This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 533 Card Master Chu Guang

A post suddenly appeared, sparking a lot of discussion on the forum.

Crazy Niu Niu "Big news! A batch of second-hand machines are on sale in Boulder City at a discount! Interested professional life players can pay attention recently! If you need to purchase on behalf of others, send a private message as soon as possible! The price is favorable, so hurry up if you want to buy!"

The poster is a business player who has been hanging out in Boulder City all year round. His favorite games are business simulations such as "Navigator" and "Sea Merchant King". He has no other hobbies at ordinary times. He especially hates leveling. He just likes to play in the two games. Running back and forth between markets to make the difference.

There is room for arbitrage if you buy things cheaply with silver coins and transport them to Boulder City to earn chips. This is normal game behavior and there is no card bug.

However, it is a fact that the consumption power of Boulder City is getting worse and worse. Usually goods will be on hand for a long time, and only luxury goods such as bionic prosthetics will be easier to sell.

A few months ago, he could directly exchange the chips he earned for silver coins. Later, as soon as the loan agreement between the Alliance and Boulder City Bank was signed, Boulder City Bank's money printing machine was passively turned on to release liquidity, and the Alliance immediately had no shortage of chips. Up to now, Alliance Bank can only exchange 2 silver coins for 1 chip, and conversely exchange 1 earned chip for 2 silver coins without even thinking about it.

In the black market, the exchange rate between silver coins and chips is simply reversed. It takes 2 to 5 chips to exchange for 1 silver coin.

It won't be long before the league's official exchange rate will probably be adjusted. The reason why we haven’t made adjustments yet is probably because we don’t want to collect so many scraps.”

There is no other way. The merchant player can only use the chips with depreciated purchasing power to buy some goods in Boulder City that do not increase in price so quickly and transport them back to the alliance to sell them.

However, what is strange is that although the prices of various commodities and real estate in Boulder City are rising, the price of production equipment has not increased much, and some are even discounted.

The furious Niu Niu immediately smelled the business opportunity. Isn’t the Alliance engaged in industrial transformation recently?

.As long as he buys back all the equipment and machines that happen to be used by the alliance and sells them for silver coins, wouldn't the chips he earned be able to be cashed out smoothly?

A detailed list is attached to the post.

From the plastic products industry, household appliance industry, leather industry, furniture industry and other durable consumer goods fields, to the food industry, paper industry, daily chemical industry, detergent industry and other fast-moving goods fields, almost all alliances are lacking or are still lacking. Industries that produce in small workshops are covered.

In fact, the second-hand equipment in Boulder is not big news in itself.

Previously, some second-hand equipment that was rarely seen appeared in the auction house there, and they were all 90% new.

At that time, many life players were still discussing on the official website forum. Although those devices did not seem to be particularly advanced black technology, some seemingly unreasonable and strange ideas could be used in reality.

Many experts and students in related industries were amazed and even greatly inspired by it. The unfathomable background of "Wasteland OL" has further aroused the imagination of countless people.

However, the focus of most players is still on the game itself.

Shortly after the post was posted, almost all professional players on the entire forum ran into it.

Why do so many second-hand devices suddenly appear when quitting smoking?

Tengteng, weren’t they still expanding production a few months ago?

Is something going to happen to Crow Crow?

Fang Chang may have overproduction. A small place with more than 500,000 people can accommodate a large-scale industry. "

Macabazi: Hey, I actually don’t understand. It stands to reason that before the People's Federation was formed, it had a long international history, right? If you catch it and plunder it like this... can't it find out?

Fang Chang: "What you said means that what happened in history will not happen. Then the people of the world would have lived in heaven for eight lifetimes."

Gale: History does not simply repeat itself, but people always fall into pits in the same way. (squinting)

Ye Shi: "But you said...can't the city lord see it? And even if the city lord can't see it, the bank president or other senior officials should have come to their senses and realized something was wrong, right?"

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Theoretically, this is true. Assume that the top management of Boulder City are all intelligence supermen who have passed intelligence tests and professional skills tests, and there is no disagreement on all issues. The selection questions are completely determined by the otherworldly Al. Design and's very difficult to deceive them. (Funny)" Fang Chang: "It's actually not that complicated...the simplest example is that drinking alcohol hurts your stomach, you don't drink it."

You still have to drink some Macabazi.

Fang Chang, have you ever considered how your stomach feels?

