This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 481 This is the

Oasis No. 8.

Li Ke, who was sleeping in the palace, suddenly received a communication request from the rear.

"What maternal sample was found!"

Hearing these words, he who was a little confused a second ago suddenly woke up.

Limited by distance and endurance factors, the communication drone can only last for twenty minutes over Oasis No. 8.

He must keep his words as short as possible.

"Whose sample is it?"

The man in the communication channel continued.

"In the hands of the beacon team. They sent a message to the nearest signal tower in Wandering Swamp through emergency means, but due to the loss of the mobile communication base station during the operation, the Investigation Department was temporarily unable to contact them."

Researchers attach great importance to the ownership of intellectual property rights. This is not only an honor, but also related to their promotion.

When the team of the Investigation Division's Containment Planning Team is assigned to a specific operation, they need to report the information to their immediate superiors. They are not allowed to report beyond the level, let alone leak the information to unrelated persons outside the project team on their own initiative.

This is a rule and a taboo.

There is one exception, however.

That is, when the exploration team accidentally loses the direct communication channel with superiors, referring to the "priority preservation principle", important news can be reported to the higher-level department that can receive the news, and then the higher-level department will relay the news.

All actions and measures taken by the Beacon Team are in full compliance with the academy's rules and regulations.

However, the trouble is that originally this news should have been reported to the chief technology officer by himself. Now, researchers with a little energy may know the existence of the mutant matrix.

This would be troublesome for him who was the first to discover this feat.

Especially since the test tube is not in his hands, there may be many researchers willing to exchange it from the Beacon Team.

It's almost too easy to bribe a few prospectors.

Just let them put their names on a few papers, or simply let them publish a few research results in their own name. No prospector can resist the temptation to become a researcher.

It is also easy for students who are already researchers. The promotion opportunities they desire are as plentiful in the major laboratories of the Research Department as corporate banknotes.

Tapping his index finger lightly on his knee, Li Ke frowned and cursed in a low voice.

"The order I gave them was to follow those people. What actions did they plan without authorization?"

The man on the other end of the communication channel said helplessly.

"According to their statement, they had indeed been following the alliance and kept a safe distance of five kilometers and stood still, but people from the alliance and the enterprise sneak attacked them."

Li Ke said angrily.

"They have drones, how could they be attacked by people from the alliance and enterprises?"

A hesitant voice came from the communication channel.

"I don't know about this, but according to what they said, they repelled the attackers from the alliance and the enterprise during the operation, and took the opportunity to snatch away the previously captured team members, along with the truck and parent organization stolen from the alliance. The fragments managed to escape.”

Li Ke closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then said slowly.

"Okay, I get it."

"Then this matter"

"Let's wait until they come back."

He didn't mind buying the sample with three essays worth 10,000 assessment points and a D-level result, which also counted as compensation for their casualties.

If you don't understand.

Then give them an A-level or S-level ruins."

In a college without currency, grades are everything.

The assessment score K determines the level assessment, and the reward score G can be used to redeem consumer goods to improve life or purchase research equipment, invest in exploration team equipment, etc.

Completing the assessment is a researcher's top priority throughout the year.

Whether you are A-level or C-level, only by completing this year's KPI indicators can you ensure that you will receive sufficient or excess "funding", that is, reward points, in the coming year, and produce enough K points to ensure that you continue to stay in your current position.

If you want to advance, assessment scores alone are not enough, you have to wait in line until the Year of the Monkey.

To prove that they are eligible for more resources and intelligence, researchers must submit sufficient research results.

Take the largest number of D-class prospectors as an example.

According to the rules of the academy, E- and D-level prospectors who want to become regular must, in addition to passing at least one professional skill assessment, also need to be designated students by C-level researchers or above.

A C-level researcher can only bring up to three students, and no new students are allowed until the student reaches a C-level researcher.

To advance from E-level or D-level to C-level, it would take at least ten to five years without resources.

