This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 465 Things are different now

Daniel got one thing right.

His higher command was indeed in trouble.

And the troubles encountered are not small.

At the same time that the Skeleton Corps launched an attack on his position, five "Yun Ting" ornithopters had passed through the left wing of their defense line and continued to penetrate in depth.

Due to the low-altitude flight almost close to the ground, the G40-1 position under the cover of artillery fire did not notice the five ornithopters at all, and the radar behind them was even more unprepared.

When these five ornithopters were exposed to the radar, the remote-controlled missiles they launched had accurately landed on the army's air defense positions deployed on the hilly ridges, as planned.

The flames and air waves of the explosion instantly engulfed the anti-aircraft artillery and sandbags, causing countless casualties to the anti-aircraft artillerymen squatting on the ground.

Along the way from the front line to the command post, there are twisted steel and burning positions. Looking down from the air, they look like dots of bonfires.

At the same time that the air defense system of Zone 40 was paralyzed, twenty H-1 "Dragonfly" transport planes also arrived over the battlefield as scheduled, carrying 500 elite members of the Burning Corps and directly crossed the defense line where the 40th Thousand People Team was stationed, heading towards Ten Thousand Soldiers. The command post of the human team broke into.

Fifty W-2 "Mosquito" attack aircraft took off one after another from the Heart of Steel and merged with the "Dragonfly" transport aircraft arriving from behind. They performed escort missions and provided air support for the airborne troops.

Everything went as planned.

At the same time, the ground was shrouded in the shadow of the aircraft, and the faces were filled with panic and confusion.

A centurion looked up at the sky and said with a trembling voice.

"Plane! Alliance plane!"

Standing not far from him, the quartermaster in charge of logistics swallowed his saliva, with a slight tremor in his voice.

"Why the hell are there so many!"

At this time, the air raid siren finally sounded belatedly, and everyone hurriedly picked up their weapons and dispersed outside the camp, leaving the entire camp in chaos.

"Where's our plane?!"

"have no idea"

"Damn it!"

"In the end what happened?!"

Until the day before yesterday.

The heroic exploits of pangolins are still being reported on the radio, and Triumph is still showing off the trophies that fill several warehouses on its front page.

The image of the Alliance's vulnerability has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one doubts that they can drive the natives out of the desert in minutes as long as the ammunition is delivered.

However one by one

The situation at this moment deviated from their understanding.

Especially when the alliance's plane appeared overhead, many people even thought that they were dreaming and had not yet woken up.

Standing at the door of the command tent, Captain Pellaeon stared at the sky dumbfounded, and did not say a word for a long time.

When he came back to his senses in an instant, he reached out and grabbed the adjutant next to him by his collar, spitting and roaring.

"Where are our anti-aircraft guns! There are also ten thousand-man teams on the front line! Why is there no news at all!"

The adjutant who was grabbed by the collar turned pale, and his lips trembled for a long time before he squeezed out the words that were stuck in his throat.

"News just came from the front line. The 100th team stationed in Section 1 of the defense line was shelled by the Heart of Steel one by one."

Pellaeon's eyes widened.

Before the adjutant could finish his words, he roared and ordered.

"Tell Daniel to hold on at all costs! Even if he can't hold on, he can hold on for at least half an hour!"

The bitterness on the adjutant's face became even more intense.


Whether that guy is alive or not is unknown.

From the beginning, they lost contact with Position 1.

According to the news from Position 2, the soldiers there saw the flames of the explosion almost engulfing the entire friendly position next door. They could even feel the earth trembling while squatting in the trench.

Not only that, they also saw the Heart of Steel, which had been captured by the Alliance, also appear in the sky.

Obviously, the alliance is serious this time.

The adjutant's Adam's apple moved and his voice was hoarse.

"There is no response from the other end of the communication channel. They are probably in danger."


Pellaeon cursed loudly, threw away the adjutant's collar, walked quickly to the radio station in the command tent, grabbed the headphones and put them on his head.

What a bunch of rubbish!

After dialing the number of the headquarters of the 10,000-strong army, he almost used all his strength to shout on the communication channel.

"This is the 40th Thousand Team!"

"We are under attack by the Alliance! They sent their main force, including the Heart of Steel and tanks!"

"We can only hold on for an hour at most! Please send reinforcements immediately!"

"Repeat, send reinforcements immediately!"

Most of the ammunition of the 40th Thousand Troops was distributed to Defense Area 53.

Pellaeon knew very well that the few remaining weapons were simply not enough to deal with such an intensive offensive from the Alliance.

Perhaps the Legion will achieve ultimate victory.

But if he is targeted by the alliance, he will most likely be lost.

However, he still couldn't figure it out. No matter from a strategic or tactical perspective, defense zone 40 was not the best offensive target.

