This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 473: Of course, clones are also humans, so they can be used to win twice.

"These guys don't think of me when they are having fun, but they think of me whenever they are in trouble. I am not your nanny!"

Heart of Steel, Captain's Room.

Chu Guang, who was sitting at his desk, couldn't help rolling his eyes while looking at the report on "How to Deal with Clone Troopers" submitted by Edge of Water.

Whether it is the world before the time travel or the world after the time travel, there is no precedent in history for the establishment to capture mentally retarded people.

According to the common practice in survivor settlements, the matter must have been buried.

But the alliance obviously can't do it.

A disciplined organization must act according to the rules. The correct idea should be to formulate a set of rules and implement them in accordance with the established rules in the future.

Chu Guang originally wanted to ask Xiao Qi's opinion, but Xiao Qi's focus was on something strange.

"Eh? Master, do you want to have some fun?" The voice contained a hint of surprise, but there was also some reasonable understanding in it.

Almost choking on his spit, Chu Guang coughed and said.

"I'm just giving you an example. Don't focus on these strange places. If you have the computing power, why don't you help me come up with ideas."

Xiaoqi, who was sitting on the table, dragged her chin with her hands, making a thoughtful expression.

"Well, Xiaoqi doesn't know either. There is no reference precedent in the database, but does the master think they are human beings?"

"That's right, even though he is mentally retarded." Chu Guang said casually.

Xiaoqi continued to ask.

"Then how do you deal with the mentally retarded half of the league?"

"They are classified as disabled, and the refugee home will be responsible for placement, or a designated guardian will be arranged." When he said this, Chu Guang's eyes lit up slightly.


Just find someone to take care of these guys.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Guang spoke.

"The clone prisoners are supervised and disciplined by their former direct commander, and they work in teams of ten in the prisoner of war camp. If one person violates the commandments, the whole team will be punished together. If the labor task is not completed, the team leader bears the main responsibility.

This is equivalent to eliminating the positions of deputy captain, flag bearer, trumpeter, etc. from the original ten-man team, leaving the captain to take charge of these clone prisoners of war who are mentally retarded and prone to violence.

The prison terms for prisoners of war in the Alliance basically start at ten years.

Unless the Legion intends to redeem them, most of the clone troopers will not survive the day they are released from prison. In this way, there is no need to worry about how to deal with the impact of these special groups on Alliance society and the social problems caused by it. .

Chu Guang spent ten minutes dictating to Xiao Qi to add some details, including preventing the captain from deliberately killing those procrastinators to escape responsibility, including filling in the loopholes in the specific clauses, etc.

If used properly, these clone soldiers can become a good labor force whether on farmland or in the mines.

Although these clones can't do too complicated work, simple and repetitive manual labor should not be a big problem.

As for the standard of living, let's just settle on "living hard to survive" like other prisoners of war.

"Xiao Qi, did you remember it?"

Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, nodded her head in admiration.

"Hmm! I remember everything!"

Chu Guang's lips curled up into a smile, and he leaned back on the office chair and stretched. Although today's work has only started for ten minutes, I still worked hard for myself.

There are no new changes in the frontline war, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Just when Chu Guang was thinking about whether to open two old headbands to relax, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, suddenly raised his head as if receiving a signal.

"Oh, Master, there is new news from the Foreign Affairs Department, about the company."

Upon hearing the news from the company, Chu Guang subconsciously became nervous.

A large part of the reason why he came to the front line was to avoid the representatives of the company.

My old friends on the East Coast are only happy when they give me money, but are really miserable when it comes to other things.

The Supreme Council has made a resolution in support of the alliance, but it has still not approved the "Orca" transport aircraft to go to the front line.

For another example, everyone had agreed before that they would drive every legion out of the Luoxia Province to avoid future troubles. Only halfway through the battle, they finally gained some advantage, and the council began to discuss whether to use prisoners of war and the legion to start a war. A ceasefire was negotiated.

Of course this is negotiable.

What is just a means and what is the goal? Chu Guang still knows these basic questions in his heart.

After all, the development of the alliance must be completed through farming, industry and infrastructure. War can at best be regarded as a catalyst, and peace is the long-term solution.

But even so, the timing of the negotiations should be to completely weaken the ambition and ability of the "eastern expansion faction" after the legion's strategic deployment in Luoxia Province has been crippled.

If possible, Chu Guang really hoped that his old friends on the east coast would just send money.

"What did he say?"

"He said a reporter from the Zhiyuan newspaper wanted to interview General Soft."

Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief and his tone softened.

"Isn't that enough for McClung?"

Xiaoqi: "Well, Xiaoqi thinks it may be because the previous interview with General McClung was so effective that they want to interview a few more generals."

Chu Guang was stunned for a moment.


