This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 543 The Collapse of the Building

This game is too real. Chapter 543: The collapse of the building in Qingquan City. The studio of the Voice of Boulder City newspaper. ltg

House tremblingly looked at the thugs who entered the newspaper office, then glanced at Joey who was standing with the thugs, and said tremblingly. ltg

The K-10 heavy-duty exoskeleton, the proud work of Jushi Military Industry, is generally equipped by forward heavy infantry or front-line combat officers such as captains and centurions. It is said that one punch can kill a two-headed cow. ltg

Of course, the people wearing these guys use guns most of the time and rarely engage in hand-to-hand combat. ltg

Because knowing this, House was almost scared. ltg

Joey glanced at House with a hint of disgust in his eyes. ltg

He didn't like this guy very much, even though he had been with Jiahuan for a while before. Since he got the newspaper, he has discovered that this person has no words of Beijing dialect in his mouth, and is as nutritious as nutritional cream. ltg

"Come to bring victory and glory to my children, and to set an example for them." Joey looked back at Lovett, Ellefond, and everyone in the Workers' Association. "Leave it to you. ltgt

Lovett nodded, walked up to Tickets, looked at the pale young man and said, "Let us use the radio." ltg

He was borrowing it, but House didn't dare to say no. He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and squeezed out a good smile on his pale face. ltg

Please use it! Do you need me to help you debug your equipment? Dear Mr. Worker,"ltgt

Judging from the sawdust stained on his pants, he must have been doing high-level carpentry work. ltg

A worker came out and pushed away House who wanted to get close to them in disgust, ltgt

Another worker laughed. ltg

House's anxious face turned blue and white, and his expression was so distorted that he almost cried. ltg

At this time, a cough came. ltg

"Ahem! Everyone, be quiet. We don't have to worry about it. We only take back what belongs to us! ltgt

After dragging House, who was almost scared to wet his pants, from the co-workers, Lovett patted him on the shoulder, led him by the neck to the door of the newspaper office, and said kindly. ltg

House was moved to tears and exchanged words. He thanked him profusely and ran out of the newspaper office, crawling on his feet and disappearing like a mouse that fell into a snowdrift. ltg

Looking at the figure disappearing into the night and smiling, Lovett closed the door, returned to the crowded studio, and took over the microphone that was adjusted by his coworker. ltg

He cleared his throat and was about to speak when a crisp voice suddenly interrupted him from the side. ltg

People looked at the little girl one after another. ltg

No longer afraid even if she was looked at by countless eyes, Alyssa continued with a sincere voice. ltg

Her eyes sparkled with wisdom and courage that were different from those of her peers. This experience seemed to have made her grow up several years at a time. ltg

Lovett felt that she had a shadow of Governor Malvern, but it was completely different. ltg

But what does it matter? ltg

In fact, there is only one idea between Boll and Mr. Stephen. ltg

She is Malvern's daughter. It's so normal to look like her father, but it would be scary if she didn't look like him at all. ltg

Lovett put down the microphone and looked at everyone in the workers' union, ltgt

A worker nodded. ltg

Looking at everyone talking about it, Alyssa's red face was filled with a happy smile. ltg

Finally someone was willing to listen to her. ltg

And there are so many people. ltg

In fact, she was not helpless. ltg

She believed that in the future she would be able to come up with a better and more mature solution than crying. ltg

Lovett looked at the workers and said sheepishly, how about this opening statement? ltg

The electrician gave a thumbs up. ltg

"Awesome! "ltgt

Encouraged by his co-workers, Lovett began to improvise, telling stories like Sperger reading a newspaper. ltg

Joey coughed. ltg

Stop, this sentence can be changed. Except for people like you from the Workers' Association, many people don't know the story of Bol the Awakener, and they may feel that they are just imitating it. "ltgt

But today, if you are too tired, you can say these words when you are victorious. "Lisa Wen also nodded, ltgt

Like the league's administrators, Lovett scratched the back of his head. ltg

Most of the workers had actually heard about Bol's release from the Awakened One through word of mouth. After all, it had just snowed not long ago. ltg

Sberg was captured by the old gang. ltg

Many people hear different versions. ltg

If Sberg is still alive, after he is rescued, he must finish writing the story. ltg

