This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 450 Nothing is invincible

No one expected that this "epic" mission would be completed so smoothly.

Unexpectedly, no one came out of the valley without dying.

What makes everyone even more confused is what is happening to this "Luo Yu".

"What should we do now?"

Looking at the stunned "falling feathers", the mosquito scratched the back of his head and looked at the mole beside him.

Just now he went offline and tried to call Luo Yu up, but found that this guy was stuck in a bug and could not be revived.

Ji Shu thought for a while, shook his head and said,

"I don't know...but if this thing is important, I guess the manager will send a plane to pick it up.

But then again...

The mission requires the recovery of human remains, right?

It's the remains, right?

Wouldn’t it be weird to still be alive?

Mole's eyes suddenly became "warm and ambiguous" when he looked at Luo Yu.

Sisi thought for a while and said: "I also think...since this task is so important, it won't go to waste. We shouldn't need to worry about the rest of the matter."

Tails: "Oh! Brother Guang must have a way!"

"Luo Yu", who was following everyone, had no awareness that he was the center of attention. He had a dull expression on his face at the moment, and there was even a string of harrass hanging from the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't look very smart.

Mole couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It would be great if I were here..."

Everyone returned to the mouth of the valley and found the truck parked on the roadside, only to find that the guide had disappeared and the motorcycle had also been driven away.

But no one blamed him.

As a devout believer, after seeing the dead god come back to life, the impact on his worldview is inevitable.

However, when everyone left the valley and was about to return home, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw a group of dark cavalry riding from the west and surrounding the entrance of the valley.

The person leading the team was City Lord Sion, and the old Chasi named Prest also followed.

Stretching his neck to look around, his tail cooed.

"Oh! Si! Your suitor!"

Sisi pretended not to hear and subtly looked away.

Thank you very much though.

But still sorry.

A mighty force of more than a hundred cavalry arrived nearby. Before the city lord could speak, the old priest dismounted first.

Seeing that Sesame Paste was safe and sound, the old man walked forward excitedly and asked.

"Lord Angel, are you okay?"

"'s okay haha."

There was an awkward but polite smile on Sesame's face. He didn't know how to deal with it, so he looked at Si Si for help.

Sion also dismounted, but without mentioning what happened before, he walked closer and asked.

"What happened over there? I heard that the God of the Sky..."

Si Si replied seriously.

"The seal has indeed become loose. The bones of the God of the Sky have been corroded by evil spirits and he just crawled out of the tomb."

Everyone gasped, and the faces of the cavalry showed embarrassment.

Rather than facing something indescribable, they were even more willing to charge towards the machine gun position.

Thain looked at her in astonishment, while the old priest looked at the "god envoy" beside him for help.

Seeing the look Si Si gave him, Sesame Paste nodded quickly.

"Yes...that's it."

The old priest asked with a trembling voice.

"Then...what should we do?"

With a soft smile on his face, Sesame Paste continued.

"Don't worry, we have re-sealed it... The remains of the Sky God have fallen into a deep sleep again. As long as you don't disturb its sleep like today, it will continue to sleep."

Sain looked at her gratefully, then glanced at the people behind her, and said in a sincere voice.

"Thank you, you have helped us so much...I really don't know how to thank you."

"Oh! You're welcome! Just one-" Rourou subconsciously covered Tail's mouth.

Sisi coughed slightly and said for Sesame Paste who didn't know how to answer.

"...As long as the residents here can return to their peaceful lives, the chaos sweeping the desert can end."

Thain looked at her with a complicated expression, and everything he wanted to say was written on his face, but he didn't say a word and just nodded.

The mosquito standing next to the mole turned his face sideways and complained in a suppressed voice.

"If this guy could travel back in time to ancient times, he could be a great stickman."

"That's not necessarily the case. It depends on the situation. If you encounter someone who is not easy to talk to, you may be burned as a witch."

"Hiss... maybe it's really possible

Looking at the two people whispering, Luo Yu, who was stunned, tilted his head and dropped a drop of his voice on the ground.