Xiaoqi imitated Chu Guang's usual gestures and stretched out her index finger to make a vague stroke in the air. A picture quickly appeared above the holographic computer pen.

This is news broadcast in Ideal City.

Collected by Fang Chang.

In the camera, General McClung clenched his fists, his face was livid, and his face was full of indignation.

"I'll say it again, I didn't lose to the Alliance! I lost to the despicable enterprise! If it weren't for the enterprise's support for the alliance, I wouldn't have lost the battle in the River Valley Province! The battle in the southern part of the Luoxia Province wouldn't have been possible. possible!"

Compared to General McClung's indignation, the reporter sitting opposite him had a happy expression on his face, biting his upper and lower lips to pretend to be serious.

After McClung finished speaking, the reporter couldn't wait to continue asking.

"So you think you actually lost to the enterprise? But we don't think so, regardless of

Whether it was the battle in the River Valley Province or the battle in the southern part of the Luoxia Province, the survivors who were oppressed by the legion fought hard to achieve the final victory."

"Nonsense!" McClung's eyes widened and he glared at the reporter, "When have we ever oppressed local survivors! We haven't even been to Oasis No. 4! Heroic battles? A joke! Are those tanks theirs? Did you do it yourself?”

Reporter: "Well, it's true that we also provided some parts, such as the No. 60 electromagnetic gun."

"It's that damn electromagnetic gun! Without that thing, it would be impossible for the Alliance to penetrate the armor of Conqueror 10! And that ornithopter, without that thing, I would never lose to a group of people fighting on horseback. Aboriginals! They only hide behind others and play tricks. If we have the ability, let's start a battle and fight openly!"

McClun cursed.

However, he did not notice that the angrier he became, the happier the journalist friend sitting opposite him became.

Especially after seeing him break through the defense, the reporter simply removed himself from the shot and placed him in the center of the screen, allowing him to tell his story louder.

The interview soon came to an end.

Having obtained all the desired materials, the reporter concluded this session.

"Thank you for your cooperation in accepting today's interview. However, I think you still have to thank the company. If it weren't for the pressure from the Supreme Council, you might have died in the alliance's coal mine or been hung on the gallows."

McClun said with a stiff expression.


Scholars can be killed but not humiliated.

Let him say thank you to his enemies and he would rather die!

The reporter didn't care at all about his offense to the company. Instead, he took a close-up of his stiff facial expression, and the interview ended there.

Looking at the face-conscious McClun in the camera, Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, and then showed a dumbfounded expression.

Good guy.

No wonder corporate reporters want to interview more generals.

None of these officers who were beaten badly by the alliance admitted that they lost to the alliance. They all said that they only lost because of the logistics and the equipment of the enterprise.

Even if they know in their hearts that one or two pieces of equipment cannot change the outcome of the war, it is better to admit that they lose to a company due to lack of preparation than to lose to a group of "indigenous people" in their eyes.

At least they are both the orthodox successors of the People's Federation.

Enterprises have become the last fig leaf for surrendering officers.

The reporter in the camera clearly took advantage of this, consciously inducing and even stimulating McClung to answer in the desired direction.

Chu Guang tried to put himself in his shoes. For the residents of Ideal City, this kind of interview would really make people feel happy.

During this period, the topic of the battle situation on the frontline must have been quite popular on the Ideal City Endpoint Cloud.

Chu Guang thought for less than two minutes before speaking.

"Okay, let the reporter from Zhiyuan News go."

There is no harm in making the neighbors happy, at least it will make the council's proposal to "calm down the matter" lose the public support.

Looking at the interview video in the holographic window, Chu Guang suddenly felt something in his heart and looked at Xiao Qi who nodded to express receipt and continued.

"Arrange the interview location near Hill 330, and let them interview the clone soldiers. You don't have to ask them to do anything. Just let them see those mentally retarded people."

Life passes eight times faster.

What an evil technology!

That group of mentally retarded people who can do nothing but eat, drink, poop, and fight must be enough to arouse the sympathy of the residents of Ideal City.

Kang's selfless alliance can help them resettle these "poor people" brought in by the war and satisfy the compassion in their hearts that has nowhere to go.

As long as they are willing to pay a small amount of credits.

In this way, those clone soldiers can not only become the labor force for the Alliance to build the wasteland, but also help the Alliance obtain a resettlement subsidy from the company.

It's like winning twice.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was absolutely brilliant. Chu Guang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, smiled and shook his head.

"This dog planner is so inhumane."


After the Skeleton Corps took a short rest at Hill 330, they continued to set off under the leadership of Mole.

Marshal Yade of the Honey Badger Kingdom stayed with the Nationalist Army and fifty captured Conqueror series tanks, preparing to cooperate with the Death Corps to regain the entire No. 3 Oasis.