Everyone was thinking hard together. ltg

Some people have proposed improving labor conditions, some have proposed lowering the price of bread, and some have called for raising taxes on the rich... But these various ideas seem to be just scratching the surface of their boots. Alyssa suddenly thought of the alliance's fundamental law and the administrator's declaration at the celebration, so she responded quickly. ltgt

Joey frowned slightlyltgt

Alyssa looked at him intently, ltgt

Joey nodded, "It was the guards from the militia who took him away. ltgt

Alyssa looked at them with bright eyes, clenched her slender fists,! We want to give the black card the power we once gave it! "ltgt

Joey stared blankly at the little girl in front of him. ltg

He suddenly felt that the risk he had taken to gamble his future and destiny was not meaningless. Maybe things in this settlement would be different after tomorrow, and his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren would also regard him as a truly arrogant person in the future. and role models. ltg

God be upon you, the big-antlered deer. ltg

Although there was never a king in Rock City... ltgt

But he was willing to serve the queen if she would be crowned. ltg

Lovett also stared at her blankly, muttering. ltg

He remembered Sberg writing. ltg

Bol broke off his black card...ltgt


There is no eternal emperor, and there is no immortal city-state. ltg

However, two centuries of hesitation will not be in vain. ltg

It was precisely because people were fed up with the barbaric life of eating hair and drinking blood that they plucked up the courage to borrow the fire from the gods to dispel the dark age. ltg

And when people finally learned to light the firewood pile by their own strength, the priests who watched the fire quietly exited the stage of history. ltg

This is not a pity for those who watch the fire. ltg

If he doesn't take the initiative to move towards a new era. ltg

His tribe will one day be swallowed up by darkness. ltg

The old man who designed this settlement may not have thought of what happened today - a future that even computers had not imagined. ltg

He led the people to build the giant wall, designed the room, entrusted the descendants to take care of it, and designed the final death for it. ltg

This is actually a gift. ltg

Only life and death can be called real life. What remains unchanged is cold and hard stone. ltg

It becomes human at the last moment. ltg

And what it watches over also ushered in a new dawn after a long period of sinking. ltg

Faced with inescapable danger, people gathered together again. ltg

They worked together to light the fire, just like their ancestors more than two hundred years ago, who overcame the difficulties and faced the disaster that day when the earth collapsed. ltg

People lean on each other's shoulders and sit in front of the fire to keep warm, regardless of high or low, old or young. There is no difference between the poor and the rich here, because everything is not important at this moment. From tomorrow on, everyone will be the same. ltg

People threw their chips into the fire. ltg

Watching the alternating yellow and green fire arcs dancing on the fire, the children's faces showed long-lost smiles. ltg

Some people sang songs, some played the six-stringed harp, and some made their stories into a poem and taught it to the children to sing. ltg

Winter suddenly isn't so cold anymore. ltg

The workers took out the food from the warehouse and distributed it to everyone. Anyway, their boss had already run away from the settlement. ltg

Of course, they didn't get it for free. ltg

They left little pieces of paper inside, which were checks from their bosses - and now it was time to cash them. ltg

The Workers' Association occupied the Boulder Voice broadcast, and a representative named Lovett announced the platform of the uprising in the broadcast. ltg

That is what the nobles in the inner city are talking about. ltg

I also say it to my own people. ltg

The never-ending cycle ends here, and after the endless night comes a new beginning. ltg

The sun does not rise just because people want to get up. ltg

But the sun will rise eventually. ltg

This is also Genji’s unchanging destiny and truth...ltgt


Green early morning. ltg

The heavy snow finally stopped, and a ray of rising sun emerged from the thick cloud cover, coating the snow-covered streets of Boulder City with a golden light. ltg

After announcing the program of the uprising, the Workers' Association called on the residents to unite through the Voice of Boulder City radio and cooperated with the militia to uniformly ration the inventory of materials in the city. ltg

After discussions between the Workers' Association and the militia, they decided to establish a joint city hall and transition to the new Boulder City authority. ltg

The top priority is to solve the immediate problem. ltg

In order to keep everyone hungry, some workers returned to work under the mobilization of the Workers' Association. ltg

