wheeled infantry fighting vehicle formation.

The four-unit 10-unit machine gun installed on the turret exudes a cold light, like a hyena's teeth.

In addition, nearly five hundred soldiers were also pushed to the front of the formation.

These wastelanders held Ripper rifles in their hands, with bayonets already mounted on the barrels. Their eyes were half excited and half fearful.

The rest is nervous and confused.

As cannon fodder troops, they will launch the first round of impact under the cover of Hyena light armored vehicles.

However, it is different from those regular troops protected by vehicles.

The light vehicles that set out with them would not follow them into the town, but would only provide fire cover for them from the outside.

If you dare to escape...

The thick and long barrels will be aimed at them without hesitation.

Looking at the town that had been completely surrounded, Rachel narrowed her eyes slightly, and a trace of joy gradually appeared in her pupils filled with murderous intent.

The pleasure does not come from the killing itself, but from correcting the mistake. There is no doubt about it.

Those barbarians who resist order are the source of all chaos and evil. They rudely occupy the inheritance that does not belong to them, squander the undeserved favor with the ashes of their humble lives, and linger like beetles and mice.

Mutants, wastelanders, and alien species... All barbarians are essentially the same.

Only by expelling every single one of these dirty bloods from this land can we

Can restore purity to this land.

Only in this way can the great Wilantes rebuild the Kingdom of Heaven on this planet.

And go to more distant worlds to expand territory.

The First Armored Squadron was only one kilometer away from the town, and the twin-mounted 45mm cannons of the "Scorpion" infantry fighting vehicles lined up in sharp formation had begun to unleash ferocious firepower.

Driven by heavy machine guns, the Hu Congjun soldiers who were pushed to the front line screamed like crazy, trying to dispel the fear in their chests, and with the bullets flying around their heads, they rushed towards the town like evil wolves.

At the same time, behind the ruins, gun flames began to flash, giving them resistance.

However, in the face of the heavy machine gun and artillery shell fire, the gun flames were like candles fluttering in the storm, crumbling and may be extinguished at any time...

The outermost defenses of the town have been broken down.

Only more than 100 of the 500 soldiers in the army were left.

The combat effectiveness of these wastelanders is quite pitiful, but as cannon fodder, their performance is much better than that of the clone infantry. Driven by the desire to survive, they can always burst out with miraculous power.

Seeing the defense lines of the indigenous people shrinking under the crushing firepower, the cruel smile on Rachel's lips became more and more obvious, and a trace of fanaticism - or madness - was gradually written on her face.

"Soldiers! Advance!"

"Use your bullets, bayonets, daggers and teeth... to disembowel these filthy insects! Slaughter them in the most cruel way!

"Then grease our tires with their blood! Let those barbarians know disobedience

The end! "

Ruigu City West District.

The artillery position hidden in the mountainous area was now filled with thick smoke and the ground was in a mess.

Perhaps intending to leave it to higher-value targets, the opponent did not use the slow-loading 400mm rifled rockets, but instead used a 100mm aerial cannon.

However, the counterfire came faster than expected, beyond everyone's expectations.

Climbing out of the bunker with a dry cough, Yang Shu wiped ashes from his face and searched around the black and white terrain, finally seeing a half-buried hand.

He felt happy and staggered forward, trying to dig out his buried comrades.

However, when he held the hand and was about to exert force, he pulled out half of his arm.

Looking at the half-broken hand in his hand, Yang Shu's eyes were blank for a few seconds, and finally he silently took off his coat and wrapped it up.

At this time, there was a cough from the side.

Hearing the movement in the ruins, he quickly walked towards the sound again, and this time he finally found a living person.

The face was buried in the soil, and the left half was burned black, but the lips were still moving and he was still breathing weakly.

He recognized this face. The young man's name was Luozi. Like him, he was a refugee from the north.

Seeing the captain's face, the colorless pupils suddenly became a little brighter.

"team leader……"

"Don't move! I'll help you get out!"

Yang Shu moved the stone away from him and found a shovel from the side. Looking at the captain who was digging away at the earthwork with an anxious look on his face, the buried young man coughed dryly and choked out the mud in his mouth.

"Captain, where are our cannons..."

"Blow up those grandsons! ++ Damn it, the shooting is so accurate...don't worry about that thing for now!

"team leader……"

"What's wrong with you so damn!"

"I...can't feel my legs..."

The hand holding the shovel paused.

Yang Shu gritted his teeth and continued digging.

"I'll buy you one!"

Stove grinned.

He knew the captain couldn't afford it, it wasn't cheap.

But he didn't expose it.

"Captain, I...did we win?"

Yang Shu glanced back at the burning sky, the billowing smoke that filled the edge of the airship, and the strings of tracers that shot into the sky from time to time.