During the two days waiting for the rear trucks to arrive, the Death Corps stationed on Hill 330 captured nearly four thousand-man teams, totaling more than 5,000 prisoners.

Most of them are clone troopers, and a small number are Wilrantians and subordinates who have been promoted.

Here comes the officer.

In order to manage these prisoners of war, the Alliance had to withdraw a thousand-man team from the Lion Kingdom Army and temporarily held these prisoners of war in a mountain col.

In addition to the surrender of a large number of prisoners, herders from nearby villages and settlements also cautiously approached.

Previously, the legion recruited a large number of young and middle-aged labor forces from the local area and forced them to build fortifications on the front line.

Now the Legion is defeated.

Some of them are here to find relatives, some are here to seek revenge, and some are just here to laugh or join in the fun.

The fellow villagers who didn't wait to eat the milk in the pot were in trouble.

I really couldn't understand their dialect-speaking human language, so I had no choice but to leave them to Marshal Yade of the Honey Badger Kingdom to deal with.

Seeing His Royal Highness the Prince appear in front of them, the hundreds of herdsmen surrounding the entrance of the camp immediately flopped and knelt down.

Looking at Yade's weather-beaten face, tears of excitement filled the eyes of the leading old man.

"Your Highness, you... are finally back!"

Looking at the trembling old man in front of him, Yade had a trace of guilt on his face and helped him up from his knees.

"I've made you suffer."

The old man asked, glancing cautiously at the soldiers standing at the gate of the camp.

"Those people are"

Yade said with a smile.

"They are our friends from the Alliance!"

Hearing this sentence, the surrounding herdsmen whispered for a while, and the old man's face showed a hint of surprise, but soon it was filled with worry.

"Is the alliance in the southern part of that river valley province?"

Ad nodded.

"Well, they lent us a helping hand in times of crisis, and it's thanks to their help that we are able to come back here."

The old man glanced at those people worriedly, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke in a low voice.

"It's not a good idea to let outsiders interfere with desert affairs. The spirit of the sand sea teaches us to be wary of threats from the outside, which will lead to disaster.

Yade explained patiently.

"But things have already happened. The Eagle Kingdom first surrendered to the Legion and invaded our land with the support of the Legion. We cannot defeat them with our strength alone. We can only seek help from outside the desert.

the old man asked in a low voice.

"But what if the Alliance becomes the next Legion? They are already strong enough. Who can guarantee that they will not force us to do things we don't want to do like the Legion did.

"The Alliance's military is a disciplined force and they won't do this, their managers assured me. And, from what I've seen with my own eyes in the Lion Kingdom, they are indeed spreading order and helping the locals. Rebuilding our homes is what we need most at this moment when we are in chaos.”

Yade put his hand on the old man's shoulder, looked at the wrinkled face seriously, and said in a sincere tone.

"Please trust me."

Just as Yade was calming the emotions of the local people, not far away in the center of the camp, a "Killer Whale" transport plane slowly stopped in the open space.

A man who was incompatible with the atmosphere of the battlefield and the wasteland, both in his clothes and his style of painting, jumped out of the cabin first.

There was an interview drone floating behind him, and as soon as it landed, he pulled people and asked excitedly.

"Where's Soft? Where's the general you captured?"

The little player who was pulled was stunned on the spot and stared at this guy in confusion.

"Who are you?"

The players nearby gathered around curiously and looked at this strange NPC.

Seeing the confused expression on the soldier's face in front of him, the man suddenly slapped his head, smiled sheepishly, and quickly took out a business card and handed it over.

"Wu Kaian! Reporter from Zhiyuan News! I heard that there is another good news from the front line. I came here specially from Ideal City. I want to interview your opponent."

Good guy!

Reporter from Utopia? !

Looking at the translation on the VM screen, the player's eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his head and said with a smile.

"There are a group of defeated generals, interviewing them is a silly idea, why not interview me.

Not understanding what he said, Wu Kaian was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

"Uh, you are?"

"I'm an outlaw! I serve in the Death Corps. I'm in the strength department. I'm good at the shotgun. It's a pity that our stupid leader didn't give him a chance at all. Damn, just thinking about it makes me angry! I've spent three days kicking

The wheels were stepped on and smoking, and it was over without even seeing the shadow of the enemy! "

The player kept talking and became more and more excited.

However, Wu Kaian was confused when he heard this.

There were ten unintelligible "dialects" in these three couplets. He was so stunned that he didn't understand a single word from the first sentence.

Finally, after the man finished speaking, he asked in a low voice.

“What does fawaikuangtu mean?