No one heard that subtle voice


The Skeleton Corps is stationed right next to the White Bear Knights. Including the light tank that Mole picked up, sixteen tanks and more than thirty logistics trucks are parked in the camp.

The players took turns on duty, and this long night finally came to an end with the rising sun.

Just as the Mole guessed.

Early the next morning, the company's transport plane landed north of the Petra Fortress.

The streamlined fuselage, which is full of science fiction, is incompatible with the wall and cast-iron cannon not far away.

However, in this absurd wasteland world, there is surprisingly no sense of disobedience.

"The art director of this game is an expert!" Lu Shu, standing at the door of the station, couldn't help but sigh.

No bragging, no blackmail.

It is possible to integrate so many art styles in the same game, and they can blend into each other without any contradiction, and they are as realistic as reality.

This skill is simply amazing!

At this time, the pilot with his helmet under his arm walked toward the camp, raised his index finger and waved it forward as a salute, and extended his right hand with a grin.

"Captain of Orca No. 3, Liu Yue!"

"The commander of the Skeleton Corps, uh... Mouse."

Every time when he introduced himself to his family, He Shu couldn't help but dig his feet into the ground in shame, wishing he could slap his former self twice.

Hearing this strange name, the man did not laugh out loud. Instead, his eyes lit up and he held his right hand tightly in excitement.

"Wait, Mole? Are you that Mole?" Mole was also confused by the question.

Apart from him, who else in the entire league has this name?

"Uh, what's the matter?"

Liu Yue had a bright smile on his face, and he kept moving his hands as he hurriedly took out a small notebook from his pocket.

"Excuse me, can you sign your name for me?"

Jiu Shu had a look of affection on his face, but he still reached out to take the notebook and wrote a line of words on it crookedly in Chinese couplet.


Liu Yue took the book as if he had found a treasure, stuffed it back into his pocket, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you, brother...the game you made is great! It's a pity that I only played a few games before I was pulled over for rotation!"

After hearing this sentence, Mole was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized something, and asked excitedly

"Wait! Have you played my game? Where did you hear about my game?"

“From the endpoint cloud up and down, of course…

Seeing the surprised expression on Neng Shu's face, Liu Yue immediately realized something, then patted his head and said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You may not know it when you are fighting outside. Shortly after you left that day, many media outlets in Ideal City reported on your heroic deeds!"

"I heard that a film and television company plans to adapt your story into a movie! Not only that, but now all the "militants" in the city are playing your "Battle Royale"! Haha, just kidding, everyone is I am in favor of war... but I hope this damn war will happen soon. If we have the opportunity, we can discuss it on the endpoint cloud. "

Looking at this real fan in front of him, Ji Shu felt dizzy, as if he was dreaming.

Seeing that the Confucian statue didn't respond, Mou Yun didn't care and just grinned.

Suddenly remembering that there was another important thing that he had forgotten to mention, he immediately slapped his head and then got down to business.

"By the way, your commander has given you a new mission. It should have been synchronized to your personal terminal...? It seems to be called this."

The most important things are left for last.

The mole is pretty but very small. If this guy doesn't think about it, he will simply forget it.

Gained a new understanding of the unreliability of corporate soldiers.

But at this moment, Mole had no time to complain, he was completely shocked by the news sent across more than 4,000 kilometers.


His game is a hit???

After a while, with eyes wide open, a word came out of his mouth.


The company's transport planes not only bring the tasks of the alliance managers, but also the fuel needed for the Skeleton Corps' tanks, as well as the generators to charge the "Electric Shock" and "Electric Bull".

It is estimated that it will take three days to complete the supplies. After three days, the Skeleton Corps will continue on the road and rush to the front line to fight.

At the request of the manager, Jishu selected two reliable brothers from the Skeleton Corps and escorted "Luo Yu" to take a plane back to Qingquan City for treatment.

Also being escorted to the Alliance were General McClun of the Legion and his adjutants and other senior officers.

These people are all bargaining chips in the armistice agreement.

As for the officers below the rank of captain and nearly 6,000 soldiers, they are temporarily under the supervision of the Humpback Kingdom.