Although the original intention of this rule is to allow tutors to devote their efforts to a limited number of students, since almost no tutor who has recruited three students will become a licker anymore, most C-level researchers with ordinary backgrounds will Students are selected very carefully.

If not chosen by a mentor, a D-level prospector can only become a D-level researcher through fully signed D-level results.

When this rule was first established, it was not difficult to achieve this condition. There were a lot of opportunities in the wasteland waiting for them to develop.

However, as more and more ruins are excavated, it is almost impossible to find a D-level technology that is not included in the academy by relying on the remaining database and map information.

This is like the only achievement that is not unlocked until the end of the game. It may not be very rare, but it cannot be unlocked in one week.

And if you want to develop a new technology on your own and be judged as D-level, it is even more difficult for an explorer with neither resources nor background.

Otherwise, the status of academic researchers would have become as inflationary as corporate banknotes.

However, although it is difficult for researchers without foundation to obtain assessment scores and research results, it is not difficult for academic experts who have their own laboratories and research teams.

After more than a hundred years of development, they have figured out the rules and have already "prescribed the right medicine" to figure out a set of gameplay that can stably produce "K points" and results below D level.

This includes, but is not limited to, splitting a technology into countless sub-technologies that meet D-level evaluations, or innovating N useful but less useful improvements to a recycled technology, etc.

Not to mention, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs have also devised a set of "evaluation standards" that have nothing to do with research.

For example, a certain B-level researcher is currently working on the "War Mediation" project.

Even if it falls short of expectations, as long as the mediation result is within the bottom line, it is still a C-level result.

D-level results can be produced, and E, F, and G can also be mass-produced, but a C-level result is still worth the efforts of a B-level researcher.

After all, if the chief technology officer can achieve significant results beyond his expectations, he might even get a B grade!

And if he has accumulated enough experience in the past, or has the support of his family background, or has a little bit of both, he might be able to further reach the A level!

At the A level, they are basically the core management of the college, and the chief technology officer who directly serves Dr. Conclusion is only an S level.

This is also the reason why the B-level researcher who witnessed Xiaoyu could not let go of the mutated mother body, but could not let go of the work at hand.

Chu Guang didn't know the name of the B-level researcher who assigned the mission to the Beacon Team, nor did he know what that guy was plotting.

He just relied on his experience as a dog planner, the movement trajectory of the "Reindeer" tracked vehicle, the "confession" of a certain E-class female prospector, and the information about the Golden Lizard Royal Family collected by the Battlefield Atmosphere Team during the trip. Waiting for a series of clues to roughly restore the outline of the entire incident

First, a middle-level and high-level person from a certain college went to Oasis No. 8, probably for the purpose of getting instructions from the top level to mediate the war in Luoxia Province.

According to Bing Shui's description, he heard similar rumors when he was in the Great Rift Valley. The senior management of the college expressed dissatisfaction with the Great Rift Valley for its inaction regarding the Lost Valley nuclear bomb, and the people of the Great Rift Valley said, "Don't worry about me." Bullshit."

Strictly speaking, according to the contract a hundred years ago, Luoxia Province, which once served for the post-war reconstruction committee, should belong to the Great Rift Valley's sphere of influence.

It's just that after the Great Rift Valley supported the unreliable agent of the Bugla Free State, it was obvious that it no longer wanted to deal with the indistinct troubles in the wasteland, and peacefully acted as a shield. They even passively ignored the "bone-chewing chaos" that happened under their noses.

If the Great Rift Valley does not plan to intervene in the situation in Luoxia Province, and the academy is unwilling to give up the Golden Lizard Kingdom, a vassal with rich food production, then it will inevitably send a mid-level and high-level figure with the right to speak to Luoxia Province to mediate.

C-level is too low, A-level is too high to put oneself in danger, so the mid-level and high-level figure who comes here can only be B-level.

This is where a coincidence happens.