The nutritional supplement production factory reopened, and the Boulder City Prison, the welfare home of the Workers' Association, also began to open to the public. ltg

However, the material gap is still huge. ltg

Even though Malvern intercepted a batch of goods that were supposed to be sent to the Alliance to deliver orders some time ago, the remaining food and daily necessities are still in short supply. ltg

There are also big differences between the workers' associations and the militia groups on whether to forcibly requisition supplies from some residents who have a large amount of food. ltg

Some people think that heavy codes should be used in troubled times, others think that this is a robbery by Chi Guoguo, and some people propose to give some compensation to the expropriated people... But now all fools know that the chips are worthless. ltg

No one acknowledges that stuff anymore. ltg

Giving chips is tantamount to stealing! ltg

The Workers' Association can mobilize workers, and the militia can mobilize soldiers who stand on the side of the residents of the outer city, but these people are not the only ones in Boulder City. ltg

Who will mobilize the citizens and mercenaries? ltg

Seeing that they could not take advantage of the situation, some mercenaries clamored to leave the city, and some citizens also wanted to follow. I heard that it was more comfortable to beg for food in the alliance than here. ltg

If last night, all the residents of this city stood gloriously on the side of ideals, then today they have to face a grim reality-ltgt

The inner-city gentry left them with a huge mess. ltg

The Boulder City that was handed over to the residents of Boulder City has been riddled with holes by countless moths... ltgt

An office in the city hall. ltg

Alyssa was carefully flipping through the account book in her hand and checking it with the documents spread out on the table. ltg

As a member of the crisis office, and the youngest one, she was responsible for calculating the assets that the outer city city hall could now use. ltg

Although some people expressed doubts about her experience and stance, members of the Workers' Association expressed support. ltg

Most of the people in Wangyouhui have simple values. ltg

They would rather trust a little girl who is less skilled but is at least willing to tell the truth to them than those smart guys who are full of lies and cunning. ltg

It doesn't matter if the calculation is wrong. ltg

Just change it. ltg

We are not unreasonable barbarians. ltg

And Alyssa did not live up to everyone's expectations. ltg

The first thing she did was to confiscate her home in the outer city, and then also confiscated the properties of her brother's lonely friends in the outer city. ltg

The computer of the Boulder City Bank records every chip expenditure, and it is easy to find out the assets hidden in the outer city by the nobles. ltg

These are ill-gotten gains. ltg

It should belong to all the residents of Boulder City. ltg

Looking at the thick stack of account books in her hand, Alyssa's eyes were filled with sadness. ltg

It was only now that she realized what her father had carried for his family and this settlement. ltg

The economy is only a means of allocating materials and cannot create something that does not exist out of thin air. ltg

As my father said before going out, he had tried every method he could think of, but he still couldn't stop the train rushing down the mountain. ltg

Thinking of her sad old father, Alyssa couldn't help but whisper a few words to the spiritual support in her heart, the respected manager. ltg

The frowning Alyssa sighed and gently closed the account book in her hand. ltg

The liquidated damages of private factories are already a mess: ltgt

No matter how much the league workers complain, all they can do is apologize. ltg

After all, the bargaining chip has been completely destroyed. If you continue to make orders priced with chips, it is equivalent to working for the alliance in vain. ltg

Not to mention that the bosses who signed those orders have already run away. We can't let the workers who are also creditors pay off the debts for those profiteers, right? ltg

Of course, they will also waive debts denominated in chips for the alliance... After all, there is no point in having more chips. ltg

Boulder City must use the few remaining supplies to survive the cold winter. Boulder City's foreign trade can only be suspended for a while. ltg

But the problem is that Boulder City's raw materials are completely dependent on imports! ltg

Whether it is industrial products or food raw materials. ltg

They may not sell things to outsiders, but outsiders will not give them to them for no reason. ltg

Alyssa suddenly had a whim. ltg


Should everyone be encouraged to grow some vegetables in pots? ltg

But where do the seeds come from? ltg

She heard that farming was not easy. ltg

Like the league next door. ltg

They cultivate seeds in CNC planting towers and shelter planting areas in the northern suburbs, and use chemical fertilizers produced in the industrial zone to maintain high crop yields on the north bank of Linghu Lake. ltg