Regardless of whether the nobles of the Camelback Kingdom are willing or not, they have in fact been tied to the alliance's chariot.

At this point, even the most naive person cannot imagine that there is still a chance to surrender to the legion, and can only continue to fight with the alliance.

Before getting on the plane, Jiu Shu gave instructions to the two players very seriously.

"Remember to keep an eye on 'Luo Yu'."

"If that guy does anything normal and threatens the plane or the prisoners, don't hold back and just give him a drink..."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Last night, he had a sideways chat with Luo Yu about this matter and asked for his opinion.

When he learned that his body had been snatched away and might become a gnawer, Luo Yu suddenly became anxious and wished he could go online and drink himself.

The two players nodded seriously.

"Worry, Captain!"

"When we do things, we must be reliable!"

Nuan Shu nodded happily and watched "Luo Yu" follow the two of them onto the plane.

At this time, he suddenly saw the mosquitoes walking towards the plane and couldn't help but ask.

"What are you going to do?"

Mosquito smiled and said, "Please give me a ride home. It's too hard to wait for the resurrection CD."

It's like Trayaohan is really quiet and interesting, but he still prefers the oxygen area over Qinggao City.

The moist air smells more comfortable.

Especially after seeing the Titan controlled by the fungus last night, a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.

He planned to give it a try when he went back this time.

Jishu was stunned for a moment and asked, "What the hell? Who will fly the plane if you leave?"

"Plane? Oh, you mean the one I drove when I flew over," Mosquito smiled and said, "That one has been given to the city lord of Petra Fortress."

The mole was shocked: "Is this okay??"

Mosquito said shyly: "Hey, what's wrong with this? It's not expensive! I make the decision!"

In fact, he had no control over this matter, he just took advantage of the opportunity to brag.

Giving the plane to the city lord of Petra Fortress was not his decision, but something the administrator had ordered him to do before he left.

Not only that, the administrator also asked him to tell the city lord of Petra that if he thought this propeller plane was useful, he could send an envoy to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City to purchase it.

Twenty cows can be exchanged for an airplane, and 1,000 rounds of ammunition are also included. It can be said to be high quality and low price.

Not only that, the alliance not only sells weapons, but also sells the technology to operate the weapons. The city lord of Petra Fortress can ask the pilot to come with the messenger, and after learning how to drive, he can directly drive the plane back.

Although the range of nearly 1,000 kilometers exceeds the combat radius of the W-2, it is still no problem to fly one way, and you can even pick up some souvenirs along the way.

As the longest-serving propeller aircraft in the alliance, this thing can be equipped with a light machine gun for dog fighting, a heavy machine gun can be used to lick the ground, and the weapon can be disassembled to spread pesticides. The application scenarios are diverse.

Very useful!

All personnel have boarded the plane, the door of the killer whale transport plane is closed, and it takes off from the sand dunes with two blue arcs of light, flying towards the east.

Watching the blue light disappear into the horizon, Liu Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the mole beside him.

"What are your plans next?"

Recalling the task of updating v, Jiu Shu casually replied,

"...The coalition forces of the Legion and the Falcon Kingdom are withdrawing from the No. 9 Oasis. The administrator asked us to go to the No. 9 Oasis to reorganize. After joining the reinforcements from the rear, we will move towards the No. 3 Oasis and liberate the Honey Hunt Kingdom in one fell swoop!"

Tails standing aside was surprised.

"Oh! Looks like it's going very well!"

It seems that this war will be over soon.

said the Mole, laughing.

"Hahaha, thanks to you, otherwise it would not have been so smooth!"

The great victory in the Lost Valley and the counterattack in the Capital of Plenty can be said to be the turning point of the entire war.

What D-Day and the Battle of Angler were to World War II.

Rourou touched the back of his head with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"We are close to each other, and thanks to your tanks. We and the Petra garrison alone are definitely no match for the Legion."

"Don't say that. The outcome of a battle is not measured by combat effectiveness. Even if you can gain one more second on a battlefield of this scale, you will have an increased chance of winning."

