This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 486 The Liberation of the Honey Badger Kingdom

After ending the call with the alliance, Li Ke immediately sent a communication request to the legion. After reporting at all levels, he finally contacted General Griffin, the commander-in-chief of the legion in Luoxia Province.

However, when he threw out the prepared proposal, Griffin's answer was beyond his expectation -

"Dreaming." Looking at the face in the holographic image, Griffin said with a cold smile.

Li Ke was stunned for two seconds and tried to persuade.

"You have no chance of winning. If you sit down and negotiate now, you can still keep Oasis No. 2."

Griffin stared at him for a while, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Do you think that oasis is what we need?" Li Ke pressed his eyebrows with a headache.

Negotiating with the Legion is far more difficult than negotiating with the Alliance.

He thought he had done enough research and preparation, but the price he offered still failed to arouse the other party's interest.

This couldn't help but make him feel a little frustrated.

"Then what do you want? You can always talk about it." "What do you want? Hahahaha."

As if he heard some funny joke, Griffin suddenly laughed out loud. After a long time, he looked at the man in front of him and continued in a sarcastic tone.

"You who are still weighing the pros and cons don't understand."

Before the person on the holographic screen could speak, Griffin casually waved his right hand and hung up the communication.

"You don't have to report the college's phone number to me anymore." The bodyguard in bulletproof armor saluted respectfully. "yes!"

Griffin nodded calmly. "Go down."

The guard turned and left the camp.

He was the only one left in the spacious camp.

Sitting on a chair carved from palm wood, Griffin quietly looked at the silent night sky outside the curtains and the shadows on the curtains that flickered due to the brazier.



The most fanatical die first, then the stupid.

Even if he doesn't like the way those two behave, it doesn't stop Griffin from respecting them.

Compared with the traitors who surrendered with their hands raised and the cowards who were too timid to move forward, they all fought like heroes to the end for His Majesty the Marshal's ideals, using their own blood to pave the way for the Wilante people to conquer everything. The road to triumph.

"We agreed back then to plant the legion's flag at the highest point of the Great Rift Valley and return to the Triumph City with the glory of victory..."

"It's so lonely."

Reaching out and picking up the brass flask, Griffin poured himself a glass of red wine. The bright red color swaying in the glass rekindled a trace of desire in his cloudy pupils.

"For twisted and stupid guys like you, neither hell nor heaven will accept you... In this case, just stand there and keep your eyes open."

Even if all his plans go bankrupt, he still holds the last trump card.

He would tell those two fools that caution was not out of cowardice, and that he had never been afraid of death as he was loyal to His Majesty the Marshal.

As long as his sacrifice is meaningful, he will give up this body of flesh and blood without hesitation.

"...I will fulfill your long-cherished wish." Even if the cost is himself.

After pouring the wine in the cup into the brazier, Griffin's face burned with madness as he looked at the flying sparks and carbon shavings.

"bring it on."

Evil, ugly, chaotic barbarians... I think you must be ready to wake up.

Oasis, Honey Badger City.

There was a billowing smoke under the towering river embankment, and the dusk in the distance came to an end with the gradually subdued artillery fire.

Before the ground troops arrived, the Heart of Steel, guided by the Goblin Corps aircraft, carried out repeated bombardments on the suburban positions.

The bunkers and trenches standing in the wheat fields were almost completely buried by the dust kicked up by the shells.

After suffering nearly a thousand casualties, the soldiers who were left behind finally couldn't bear the fear of death. They raised their hands in surrender and walked out of the trenches.

Honey Badger City, which had blocked the Legion for three days, was captured by the Death Corps and the Restoration Army of the Honey Badger Kingdom in just two hours.

He rushed to the edge of the city, paddled the water, raised his arms and shouted, raising his rifle and shouting.

"Brothers! Occupy the City Lord's Mansion! The valuable intelligence and information are there, don't let the NPCs get there first! Remember not to kill those who surrender, but try to capture those alive!"

The green light that could frighten the children appeared in the eyes of the power beasts following him, and the survivors were so frightened that they did not even dare to come out of the house to welcome Master Wang.

"Ouch!" "Take them!"

In less than two hours, a survivor settlement with a population of hundreds of thousands was captured.

This time the vp should be done! the other side.

Looking at the devastated capital city just around the corner, Marshal Yade of the Restoration Army felt his eyes moistened, and his chest was filled with thousands of thoughts.

He dismounted and knelt on the ground, pulled out the sword from his waist, stuck it on the ground as a tombstone, and prayed devoutly with his palm on the blade.