He wasn't sure what was going on over there.

But there was no doubt in his mind.

"……Most definitely!"

At the same time, at the end of his gaze, behind the thick smoke pouring down like a waterfall, a cruel and bloody fight had just begun.

The fire from the muzzle danced on the steel-covered deck, like beams of flashing thunder.

The pouring rain washed away the sticky blood and broken flesh, and the scarlet and broken armor rolled and fell to the ground as far away as an abyss.

However one-

Even with continued casualties, those still alive cannot be stopped from moving forward.

The hatch the size of a manhole cover was pushed upwards, and heavily armored soldiers with traction ropes hanging from their waists climbed up the dome through ladders, trying to stop the Burning Legion from rushing towards the thick and long barrel.

However, as soon as one of them showed his head, an arrow pierced his head, and he fell back into the cabin of the airship with the rainwater pouring in from the crossflow.

Holding an assault rifle in his hand, Ye Shi looked at Fang Chang in surprise.

"Damn, you brought Dawn with you?"

"Otherwise? Keep it for the New Year?"

Fang Chang chuckled, but kept moving his hands. A high-explosive arrow pinned the hand holding the hatch cover accurately.

The screams of pain were disrupted by the high-altitude air currents.

The Marine soldier who fell back into the cabin took the high-explosive arrow with a delay fuse back with him.

Soon there was a loud explosion, and there were a lot of casualties below the ladder. Hot air rushed upwards, and the circular hatch on top shook.

At this time, Lao Bai's voice came from the communication channel, as well as gunshots that sounded like firecrackers. "Don't mess with those infantry!"

"keep going!"

Fang Chang looked solemn and said immediately.


Only about two hundred soldiers landed successfully.

There were an unknown number of Marines and crew members on the airship. It was impossible for them to kill so many people by themselves.

Their goal was not to capture the entire airship.

Instead, destroy the artillery position on this airship!

Under Lao Bai's order, the Burning Corps quickly divided into two groups. One group was led by Guangfeng and went to the artillery fire area at the front of the airship, heading straight for the twelve ground support artillery pieces directly in front of the airship.

The other group, led by Lao Bai himself, ran straight towards the 400mm main gun that stood like a chimney!

The group of people quickly rushed to the side of the gun barrel. Staring at the towering gun barrel, Ye Shi couldn't help but smack his tongue.

"Damn, the barrel is so big, I feel like a person could get into it!"

Lao Bai's heart moved and he looked at Fang Chang, who was wearing a light cavalry exoskeleton.

"You lead a group of people to rush in through the barrel, and I will lead the rest of the people in through the hatch!"

Fang Chang nodded immediately.

"Let me try!"

After that, he climbed onto the barrel, moved his shoulder closer and gestured, and found that he could just go in, so he immediately waved behind him and led the team members in without hesitation.

For this kind of large-caliber artillery, in order to prevent the ammunition from exploding, the ammunition is generally not ready to fire at any time, but is only loaded when it is fired.

As a ten-man team broke in, the sound of crossfire soon came from below the gun barrel. There was no time to confirm the situation inside.

Lao Bai immediately called on others to deploy thermite, which burned large holes in the dome of the airship.

The Heart of Steel's armor is not just a thin layer of iron. There are also alloy frames that serve as supporting structures underneath the steel shell.

The structure of these steel bars is so hard that even a "switchblade" would be hard to explode.

Lao Bai immediately changed his mind, led his men to the nearest hatch, took out the thermite and stuck it on it.

White light flashed and the hatch cover blew up.

Then throwing down a smoke grenade, Lao Bai, who was wearing a heavy cavalry exoskeleton, clamped the assault rifle in the corridor directly under his arm.

More than a hundred soldiers from the Burning Legion filed in and quickly dispersed in small groups of four.

The corridor battle, which was bloodier and more cruel than the street battle, soon began.

The combat distance does not exceed ten meters.

The two sides used the corridor as a battlefield, relying on the rooms, doors and corners of the corridor on both sides as bunkers, fighting for every inch of space in a brutal fight.

Bodies can be seen everywhere in the corridor, and the pungent smell of gunpowder masks the burnt flesh and blood.

It smells fishy, ​​and life is disappearing in seconds.

In the eardrum-shattering gunfire, everyone's eyes turned red.

Whether you are a player of the Burning Legion or a soldier of the Legion!

After cutting a bloody path in the corridor, Lao Bai led Ye Shi and quickly rushed to the door of the 400mm main gun cabin.

The two of them leaned on the left and right of the door in tacit understanding. After reading Lao Bai's eyes, Ye Shi took out the shock bomb inserted in his chest and prepared to break the door.

At this moment, there were two knocks on the door.

Lao Bai was stunned for a moment and immediately stretched out his hand to open the door.