But now the crops in the northern suburbs alone are no longer enough to fully meet the needs of the alliance residents. ltg

Recently, they have transformed some of the outside fields into breeding fields, which are managed by the Seed Research Section of the Biological Laboratory. They will then export the seeds and fertilizers from the industrial zone to Luoxia Province in exchange for a large amount of foundation. Crops have filled the stomachs of all the residents of Lianti. ltg

And there are countless invisible details. ltg

The issue of boxed food alone contained more knowledge than could be written in a book. Although she had never been to school, the teacher had never taught these things in depth. ltg

Alyssa felt that Li Xin was biased. ltg


It’s too difficult…………ltgt

There are no poems in the entire Sutra of Heaven and Earth. Even though the spirit of love is always in a state of excitement, it is already a bit weak to hold it in view. ltg

He stretched out his little hands and lay on the table, his face close to Alyssa who was watching the fake match. The dizzy Goose started to think wildly. ltg


How about Jing Jiao, the manager? ltg

This might be a good idea. Maybe for the sake of his cuteness, he might give everyone in Boulder City a sum of supplies? ltg

As long as everyone can spend the winter safely, "Dei is willing to do anything. After all, their family owes a lot to the residents of this settlement. ltgt

People kindly forgave her, but the unilateral giving was just charity. She also wanted to do something for everyone and pay off the debts owed by her father, mother, brothers and sisters. This was the only thing she could do. Already......ltgt

As she thought about it, Alyssa's face suddenly turned red, and she shook her head vigorously to drive out the unrealistic thoughts that popped up one after another from her steaming brain. ltg

She can't be like her father...ltgt

There is no use asking for help. ltg

After muttering quietly, Alyssa moved her face away from the account book and cheered up again. ltg

It was those words that encouraged her. ltg

She stood up bravely at that critical moment that determined the fate of herself and everyone else. ltg

If she had chosen to stand by and watch as silently as she did, they would not have walked towards that one-in-a-million possibility. ltg

Her eyes were clear again, Alyssa's eyes shone with wisdom, and she thought to herself. ltg

The Alliance should not be willing to see hundreds of thousands of refugees destroy the order they have managed to maintain. Helping Boulder City is also helping themselves. ltg

Their temporary apartment building can currently house up to 40,000 people, and it is said that more than half of them are already occupied. ltg

Apparently they also underestimated Boulder. ltg

That respected manager, right now, he must be having a headache on how to dismantle the bomb that is so close, right? ltg

uh-huh. ltg

Finding a breakthrough to solve the problem, a faint smile appeared on her lips. ltg

If it really doesn't work, you can take out a loan. ltg

The new authorities of Boulder City borrowed a special loan from Alliance Bank to purchase emergency educational aid materials such as nutritional ointments. ltg

She heard that the food was not tasty and nutritious, but she was willing to eat it with everyone until everyone's lives were on track again. ltg

As for the future...ltgt

Alyssa's eyes were a little confused. ltg

The best result for Boulder City is naturally to join the alliance, or at least become a collaborator of the alliance like the countries in Luoxia Province! ltg

However, she couldn't decide this matter personally and needed to discuss it with everyone in the settlement. ltg

And it’s useless for them to just think about it: ltgt

The population of Boulder City is greater than the four cities in the alliance combined. If you want to join others, you have to consider whether others are willing to take over. ltg

This is a huge, gratuitous mess... ltgt

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lovett came in from outside. ltg

Alyssa stood up immediately with her hands on the table. ltg

Lovett was stunned for a moment, and then his head wrinkledltgt

Alyssa was stunned for a moment. ltg

Because there are still a lot of troubles in the outer city that have not been resolved, the new authorities of Boulder City did not force the residents of the inner city to surrender, nor did they urge them to come out immediately. They only unilaterally announced to them the uprising program and the establishment of the new authority, etc. matters. ltg

The giant wall has been controlled by the rebel soldiers, and the control of the militia has basically been in the hands of Joey and other grassroots officers. If it was the inner city that kept the outer city out before, then now it is The outer city surrounded the entire inner city and after settling the troubles in the outer city, it was the same thing to deal with the problems of the residents of the inner city. ltg