Xiao Yu, who was driving the "Dragonfly" transport plane, and the little brother it took in the air, just happened to be chasing Luo Yu and gliding to the edge of the Wandering Swamp.

Such a big movement cannot be invisible to the survivors in the Wandering Swamp. If it is a survivor colony under the Science and Technology Committee, it will definitely be reported to the academy deep in the Wandering Swamp.

Once the incident was classified as "the aftermath of the war," it was reasonable to hand it over to the "suspected B-level researcher" who went to Luoxia Province to mediate the war.

Then Xiaoyu's fruiting body was seen by the B-level researcher, and a beacon team was sent to recover it.

Chu Guang could even boldly speculate that if the pilot of the "Saber" fighter jet was still alive, he might be used as a bargaining chip by the academy now.

After discovering that the mother body was in the hands of the enterprise, in order not to affect the primary task of "mediating the war", the B-level researcher chose to adopt a cautious strategy and did not mobilize the Golden Lizard Kingdom to intercept the enterprise and alliance teams at all costs.

Of course, it is also possible that the Golden Lizard Kingdom succumbed to the troops deployed by the alliance in Luoxia Province and rejected the suzerain's request under pressure.

Maybe it was just such a coincidence.

Even Chu Guang himself, who had figured out the whole story clearly, felt a little bit dumbfounded.

Of course, what surprised Chu Guang even more was Lao Bai.

"You kidnapped their researcher"

"Well, it's a prospector and she wasn't brought back by us. We already left her next to the truck. She followed her on her own initiative."

Looking at the stunned managers on the holographic screen, Lao Bai explained awkwardly, even using the word "we", and asked his good brothers to share the output.

According to Fang Chang, this matter is actually very simple. It is simply that the favorability reaches the judgment standard and triggers a hidden branch outside the main line - "Academy Prospector Defection EVENT"

But talking to NPCs about this is probably useless.

He remembered that he had seen Crow Crow's complaints on the forum a long time ago. If he asked the manager directly, "Hey, how good is my favorability level?", the answer he would get in the end would be just a poker-faced sentence: "There is no such setting." Or “I’m not that kind of person.”

However, according to Gou's hints on the forum, the hidden setting of favorability obviously exists, but the NPC himself doesn't know it.

She was worried that the administrators would doubt her motives for defecting to the Alliance because they did not know the inside story, and might even arrest her as a prisoner or send her to a prisoner of war camp.

Looking at the manager behind the holographic screen, Lao Bai spoke carefully.

"Dear Administrator, I don't think you need to worry too much about an abandoned E-class prospector. The academy doesn't know that she is still alive, and she has no reason to continue to be loyal to the academy. And her knowledge and experience are exactly what the Alliance What is needed."

When he said this, he admitted that he was a little selfish.

But this wasn't the kid Ye Shi's teasing motive. He wasn't the kind of person who followed his five senses in his outlook, and he didn't have that idea at all. "

If Zhao Xiao stayed, he would still intercede for the young man.

The reason is simple.

She chose to give up her original identity and stay out of her trust in him and her yearning for the alliance he mentioned. He simply doesn't want to betray this trust, and he doesn't want a person who longs for the alliance to be disappointed with the alliance.

It doesn't matter whether he is simple-minded or his brain cells in the game are diverted by muscles. He doesn't have as meticulous a mind as Fang Chang. Most of the time he just tries to figure out an idea.

If Ms. Chen really did something detrimental to the alliance, or was a spy sent by the academy, he would not hesitate to bring her to justice.

But he couldn't accept it if she did nothing and was treated casually just because of suspicion.

Looking at Lao Bai on the holographic screen, Chu Guang couldn't help but feel a little amused.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he saw such a "cautious" expression on this guy's face.

Although he has never seen a photo of Lao Bai in real life, in his mind, this pure man who can choose the top order instantly when playing black, who will jump to P City when playing chicken, and who always smiles no matter how many times he kneels, has always been in his mind. The image of "Three Seconds of Real Man" Tryndamere.