Fang Chang, covered in blood, was standing behind the door.

The exoskeleton was in pieces, and the crumbling polymer breastplate was marked with countless bullet holes. It was impossible to tell whether the person was holding the exoskeleton or the exoskeleton was holding the person.

His left hand was holding on to the wall, and his right hand was holding an LD-47 assault rifle. Blood was dripping on the ground along the downward-facing muzzle.

But even though he turned into this ghostly appearance, his expression was still very calm, and he even had a smile on his face.

Before Lao Bai could ask what happened, the sound of an explosion came from not far in front of him, and the hot air and dust were swept out of the door.

Fang Chang coughed and said with steady breathing.

"The ammunition depot is not here... After entering the gun cabin from the gun barrel, I only saw the sighting system and the loader. My team and I killed the gunner, and then attached the thermite to the loader. , it should have been destroyed by now. He is the only one left standing here. Apparently all the team members who went down with him have been killed.

However, after hearing his words, Lao Bai's tense nerves relaxed a little.

According to the combat plan, if the ammunition depot for the 400mm main gun is found, the bombs there will be used to contain the personnel on the airship, or the airship will be blown up directly depending on the situation.

If not found, at least the gun barrel must be blown up and the legion's air support firepower will be paralyzed at all costs!

Now, this goal is apparently close to being accomplished.

Without the 400mm main gun, the Heart of Steel's ground firepower will be reduced by more than half!

"Well done!"

Looking at Fang Chang who was covered in blood, Lao Bai grinned and said jokingly. "My little girlfriend who has been with you for so long, I was still wondering if your skills would be rusty... Now it seems that I am overthinking it.

"You do have a lot of ideas."

After wiping the blood on his face, Fang Chang also smiled lightly, adjusting his breathing while not forgetting to correct him.

"And I should have said that we are not the kind of relationship you think."

Lao Bai looked at him in surprise.

"real or fake?"

Ye Shi chuckled, raised his eyebrows and said.

"You don't understand this. What people enjoy is that warm and ambiguous feeling."

"Get lost."

Fang Chang rolled his eyes, too lazy to talk nonsense to this guy.

Just when he was about to say something, the previously misfired gunfire rang out again, and bullets flew from the side of the corridor.

While everyone was fighting back, they retreated into the gun cabin of the 400mm main gun. "Damn...these big noses are pretty ruthless. Just after they killed one group, another group immediately came up to attack them.

Even as an opponent, Fang Chang had to admit that in terms of fighting will alone, these people were really strong.

If it were a group of marauders, they might have killed the entire airship by now.

There is no way he would be surrounded here.

There was a squeaking sound in the corridor outside the door.

Listening to the content, it seems that he is trying to persuade him to surrender.

"You are surrounded!"

"General McClung promised that as long as you lay down your arms and surrender, he will allow you to leave here alive.

There was a lot of noise outside, but Lao Bai was half-comprehensive, so he looked at Fang Chang on the side.

"What are they fussing about?"

Fang Chang said casually.

"We are trying to persuade you to surrender."

Lao Bai was stunned, then looked at the door and cursed.

"Persuading you to surrender? Haha, fuck me, I spent so much effort to climb up just to surrender? Let him eat shit!

After he finished scolding, Lao Bai realized that the other party didn't understand, so he quickly looked at

Square and long.

"Translate for them!"

Fang Chang sighed and reluctantly translated this nonsense sentence. The soldiers crowded outside were stunned for a moment when they were scolded, but they quickly came to their senses and yelled loudly before shouting back.

This time, even Fang Chang couldn't understand what they were saying. Seeing several teammates looking at him, he shrugged helplessly.

"Probably a West Coast dialect..."

Ye Shi sighed.

"You said what if they jump over the wall in a hurry, don't respect martial ethics, and just plant mines or throw explosives at our place?

Fang Chang laughed.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this is their crystal. If they plan to raise the 400mm main gun, just blow it up.

"Haha, that's right! If you want to explode, just do it!" Lao Bai smiled heartily, grinned, and continued, "Anyway, the 400 main gun has been paralyzed, and our mission has been completed! What we have to do now is to try our best Hold on and wait for support...'

Taking a gentle breath, he focused his gaze on the door leading to the corridor not far away, rubbing the trigger with his index finger.

"The depends on Guangfeng's side!"

A command post several kilometers away from the artillery position.

As the messenger, I was the darkest person. I trotted back to the side of Brother Quanshui and gave a military salute with full sense of responsibility.


"The feint attack group failed to reach the southern urban area to launch defense! They implemented Plan 3 of the plan and retreated to a small town next to Highway 417 in the southern suburbs!"

Commander Quan Shui, who was holding the telescope, nodded.

"I see."