Even if we win here, it will be difficult to break through the entire battle.

But why did the alliance focus on us?!

But now is not the time to think about this issue.

The frontline troops suffered heavy losses.

To be able to break through the defense line they had prepared for more than a month in such a short period of time, the opponent must have invested a sufficient number of armored units.

If you can't get through the current difficulties, don't talk about the future.

After reporting the situation to the superior command unit, Pellaeon immediately led the guards to the combat position and led his men to reorganize the combat units at all levels in the camp.

Although the air attack was caught off guard, the Legion's soldiers were much better trained than those of the Falcon Kingdom. Even though they were at an absolute disadvantage strategically, they still did not run away with their morale broken.

But one by one

This is not enough to give them much chance of victory.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, twenty "Mosquito" attack aircraft broke away from the flight formation, turned their noses downward, and took the lead in launching an attack!

"Formation B continues to escort, brothers from formation A follow me!"

"Turn on all the buzzers! Their air raid sirens are too low, and I don't feel full when I hear them! Let's add some spice to them, haha!"

There was a roar in the communication channel, and the mosquitoes leading the flight excitedly reached out and turned on the buzzer switch.

A long and piercing cry resounded in the air, like the horn of death.

Twenty 100-kilogram aerial bombs fell from the sky one after another, pouring a rain of death on the ground!

Most of the pilots in the Goblin Corps are agility players, especially the pilots who perform bombing missions. Most of the pilots have been upgraded to the second stage and have unlocked the first talent.

Under the noses of these pilots, not only were the ground targets moving as slowly as ants, but they could also clearly see the expressions of fear on their faces.

High agility brings visual and reaction speed bonuses to pilots, making the aircraft they fly seem to be flying.

Every express delivery can be accurately delivered to the place where it is needed most!

Even better than AI!

Without the cover of anti-aircraft firepower and faced with aerial bombs falling from the sky, the entire battle turned into a one-sided massacre.

The deafening roar resounded throughout the wilderness, and the flames and smoke of the explosion spread all over the position.

The tents turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant, and countless clone soldiers were burned to charcoal without even seeing their enemies, and fell to the ground with unfocused pupils.

A captain of ten struggled to put out the fire on his body, but no matter how he rolled on the ground, he could not stop the fire from getting bigger and bigger.

Captain Pellaeon, who luckily survived, struggled to stand up from the ground.

Noticing the shadows scattered on the battlefield, he slowly raised his head to look at the sky, and at this moment his eyes froze in place.

At some point, the Heart of Steel emerged from the clouds and flew over the battlefield. The fortress flying in the sky was like a dark cloud.

Watching the thick and long barrels slowly passing above his head, a trace of despair arose in his heart, and he felt that his soul was trembling.

All the battles he had ever fought were one-sided victories.

As the dominant party in asymmetric warfare, no one has ever been able to survive two rounds in front of the legion, and no one can ride on his head like today.

At this time, his adjutant staggered towards him, holding a rifle.

"There is news from the forward post that an armored force is advancing in our direction from the G40-1 defense line, with only less than five kilometers left."

After a pause, the adjutant said in a difficult voice.

"Sir what should we do now?"

Pellaeon's Adam's apple moved.

His loyalty to His Majesty the Marshal prevented him from saying anything depressing, but the cruel facts were before him.

It has ended.

His shoulders slowly dropped, and he withdrew his gaze from the sky.

"Treat the wounded first."

The adjutant was stunned for a moment.

"But one by one"

Pellaeon handed the rifle to the adjutant's hand, patted his shoulder, and without saying a word, walked towards the position that was burned by the fire.

Just an airstrike.

The two centurions stationed near the command post had already suffered more than half of their casualties!

The remaining one hundred or so people not only lacked ammunition, but most of them were injured. Not to mention resisting the attack of the alliance armored cluster, I am afraid it would be difficult to even mount a decent resistance.

Keep fighting.

It’s no different than committing suicide

As the Heart of Steel arrived over the battlefield, the Alliance's dive air strikes had stopped.

Probably seeing that the outcome was already decided and not wanting to waste ammunition on unimportant places, the alliance stopped attacking their positions. Instead of dropping a bomb, he chose to continue moving forward.

Pellaeon knew he had lost the battle.

And he lost inexplicably.

Except for the roaring propeller planes and the aerial bombs that dived with the planes, he didn't even see the Alliance's ground troops.

Is this really the alliance whose 3,000 people were easily wiped out by the Pangolin Centurion?!

Looking at the messy camp, there was no trace of tears or despair in his pupils, only dullness and confusion.

What kind of "natives" are they fighting?

After all, the alliance is deliberately hiding its clumsiness.

Or is "Triumph" lying?

