This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 491 This hard-won end

A plain about sixty kilometers away from the royal capital.

After ordering the entire army to infiltrate into the enemy territory in units of a hundred men, Commander Quan Shui led a team of a hundred men alone across the dark wheat fields for several miles, and finally reached the nearest road.

The three infantry squads immediately spread forward and moved forward in an arrow formation along the road and both sides of the road while searching. "Speaking of which, the wheat is already ripe. No one has harvested it." The man who was walking in front reached out and pinched an ear of wheat and rubbed it gently in his hand. If he looked closely, there were already green spots on the ear of wheat. Bud tip.

As the saying goes, "Start at the starting point, 90% mature, 100% harvested, 10% mature, 10% discarded." Wait until the wheat is completely mature before harvesting. At least 10% per acre

The yield will be reduced by forty or fifty kilograms, and the quality of the crops will be much worse.

If there is continuous rainy weather and the wheat sprouts or becomes moldy, the losses will be even greater. Fortunately, it rarely rains in the oasis, and fresh water resources are supplied by river banks and preserved in the soil. "...It's normal. The mobilization of the Falcon Kingdom has reached the final stage, and the entire social production activities have stagnated. Not to mention that no one will harvest the wheat when it is ripe. Even if it is received in the granary, it will not be delivered to the dining tables of ordinary people. "

Glancing at the endless wheat fields next to him, Commander Quanshui smacked his tongue in regret. What a pity for this fertile black land.

If this land is developed by the alliance's professional life players, the yield per acre can reach thousands of kilograms at least.

If combined with the high-quality seeds provided by the CNC planting tower and the Biological Research Institute, two thousand kilograms will not be a problem! "Do you want to set fire to it?" I asked eagerly. "It's not necessary," Commander Quanshui said concisely. "Our targets are industrial facilities and transportation hubs. There is no point in destroying farmland."

Large-scale destruction of farmland requires the use of defoliants.

Just setting fire to a few pieces of land will not burn, and it may also affect your own people walking through the fields, which is a waste of time and not much benefit.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you put on the Water Arrow Turtle suit?" I took a look at the miner's exoskeleton on Quan Shui's body, and I joked.

He wanted to ask when he got off the airship just now. Quan Shui rolled his eyes. "Starting from the starting point, you think I'm stupid."

The mobility of the Destroyer 1 is too poor. With the addition of a shield backpack and a 120 mortar with an automatic loader, the wearing weight is close to one ton, and it can't run very fast even if the power is fully turned on.

What's more, they were not going to fight against the Falcons or the legion's regular troops, but to engage in infiltration and sabotage behind enemy lines. It was really unnecessary to bring such a big fake iron coffin.

If you really need fire support, just call in airship bombardment and that's it.

While he was talking, there was a thunderous explosion in the sky behind him. Commander Quanshui glanced back.

"The brothers from the Burning Legion have probably landed." I said with the darkest look on my face.

"Damn it...why do all the good jobs belong to them, but we have to do this sneaky job!" Kakarot joked with a smile.

"What surreptitiousness! This is called strategic sabotage, infiltration behind enemy lines!" "Okay, listening to you say that, this surreptitious job will instantly become more sophisticated." "Hahaha"

Looking at his teammates talking and laughing, Commander Quanshui coughed.

"After all, we are here to cause damage, not for an outing... Please be serious."

"Since we are doing destruction, shouldn't we be more vicious?

Just like this," I said with the darkest eyebrows, while trying to squeeze out a few ounces of meat from my face, shaking the rifle at my waist, "Robbery! Hand over all the money in your pocket. "

Looking at his bearlike appearance, Kakarot couldn't help laughing. "You're just acting like a devil to get into the village."

Commander Quan Shui held his forehead. This guy is hopeless. "By the way, where should we find a factory?"

The Graveyard Ghost Hunter sighed and looked helplessly at Brother Quan Shui. Seeing that there were finally people who cared about their mission, a happy smile finally appeared on Quan Shui's face.

"It's easy to say, just follow the clues and you'll be done."

Road transportation is one of the supporting facilities for industry. The resources and manpower from each survivor settlement need to be transported to the industrial area through the road network to complete production.

The Falcon Kingdom is a classical militaristic country, and its spacious roads are generally dedicated to military facilities and military production units.

So it's easy to identify high-value targets. Just choose the widest ones from the roads near Falcon City, and then follow the road towards the front line and that's it.

You can always find several distribution centers for supplies on the road.

As long as any logistics transfer base is used and local logistics information is used to find out where the materials are sent from, it will not be too difficult to locate the industrial zone with the strategic depth of Oasis No. 2.