According to the original plan, a mixed team of 1,000 people led by the Silver Corps and other third-line corps would go to the southern urban area of ​​Ruigu City and launch defenses relying on the fortifications built in advance.

Once the decoy has restrained the enemy's large forces, the Death Corps and three thousand-man teams scattered in the city will launch a general attack, using anti-tank equipment to annihilate the enemy's armored units and force the enemy to withdraw from the city.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton corps equipped with armored units will combine with the flying attack formation of the goblin corps to launch a fatal blow to the retreating legion.

As for the Jungle Corps, they will perform the final operation of "air support". However, it is impossible to expect every aspect of the plan to be executed perfectly. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

While he is playing his cards, the opponent is also playing his cards.

According to the pre-made combat plan, if the feint attack group fails to arrive, they can only retreat to "Town No. 417", and the center of gravity of the ground battlefield can only move from the southern urban area to the southern suburbs.

As one of the alternatives, that town also had fortifications they dug secretly.

But compared to the positions they prepared in the city, the position there could only be described as "pitiful".

Due to the existence of airships, they were unable to carry out large-scale construction in small towns with less shelter, and construction could only be done at night, so they only had time to prepare some simple

There are no bomb shelters and sandbags, and there are no underground passages connecting the bunkers. Standing next to the commander of the spring, Kakarot frowned and said,

"There are at least three thousand-man teams besieging the accompanying attack group. I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long..."

The mixed thousand-man team is mainly composed of some professional players with combat experience and individual players.

Although there are also awakened ones and veterans who have participated in more than 6 battles, their overall combat effectiveness is quite limited and obviously cannot be compared with the regular army of the alliance.

Even though their morale is high, they are ready to fight to the last man.

Commander Quanshui frowned, holding the telescope and looking at the blurry outline of the south, and suddenly said.

"How many more cannons do we have?"

"Report! The artillery position has been wiped out! Only the last twenty unexposed rocket launchers are left in the supporting firepower!" Even though the situation was in danger, my blackest salute was still very spirited.

"Where's the plane?" Commander Quan Shui asked calmly.

I immediately replied: "The entire Dragonfly transport plane was wiped out, and the Goblin Corps Mosquito attack aircraft formation is still full!"

Looking at the pond that was deep in thought, Kakarot standing aside couldn't help but say. "The opponent is equipped with a large number of quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns, and those things are not improvised by the Bone Chewing Tribe. If it is handed over to the Goblin Corps, I am afraid there will only be one chance... How about I bring a team of people to support them? .”

There are still more than 300 people in the Storm Corps on standby in the forest, ready to respond to any situation at any time.

However, even if these people are filled in, it will be a drop in the bucket, and they will be eaten by the opponent in minutes.

Not only can it not relieve the pressure on the feint team, but it may also fall into passivity. It is also impossible to order the Death Corps to attack in advance.

If a general attack is launched in advance before the enemy's artillery positions are paralyzed, once the enemy's supporting firepower is restored, all targets exposed outside the bunkers will become living targets.

"It's not time yet!"

Commander Quanshui looked in the direction of the Heart of Steel, and his originally calm mood could not help but feel a little anxious.

Originally, he expected that after breaking through the defense line, half of the people should land on the dome of the Heart of Steel.

However, after the airborne troops jumped, more than half of them were injured before they even landed. I'm afraid not even two centurions could make it to the landing.

Even though he had made the worst assumptions and expected the opponent's combat effectiveness to the maximum extent, the firepower limit of the Heart of Steel still exceeded his expectations. Especially in the end, they actually resorted to the cool maneuver of pointing the engine towards the sky. If it weren't for Luo Yu's last-minute judgment, the Burning Corps that forced a landing might have been completely wiped out. Although he did not doubt the fighting power of those big guys, the outcome in the air has undoubtedly become the biggest variable on the entire battlefield.

His thoughts were spinning quickly, and just as Quan Shui was thinking about how to deal with it, a string of firelight suddenly flashed in the sky.

The gun cabin at the front and bottom of the airship suddenly burst into a ball of fire, and the burning flames engulfed the twelve gun barrels pointing forward.

At the same time, a wisp of red smoke erupted from there almost at the same time.

400 main gun floated out of the barrel.

Although in the dark fog and pouring rain, the wisp of red smoke was as weak as a flickering candle in a storm, but everyone on the ground could still clearly see its existence.

Staring at the sky blankly, Kakarot muttered something. "Fuck, that's awesome!"

Did it really blow up? !

He also saw the flame blooming in the sky. The clouds on Quan Shui's face were swept away, and his eyes instantly glowed with joy.


not only that--

Even faster than planned.

Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered.

"The rocket launcher position fires immediately! The armored cluster on the north side of the target town!"

"Also, notify the fringe dude!"

"It's time to fight back!"

1 second to remember:


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