"It's one"


He coughed and interrupted the newcomer player's words. Lao Bai, who came to pick him up from a short distance away, reached out and took the business card from the reporter's hand, looking at him with a look of pity on his face and said. "You're here to interview General Soft, right? He was taken to Highland 330, seventeen kilometers away. I'll arrange for someone to take you there." The manager just told him about this over the phone with him.

Including placing the interview location on Heights 330.

As he said that, Lao Bai looked at Bai Guaishou who came with him.

"Please take him there."

"How ridiculous! Boss." Bai stood up straight and took the order, then looked at the reporter next to him and said with a smile, "Please follow me."

Finally there was someone with whom he could communicate normally. Wu Kaian breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile.

"sorry to bother you!"

Looking at the two people walking away, the lawless maniac said with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Gan! Why don't you let me be interviewed?"

"I'm saving you, no need to thank me, just go back and read the player's manual.

Lao Bai gave this smug newcomer a caring look, leaving him confused, and walked straight to the killer whale transport plane in the center of the camp.

Looking at the pilot in the cabin, he said hello.

"Hello, I am the commander of the Burning Legion.

The pilot who was chewing gum suddenly had his eyes lit up. He immediately moved his crossed legs off the console and opened the cabin.

"The Burning Corps? The Burning Corps?

Lao Bai smiled sheepishly.

"Although I don't know which one you are talking about, the Alliance should have only one Burning Corps.

The pilot said happily.

"I've been admiring you for a long time. I've heard your name a long time ago! The recently popular battle royale game on Endpoint Cloud even released your skin. I almost forgot. You may not know what a battle royale is."

Looking at the pilot talking to himself, Lao Bai looked pityful.

"Is there still this matter?"

"You don't know how popular you guys are over there! Damn it, I should have brought a pen!" The pilot touched the back of his head, chuckled and stretched his right hand out of the small window, "Excuse me, my name is Sun Ze , Airman, Aviation Section, Enterprise Arms Department.”

"Old Bai."

Lao Bai shook hands with him. After letting go, he coughed lightly and continued.

"We can talk about the pleasantries later. We have an urgent mission here and need to use your plane."

"Understood! Your manager has said hello to us and will take the skydiving pilot home.

Bar? Come right up here. "

Withdrawing his right hand from the small window, the pilot raised his thumb and made an up gesture backwards, then continued with excitement, "How are you going to get down in a while? Skydiving?"

Lao Bai coughed.

"Just go down normally..."

Why skydive when you can land normally?

It's not like he's sick.

But after hearing his answer, the pilot looked disappointed, as if he had missed something interesting.

Clicking on VM with his index finger, Lao Bai quickly summoned Ye Shi, Guang Feng, Qing Qing and other brothers from the Burning Corps.

There are twelve people in total, all of them are the top combat power of the Burning Corps.

Counting one power armor, nine sets of six-type "heavy cavalry" and ten sets of five-type "light cavalry" exoskeletons, the firepower of twenty of them is comparable to that of a reinforced company.

To ensure nothing went wrong, the managers asked them to bring the best equipment.

Looking at the people gathered, Lao Bai turned on the speaker of the power armor and said.

"Two messages."

"The bad news is that our ace pilot found a transport plane, and the search mission to the south of Oasis No. 8 was cancelled. The good news is that the picked up plane ran out of power, and it was located in the north of the Golden Lizard Kingdom, so the command arranged for a new one Mission, leaving the search and rescue work to us from the Goblin Corps."

"The mission is very simple. Follow the company's plane to take a long trip north to recover Luo Yu and his baby. If circumstances permit, we will also recover the out-of-control Eagle. There are some special research materials on it. We The white-haired NPC girl is very interested, and we will try our best to

Take it back for her. "

He took a look at the equipment worn by these good brothers, stood on the edge of the water and watched the excitement, and asked curiously.

"Is the lineup so luxurious?"

Several top players in the Burning Corps are here.

Just picking someone up outside the war zone isn't really an exaggeration, right?

Seeing the confusion in his eyes, Lao Bai said with a smile.

"Just in case. Who knows what's on the edge of the Wandering Swamp? I heard from Luo Yu that there seem to be a lot of alien species there."

Ye Shi said with a chuckle.

"1. And we can catch a plane and go back to the frontline airport together."

The Burning Corps is an airborne force, so it naturally has to be on standby at the airport to quickly support areas with emergency situations.

I heard that the Lion Kingdom Army has encountered some tough problems in the northwest, and they should have another chance to play soon.

Compared to hanging up in a truck for two or three days, obviously flying is a better gaming experience.

At this time, Li Dayan, who was leaning on a cane, limped over and looked at everyone and sighed.

"You can take me away too."

Ye Shi asked with a playful smile.

"What's wrong, isn't the frontline fun?"

He grabbed his butt with his right hand and cursed with big debt eyes.

"It's fun, it's so fun!"

1 second to remember:

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