Alyssa didn't understand why Lovett mentioned the inner city at this moment, but after listening to his narrative, her whole face turned pale. ltg

Lovett nodded with a complicated expression. ltg

Alyssa bit her lip. ltg

Her mother and brothers and sisters are still inside...ltgt

"What requests did they...make?ltgt

Lovett said after a moment of silence. ltg

The office fell silent. ltg

Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense, a gentle cough suddenly came into the door along with the sound of footsteps. ltg

Hearing the familiar voice, Lovett turned around in surprise and saw Sperger standing at the door with a smile on his face, his arms resting coquettishly on the door frame. ltg

Lovett walked up quickly and patted this guy's rough old face, tears of excitement almost bursting out of his eyes, "ltgt

You're still alive"How did you do it"ltgt

After slapping Lovett's hand away, Duanberg smiled and said, ltgt

Luochonte suddenly remembered something, grabbed him by the collar, and said impatiently, "Don't worry about the electricity or not, what's the story behind?! ltgt

Sperger looked at him sheepishly. ltg

Lovett hid his eyes. ltg

Holding down a bearded man who was going crazy, Sperger coughed, and then looked at a little girl with teary eyes in the room. ltg

A big hand was put on his shoulder, Joey walked in from the door, looked at Alyssa and continued. ltg

"They released Sperger, and the workers' association decided to pardon ltgt for the sake of keeping him intact.

Inner city dwellers. They can stay and join us, after all this is their home too. Of course, they can also go out, but they still have the same rules as us, 20 kilograms of luggage per person"ltgt

Sberg immediately added, "Wait a minute, you have to add one, the value is less than 10,000 silver coins-ltgt

Holding back the tears that came to her eyes, Alyssa lowered her head hard and bowed deeply, but the tears hidden by her bangs still couldn't help but fall to the floor. ltg

Of course, those are not sad tears...ltgt

She couldn't describe the turbulent emotions in her heart at this moment. ltg

Together they reached an almost impossible ending, ltgt

But here they stand now. All together. ltg

At this time, a small hand suddenly pulled her sleeve gently, and a crisp sound came from the side. ltg

"Sister, stop crying... everyone is saved. ltgt

Alyssa opened her eyes wide, raised her head slightly, and saw a little girl only six or seven years old, looking at her worriedly. ltg

Walking next to Alyssa, Joey picked Anna up and lovingly scratched the bridge of the little guy's nose with his index finger. ltg

"She came back this morning, along with her brothers, sisters and mother, following those who escaped from the inner realm...ltgt

I told them everything, and the little guy insisted on coming to see sister Alyssa. "ltgt

Alyssa stared blankly at the father and daughter, and sniffed subconsciously, not wanting to leave the impression of a crybaby on her little fan. ltg

But Anna didn't care much. ltg

Perhaps because she was also a crybaby, looking at Alyssa who suddenly stopped crying, she immediately gave a thumbs up with shining eyes. ltg

Alyssa said with a blushing face. ltg

"Hahaha, of course! "ltgt

Joey smiled heartily, and the corners of his unshaven mouth turned up unconsciously, not hiding the pride on his face at all. ltg


The gloomy and cold stone building was now empty. ltg

Rhine, who was slightly injured, worked hard and finally sneaked in at dawn, taking advantage of the opening of the inner city gate. ltg

He hid in the inner city for a while to make sure no one was following him, and then he touched the huge stone building in the center. ltg

When everyone was leaving, he was the only one running towards the inner city. ltg

The residents of the inner city went crazy, crowding the exits and running away like pigs out of a cage. ltg

But this played into his hands. ltg

He doesn't care about the fight between the poor and the powerful. There are not so many bullshit things in Bugra. Every employee of the Firestone Group is extremely happy, and everything puts the interests of the company first. ltg

As a member of the Firestone Group, he came to get something... ltgt

The same weapon that can allow the Free State to gain true freedom. ltg

Pushing open the door of the conference hall, he stepped through the doorway, which was filled with wine and documents, and took a quick look around the messy hall with a flashlight pistol. ltg

This is where noble gentlemen usually hold meetings. ltg

Rhine mumbled something in his mouth. ltg

Although the sky outside has been lit up by the dawn sun, there are circles of tall buildings surrounding the Monolith Building, resulting in not much light being able to find this place. ltg