Kabazi: Ah? How can your stomach feel? (Stupid) Fang Chang: It’s just your brain that thinks so.”

Quitting smoking seems to make sense.

Makabazi: "There is a hammer principle! Wai

Fang Chang: Really? In fact, humans themselves are not the kind of animals that put health as the first priority. How can you imagine that a group of people hugging each other can become a Gestalt hive. When an addict sees smoking, he will not think about quitting it. Without external intervention, he will think about taking two more puffs before he dies. Just like the old man who quit smoking, he has been using ID for so many years and 80% of the time he hasn’t quit. (squinting)

Quit smoking: Damn it! I’m lying!

Crow crow ha ha ha ha

) alrP%vale quit smoking: I quit now, I Damn it, since I got the helmet, I haven't smoked for a long time. When Fang Changyi said it, I wanted to have one again. .

Ye Shi quickly put on his helmet. (funny)

Fang Chang: It's my fault... Anyway, I don't understand what's so good about that thing. (sweat)"

In a sense, debt is something more dangerous than poison, especially since it is highly deceptive.

The accumulation of bubbles is a slow and sweet process, but the bursting of bubbles often happens in an instant.

It's not that there are no smart people in Boulder City. There are many smart people, both big and small, and there may not be anyone who can't see the danger.

Otherwise, who is selling the chips on the black market?

Long before the end of the war, the exchange rate on the black market had been inverted with the official exchange rate of the alliance. This is not a recent occurrence. 9u5bY/k(1

If we only use superficial logical analysis, it is the alliance that has to pay back the money at the end of the year, and it is also the chips that have to be repaid. If Boulder City Bank can use debt to put pressure on the alliance, the chips must be more expensive.

Mayor: After looking at the list, the items on it are quite good, but my suggestion is that you can buy them cheaper if you wait a little longer. In fact, the most valuable industry in Boulder City is Boulder Military Industry. They cannot produce except for power armor. They can basically produce everything from exoskeletons to phased array radars... If they can be hollowed out, at least they can Fill a large gap in our military industry. "

There are really mosquitoes in WC, so it’s probably quite difficult.

Fang Chang said, "But it's not that there are no opportunities at all. Jushi City is going through a stage of industrial hollowing out, and it's difficult for a single factory to survive alone. What's more, Jushi Military Industry is not just a factory, but has many subsidiaries. They make military orders and also Doing civilian orders is similar to our economic model. From grassroots employees to equipment on the assembly line, we poached their corners bit by bit, and slowly we had everything.

There are really mosquitoes in WC, good guy, it’s so bad for you! (bad smile)

Interviewer: How can this be called bad? It’s a game... Besides, there are more than a dozen generations going up, who are not descendants of the People’s Federation. These things are a pure waste in their hands. Why not make them bigger and stronger for us? (squinting)"

Brother Fang is awesome at quitting smoking.

Night ten is what I call efficient. (Funny) Auroville City Hall.

When discussing the budget of the corn building project with Luka, Chu Guang suddenly sighed with emotion for no reason.

To be honest, the problem in Boulder City is probably more serious than I originally expected. I underestimated them a little.

Luka was stunned for a moment.

Boulder City... aren't we discussing the corn building project?

Chu Guang nodded.

Yes, the two are not unrelated. The newly developed Corn Community is actually prepared to a large extent for the refugees of Boulder City.

Luka looked at Chu Guang in surprise, and his eyes quickly became serious. …how many you expected.

Although he didn't know what the manager did, he had no doubt that what the manager said would happen.

Chu Guang thought for a while and said.

It was originally expected to be in the early 40,000s... This number is within the tolerance of our society, but now it seems that it may exceed this number.

no way.

Things didn't always turn out as he expected. He really didn't expect the nobles in the inner city to have so much fun.

In the initial road map, Chu Guang prepared three cards for them.

The first card is the loan agreement, which allows them to taste the sweetness of trade surplus with a loan of 200 million.

In this way, nobles and merchants gained profits, and ordinary survivors got jobs to support their families. Then the alliance's debt scale slowly expanded to 510 million. This was not only the instigation of Malvern and other vested interests who had tasted the sweetness, but also the tacit approval of Chu Guang.

??The second card follows.

As the scale of debt increases, the few smart people in Boulder City will gradually become alert and gradually realize that risk is also a cost that cannot be ignored, so they try to force the alliance to make concessions on trade issues through the debt in their hands.