As luck would have it, everyone walked along the road for a while and happened to encounter a broken down tractor.

A man with bare arms squatted next to the tractor and used a wrench to tighten the screws. Another middle-aged man in a vest sat in the driver's seat and urged the tractor.

Seeing a group of people walking in the distance, the man sitting on the tractor didn't take it seriously at first, thinking they were one of his own. But when he walked in, he discovered that the equipment of these people was completely different from that of the Falcon Kingdom's army.

Whether it’s the exoskeleton with shiny breastplates or their

The assault rifles in hand are definitely not affordable for today's Falcon Kingdom.

The man's face turned pale in an instant. He jumped out of the car in a hurry and was about to get into the wheat field. However, he was picked up by a strong and powerful hand before he took two steps.

"Why are you running?" He carried the man back like he was carrying a chicken. Ah Nie smiled evilly at him and said, "Did you do something bad?"

Although he is a newbie, he is still a newbie in the power system. He has a bit of power when he first entered the game.

Both arm strength and grip strength are at least 140% of those of ordinary adult men, so it is naturally not something that ordinary people can break free from. That hand was like an iron pliers, which held the man unable to move. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not move at all. He only felt the pain in the area where he was caught getting more and more painful.

"No, no... how dare you, little one," seeing that he could not break free from the shackles of the soldiers in front of him, the tractor driver finally gave up his struggle and looked at him tremblingly and said, "Excuse me, Master... you,

Which army are you from?"

"Storm Troopers" Ah Nie replied proudly.

"Wind, Storm Troops." The driver looked confused. He had never heard of this number at all.

"What are you doing with all the nonsense?" Hearing the noise from the front, I walked up from behind with a group of people, staring at the driver who was being held in a ferocious manner, "Robbery! Hand over the valuables."

"Robbing, robbing." The driver's face became even more confused, and he said with a mixture of laughter and tears, "Sir, you have just come here. If you want to rob, you should go to those nobles... we can't even afford food." How can such a poor man have money?"

"Hiss...that's right, how can I get the money if I can't even eat." I nodded my head, with a hint of sympathy in my eyes, but I quickly realized that I was doing a task, so I turned the fierce look on my face again. The expression came out.

"I don't care whether you have money or not. Hurry up and hand over all your valuables."

Looking at the bright muzzle of the gun, the driver was so anxious that he almost cried. As for the man repairing the car, he was completely frightened. He threw away the wrench and crouched beside the tractor with his head in his hands, shivering, not daring to move.

Rolling his eyes at the back of his idiot, Commander Quan Shui walked up to the frightened driver and stared into his eyes.

"What's in the car?" the driver replied nervously. "……iron."

Commander Fountain asked impatiently.

"I know it's iron. I want to ask you what kind of iron it is, what it's used for, and where it's sent."

Upon hearing this question, the driver reacted immediately. "This is... the iron products collected by Rhodesland Town. We follow the logistics officer's order to send them to the William Industrial Zone." William...

It seems to have the same name as the prince and marshal of the Falcon Kingdom. But this is nothing surprising.

In a feudal kingdom where agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, there is a high probability that only the royal family and the great nobles have the ability to industrialize. Since the industrial areas are the assets of the royal family, there is nothing wrong with naming them after members of the royal family.

I walked over to the tractor and took a look. I found that there were pots and pans inside and muttered. "What's the use of this thing?"

Commander Quanshui ignored his muttering and stared at the man and continued to interrogate him.

"What is the name of the factory you sent to and what it produces?"

The tractor-trailer driver replied in an uncertain voice. "The name is No. 1 Foundry...well, it seems to produce steel pipes." Steel pipes

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

After putting down the cargo on the tractor, I was extremely excited. "It's a seamless steel pipe"

The driver replied dumbfounded, "Sir, I just

A delivery person, I really don’t know... Just ask the factory director there. "

Steel pipes were just one of the products of that factory.

Including steel helmets, engineer shovels, bayonets, and military kettles. The production lines for bullets and so on were all there, but he didn't dare to say anything. These people always gave him a bad feeling.

"Good idea." A smile appeared on Commander Quanshui's face. He patted his driver on the shoulder and looked at the frightened man in front of him and continued, "Can you take us to see your factory director?"

How could that man dare to say a word "no"? Faced with that warm smile like a spring breeze, he could only nod his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Quan Shui didn't talk nonsense, looked back at his teammates behind him, and waved.

"Let's go, handcuff them."

"What should I do with this tractor?" I looked at the newly repaired tractor next to me and felt that it was a pity to lose it. Quan Shui thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

"Throw the goods in the car into the wheat field, and the tractor... just take it with you first."

