This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 514 Celebrating the birth of a new settlement


After hearing the news of the death of his confidant, Cohen, who was sitting behind his desk, was stunned for several seconds, and then he punched the table angrily.

"Why are you telling me now!?"

He had just taken over the affairs of the Eagle Kingdom these days and was struggling with post-war reconstruction.

The industrial facilities that General Klass spent more than ten years running were destroyed by the Alliance. Those people did not even spare the machines and engineers in the factory, and moved them all to the town of Bicester next door.

He had just finished dealing with the property dispute in the royal capital, and then he discovered that the old king's treasury was already so poor that it could run out of money.

Before he could finish solving this problem, bad news came from the direction of the desert. Wali

Thinking of that promising young officer. Cohen gritted his teeth, almost causing sparks to come out from between his teeth.

Looking at Governor Cohen in the holographic projection device, Captain Adria had a worried expression on his face. He hesitated before continuing nervously.

"As I told you before, we were attacked by a group of unknown armed forces calling themselves the Enlightenment Society shortly after arriving in the desert. Captain Walli died at the hands of those people."

Worried that the five-star captain would be angry, Adria did not dare to pause, and continued speaking quickly without even taking a breath. "However! We have locked the identity of the murderer. Her name is Zhuang Lan, and she is a resident of a certain shelter."

Cohen cursed angrily.

"Where is that guy! Bring that guy to me! I swear I will make him regret coming to this world!" Adria said nervously.

"The Alliance has captured her, but those idiots didn't keep a close eye on her and let the guy escape. I originally wanted to capture the murderer and report to you, but her counter-reconnaissance ability was too strong and our people didn't catch up. .”

Cohen narrowed his eyes. "Did the alliance do it on purpose?" Adria said with a wry smile.

Adria said with a wry smile.

"I don't know, but they don't seem to have a reason to do this. They also suffered more than a hundred casualties in the sneak attack on the Enlightenment Meeting."

Cohen snorted coldly.

Regardless of whether the league let that guy go, it would be difficult for him to cause trouble for the blue gophers. But then again, what is the Enlightenment Meeting?

What the hell?

There's even such a thing as a phaser cannon

Closing his eyes and leaning back on the chair, Cohen gathered his thoughts in his mind for a moment, especially about the clues about Vault 0 reported by Captain Adria and the Torch Project.

After a moment, he spoke.

"Have you got the original plan of the Torch Project?" Adria nodded nervously.

"We got the manager's log, and the company didn't leave it alone. They made a copy for us."

Cohen thought for a moment and then ordered.

"Take those data and the pangolin and return to Triumph City immediately to report the situation in Refuge 0 to the Marshal, and it will be up to His Majesty the Marshal to make a decision!" "

Although he feels uneasy about those guys who call themselves Enlightenment, this is not his job after all. In contrast, he has more important things to deal with.

"Your Majesty the Governor."

Seeing Adria's expression of hesitation, Cohen frowned slightly. "What else?"

Adria hesitated for a long time, then lowered his head and whispered. 3 "The Arbitrator airship is experiencing some malfunction."

Cohen was stunned for a moment, sat up straight in his chair, and asked anxiously.

"What do you mean?! Malfunction? Didn't you tell me before that it's just a small problem that won't have much impact?"

He remembered it clearly.

Although the phaser cannon can paralyze the deflection shield and anti-gravity device formed by gravitons, it will not affect the airship's hull structure.

This is what Adria reported to him before. "Although the airship landed from high altitude due to the influence of the phase cannon, the ruling was that the airship landed from high altitude due to the influence of the phase cannon." The crew of the USS Hunter minimized the damage of the hard landing through excellent and superb driving skills, and it could be repaired within a week if possible. '

A week has passed, why did it become "something went wrong"? Adria explained with a grimace.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. My engineer told me it was just a small problem at first, but the problems became more and more fixed.

At first, his engineers promised him that he could fly by just replacing the wings. However, when they replaced the wings, they discovered that the connection between the wings and the airship, and even the entire structural steel, had varying degrees of damage. of cracks.

Cohen is dead

Staring at him.

"The core of the frigate is not damaged, right?"

"That's not the case! Absolutely not!" Facing the murderous gaze, Adria immediately said, "The core of the frigate is normal! Only the hull of the airship was damaged."