At this time, the alliance only needs to prove to them that the financial situation of the alliance is normal, the situation is better than ever, and the risks have not accumulated to an unimaginable level. Everyone can continue to play and dance, and the game can continue to be exciting. Go down.

. …Melvin is a sensible person. He may want to step on the brakes, but in fact he knows very well that he can no longer step on the brakes.

This car was not designed with brake pads at all from the beginning. Either no one would step on it and it would slowly slide forward, or only a dramatic accident would make it stop and restart.

As a bank manager, all he could do was to install a spring under the accelerator, euphemistically calling it a power recovery system, so that those greedy nobles would step a little lighter.

So when Chu Guang took out the second card, he expressed his willingness to let the alliance help build a pool for the excess currency generated by excess debt" and "completely liberalize the exchange rate between chips and silver coins within five years, allowing free exchange of chips and silver coins." At that time, Malvern agreed almost without hesitation.

He has a lot of cards, but very few of them can be used.

The spring given by the alliance is much better than the deceptive power recovery system he designed himself.

In fact, in the final analysis, including the third card that has not been played yet, the alliance's series of proactive borrowing actions are essentially forcibly turning on the faucet of the Bank of Boulder City and plugging in the power of the fusion reactor for the money printing machine.

Optimistically, even if Boulder City goes bankrupt, it will be a mild one. They will slowly lose a century and a half of wealth over three to five years. Most people's lives will change, but the process won't be long or painful.

But what Chu Guang didn't expect was that his plan had deviated from the original track. Those noble gentlemen were more crazy and bold than he imagined when they should be conservative.

He had just taken out the second card, and those idiots couldn't wait to open their pockets and threw out the third card he had hidden in his pocket. They used the wealth accumulated in Boulder City over the past century to exchange for it. Those beer bubbles that smell better.

The debt has actually flowed into the production chain! This is the most terrifying thing!

Under normal circumstances, Boulder City's economy would have to go through at least two accelerations and one final madness before reaching the final step.

But perhaps because of the greed of the nobles in the inner city, the crisis is likely to be brought forward.

The hot money floating around in the account can even differ by several zeros from the funds actually circulating in the production process.

The survivors of Boulder City are one piece of bread away from 500,000 chips. In fact, they only have the last fuse to return the value. The crisis may be detonated at any time...

Tens of thousands of refugees are still within the tolerance range of our society for the time being, but with a permanent population of more than 500,000, there are also a bunch of wastelanders living outside the city who live off the city's garbage. Once the giant wall collapses, if we don't handle it carefully, we may be dragged down by this giant that has been doing harm for a long time. "

Seeing the worry on Chu Guang's face, Luka asked in confusion.

...I don't understand. We defeated enemies ten times our size on the battlefield. This difficulty...isn't it really a trouble?

Not surprised that Luka was confused, Chu Guang looked at him and said. Have you heard of whale explosion?

Luka was stunned for a moment. ...Whale explosion? What is a whale? Hmm.

Chu Guang nodded and continued.

The body of a dead whale stranded on the shore explodes due to excessive accumulation of putrefactive gas inside. The fragments produced can fly as far as one kilometer, and the stench cannot be dissipated for several months... Therefore, when dealing with the carcass of a stranded whale, Much harder than hunting a strong whale in the ocean. "

Luka tried to imagine some kind of animal larger than the insecticide, and after a long time he frowned.

You mean... Boulder is this whale, and when it falls it creates a whole new set of troubles.

Chu Guang nodded again.

Last year, there was a whale explosion in the River Valley Province. The legion's expeditionary force was defeated southward, and a bone-crushing chaos broke out. There is almost no grass growing in the central part of the River Valley Province, and most of the survivor settlements have been destroyed. More than 90% of the residents of the entire alliance are survivors of that disaster. You should have an impression. "

Upon hearing that the consequences would be so serious, Luka's expression suddenly became much more cautious.

What are you going to do?

If something is destined to happen, sooner or later, all we can do is prepare for a rainy day. Chu Guang paused, sighed and said, use the loan given to us by Boulder City Bank to order more from their factory. Make some quilts and cotton clothes.

There was no way he would give up on removing the tumor because of the risk of it spreading.

They are too close to the league.

Even if Chu Guang didn't want to wipe the mess for the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, he had to think carefully about the future.