"Father...Mother...I'm back."

The guards beside him also dismounted and knelt on the ground with one knee. At this time, a messenger trotted over.

Seeing Marshal Yade kneeling on the ground, he quickly touched his knees to the ground and reported.

"Report, Sir! When we were retaking the river embankment, we captured several lackeys from the Falcon Kingdom... They were installing explosives on the river embankment, preparing to blow up the favor given to us by the Spirit of the Sand Sea. What do you think? Deal with them!"

Yade slowly stood up from the ground, pulled out the sword stuck on the ground, and handed it into the hand of the messenger.

"Use this sword to chop off their heads and place them under the river embankment."

The eyes of the messenger flashed with hatred, and he took the sword from the marshal's hand with both hands and took the order.


The Alliance doesn't kill prisoners, but they don't have that many rules.

For the villains who betray their faith and soul, the desert residents have their own ways to punish those sinners.

After explaining everything, Yade turned back on his horse, waved the reins, and led the guards towards the city.

The battle in the city is over.

The governor appointed by the Falcon Royal Family had fled, leaving only one servant who was in charge of the accounts. He had no time to escape and was captured alive by people from the Alliance.

The City Lord's Mansion is currently under the control of the Death Corps.

And the Restoration Army under his command has recaptured the castle and palace that once belonged to them.

The legion's flag was torn down by soldiers who climbed up the river embankment and replaced with the honey badger king's flag rewoven from devil's silk.

Looking at the flags flying on the river embankment, the residents of the city walked out of their homes one after another and stood on both sides of the street to greet the soldiers entering the city.

Looking at the ragged, sallow and skinny people on both sides of the street, Yade felt a pain in his heart.

Famine in a land blessed by the Spirit of the Sand Sea is a blasphemy.

He looked at the guard captain on the side. "Open the granaries and give them the food."

The captain of the Guards had a troubled look on his face and reported in a low voice. "The granary is under Alliance control."

Yade was silent for a while. "Take me there." The captain of the Guards ordered. "yes!"

The granary is not far from the City Lord's Mansion. While controlling the City Lord's Mansion, the Alliance soldiers also controlled it at the same time.

Yade noticed that these people were not soldiers of the Death Corps. Their military uniforms and insignia should be that of the First Legion of the Alliance.

"Who is in charge here?" He shouted as he looked at the soldiers at the door of the granary.

It was beyond his expectation.

The person who walked out from behind the courtyard wall was not an Alliance officer, but a plainly dressed woman wearing jeans and a T-shirt. "it's me."

While standing at the door, Teresa looked nervously at the man on the horse.

Just as she expected, almost the moment her face appeared, Yade, who was riding on the horse, narrowed his eyes.

The guards who followed him tightened their grip on the horse rifles in their hands, their eyes without exception flashing with hatred.

Several Alliance soldiers looked at each other and took two steps forward to stand next to Teresa.

They were not interested in the grudges of the desert residents, but the administrator ordered them to protect this person's safety, so no one could harm her.

"What are you doing here?" Holding the reins in his right hand, Yade raised his hand to signal the cavalry behind him to put away their weapons, and looked at her coldly.

Teresa took a deep breath and spoke truthfully.

"I am the person in charge of the refugee home appointed by the Alliance...The Alliance will hand over the captured food to us for resettlement, and let me do everything possible to rescue the residents here--"

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by the angry voices of a group of Guards soldiers behind Yad.

"That's food plundered from our land!"

"The people of the Honey Badger Kingdom don't need legion's lackeys to save them!" "Bah!"

"You saw it." Yard shook his chin back and stared at the woman in front of him with squinted eyes, "The warriors of the Honey Badger Kingdom don't need your help. Give us the key to the granary and we will help the hungry people. "

"As for you, go wherever you like, just don't block our way."

There was no point in him trying to embarrass a defenseless woman. But that doesn't mean he'll look down upon her.

Facing that chilling momentum, a drop of sweat streaked down Theresa's fair cheek.

Although there was a flash of instinctive panic in her eyes, she did not retreat because of this, and still stared at the man on the horse.

"How do you plan to save those hungry people?" Yade replied without hesitation. "Give them food." Sure enough.

Theresa was not surprised at all by his answer.

How could the princes and nobles who were born in a wealthy land experience hunger, how could they understand what the hungry people were thinking, let alone experience in dealing with famine.

Like the Acting King of Summer, in their eyes, the problem may be solved as long as they send food.