The rat smiled and continued.

"Speaking of you? Are you going to the front line? We can give you a lift."

Mou Yun curled his lips and said.

"The springs let us move around freely, and he said we would be more useful outside than in the Corps."

"giao! Is that what he said?" Tails showed a deeply shocked expression.

The Mole laughed heartlessly.

"Hahahaha! It smells like that. It's really like what lyb would say from spring water!"

Taiwei looked at Liu Yue with a frustrated look on his face, and the latter smiled and touched the former's head.

"Don't be depressed, I think this is more like an affirmation."


"Well, it affirms Ah Wei's achievements in other fields."

Everyone has things they are good at and things they are not good at. Instead of working hard in areas where they are not good at, it is better to do things better in extended areas.

There are no rules on how this game must be played.

Why doesn’t “Wasteland OL” issue closed beta qualifications to “only” a certain type of players?

Or in other words, why is there no restriction that only players of specific professions can participate in the game?

With the technical strength currently displayed by operators, it is not difficult to achieve this technically.

But since he didn't do this, there is naturally a reason.

Three days later, in the early morning, the Skeleton Corps, having completed their supplies, embarked on the journey again.

Under the watchful eyes of the Petra Fortress defenders and residents, this torrent of steel headed north in a mighty way.

Although three days is a short time, a lot of things happened in these days.

The news that the Legion detonated a nuclear bomb at the No. 7 Oasis ruins spread throughout the entire alliance, and also spread throughout the Boulder City next door.

The person who wrote the relevant news reports was Miss Dolly, a well-known reporter from "Daily Survivor", and the intercepted photos came from the nuclear slow-motion video taken by Tails.

When it was learned that the Legion had originally planned to secretly throw the nuclear bomb over Qingquan City, the entire Boulder City was suddenly in an uproar, with calls for joining the war from both the inner and outer levels.

It is different from Luoxia Province.

The folk customs in the southern part of the River Valley Province are fierce, especially the survivors in Qingquan City.

Many people fall asleep to the sound of gunshots when they are still holding milk bottles in their mouths. They even learn to shoot while walking. The factor of violence has long been integrated into their genes and injected into their blood vessels.

It is not that those who grow up in such an environment are cowards, but even timidity is only a relative term.

If the militia were not firmly in the hands of the city lord and the city hall did not have the power to declare war, I am afraid that the troops in Boulder City would have marched into the desert...

However, even if Boulder City cannot be mobilized to directly participate in the war, the propaganda tool is not meaningless.

In order to support the alliance in gaining more advantages on the battlefield, Boulder City Bank took the initiative and offered to provide the alliance with a loan with a negligible interest rate.

In addition to official support, private support is also happening quietly.

More and more civilians were attracted by the alliance's cowardice, leaving the giant wall and coming to the northern suburbs to join the alliance.

Among them are workers with skills and mercenaries with rich combat experience.

Even an illiterate person who knows nothing, as long as he can carry a hoe or a wrench, is a valuable asset to an alliance whose territory and industry are both in a period of expansion.

The excitement was not only in Boulder City, which was burned by the fire, but also in Ideal City on the east coast. Many media also reported the news and caused an uproar on Endpoint Cloud.

The most intuitive result is that the scale of direct assistance from enterprises to the alliance has expanded from the original 300 million cr to 1 billion 0r, while the scale of indirect assistance has expanded to 2 billion cr

In addition to expressing determination with money, five "Yunting" ornithopters were sent directly to Beiqing, Qingquan City.

Ten instructors also arrived together.

They will be responsible for providing one-on-one teaching to alliance pilots to ensure that they can correctly fly this next-generation aircraft.

In addition, more advanced forward-swept wing jets are also under development.

Although mutants can't fly planes and the East Coast doesn't have access to supersonic fighter jets, that's the past.

In order to curb the ambitions of the Legion, they further strengthened the determination of the armed alliance.

All changes are taking place quietly.

Compared with the turmoil of the overall situation, the Hump Kingdom, which is closest to the center of the nuclear explosion, seems to be a little "secure".