After all, if Boulder City had done everything the Alliance has done and united the survivors around Clear Spring City, there would have been no Beit Street, Brown Farm, or Bloodhand Clan, let alone an Alliance. . The population migration caused by the Bone Chewing Rebellion will inject fresh blood into the outer city. Even if they have an unpleasant past with the Production Department of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, it was a long time ago... They actually have the opportunity to enter the new city on their own. Times.

If that's the case, it actually doesn't matter whether there is Shelter 404 or not. Chu Guang may consider going back to his old profession.

It is not difficult for him to do business with civilized people. He did quite well before traveling through time.

But standing on the wasteland, he raised his eyes and saw the face of Old Leech. Everywhere he looked, there were hyenas and vultures.

If you do nothing, you will only be prey to alien species. If someone has to lose everything, let it go to someone who didn't deserve it in the first place.

But after all, everyone is a descendant of the People's Federation. Even if Boulder City once shut out most of the survivors in the southern part of the River Valley Province, he would not go too far and leave them to fend for themselves like the Legion did.

Probably guessing what Chu Guang was thinking, Luka said seriously. I will immediately order people to prepare.

Chu Guang nodded. Go ahead.

As far as the work of resettling refugees is concerned, Old Luca is probably the old man with the most practical experience in the entire alliance...

The celebration ends in the early morning of the fourth day.

It was still bright outside the window, and the sleepy Dolly stretched out, yawned and got out of bed. After washing, she put breakfast on the table.

As usual, a certain evil villain was still fast asleep, and no matter what pranks he played, he would not react at all until it was time to get up on time.

But kind-hearted Miss Dolly has no intention of arresting the bad guy while he's still asleep.

After staring at the peaceful sleeping face for a while, she quietly leaned in for a kiss, and then quietly left the house with a blushing face.

Two days ago, the Alliance's "Daily Survivor" indeed accepted her manuscript. Not only did it publish a full page of her column, but it also included an invitation to join the company in its reply.

According to the reply to the editor in the letter, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper greatly appreciated her meticulous investigation and asked the reporters of the newspaper to learn more from this contributor and to open their eyes wide when they should.

To be honest, Dolly was a little blushing. After all, although she wrote the column, she did not come up with many of the things alone.

As for the invitation to join the alliance's "Daily Survivor" newspaper attached to the letter, she certainly happily accepted it.

And today is her first day at work.

Not wanting to give her colleagues the impression of being late, she left the house early in the morning.

The address of the newspaper office was on a street near Embassy Street in the east of Shuguang City. The buildings there integrated various styles. It took her a while to find the location of the newspaper office by following the address on the envelope.

However, the alliance's working hours surprised her, and she waited for a long time before the doorman yawned and came to open the door.

Good morning, new reporter. You came too early. Our president probably just got up. "

Good morning... isn't the working time six o'clock? Looking at the doorman who probably just woke up, Dolly asked in a low voice.

The guard was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

That was a thing of the past. After the celebration, the working hours have been changed to eight o'clock, as long as it is not half an hour late. "

Dolly nodded sheepishly, thanked her, then got into the newspaper office, and took the letter to the personnel office.

The entry procedures were completed yesterday, and the work badge was just prepared today. HR told her yesterday that she should get it when she went to work.

Dolly finally breathed a sigh of relief after getting her work badge, letting go of all the worries in her heart, and walked to her work station happily.

She originally thought there would be a lot of complicated procedures, but she didn't expect everything to be much smoother than she imagined.

To be honest, she was a little worried before this.

She had never stayed outside the giant wall for such a long time, and she had never thought that one day she would work and live outside the giant wall.

Until last year, the world outside the giant wall was synonymous with wilderness and wasteland. She had persuaded Fang Chang several times, hoping that he would stay in the giant wall with her.

But these days, she gradually discovered that it was not as difficult as she imagined. The people were very polite and the food was delicious. Although there are many places here that are not good enough, they are getting better little by little every day. And this is not just because they have a wise manager, but more because everyone is willing to do something for this group from the bottom of their hearts.

At least that's how she felt.

From now on, it's a new beginning...

- Dolly felt a faint sweetness in her heart when she thought that from now on she would no longer have to live apart from her beloved.

At this moment, there was a slight cough from the side. Are you... Dolly?

Recovering from her desertion in an instant, Dolly jumped up from her seat with a pop, looked at the old employee standing aside and said.

It's me! Hello! I'm the new reporter.

Yang Yan, editor of the news section.

Not surprised at all by the newcomer's overly motivated reaction, Yang Yan handed her an unopened package.