However, this is far from the case.

The root cause of famine caused by war is not entirely the lack of food, but the lack of social order and the stagnation of social production activities.

She didn't fully understand those complicated theories, but having worked at the grassroots level, she knew that just distributing food was not enough.

Teresa took a deep breath and continued.

"...There are 80,000 registered residents in Honey Badger City, and there are only 6,000 tons of food in the granary. How do you ensure that everyone can fill their stomachs."

Ade frowned.

"This is not easy. Seventy kilograms per household is enough for them to eat." Teresa continued to ask questions intently.

"Is this true for a family of three and a family of six? How to deal with families who have lost their labor force and unregistered residents?" Yade said impatiently.

"Then it will be divided according to head."

"That's even more impossible... Adults will snatch food from the hands of children, and strong adults will snatch food from the weak. Even if the residents of Honey Badger City keep to themselves and don't steal or rob, someone will take it from their hands. Buy it and eat it all

The food will be sold to them at a high price when they exchange their children for food. "

Yad stared at her with a livid face.

The guard captain standing aside shouted sternly.

"You fart! How could a member of the honey badger royal family do something like that!"

Teresa: "Maybe, they are noble and pious enough, but there are obviously ways to avoid tragedy, so why must they place their hopes on morality and faith."

The guard captain said coldly.

"It's not the Legion's lackey's turn to teach us how to-" "Shut up."

Yad scolded him and looked at the woman with squinted eyes.

"What do you think should be done?"

Teresa took a deep breath and said seriously.

“Set up relief points throughout the city, divide communities, and ration food uniformly on a community basis. While helping the hungry, register their names, ages, heights, weights, families, and occupations, and organize people with labor force to participate in post-war reconstruction work. and the reclamation of farmland outside the river banks.”

"Let those who are unable to work live and not starve to death, and let those who are able to work be fed and use their strength in the right places. They will be in poverty for a while, but as long as they can hold on to the next year's grain harvest, everything will be fine."

"Believe me... We have enough experience and ability to deal with it. If you don't trust me, you can send someone to watch me."

Teresa looked at Yad seriously and said.

This is the work experience she has accumulated over the past few months.

The Alliance did this in the Ruigu City area in the southern part of the River Valley Province. This was more effective than distributing food directly to the hungry people.

"My lord...she is the princess of the Falcon Kingdom." Looking at Yade who was deep in thought, the captain of the Guards couldn't help but worry.

Urgently, he lowered his voice and reminded, "Those people would even blow up the river embankment in order to destroy us!"

Ad didn't speak, but glanced at the Union flag next to him, and finally looked at Theresa, who was staring at him nervously.

"Why are you doing this?"

Theresa was silent for a while, then shook her head with a wry smile.

"I don't know... you might not believe it, but it makes me feel better."


All we can do is trouble the managers to convince him.

However, just when she thought this, things developed beyond her expectation.

As if he believed her statement, Yade waved his hand back, signaling for the guards to turn around.

Before turning away, he dropped a few words. "...If you have any trouble that can't be solved, you can come to me in the castle." Teresa breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her head and said softly. "Thanks."

It is best to resolve conflicts in this way.

She didn't pray that they would forgive the Falcon Kingdom for their mistakes, but she still wanted to do something in her own capacity.

As for reason one -

Perhaps it was because that day on the Heart of Steel, that adult was asked by Summer, the acting king of the Honey Badger Kingdom.

The answer to "In what capacity do I stay in the alliance?"

(She) was the one liberated by the Alliance. '

'. . . . . Both the residents of Oasis No. 3 and Oasis No. 2 are victims of this war. '

There was no hesitation in the voice.

'We will liberate them. 'Twelve o'clock in the morning in the wasteland.

The official website of Another World is bustling with activity.

Debt-eyed: "Hahaha! We took down Honey Badger City in two hours! Let me ask you if you are awesome!"

Quit smoking: “666!”

Elf King Fugui: "Tsk, what the hell, we annihilated a division in two hours! (Rolling eyes)"

I was the darkest: "That's right! Moreover, the legion and the Falcon Kingdom's large forces have all withdrawn to Oasis No. 2. How can you who are cleaning the battlefield encounter the main force of the devil!"

The construction site boy and Brick: "It's not important! We liberated Oasis No. 3! (Proud)"

Elf King Fugui: "Gan!"