Maybe they should follow the example of the Alliance and get a larger parachute and cushioning airbag for the airship.

However, the chance of encountering a phaser attack is too rare. The buffer cabin inside the airship is enough to deal with ordinary falling accidents.

It may not be easy to convince the Air Force Equipment Manufacturing Bureau and the logistics department because of an accident.

Cohen took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and soaring blood pressure, and spoke in as calm a tone as possible. "how long it takes."

Adria whispered as she looked at the holographic image in front of her with trepidation.

"Some accessories need to be sent from the west of the desert, which will take at least three months."


late at night.

The camp not far from the industrial building was brightly lit at the moment.

The players dragged the tables one by one to the open space in the middle of the camp, and set up pots for stewing meat and barbecue stands next to them.

Several power-type players were busy skinning and extracting meat from newly captured mutant stags and hyenas, while several players who were not afraid of death gathered around a strange mutant they had never seen before and tested the poison.

"What is this thing? It looks weird." Bai Yin's father took a stick and curiously poked the furry alien lying on the ground. This guy is all black and small, covered with uneven hairs, and his round eyes are like light bulbs. It looks like a monkey, but it's too small. It looks like a bat, but it doesn't have wings. It has a pair of sharp fangs that look eye-catching, and its ears are ridiculously big.

No one knows where it came from. It is said that a player picked it up at the door and threw it here. I couldn't decide whether it could be eaten, so the Silver Sword gave up and threw it aside. , said with a sigh.

"Hey, it would be great if Lao Na was here!"

Silver Hand said with a playful smile.

"Persecuting Lao Na again!" Silver Sword rolled his eyes at him.

"What does persecution mean? This means making the best use of things!" Bai Yin's father couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! You want to laugh your dad to death!" 1 The two of them cursed almost in unison.


! "

The little guy tilted his head and imitated a cry. "roll?"

Silver's father's eyes lit up, and he came closer and stared at the little thing sitting on the ground.

"Meaning?! This ugly thing can talk?"

Silver Sword and Silver Hand looked at each other. "Did you hear it?"


"Tch, you two are useless things. If I put the SSSR-level divine pet in front of you, you would miss it!" Looking at it with disdain, Silver's father knelt down and patted it on the head with a playful smile.

"Ugly thing, please call me daddy! Damn it!"

Before he finished speaking, he was hit on the nose. While he was falling backwards, the "ugly thing" jumped into his face, kicked off his hind legs hard, jumped to the ground and ran away. Gone. 2

The Silver Sword hurriedly supported his good brother who fell backwards. The Silver Hand on the side didn't care about him at all and went straight to chase the SSSR-level divine pet who was flying.

Kaizi's SSS-class dragon goes out."

"Fuck! Are you okay??" Bai Yin's father covered his nose with both hands. "The grass is swollen."

"What's so swollen?"

Silver's father grimaced and let go of his hand. "my nose"

Seeing the nose as big as a ping-pong ball, the Silver Sword puffed out and laughed heartlessly like a pig.

"Pfft hahaha!"

In the end, the little guy was caught by Comrade "Pangolin" who happened to be passing by. Because it didn't look delicious, he gave it to Bai Yin's father.

Enduring the soreness of his nose and the strange looks in his eyes, Baiyin's father carried the little guy to the ship's researcher Meng Liang. Unfortunately, the thing he picked up was not an SSSR-level magical thing. Baby, it's just an ordinary alien species.

Its teeth were slightly poisonous, so Meng Liang gave the unlucky brother a dose of disinfectant just in case.

Because the pronunciation of its cry is very similar to the word "gun", it is included in the official illustrated book as a "rolling beast" and is not recommended for consumption.

In order to retaliate against this guy for embarrassing himself, Shirogane's father named it "Ugly Thing". Due to the opposition of his good brothers, he was finally forced to change it to "Coal Ball".

That little thing does look like a briquette.

Baiyin's father still has a little hope in his heart. What if?

What if you become awesome when you grow up? An ugly duckling can turn into a swan!

He didn't expect it to grow a bunch of tentacles like Xiaoyu, but at least it had to be better than wholesale goods like Death Claws that were about to depreciate, right?

If it doesn’t work, it’s good to be able to ride.

After stuffing a piece of cut meat into this guy's mouth, Silver's father sighed.

"Biaoqiu, you should eat more, the future of the Silver Corps depends on you." Qiaoqiu tilted his head while biting the piece of meat.