"This is a package sent from Boulder City. You just happened to be here, so you can open it."

???Many workers in the alliance are from Boulder City. Some of them have already moved their families here, while others have not done so for the time being due to various concerns.

They will exchange part of the silver coins into chips and send them home, or they will directly buy some daily necessities and send them back, so the alliance's embassy also does postal business.

Dolly reached out curiously and took the package, shaking it from side to side.

Was it sent to me? Yang Yan shrugged helplessly.

"No, but the sender wrote on it, addressed to the former editor of the Daily Survivor of Boulder, that you were the only one of us who ever worked there.

Boulder City's "Daily Survivor" and the alliance's "Daily Survivor" just have the same name. The former is run by Hal, while the latter is run by the manager. He felt that Boulder City's newspaper was running well, so he also hired some people to run it. Exactly the same.

There was no connection at all between the two in terms of shareholding structure or personnel. Yang Yan was also puzzled as to why someone would send the package here.

Dolly opened the package suspiciously and found a stack of crumpled old newspapers stuffed inside. However, if she looked closely, it didn't look like a return. There were rows of crooked small words written in the margins of the newspaper.

She flattened the old newspaper on the table and read the opening headline in a low voice.

Bol the Awakener: The story of a poor boy from the slums who accidentally picked up a tube of awakening elixir and beat a powered armor to the ground in the final battle... Is it true that there is such a powerful awakener? "

Dolly muttered something confused, quickly realizing that this was probably not a news submission, and then noticed the name. Bol

Looks familiar...wait a minute!,

Suddenly she came to her senses. Isn't this the one that was serialized in the "Worker's Daily" sub-issue of "Daily Survivor"?

Someone continued their story

This sudden surprise is no less than suddenly discovering one day that the seeds that were thrown casually on the roadside have grown into towering trees.

Seeing Dolly's suddenly surprised expression, Yang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

You have an idea

Well! Give me some more time to see.

Dolly nodded her head excitedly, sat back in her chair, and continued reading with interest. Seeing that she was so engaged, the old editor stopped disturbing her and went about his own business. )F;ir2g/Vy

About an hour passed.

Dolly stood up from her seat with bright eyes, clutching the old newspaper tightly, and walked to the old editor's desk.

This is a very well written book

She personally feels that it is even better than what the previous author wrote!

Although the guy named Sperger cannot write gorgeous words, he vividly depicts the complex and tangled changes in the mood of a small person when he completes the class transition. It is even more amazing to lead everyone to establish a friendship club.

If the previous author just wrote a story about getting ahead, then this continuation writer really brought the poor boy who came out of the slums to life.

She really wants to know what will happen next

But having said that, although the main line here, whether before or after the continuation, the emotional line is just an embellishment outside the main line, but compared to the story line of the Workers' Union, she is more curious about the awakening of Bol. Who will the reader choose in the end.

He broke the black card he finally got...

The noble lady who likes him must be heartbroken.

Should she be allowed to be with that evil captain? As a pure love warrior, she couldn't accept it!

"I think we can publish it!" Dolly pushed the old newspaper in front of the confused Yang Yan and said with bright eyes, I can be the editor of this book!

Yang Yan was stunned by this rambling speech. Wait...publish?

Dolly explained patiently.

"This is a book that was serialized in a newspaper in Boulder City before! It was later discontinued because the newspaper was closed down, and now someone is willing to continue writing the rest of the story!

Yang Yan said dumbfounded. Malatang

But... we have no readers in Boulder City.

The Alliance's "Daily Survivor" does have serializations, but usually they only serialize short stories, occupying only a small portion of a page. ·r;?9R7X-b/?

Unless they publish it. But he doesn't have the final say on such an important matter. Only the editor-in-chief has the right to make the decision.

Dolly tried to persuade.

It doesn’t have to be in Boulder City! The Alliance’s “Daily Survivor” can also be serialized! We can just make a sub-issue too. It just so happens that we can use this story to increase the sales of the sub-issue, for example, serialize a short section in the main issue, and then serialize the entire content in the sub-issue.

But we haven’t seen the previous story.

Looking helplessly at the over-enthusiastic newcomer, Yang Yan took the old newspaper from her hand, glanced at it hastily, and sighed.

With all due respect, my feeling is exactly the opposite of yours. I am completely confused about Boll’s story and I don’t know him at all…You think it’s interesting because you’ve read the previous parts, right?”