The bridge of the Heart of Steel.

Chu Guang stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the smoke-filled battlefield.

This is the best seat to watch the battle. From his current position, he can have a panoramic view of both the enemy and our positions.

"They surrendered." Looking at the white flag raised by the enemy headquarters, a hint of surprise appeared on Vanus's face.

Although the intensity of the alliance's firepower was one thing, what he didn't expect was that these people couldn't even last ten minutes.

It seems that compared with the expeditionary force sent to the Great Rift Valley, these clone regiments that have just been transferred from the rear to the front are still a bit behind.

"The operation went even better than planned."

After taking a look at the time on V, Chu Guang showed a faint smile and continued, "Our soldiers completed their goal one hour earlier than expected."

Originally, according to the plan, the Burning Corps would raid the command post of the No. 40 Thousand-Man Team under the cover of the Goblin Corps, and cooperate with the armored troops breaking through the frontline positions to annihilate the No. 40 Thousand-Man Team in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that their plan is still too conservative.

The reason why this happens is actually normal.

After all, most old players in "Wasteland OL" only remember the battle of the Legion Clone Corps a year ago.

Those fearless, cruel and bloodthirsty clone soldiers left a very deep impression on players who were still in the development stage.

Even the crew of the Pioneer, equipped with exoskeletons and powered armor, suffered greatly in the face of the overwhelming numbers and firepower.

If the Pioneer hadn't used a tactical nuclear bomb to clear the area later, the final outcome would have been hard to say.

Most of the corps commanders came from that version.

Whether it was a spring or a mole, they were extremely cautious when studying and formulating plans in the group, and even made an emergency plan in case the airborne operation did not go smoothly and the death corps wolf cavalry was urgently deployed for support.

However, they probably forgot that at that time, not to mention aircraft and tanks, even automatic rifles had to be borrowed from friendly forces in the alliance. A captured bolt-action rifle could be used as a treasure.

And their friendly troops were not professional soldiers, but employees of the Overseas Business Department of the Silver Wing Group. Although they gained a lot of knowledge during the trip, they may not have been on the battlefield.

Not like now

The Alliance Army not only has an automatic rifle per person and an awakened person per person, but the players leading the team are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles.

The clone group of the Legion is still the same clone group.

But the alliance with more than a dozen corps is no longer what it used to be.

It wasn't even the Burning Legion's turn to appear. The Legion's 40th Thousand Soldiers raised the white flag amid the indiscriminate bombardment of the Goblin Corps.

At this time, the Skeleton Corps was still four kilometers away from the battlefield in a straight line.

At this time, even if the Burning Corps were allowed to continue parachuting, it would be a lonely jump, and they would have to work hard to take the people back to the airport and repack them.

So Chu Guang decisively stopped the Burning Corps, which was eager to airborne, and ordered Formation B of the Goblin Corps to escort the transport aircraft formation back.

Standing next to Chu Guang, Vanus stared at the ground and thought for a long time, then suddenly said.

"Since the enemy was caught off guard by us, we might as well be a little bolder and continue to expand the results before they are ready to attack. We will advance the armored troops a hundred kilometers and cooperate with the command of the airborne troops to raid the 40,000th Regiment. department."

Chu Guang's lips curled up into a smile.

"I think so too."

Saying this, he reached out and tapped on his helmet.

"Notify the Death Corps so they can take action."

Xiaoran's enthusiastic reply soon came to his ears.


Looking at Vanus standing next to Chu Guang making suggestions, Finold stood in the corner and swallowed, his face full of disbelief.

He originally thought that this Vanus was just like him, only serving the alliance out of necessity, but he did not expect that he was the only one who was "compromising" and that this guy was really giving advice to the alliance.

This guy

Are they really from Vaillant?

At the same time that the 40,000th Army was defeated across the board, the headquarters of the 40,000th Army in the rear was in a panic.

Staring at the red arrow on the strategic map, Soft frowned, his face alternating between surprise and solemnity.

He is the captain of the 40,000th team, and he just arrived in Luoxia Province a month ago. There are no stars on the epaulettes, and the rank is below McClung and about two ranks below Griffin.

Although he didn't know much about the situation in the Far East, he could still understand the map after fighting for so many years.

Defense Area 40 will also be attacked by the alliance, and it will be an attack by the main force. This is something he never expected.

This means that the alliance directly exposes its supply lines to the power projection range of defense zones 41 to 49.

He doesn't even need the 30,000 or 40,000 troops next door to take action. He only needs to dispatch two thousand-man troops from the deep area to cross the defense line and penetrate behind the alliance's offensive spearhead, which can put the alliance's frontline troops into a dilemma.


He has a better way.

At this time, a messenger ran in from outside the camp, made a military salute and reported.