Bai Yin's father: ""This ugly thing is hopeless!

Although some hiccups occurred, in short, thanks to the poison testing of the physique players, the delicacies that can be served on the table are basically the kind that can be eaten without any problems, and if there are any problems, there will be no big problems. 2

In addition to those foods that are not normal or have a somewhat special appearance, there are also some normal delicacies occasionally.

For example, mashed potatoes with a milky aroma, bread baked with garlic and salt, fried rice with chopped sausage and diced carrots, grilled double-headed beef steak, and unlimited beer and red wine.

Chu Guang confiscated a lot of good wine from King Eagle's wine cellar before, and it came in handy now. Originally, he didn't like drinking, so he gave out benefits to players and "NPCs" with a wave of his hand.

Some survivors stood beside the camp, curiously looking at the lively people, and encouraged by the atmosphere, they joined in one after another.

I don’t know what they are doing, but it seems like food and wine cost nothing.

Looking at the people who seemed to be celebrating something, Rama, who was following Chu Guang, had surprise in his eyes, and Sangyin asked hoarsely in a low voice.

"What are they doing?"

Looking at the burning bonfire, Chu Guangdi curled up into a smile. "Celebrating the birth of a new settlement."

Hearing these words, the surprise in Rama's eyes became more obvious.

After hearing the story of the Pioneer from Chu Guang, she originally thought that Pioneer City was a heavy name, but it didn't seem to be the case.

After glancing at Rama, Chu Guang probably guessed what she was surprised about, so he added briefly.

"We rarely grieve outside of funerals. Those we commemorate probably don't want us to be depressed for them all day long, but to continue walking with their ideals."

Rama nodded blankly, clearly not understanding. Chu Guang didn't explain, just smiled and said.

"Don't keep following me. Go enjoy the celebration. The food and drinks are free tonight. If you're not interested, go to bed early."

"Tomorrow I will explain to you the work you have to do."

After saying that, he walked alone to the position reserved for him by the players, leaving Rama standing there at a loss.

As the administrator of the alliance, the marshal of the alliance expeditionary force, and the honorary captain of the Heart of Steel, he naturally had to sit at the head of the long table.

The camp BOSS must look like a BOSS. This is also part of the players’ sense of immersion.

Chu Guang, who was sitting in the first place, poured himself a glass of the strongest wine.

Looking back at those piercing eyes, he held the fiery wine glass, raised it high to the players and NPCs present, and said in a solemn and loud voice.

"Cheers to the future of Pioneer City!" He was greeted with excited shouts. "cheers!"

"Long live Pioneer City!" "Long live management!!"

"Long live the Alliance!!"

The preparations are over, the banquet has officially begun, the noise is endless, and the sounds of people, laughter and glasses can be heard everywhere.

The city named after its former partners will be the fourth survivor settlement established by the Alliance after Fallen Leaf City. It will also be another "overseas" enclave of the Alliance after Bicester Town.

The warriors from the alliance are using a celebration to offer congratulations and blessings to the newly born Pioneer City, and also to bid farewell to their partners who are about to part ways.

The Heart of Steel has been repaired and will embark on the return journey after tonight.

The vast majority of players will return to Dawn City with the Heart of Steel, but there are still more than a hundred players who decide to stay.

They will continue their unfinished mission, explore the undeveloped ruins in the "Eastern Industrial Zone of the Original People's Alliance", and search for the whereabouts of the Enlightenment Society active in this area.

Although this means that you may miss the wave of next spring, Wasteland OL itself does not stipulate how to play.

Even if you skip the main storyline, there's plenty to do. As for archiving, don’t worry about that. As for archiving, don’t worry about that.

Chu Guang has ordered the transfer of one hundred sleeping pods from the airship to the surface.

The Alliance's infrastructure assistance to the Eagle Kingdom and Honey Badger Kingdom is not only roads and railways, but also includes power grids, communications, etc.

Especially communication.

At present, the easternmost signal tower of the alliance has been inserted into Bicester Town. Soon, a cauldron for sending and receiving signals will also be erected in Pioneer City.

Although the signal in the desert is unstable, there are always times when it is stable. After the dormant cabin completes the scan, it just needs to wait until the weather conditions are suitable to transmit the data back.