Dolly scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

Uh, this is my oversight, but... I can find my former colleague! Wouldn't it be enough to ask him to sort out the previous content and plot? He must have kept the original manuscript. When it was seized, we moved all the desks came back

Her feelings about the original story were average.

But after the guy named Sberg continued writing, she saw a different shining point in it.

.However, the old editor had a different view.

"It's not just these problems..." Yang Yan sighed and pointed at the newspaper, "Read the title again." Dolly was stunned for a moment and read subconsciously.

Bol the Awakener: A story about a poor boy from the slums who accidentally picked up a tube of awakening elixir and knocked down a powered armor in the final battle... Is there any problem? Aren't all the stories in newspapers so long? ?

It’s not the length that’s the problem, it’s the content. Yang Yan gave her a meaningful look. Our manager also wore power armor. That Bol planned to beat a power armor to the ground in the final battle... What did he want to do?

Ah?! Dolly stared at the old editor in surprise and opened her mouth blankly. Just because of this? But first-class, please don't 9

She didn't even think about going there!

And this is obviously a story about Boulder City, so where is it? Yang Yan shook his head.

This matter can be big or small, and no one has ever said it can't be done, but you can't go wrong with being cautious. The residents of the alliance have extraordinary feelings for the managers, and you have to consider their feelings. If it must be published, I suggest at least changing the title and content.”

When Dolly heard this, she became anxious and wanted to fight for it.

At this moment, a hearty voice suddenly came from the side. I think it’s ok!:

Yang Yan immediately drove over there, with surprise in his eyes. He stood up from the chair with a loud sound, and turned the chair around enthusiastically.

Manager, why are you here? Please sit down. Dolly also looked over there in surprise.

It wasn't the first time she had met the league's managers, but this was indeed the latest time.

He smiled at the two of them and said in a normal tone.

No, I won’t sit on the new chair you bought, haha. Don't be so nervous, I'm here to talk to your president about business expansion in Luoxia Province.

This was Hal's request.

In order not to let his father hinder his career, this filial son learned the lesson of his failure in Boulder City and planned to invite him to become a shareholder of the newspaper.

Chu Guang thought it was fun and agreed.

In fact, he is also a fun-loving person, but it is not so obvious. Yang Yan looked at him carefully and asked.

Never mind you...

We've finished talking about the business, and I happened to be passing by and accidentally overheard your conversation. Sorry!" Chu Guang smiled and continued, "I heard you all, so I won't be polite. I think this lady is right, the Boulder Survivor Daily has a lot of sub-magazines, why can’t we have one?”

Yang Yan reminded with a wry smile.

Sir...that was done by Boulder City. Chu Guang said nonchalantly.

Not to mention Boulder City, even if it is the sound coming from the rotten coffin board, progress is progress! They have it, and we should have it! In the future, you must also organize workers' reports, and write in the survivors' daily report the concerns of all survivors. Question, please write more things that workers care about in the workers' newspaper! The results of the night school are good. Don't think that our workers are all illiterate and won't write if they can't understand.

Yang Yan said quickly.

I don't think so. Dolly looked at Chu Guang excitedly.

Thank you for your understanding! If you have read it, you should know that this book actually has nothing to do with you... Chu Guang coughed.

Ahem... I don't care about that kind of thing, you can just make up your own mind.

Just kidding, he is an awakened person himself, would he be afraid of that thing?

Besides, there are a lot of powered armors in the wasteland. Who would be idle and bored and talk about relationships that are beyond the reach of those who have ulterior motives?

But having said that, Chu Guang still wanted to come in and play a supporting role.

These first series often have special meanings, and they may be made into movies in the future because of their sentiments.

As for being cliché or not.

That kind of stuff isn't important in the first place.

Simple and unpretentious things tend to resonate more deeply with people's hearts. Journey to the West is a story about four masters and apprentices seeking Buddhist scriptures.

The Alliance needs to export some culture to the wasteland, not just the culture that players borrow from the real world, but also something closer to the survivors in the wasteland.

The seeds he and his adorable little players planted in the wasteland are sprouting.

This is obviously a good thing.

Zhen Hui Cheng Zai Ke, Tou Yi Gong Xue Zi Mou...·Qiang,

I might as well go, anyway, I just came out of his place, Chu Guang said with a smile, I just happened to go to his place to have tea again. "

Looking at the manager who turned around and walked towards the corridor, Yang Yan gave a bitter smile. I really hope his boss has a good heart...

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