Although he didn't think about the use of this thing, but in case it could be used, he would bring it with him first.

The Storm Troops were still advancing quietly under the cover of night.

At the same time, in Falcon City dozens of kilometers away, the night was boiling like a burning flame.

Dense gunshots came one after another, like raging waves surrounding the towering castle in the center of Falcon City.

The first two hundred-man troops to fill the city were quickly defeated.

The alliance's pilots seemed to carry the ammunition of a 10,000-man army, and the bursts of gunfire sounded as if bullets were free of charge. Not only that, they even removed the machine guns from the plane.

The brick-and-stone houses and walls in the city were like paper in front of the 129-caliber machine gun bullets, and even the people and the walls were often shattered into pieces as soon as the shuttle passed by.

Until the last moment of his life, the fool Adem who went deep into the city to "encircle and suppress enemy pilots" did not wait for reinforcements from the rear. However, what he didn't know was that his commander was not blind or deaf, but simply had no time to care about him. The Alliance pilots were obviously not satisfied with solving a few minions. At the same time as they surrounded him, they separated a team of men to attack the gate of the castle and started a fierce exchange of fire with the defenders at the gate.

Predictably, facing the suppressed firepower of dozens of aircraft machine guns, the Falcon Kingdom soldiers, who only had a few bolt-action rifles, were completely unable to fight back.

Seeing that the gunfire had reached the bottom of his eyebrows, Myrdal made a prompt decision and immediately sent two loyal guards to the main entrance of the castle with explosives, intending to blow up the gatehouse directly. Although this cannot prevent the alliance from entering the castle, it can at least prevent the alliance from entering the castle.

Buy some time before the defense troops arrive.

However, at this moment, a gunshot was heard from the direction of the bell tower in the distance, and a stream of blood mist instantly exploded on the head of the guard under the main entrance of the castle.

The guard who was following him hadn't figured out the direction of the gunshot, and soon another bullet penetrated his skull.

This time the gunshot was not even heard, and the man fell to the ground without saying a word. "two"

After reporting the victory over the communication channel, Ye Shi was lying on the top of the bell tower, his eyes fixed on the scope as he searched for the edge of the castle.

With the assistance of a thermal imaging scope, the night was as clear to him as day, and all living creatures had no escape. The perception of murderous intent allows him to quickly determine whether his position is exposed and whether other snipers are targeting him.

Controlling the rhythm of his breathing, he pulled the trigger again. Just hearing the sound of a gunshot, another guard was shot in the head near the castle gate in the distance and fell heavily to the side. The continuous casualties put great psychological pressure on the defenders near the castle gate, and even the most loyal soldiers began to feel fear.

Compared to the suppressive firepower of machine guns and the buzz of diving fighter planes, it is obviously the snipers who use cold guns to make people feel more numb. The sudden bursts of machine gun fire may not kill veterans who have been on the battlefield all year round, but the sniper rifle lying in ambush outside the range will kill someone almost as long as the gunshot is fired. Experience has lost its effect.

Everyone squatting behind the bunker became meat on the chopping board. No one knows who will be targeted next.

Facing the alliance's fierce and well-coordinated offensive, the defense line at the main entrance of the castle is collapsing backwards... "...Three..."

Calmly removing the bullet casing from the gun chamber, Ye Shi took a deep breath and began to search for the next target with higher value. At the same time, the fighting in the city has basically ended. Listening to the distant gunfire, Lao Bai pulled out the hot hatchet from a corpse, raised his index finger and pressed it on the side of the helmet. "The city has been cleared."

The sound of strong wind soon came from the communication channel. "Well done, keep pushing towards the palace" "Copy that!"

Lao Bai grinned, hung the melt cutting ax on the exoskeleton, and picked up the rifle hanging on his chest again. It feels good to play support occasionally. But having said that, there are still some experts in the Falcon Kingdom. For example, the person he killed just now turned out to be an awakener. He thought that all the masters of this kingdom had died in the previous battle.

It seems difficult for any game to avoid a problem, that is, version changes can never keep up with the snowballing pace of players. Especially this kind of game that claims to be completely real, where “players”

The existence that not only cannot die, but also gets stronger as it fights is full of absurdity.

He could clearly feel that their opponents were getting weaker and weaker. At first, a ten-man infantry squad could only be equipped with a light machine gun, but now, let alone a light machine gun, there were only more than thirty anti-aircraft guns left in the huge capital, and the two hundred-man squadrons could not even muster three machine guns.

The almost frenzied mobilization has drained the kingdom of its last vestiges of vitality.