This statement may be too abstract. If you replace it with Ollie, the strange winter swimming pigeon, it will be more vivid.

In short, this hesitant expression should not appear on this face.

An imperceptible smile curled up at the corner of Chu Guang's mouth.

At once

Just act with him for a while.

"You think too much. A mere E-level prospector is not worthy of my suspicion." Chu Guang raised his chin slightly and looked down at the player in front of him, "Put your head and chest up, I won't blame you. selfishness, but the hesitation on your face makes me wonder whether your loyalty is reliable."

Lao Bai explained quickly, dumbfounded.

"I didn't mean that"

"Regardless of whether there is or not," Chu Guang interrupted him and continued in a tone that could not be refused, "You are not in a suitable condition to stay on the front line. I order you to leave the war zone and take Luo Yu's flight back to Dawn City Army Report to the headquarters and rest locally for three days. This is your punishment."

After pausing for a moment, Chu Guang slowed down his speech, looked at this good brother who regarded him as an NPC, and continued speaking seriously.

"Regardless of blood and origin in the Alliance, whether they are Velant people, researchers in the swamps, or wandering scavengers, even if they were once our enemies, as long as they are willing to unite under the banner of the Alliance from the bottom of their hearts, we will Give them equal treatment. You are the commander of the alliance. Others can have concerns and prejudices, but you should not doubt our line."

Lao Bai couldn't look directly into his eyes for a moment and said with shame.

"Yes." Weird.

It was obviously a game, but he didn't know why he was so involved in the game. Could it be because of his "talent" in the sequence? Looking at Lao Bai who admitted his mistake, Chu Guang couldn't tease him anymore, and coughed lightly and continued.

"Don't be too mentally burdened. Just think of it as a vacation, just in time to let the prospector go back with you. This is a war zone, and it's not the place she should be. Take her around when you have time. , don’t be in a hurry to learn about our alliance’s work.”

Good guy.

It turned out that a hidden mission was triggered.

Lao Bai, who thought he had fallen out of favor, breathed a sigh of relief, clasped his fists and nodded. "As you command!"

Three days is not a long time, so just think of it as a rotation.

Although he was unwilling to leave his brothers and return to the rear alone, he believed that with their ability, they could still manage things beautifully even without him.

Not knowing what Lao Bai was thinking at this moment, Chu Guang just thought that he understood his hard work and hung up the communication with satisfaction.

Looking at the folded holographic screen, Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief and finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Hahahaha! Interesting!"

Looking at Chu Guang who suddenly laughed out loud, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, put her chin in her hands for no apparent reason and asked enthusiastically.

"Is it like opening a small account and posting a beautiful girl's profile picture to pretend to be a senior and chat with roommates?"

"Go away, who would do such an immoral thing?

Chu Guang glared at Xiao Qi who was sitting on the edge of the pen holder, stretched out his finger and flicked the talkative figure into the pen holder. I can’t remember whether he did it before. Campus life was so long ago.

Pretending not to hear the clanging movement in the pen holder and the pitiful plea for mercy, Chu Guang leaned back on the chair comfortably.

The crash is finally over.

Although the alliance's troubles are far from over, the impact of the academy's sudden attack on the situation in Luoxia Province is still unknown. But this is the meaning of his existence as a manager

He will lead this young alliance to show those ancient "fallen empires" their uncompromising bottom line and determination to fight to the end.

Chu Guang's eyes couldn't help but drift to the calendar on the corner of the table.

Maybe one day in the future, he will reveal a little bit of inside information to the four good sons who were involved in the huge whirlpool of wasteland 0L. For example, Shuguang in the game and Aguang on the forum are actually the same person, and then admire their faces. Funny expression.

But it's too early to say that now. Even his own understanding of the truth is just the tip of the iceberg.

The extra update at the beginning of the month was moved to the end of the month, but there was no pigeon.

1 second to remember:

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