Reduce the frequency of suicide attempts, rotate the use of save points, and have a hundred sleep pods to meet the save needs of hundreds of players.

As long as you follow the big team, archiving is never difficult.

While the Alliance was "celebrating" the Pioneer City's birthday, Captain Adria was having a headache over the food and drink of nearly a thousand Marines, flight attendants, and many officers returning with the airship who were trapped in the desert.

The problem of food can be easily solved. The Arbitrator carries a lot of supplies. The Eagle Kingdom is not too far away from here, so we can just come and be done.

However, apart from eating, it is almost all a problem!

First of all, the airship needed a comprehensive overhaul. The Marines and crew who originally lived in the airship had to withdraw from the airship and set up camp.

There were no natives nearby who could be requisitioned, and the airship carried only a few laborers. Although setting up camp is a compulsory course for Marines, the young soldiers on the Arbitrator and the Marines on the Heart of Steel are completely different things.

The latter at least have to fight with wastelanders, and often fight away from the supply line. Collecting garbage and setting up tents is a piece of cake. Rubbing guns and bullets is even more commonplace, including lathes for processing hardware tools and even furnaces for ironmaking. Take them all with you.

As for the former, it is parked at the airport of Triumph City together with the Arbitrator on weekdays. There is no chance for "foreign combat" at all. Otherwise, there would not be a situation where the total number of marines and crew members would only be a thousand.

As for transporting some slaves from the Eagle Kingdom to serve them

Even if the mobilization ability is not considered, there are not many young men left in that kingdom. Just being able to do the job isn't enough. What they need now is someone who can do the work.

Too many prisoners stayed in Bicester Town, and those strong young men would rather eat dirt in the desert than go back and work as cattle and horses for them. Adriye shamelessly asked Cohen for help, but the latter immediately darkened his face after hearing his request, and hung up the phone after saying that he would find a way.

As a result, even though they had no experience in surviving in the wild, the five hundred Marines had no choice but to rush into the field and bite the bullet.

Fortunately, they had not forgotten what they had learned in the military academy and the recruit camp. After a busy day of work, they were able to set up tents. Looking at the crooked linen tents in the ruins, Adria's brows couldn't help but twitch.

his adjutant

She ran to his side and whispered nervously. "There are still a hundred tents left."

Adria stared.

"Why is there such a big difference! Call me the logistics officer!"

"It has nothing to do with the logistics officer, it's mainly because there are a few more people," the adjutant explained in a dumbfounded voice, while quietly glancing in McClun's direction.

Adria instantly understood what her adjutant meant, but McClun, who was standing aside, clearly didn't understand.

The simple living environment reminded him of the brief time he spent in the Alliance prisoner of war camp earlier. When he thought about having to relive those painful memories tonight, his face became unhappy and he couldn't help but sneered.

".It's amazing how well you camped."

“We only prepared enough tents for us”

Considering the noble status of this person, Adria saved him some face and spoke very tactfully. However, McClun did not appreciate it and complained relentlessly.

"I don't think that's the problem."

Upon hearing this, Adria's temper also rose, and she sarcastically replied.

"There is nothing we can do. Our tents are enough. Who would have thought that when we went back, there would be hundreds of people who were defeated and still had to wait for us."

McClun's face stiffened.

Seeing that this guy was about to get angry, Adria didn't want to speak too harshly and looked at the adjutant beside him with a dark face. "I'm going for a walk."

After saying that, he walked out of his camp with a few personal guards.

However, there was no good place to go after wandering around. After walking around twice, he unconsciously walked towards the alliance camp. Last week, when people from the company and the academy were still there, he and McClun lived in the alliance camp.

Why not borrow another night?

He doesn't have any psychological burden, since he didn't lose to the Alliance anyway.

Looking at the camp not far away, Adria was thinking about how to talk about it. Before she could get closer, she suddenly smelled the aroma of barbecue and sniffed subconsciously.

What was caught in the wind was not only the smell of barbecue, but also the noisy sounds, which made him swallow a mouthful of saliva due to reflex, and couldn't help but frown again.

"What are those people doing?"

The guards beside him looked confused. Seeing the commander's eyes indicating, they quickly separated out three people and ran forward to check. Adria waited a moment.

Soon, one of them ran back from the front.

"Report! Alliance soldiers seem to be celebrating the establishment of a new settlement." "New settlement?"