If the Falcon Kingdom a few months ago was still a hungry wolf armed to the teeth by the Legion, then now it is completely like a dying old dog.

Rather than saying that they were beaten to death, it would be better to say that they were dragged to death.

Because players cannot die, no matter how the alliance mobilizes, as long as those NPCs that cannot be resurrected are not put into the front line on a large scale, the manpower pool will not change much. Instead, it will make a war fortune because of the support of enterprises.

Theoretically, the alliance can win against any "non-player force" using this unreasonable method. As long as industrial production does not stagnate, even consumption can kill the opponent.

Lao Bai couldn't help but be curious about how A Guang would deal with the problem of expanded combat power in the later stage.

However, now is obviously not the time to think about this. "...It's time to give this crumbling dilapidated house the final blow." Looking at the main entrance of the castle that had been captured in the distance, Lao Bai grinned and led a group of team members behind him to quickly kill in the direction of the castle. past.

At this moment, the castle was already a sea of ​​fire. The sounds of panicked footsteps and screams could be heard one after another.

No one thought that the flames of war would reach His Majesty the King's castle. Most people thought tonight was just another air raid, and while it would be tough, it wouldn't be too hard. But now--

All these innocent thoughts came to nothing.

Having never been on a battlefield or even affected by war, they finally experienced the fear of death at this moment.

The usually groveling servants now completely changed their appearance, and the fear of death completely tore off their respectful masks.

Those who want to survive hide and escape at all costs, while those who give up on survival are completely reduced to beasts at the last moment of their lives.

Some people jumped into the pool, some hid on the stove in the back kitchen, and some fought over the cupboards. Worried about being insulted by the Union soldiers, a noble lady chose to hang herself. However, before she could kick off the chair under her feet, an old servant rushed in from the door and snatched her and her clothes away. "what are you doing"

"Be honest, damn, I'm going to die anyway, what do you care about me?


Changed from his usual humility and flattery, the old servant stared at the white patch of snow in front of him, his mung bean-like eyes filled with madness and greed.

With what their soldiers did on the front line, it was impossible for their enemies to let them go. They didn't know where to go and just wanted to stay away from here.

As a result, as soon as she went downstairs, she ran into the group of people who came from outside the castle.

"Although I don't object to you throwing yourself into my arms, but...can we wait until we finish the fight?"

Seeing the woman who suddenly rushed out, Ye Shi, who had just raised the muzzle of his gun, put the gun down in embarrassment and made a joke to lighten the atmosphere.

If a fire breaks out at this time, it should not count as manslaughter of civilians...

"Stop talking nonsense."

He tore off a piece of curtain and threw it on the woman's chest.

Lao Bai stared at her with frightened eyes and asked in human couplet. "Where is your king?"

The woman hugged the curtain tightly with both hands, looked at him in horror, and stammered.

"He...I saw him in the palace. He was sitting there in the morning and never came out."

Lao Bai continued to ask. "Where are the other royal members?" "I, I don't know...but I heard everyone said that they should hide in the dungeon." Out of survival instinct, she still sold the others.

Ye Shi teased.

"Good guys, these people knew we were coming and locked themselves in." Guangfeng touched the bridge of his nose. "Just to avoid air raids."

The girl only had a thin piece of cloth on her body, and his eyes really didn't know where to put it.

Lao Bai nodded and waved to his teammates behind him.

"Go to the palace"

Others also reacted quickly and continued to move forward.

The sound of gunfire spread from the vestibule to the main building of the castle. A firefight broke out between the two sides in the narrow stairwell, and the Burning Legion dispersed into the castle and began to clear out the armed resistance forces room by room.

At the same time, there was silence in the palace of the castle, and the chaos and gunshots outside could hardly be heard here. Montgotte, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the silent scene outside the window.


The firelight glowed slowly in the night sky and under the night curtain, and he didn't speak for a long time.

He actually knows everything.

As the master of this kingdom, how could he not know what is happening in this kingdom?

Since a month ago, there has been no good news from the front line, and even the deeds of a ten-capion captain have been bragging for a long time.

This was certainly not a sign of imminent victory. At this time, the palace door opened.

Myrdal walked in quickly and motioned to the guards behind him to close the door.

His face was covered in blood, and he had at least two gunshot wounds on his body. He even walked with a limp, which showed that the battle situation was anxious. Kneeling on one knee at the steps in front of the throne, he said in a sincere voice.

"Your Majesty, the Alliance soldiers have captured the main entrance of the castle! Please follow me to the underground passage in the backyard immediately...