The nuclear bomb detonated in the valley was like a brick thrown into the sea. Although it caused a lot of waves, it was soon submerged in the bigger waves.

The king of Camelback Kingdom visited the Petra Fortress and learned about the situation from the city lord.

Also arriving together was the high priest of the kingdom.

When the old man in the white robe learned about the identity of Sesame Paste's "godly messenger", he immediately expressed his intention to canonize her as a saint.

At first, Sesame Paste was quite interested when he heard about this title. After all, which player would dislike unlocking too many titles?

However, when she learned that from now on she could only live in a palace specially prepared for her, she quickly declined the title in shock.

Being restricted to one place and unable to move around, what is the difference between this and being banned?

She didn't even need Mou Yun to teach her. She immediately imitated the expression and tone of the magic stick, and made up a prophecy on the spot, indicating that her mission had begun. The goddess of the silver moon summoned her to return to the country of yellow sand. She would only bring trouble to the local residents if she stayed. Such disaster.

The old priest of Petra Fortress was naturally reluctant to give up on this.

However, the high priest from the royal capital was not too forceful to persuade him to stay.

The guy didn't seem to really want her to stay here. He just pretended to stay for a while, and then regretfully said that he would insult the choice of the envoy.

Although I couldn't unlock this achievement, Meng Ma Mu didn't feel it was a pity.

Being able to travel with her friends is the most precious treasure to her, which is far beyond the comparison of a title.

And if you think about it from another angle, it might not be the best choice to just wave and leave, leaving a legend behind.

When it comes to open beta one day, there will always be other players setting foot on these ten places they have been to.

And when the time comes, how will the newbies interpret this bizarre legend?

Thinking about it, it’s strange to look forward to it…

Watching the skeleton regiment disappear on the horizon, Mou Yun, who was standing at the gate of the station, glanced at the residents and nobles who were seeing them off, touched his chin and muttered to himself.

"Hmm... It seems that our plan needs to speed up." Tai Tai tilted his head.


Liu Yue nodded.

"Well, the plan to acquire Golden Lion Coins."

In fact, after the celebratory dinner that day, some people were eyeing this business.

Including Ross Kimber Chew.

Many nobles in Petra Fortress also stopped providing currency exchange services to refugees outside the city in the name of "rescue."

In the past, a bag of gold lion coins could not be exchanged for one golden camel coin, but now ten gold lions can be exchanged for one golden camel coin.

Although it is only a small-scale exchange, it is not difficult to see that the position of some nobles in the Camelback Kingdom has become very volatile.

The outcome of a battle may not determine the direction of the entire war.

But the myth of the Legion's invincibility has unconsciously collapsed in everyone's hearts. Nothing is invincible

From the eyes that saw the Calvary Corps away, she could already see the dawn of failure...

At the same time, just as the Skeleton Corps was marching north, the capital of the Lion Kingdom, which was nearly a thousand kilometers away, was as quiet as a festival.

The epic victory in the City of Fertility completely reversed the offensive and defensive postures of both sides in the war.

In the counterattack that lasted for three days, the Heart of Steel, the Storm Troops, and the Goblin Troops working together, stole the show on the frontal battlefield with their excellent firepower and mobility.

It is only a matter of time before you help the Lion Kingdom regain its lost territory and completely liberate Oasis No. 9

However, Chu Guang continued to advance in no hurry.

First, the Alliance's expeditionary force was running low on ammunition, especially the Heart of Steel's shells, and needed to return to Qingquan City for resupply.

Secondly, the Calvary Corps has just set off from Oasis No. 4, and it will take some time to arrive at Oasis No. 9 to join the main force.

Apart from these strategic factors, some are also for political interests.

It costs money to fight a war, and it also costs money to issue missions and punishments to players.

Someone has to pay for this stuff.

The king of the Lion Kingdom obviously knew this well, and specially prepared a grand welcome celebration in the royal capital for them who came from afar.

Chu Guang planned to mention a series of things Prince Kaliman had promised him, including "vassals", when he reviewed the Stormtroopers...

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