Adria had a bad feeling in her heart. Are the residents of the alliance still planning to stay here and not leave? Although this was a land without an owner, and he had no reason to make irresponsible remarks, he still had a slight premonition in his heart. This familiar premonition had appeared in his mind once when the Alliance was determined to go to Bicester Town. What are those blue gophers planning to do? !

"Take me over and have a look." Adria said seriously. 3The soldier stood up straight.


Walking forward quickly with a group of personal guards, he soon saw the two personal guards sent before, who were now being entangled by two alliance soldiers.

One of them, probably drunk, smiled and extended his hand to one of his guards.

"Hey, Big Nose, come in and have a drink together? Hahaha, go and call that pangolin of yours! Just say

His uncle Hei looks down on him and wants to compete with him! "

Pushing away the hand touching his chest, the Willante soldier said with a dark face. "Who knows if you have poisoned the wine!"

I curled my lips in the most disdainful way.

"Tch, do you think we are the same as you?"

The Weiland soldier stared. "What do you mean?"

"What? Making gestures?" I glared at him in the darkest way, and then looked at Lidou Dayan next to me, "Help me beat this guy!" Liability Dayan drank a little, but not too much, and shook his head like a motor.

"If you don't fight me, I'm an intellectual. You can find a construction site and grow old." I was the worst: "Gan! What a shame!"

Debt-eyed: "Zhuo! You're so good at it, go ahead!" "Stop!"

Seeing that the two drunkards from the alliance were about to start fucking themselves, Captain Adria was so frightened that he quickly quickened his pace and shouted at the two of them.

There was nothing he could do, his personal guards were too close, and he couldn't do anything about it.

If they are involved in this, who is behind the scenes and who can tell clearly? If someone fires a shot, the ceasefire agreement will be in vain.

However, what Adria didn't know was that the two people actually had a good relationship. They were just having fun and had no intention of doing anything at all. What's more, with one being of the perception system and the other of the intelligence system, the two weaklings would still make trouble even if they really started to fight. No problem.

Staring at the big nose,

I didn't recognize this face at all, so I asked impatiently. "Who are you?"

The debtor stared at him with big eyes.

"That's right! Why are you yelling so loudly!"

Staring at the two ungrateful shelter residents, Adria said with a straight face. "Where are you managers?"

I rolled my eyes the most. "What does it have to do with you." What about Captain Ten Thousand?

His brother is also a captain of thousands! Why don't you use your level to overwhelm others!

Not wanting to get involved with these two drunkards, Adria resisted the urge to get angry, took a deep breath to calm down, and spoke slower.

"Speak to your manager for me and tell Captain Adria that you want to discuss something with him and you don't want to be punished by your commander for missing the point."

When I heard that it was serious business, I put away my playful smile and waved my hand. "Hey, tell me earlier. I'll be waiting at the door."

Adria watched the two guys limping towards the door with their arms around each other with murderous eyes. After waiting in the cold wind for a long time, he finally waited until someone came out from the gate of the camp.

Adria straightened her collar, but after seeing the man clearly, her face darkened.

He originally thought that the managers of the alliance would come out to see him in person, but he did not expect that it would be those two drunkards who did not know etiquette again.

I was the worst: "Hiccup, our manager drank too much. He said we would discuss anything tomorrow. He also said that the room you had before has been reserved for you. If you don't mind, you can go and make do with it for the night."

Adria felt happy, and the previous unhappiness suddenly disappeared, but she was embarrassed to show it on her face.

"Drink too much? Ha," he said with a straight face, snorted through his nose, "Then let's wait until he wakes up!"

This wine smells strange. Two bottles in a while.

Thinking in his mind, Captain Adria reluctantly waved his hand and led a group of guards towards the entrance of the camp.

Looking at the backs of those big-nosed people walking towards the camp, I suddenly remembered something and shouted behind him again.

"Oh, by the way, our manager seems to have said something, saying that just by looking at your doghouse, we know it is not a place for people to live. Let me give it a try.

Before he could finish his words, he was covered by the big eyes on the side. "Are you so stupid? Why did you say this?" I was the worst: "Ugh!"

Hearing the distant voice, Adria almost fell down, and quickened her pace with a dark face, pretending not to hear. The guard who was following him was so angry that he gritted his teeth. However, seeing that his commander didn't respond, he had no choice but to leave it at that.

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