Irena: "By the way, Oasis No. 2 will be next. (Funny)"

Mole on the run in the canyon: "We will arrive at Bicester Town tomorrow. The legion has built a lot of fortifications there. It is expected that there will be a tough battle."

Ye Shi: "@Battlefield Atmosphere Group Pangolin Brothers, where are they?"

There are really mosquitoes in wc: "Tell me, what's your situation. (bad smile)"

I was the worst: "Damn! Where's the person? He was online just now." Ye Shi: "You're not really doing bad things, are you??"

An hour ago, many people saw Warlander popping up online, and mentioned in his posts that he had followed Colway to retreat to Bicester Town, the logistics hub of Oasis No. 2.

As a result, while we were chatting, the people suddenly disappeared.

Thinking that he usually went offline in a latrine, everyone couldn't help but worry.

The @ symbol filled the screen in the post.

Perhaps he had a premonition that someone was arranging him. Under the constant calls from all the players, Warlord finally appeared belatedly.

"Ahem...there's new news, big news, absolutely explosive!" Fang Chang: "Breaking news is okay."

Commander of Fountain: "You persuaded Colway to surrender? (Squint)" Debt-eyed: "How did you persuade him? (Smirk)"

I was the worst: "Tell me, brother, does it hurt? (Curious)" The battlefield atmosphere team: "Get out!"

Teng Teng: "

Ye Shi: "Stop talking nonsense, gkd!"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Well, regarding the movements in the distant Triumph City... things are a bit troublesome. I just sorted it out and submitted it to the mission interface. I will open a post outside to elaborate on it later."

In a new post that took about two to three thousand words, Warfield described in detail the interest entanglements of the Legion's eastward expansion faction.

To put it simply, Luoxia Province had three "generals" before it.

The highest-ranking one is General Krass, the five-star commander, followed by Griffin, and then McClun.

All three of them were the backbone of the legion's eastward expansion faction, advocating the conquest of the Great Rift Valley, the birthplace of the post-war Reconstruction Committee, and projecting power to the entire Central Continent through the Great Rift Valley.

However, the forces of the Eastern Expansionists do not have an advantage within the Legion, and even the Eastern Legion does not fully support the march to the east of the Great Desert.

In order to gain the support of the Triumph City, the eastward expansion faction headed by Claas launched the first expedition. However, due to insufficient preparation, Claas died in the first expedition.

Griffin inherited Klas's basic business plan in Luoxia Province and adopted a series of strategies. This includes economically winning over the Bugla Free State, inciting the Bone Chewing Tribe to sweep across the central and southern parts of the River Valley Province, and militarily supporting the Falcon Kingdom to annex the kings of Luoxia Province, etc.

However, his plan obviously did not go smoothly. Not only did he fail to conquer the countries in the desert, he was even pushed back to Oasis No. 2 by the alliance.

Now Griffin only has one card left in his hand to use.

That is to sacrifice ten thousand troops, himself, and the legion's vassals in Luoxia Province in exchange for the "sympathy" of other factions in Triumph City towards the eastward expansion faction.

It's not exactly sympathy.

Whether it is for the prestige of the Triumph City, or for the promising young officers in the ten thousand-strong army, and the Valente nobles who come to the front line to gild, the Legion will definitely respond to this corporate-backed war.

The greatest possibility is a battle in heaven between two "fallen empires".

This is what companies have always tried to avoid.

Players are clearly divided on whether or not to continue the game.

Mole is on the run in the canyon, but he supports continuing the fight.

The reason was simple. He had just experienced the feeling of a torrent of steel, and he was not satisfied yet. If the enterprise and the legion really fight, the alliance may not be able to fish in troubled waters.

On the contrary, I felt a little hesitant when paddling on the edge. The situation in Oasis No. 3 was beyond his expectation.

According to the incomplete statistics he collected from the Lord's Mansion of Honey Badger City, in just one month of occupation,

The total population of the honey badger kingdom has decreased by 5%.

It's not that his compassion is overflowing.

If it was the order from the headquarters, he would head to Oasis No. 2 without hesitation and fight to the end with those fanatics who were stubbornly resisting.

He just continued to fight, and he couldn't see where the war would end.

"I agree with driving the Legion out of Luoxia Province. This is the war they started, but I am not sure what to do after that. Unless we have the ability to push the front to Triumph City, otherwise this endless war will will me

They...even everyone is dragged into the quagmire. "

Fang Chang: "Actually, I think there is little point in debating whether to cease fire. If the legion is unwilling to let go, it will be useless even if we agree to a ceasefire. (Squints)"

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