The light of the morning light draws the shadows of the curtains longer... ltgt

The creepy laughter suddenly floated up, startling Rhine, and he quickly pointed the light and gun at the corner of the conference room. ltg

There was a man sitting there. ltg

Wearing a luxurious formal suit. ltg

It seems that he should be a noble from the inner city. ltg

Rhine felt happy, cleared his throat and shouted. ltg

Sid, who was smiling slightly, suddenly laughed maniacally. ltg

The sudden burst of movement and laughter startled Rhine again. He thought this guy was going to play some trick, and the gun in his hand almost went off. ltg

Rhine roared angrily and walked towards him, ready to show off this crazy and honest guy. ltg

Sid ignored him and just stared at the trading device in his hand, or at the line on the screen that was motionless and stuck to the edge. ltg

Rhine frowned and looked at him, "What happened?"ltgt

Sid still didn't answer. ltg

It seemed that he was the only one left in his world, and his heartbeat was like the line that was welded to the floor, completely losing its ups and downs... ltgt

The coin avalanche. ltg

The coins are worth less than 000001 chips. ltg

He didn't know why he fell so hard. ltg

It's like he doesn't know why that thing goes up. ltg

It turns out that S coins can fall below the issue price...ltgt

Sid only knew now. ltg

But no one ever told him. ltg

The ashen-faced Sid muttered to himself, looking up at the ceiling numbly like a living zombie. ltg

He seemed to see his phase waving to him first. ltg

"I can't beat them." They are all going against me. They are nothing, and neither am I. ltgt

Tears slid down the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, past his earlobes, and rolled to the floor, falling on the black card covered in dust. He suddenly sat up straight as if he was electrocuted, and covered his face with his hands, as if he had made a mistake. Like a child, Yan shook his shoulders. ltg

In the end, he still didn't have the courage to face the people outside...ltgt

The floor suddenly started to paint. ltg

Rhine's expression suddenly changed. ltg

He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that the building under his feet was probably as crazy as the old man in front of him. ltg

It was too late to escape. ltg

The collapsing rubble quickly submerged everything here. He used his last remaining vision to warn him about the crazy Lian Dian. ltg

The old man suddenly stood up and hugged the fallen ceiling...ltgt

The Boulder Building suddenly collapsed: ltgt

The splashed dust swallowed up the entire inner city in an instant, and together with the rolling gravel and rubble, it hit the wall of the inner city hard. ltg

Then scroll up... ltgt

That building. ltg

It finally collapsed. ltg


Distant Wind Hotel, the highest floor luxury suite. ltg

The father and son stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows, gazing at the nearby Boulder City. ltg

Standing here, you can just see beyond the giant wall and all the way to the inner city. ltg

Weijia specially booked this room with the widest view, just to watch the last bustle of this settlement. ltg

The boss here, Reston, is a big business man. ltg

Even though he paid with chips, he didn't kick himself out just because the chips were worthless now. ltg

Looking intently at the dust rising in the distance, Vijia poked all ten of her fingers on the window and murmured. ltg

He didn't expect that the Rock would be blown up. ltg

Was it bombed by the mob? ltg


Is it arriving? ltg

A twisted smile gradually appeared on Weijia's face. In order not to let his son see it, he also poked his nose against the window. ltg

Piru, the little fat man standing aside, muttered. ltg

Weijia suppressed her twisted smile and put her hands on his shoulders, ltgt

Piru tilted his round head. ltg

Weijia smiled and said, ltgt

Piru muttered. ltg

Weijia said with a slight smile. ltg

While he was talking, there was a knock on the door, and Aaron opened the door and walked in. ltg

Weijia immediately turned back to look at him. ltg

He has transferred all his transferable property, and now the only person in the city that he can't let go of is his childhood friend. ltg

Aaron shook his head regretfully. ltg

"Not in the team of Sali Inner City... he must be dead. ltgt

A trace of disappointment appeared on Weijia's face, and she muttered in despair. ltg

Aaron paused and continued. ltg

He thought this clue would be of interest to his boss. ltg

Sure enough, when he said these words, the flame of desire was rekindled in those lost eyes. ltg