Mongot withdrew his gaze from the window and looked at him, but did not get up. Instead, he slowly called out his name. "Myrdal." "Your Majesty"

"Tell you think I did something wrong?" Myrdal was stunned.

Looking at Myrdal who didn't speak, Menggot continued.


"I hope to hear the truth... In the name of the Spirit of the Sand Sea, every word you say next is the truth from the heart."

"I... don't know, Your Majesty," Myrdal lowered his head. The urge and anxiety in his eyes were suddenly replaced by a touch of confusion. "The truth is, I just don't know. I don't know where our future is."

The embankments of Oasis No. 2 are disappearing, and the area of ​​the oasis is decreasing every year. It will not take a few centuries for the desert to swallow them up - just like the disappeared Oasis No. 2. The Spirit of the Sand Sea did not give its blessings to each of his children equally. They neither have the vast land of the Lion Kingdom nor the seaport of the Hump Kingdom. Even the honey badger and the golden lizard have innate conditions. Not comparable.

They have no choice but to fight. But keep fighting...

He also couldn't see where the future was.

The Weirant people did not tell them where the end was, nor did they tell them that in a world ruled by the Weilant people, where would aliens like them go...

Mongot closed his eyes and did not comment on Myrdal's answer. He just sat there indifferently, as if waiting for something.

At this time, the palace door was violently knocked open, Wu Tu. Looking at the soldiers appearing at the door, Myrdal reflexively clenched the saber at his waist, but when he faced the black muzzles of the guns, his movements stopped. No need to doubt.

Even if he is a strong man who has awakened twice, without automatic weapons, it is impossible to defeat a group of awakened people with live ammunition.

The opponent can beat him and the saber in his hand into a sieve with just a few moves of his fingers.

After exchanging glances with Lao Bai, Kuangfeng stepped forward, stopped in the middle of the palace, and looked up at the man sitting on the throne.

That old man.

He was like a weak, ordinary old man, with no trace of the majesty that a king should have, just like the kingdom at his feet that was running out of oil and lamps.

Death's scythe has been placed on his neck. Storm looked at him and said.

"Surrender, you have already lost."

Mongot looked at the man in front of him calmly, and slowly opened and closed his dry lips as he spoke. "The Falcon Royal Family will not surrender."

Not surprised by his words, Kuang Feng looked at him expressionlessly and continued. "We're not here to ask for your opinion."

"We have captured this castle. It doesn't matter to us what you say, not even whether you live or die."

"We will declare to the outside world that you have surrendered, and the Confederate flag flying on the roof of the castle is the best proof. We will use your face to synthesize images, use your channels to speak out, and tell you taxis

Soldiers defected to the Union, opened fire on the Vallantians... I believe that even if most people would hesitate, some would definitely do so. "This war will not end. We will continue to fight on your land. The Triumph City will send his troops as you wish and declare a never-ending expedition. And we have no reason to retreat. We will be here." Fight to the last person, until this place changes from an oasis to a desert, until you shed the last drop of blood..."

Myrdal's hands and feet felt cold after hearing this, and he looked at the young man in surprise.

The pupils of Montgotte, who was sitting on the throne, shrank slightly, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, and a tragic smile appeared on his face. "Is this an order from your manager..." "Starting from the starting point, it's not important."

Guangfeng looked at him expressionlessly and continued, "The last right thing you can do for this country, this desert... is to sign the unconditional surrender agreement, and then order the entire army to lay down their weapons and go to Bis Special town surrendered."

"Then we will enter the eternal hell." Menggot said calmly, "Everyone will ride on our heads... I would rather die like a glorious warrior." Guangfeng said indifferently.

"No, we are different from the Wilantes. We will not drive you all away. You can start over."

"Of course, if you reject this last opportunity, I can guarantee that your nightmare has just begun." Mongot stared at him intently.

The cloudy pupils were motionless, as if they were weighing the pros and cons, and also seemed to be judging whether the man in front of him was trustworthy. The atmosphere of silence lasted for a long time between the two. Finally, the old man slowly closed his eyes as if he had figured something out. "Which side is hell? It can only be left to future generations to evaluate... In any case, we have indeed lost."

This sentence seemed to drain all the strength from his body. He relaxed his tense shoulders and slowly leaned on the cold throne. "Starting from the starting point, I surrender."

When the sound of relief came out of the dry lips, both Myrdal standing in the palace and the soldiers lying at the door covering the sound of gunshots all let out a sigh of relief. it is finally over……

Myrdal suddenly discovered unexpectedly that from some unknown time, what he was praying for was no longer victory, but just an ending. Regardless of whether it can be called decent~

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