"The 40th Thousand Soldiers sent an urgent call! The frontline command post has been hit by an alliance air attack, requesting air support!"

Soft didn't look up.

Putting his calloused index finger on the map, he moved along the road network and finally stopped at a mountain col where the contour lines converged and tapped hard.

"Tell Pellaeon that they don't have to fight hard and retreat to the 330 heights while fighting, luring the alliance into our depth!"

"In addition, send a telegram to the 43rd, 45th, 47th, and 49th Thousand Troops, asking them to immediately move to the rear near Hill 330 and attack the alliance's offensive troops from the east and west sides!"

"The vacated defense areas 43, 45, 47, and 49 will be managed by the 42, 44, 46, and 48 thousand-man teams! Beware of alliance reinforcements coming from other directions!"

As he spoke, a trace of excitement flashed across Soft's brows, his right hand clenched into a fist and landed heavily on the red arrow on the map.

"Be sure to kill this intruding insect on this highway!"

Highland No. 330 is about 11 kilometers away from Oasis No. 3. The contour lines nearby fluctuate intensively, and the terrain is mainly hilly. Several major roads are concentrated on the mountainside.

Because it is close to an oasis, the vegetation there is relatively denser than in other areas, and there are natural bunkers nearby to avoid the high-altitude view of the airship, making it a perfect ambush location.

Of course the Alliance commanders could see this as well.

But even if they knew, the Union forces could only continue to advance along this route. After all, no matter how dilapidated the road there is, it is still a walkable road.

Otherwise, if you go deep behind enemy lines and lose your mobility, you will be truly doomed.

Regarding his genius plan, Soft couldn't help but curl up with a satisfied smile.

Although the alliance was coming with great force and was trying to attack one of them with all its strength, in his opinion, there was nothing to panic about.

Even a small slope can cause these barbarians to lose 3,000 lives, not to mention that there is a team of 10,000 people standing in front of them at this moment.

Getting angry will only hasten their demise.

After this battle, the alliance will definitely be severely weakened.

Soft couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart.

I didn’t expect that I would get such a big credit when I first came to Luoxia Province.

It looks like it won't be long before he gets another star on his epaulettes.


The ordering soldier performed a military salute and trotted out of the camp.

The staff officer standing aside frowned slightly, stared at the map and thought for a long time before saying.

"The 40th Thousand are seriously short of ammunition, and the Alliance has pressed up the Heart of Steel. It may be difficult for them to withdraw on their own."

"It doesn't matter," Soft said nonchalantly, "The 40th Thousand Soldiers themselves are not the key to the plan. It doesn't matter if they haven't withdrawn. As long as they can delay the alliance for a little while, that's enough."

"It would be best if that guy Pellaeon succeeds. With the reinforcements coming from both sides, we can pinch the Alliance on the hillside and give it a beating."

"If that doesn't work, then give Highland 330 to the alliance and let them fight on the high ground!"

There was a surprised expression on the staff officer's face.

This is indeed a good idea.

But he always had an ominous premonition.

"What if the Alliance forces arrive before the troops retreating to ambush?"

Upon hearing the staff officer's inquiry, Soft was slightly stunned, and then said without hesitation.

"This is impossible!"

"Even if Pellaeon doesn't gain even one second, the distance from Position 40 to Highland 330 is 30 kilometers longer than Defense Area 43!"

"No matter how fast their armored forces advance, they can't be faster than our troop carriers!"

The staff officer continued with a solemn expression.

"This is generally the case. The length of the road from Position 40 to Highland 330 is indeed longer than the adjacent Defense Area 43, but the straight-line distance is exactly the opposite, only less than 150 kilometers."

"I heard that the alliance is equipped with a large number of exoskeleton equipment supported by companies. If they separate part of the infantry from the road network and advance cross-country in a straight line, it may only take one day to reach Hill 330."

"Split the troops deep behind enemy lines? Send the infantry straight across the country?"

Soft seemed to have heard something funny and raised the corners of his mouth playfully, "Don't their exoskeletons need charging? You might as well say they came over in an airship."

Using airships to transport troops is indeed a problem. After all, anti-aircraft guns cannot break the airship's shield.

But that's all.

The E-bomb can paralyze the external parts of the airship, such as the propellers that expand on the wings, causing the Heart of Steel to drift or anchor when it loses power.

And trying to lower the elevator under their noses is tantamount to a dream. The anti-aircraft cannon can't hit the airship, and it can't hit such a big ladder?

Before the staff officer could speak, Soft continued.

"Not to mention that this 150-kilometer straight-line distance has to go over at least ten mountains. There are also our outposts and air defense positions along the way."

"Even if they are all mutants, there is no way they can reach Hill 330 before our return troops!"

"No way!"

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