After leaving the floor-to-ceiling window, Weijia walked up to Aaron excitedly and held his shoulders. ltg

After letting go of Aaron's shoulders, Vega rubbed her hands excitedly, walked to the table nearby, and poured herself a glass of red wine collected by General McClun. ltg

"...I have inherited it, and I want to repay Master Sid's kindness well. Now it's our turn to repay the kindness. ltgt

He has never forgotten what he said to the old man personally that day at Sid's house -ltgt

"I will always be loyal to you...Master, I will definitely repay you. "ltgt

Looking at the fiery eyes, Aaron Wuqin nodded. ltg

What a disgusting boss...ltgt

But in this wasteland. ltg

How can there be so many good people? ltg

Watching the door close, Weijia suddenly thought of something, waved her index finger forward, put down the wine in her hand, and returned to the floor-to-ceiling window. ltg

The dust in the distance has dispersed: ltgt

But there was another person staring there intently, as if he was missing something. ltg

They can't miss it. ltg

Any regrets must be settled now. ltg

Putting her hands on her son's fat shoulders, Vega said softly. ltg

Piru's eyes lit up and he said with a smile. ltg

"I really like playing with him, but he is too domineering and always steals the toys and girls I like. He is very aggressive to ltgt

Ji Xiu was never like this. "ltgt

Weijia frowned. ltg

Piru immediately lowered his head in fear. ltg

Weijia patted him on the shoulder and said softly, "It's not you who should apologize. ltgt

Desire is human nature. What I want to tell you is... you have to change your willful habits. You can't be as arrogant as those rude guys. As you can see, rubbing ashes is their end. "ltgt

Piru nodded seriously. ltg

A satisfied smile appeared on Weijia's face. ltg

As expected of his son. ltg

There is no problem in inheriting his mantle. ltg

"I'm very happy, but you can't just care about yourself. You also have to help your good friend. After all, he takes care of you. From now on, we all have to make a living in the cannibal wasteland. He can no longer be as willful as before. ltgt

The little mung beans squeezed in the fat shone brightly. Piru nodded vigorously and said in a deep voice. ltg

Vega gave a thumbs up, laughed and patted her son on the shoulder, "After that, I will send you to the Bugla Free State. Master Kumit will go there with you to get the inscription. Remember to take care of him. ltgt

Piru nodded excitedly and said, "But why don't we go to Ideal City?ltgt

Weijia smiled, ltgt

Piru muttered, ltgt

Piru didn't care about Jixiu, but he remembered that Jixiu had a beautiful sister. ltg

She was almost the most beautiful of all the women he had ever seen, and the old girls at the Queen of the Night Bar couldn't compare to her. ltg

But Ji Xiu never wanted to bring her into their kingdom. ltg

Weijia's eyes suddenly showed a hint of fear, she stared into her son's eyes and said in a non-joking tone. ltg

certainly. ltg

Weijia did not tell his son that what he was afraid of was not the collapsed Malvern, but his ltgt

Young daughter Alyssa. ltg

To be precise, it was the person standing behind her. ltg

Until the end of this game, Weijia Trading Company had not fully investigated all the cards played by the alliance. ltg

They finished everything neatly, taking out the chips and black cards. No one died, and they packed up the loot and went home in style. ltg

Even Bo, who was so dizzy after being caught in the war butterfly, couldn't help but admire them. They really played a good move. ltg

His Lord Sid lost unjustly. ltg

All the overt and hidden lines pointed to the manager. He was not sure whether Malvern had secretly reached an exchange of interests with the alliance, but he had to pay enough attention to an inconspicuous piece of information. According to the results of Aron's investigation, Alyssa had a chance meeting with the manager at the alliance's triumphal celebration. ltg

The ruler of the alliance seemed to have said a lot of words, praising her for being a capable woman. ltg

Then, the day after Malvern settled in the hotel owned by the company's subsidiary and met with Luca, the Lord of Dawn City, he secretly went to the alliance's bank to apply for a card. ltg

Although these are just rumors, maybe it was the old fox Malvern who spread the rumors himself, but considering that he will still have to do business in the River Valley Province in the future, this matter still needs to be carefully considered. ltg

He is risk averse. ltg

Especially unnecessary risks...ltgt

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